Master Summoner Online

Chapter 800: Shegan Jade

After the fight, the team continued to move forward. I contacted others on the way. I learned that everyone had passed the teleportation array on the island. However, they did not know the random position of the teleportation array. It was not easy to form a team with dispersion, but everyone still Continue to the previously scheduled location.

Continue to move forward, and after passing through the piece in front of you, there are horrible sounds in the forest in front of us.

"Brother is fighting ahead."

I said, "Let's go and see."

Sure enough, a large group of players are fighting, one wave of natural Japanese players, and the other wave of Chinese players. Chinese players have been tragically fallen, and Japanese players have been hung back to the city, but it can be seen at this moment that the little devils have occupied Absolute advantage.

Seeing that Chinese players are dominant, a group of black wolf iron riders in Lingyun Pavilion, others are other miscellaneous guilds or free players, and the little devils who attacked them have a emblem turned into a cavalry.

Seeing this, he said nothing and summoned the wolf emperor, water dragon, and thunder eagle and rushed forward together.

"Up! Follow the beast **** brother, kill these little devil." Although I did not speak, but his actions have shown everything, Nirvana immediately drank, everyone like thousands of Chinese players are accustomed to **** killing strong In response, he growled and followed me.

The sweep of murderous forces soon affected the attention of a group of Japanese players. These Japanese players obviously did not expect that there would be thousands of reinforcements on the Chinese side, and they could not help but cause some commotion.

Originally, the Chinese player side had fallen into the downwind, but suddenly we waited for an astonishing sweep of momentum to rush forward, and immediately the human army was agitated.

When I and others rushed within three hundred meters, a group of Japanese players had already ushered in to us and others. These were 100-110 players and 120 top players.

And the Chinese player who has been defensive, at this moment! The rescue came for us and others, and morale rose, and they began to counterattack.

In this battle, it was clear that the battle was nearing its end. Players ’bodies on the ground still had equipment, potions, and sundries. Of course, the Chinese side had died with less than two or three thousand, and the Japanese were still alive. Five thousand. In terms of combat power, Chinese players have a slight advantage but not in numbers.

And our group of fresh troops suddenly arrived, although the number is not alarming, but all of them are killing, and the momentum is astonishing. For some Japanese players who have been fighting for a long time, we are about 2,000 players. It becomes extremely scary.

I rushed out as soon as a rider. A 107th-level swordsman rushed towards me on a warhorse. He walked away with a short walk and walked away. This man suddenly saw the figure in front of him disappeared for a while and did not respond. When he came over, the rubber stickman appeared, and two swords paired against his waist and cut it across. His horse ran down with his lower body, but the upper body fell on the ground and was trampled by Chinese players who rushed behind.

With a wave of the dagger in his hand, the night immediately chopped off a Japanese player's head. My left-hand dragon arm breathed wildly and my right-handed dragon gun fluttered. When all the skills were cooled, I used them decisively, and the surrounding devils fell down.

Our group of people are simply invincible. All of us have demonstrated their strength and almost beheaded them. They quickly slaughtered more than five hundred Japanese players, and we did not harm more than ten people.

This time, the Japanese player army was also shocked by our performance. Immediately more enemies gave up their original opponents and began to surround us.

Soon there were more than 2,000 Japanese players gathered, and the number of Japanese who originally besieged the Chinese player dropped sharply, but the pressure on these Chinese players was greatly reduced, but the two thousand or more did not cause us How many obstacles, under the attack of about 2,000 players led by me and another 1,000 Chinese players, in the end, after losing countless corpses, Japanese players completely collapsed and were chased for thousands of kilometers by everyone. There are no more than 2,000 Japanese players who can escape alive.

Just on the road, the opponent left about 1,000 corpses. This person was mainly responsible for the post-break. He originally seemed to continue hunting. You can see that the other party ran into the forest lest there was an ambush, so the pursuit was stopped.

However, at this moment, some players who are dazzled by victory don't think so. One player laughed and said, "Such a weak guy, everyone keeps hunting. This time, kill them separately and give them a dumpling!"



I was shouting on the team channel while everyone was charging.

"What's wrong, beast god, do you want to watch the cooked ducks fly?" The player asked.

I said lightly: "I don't know if cooked ducks can fly, but I know that I can't get out if I go in. Of course, if you don't believe it, you can go and see for all of us."

"I'll stay honest." The player smiled bitterly. Even if there was no ambush inside, this monster who went in with great fanfare might not let him go.

I said to the yin and yang teacher, "Do you know what the group was about?"

Maiden said: "They are players of the Ranger Guild. This guild is only ranked in the thirty-odd Miscellaneous Guild in Yamato District. It is basically the cannon fodder found by Gangan."

"Shegan jade?"

"Sheganyu is the guild who made this time, and the president is Zuosuke, the seventh-ranked guild in Yamato Ward. It is very strong, but it is not the master to deal with."

I asked, "Do you know a guild with a forbearance emblem?"

"Forbearance emblem?" The girl squeezed her chin and said, "Are they rare?"


"Cong Yunyu Ninja Army, the first guild in Yamato Ward, and Vice Chairman Gen. Hei is called the most reliable man in the Quanta Warrior Game District."

I asked, "Why is it the vice president and not the president?"

"He is the president's younger brother ... in the real world, it seems to be a brother. The elder brother is just a life player in the guild. His black general is regarded as the strongest fighter in Yamato Ward," explained the yin and yang division girl.

I laughed: "I really want to be such a person."

This is a black wolf iron rider from Lingyun Pavilion, got off the mount and said, "Thank you for your help."

Although I am hostile to the Dragon's Tooth and Lingyun Pavilion, this does not mean that we must fight when we meet. I smiled and said, "It doesn't matter, we are all Chinese, seeing compatriots in trouble and intervening."

After some conversation, I know that this place is the gathering area of ​​Lingyun Pavilion. These people arrived here first, but when they arrived, they ran into an army of players in Yamato. The two sides started a fierce battle on this, but they just I don't want the strength and quantity of the opponent to exceed imagination. If it is not for our group of people to suddenly appear, this group of players will inevitably be wiped out.

After the conversation, we left with the team. Many of those who left Lingyun Pavilion, who had been more accompanying, also joined our team. It seems that they are definitely more reliable than the black wolf iron riders of Lingyun Pavilion.

After walking around a large jungle, we appeared in front of a low mountain range. We saw through the scout that our previous meeting point was ahead, but we had to go over a mountain in front of it. There must be a large group of Japanese on this mountain. Player defense.

Rubber Stick Humane: "There must be very many enemies above, we are only about three thousand, and it is not a good thing to be an enemy."

Yin Yangshi said: "I do know that a road can avoid the team on the mountain and pass through it faster."

I said, "Where?"

"There is a basin to the west of the mountain, and we can get there soon through the basin."

Night said: "But I think that may be more dangerous. These people are not stationed here for a day or two. It should not be stupid enough to let me go."

"There are many enemies on the mountain, and there is an ambush in the basin. What should we do, brother!" Nirvana called.

I scratched my head and I didn't know, "I can fly over by myself, but many of us are really troublesome."

The rubber sticks to humanity: "How about we go to the basin and try our luck, what if the pigs are not set up there?"

Night said: "This chance is equivalent to selling 11 lottery prizes out of ten lottery tickets."

"Why would there be eleven special prizes for ten lottery tickets?" Nirvana asked.

"Because I received the special prize of another person," explained Ye Ye.

"How come you lead?" Nirvana asked again.

I quickly interrupted the 100,000 reasons for Nirvana and said, "Okay, don't discuss this, I suggest we go to the basin, anyway, they are always confronting them. Maybe they are lucky. They may be a bunch of pigs. . "

"You are so messy," laughed in the night.

I laughed: "If you don't mess around, it's not my beast god."

So the group went towards the basin that the yin-yang teacher said.

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