Master Summoner Online

Chapter 801: Fossil beast

Entering the basin, after entering, I felt a cool and comfortable feeling that I couldn't tell. It seems that this place is not as horrible as you think. Of course, you cannot take it lightly for the cool feeling.

Along the way, there was no surprise and no danger. To my surprise, he had never encountered any danger, and passed directly through this basin. Around us are piles of different rock pile communities, the highest being fifteen or six meters high and the short ones less than half a meter high.

These tall and unequal-shaped strange and huge boulder piles form a maze-like landform, which seems to have an inexplicable sense of ancient strangeness. These stone piles are a good place to ambush, whether they are viewed horizontally or vertically, but why are we almost finished? No one is rare to deliberately release us or they are really a group of pigs.

I took the display from the dimensional bag, and soon, through the scout in the sky, I saw the top view of the ground. These stone piles are intricate, but fortunately, it is only necessary to walk straight, but is it really only necessary to walk straight?

I don't think this is possible. I didn't see any player or monster here through the scout. The quieter the surrounding, the more dare to take it lightly.

I said, "Half-way away, and no one has seen anyone yet. Are those guys so rare?"

Nirvana: "Isn't it great that no one is brother? Why would you want to meet the enemy?"

He explained, "In some cases, it's better to run into them, so you don't have to worry about it."

Yin Yangshi said, "What seems to be ahead?" He pointed to the front.

Night said: "I sneaked over to see."

About ten seconds later, there was a scream from the channel at night. All of us were shocked to see each other. After passing through the piles of rocks, we came to a more open place. The night was standing in front of me. , Nirvana, rubber sticky people and some players first came to the night, I asked, "What's wrong?"

The night did not speak, but pointed to the front. I saw that there were several huge wooden frames in front of me. There were several human beings hanging on the wooden frame. There were men and women. However, these people had flesh and skin, and you can see the bright red. The amount of blood was apparently not long, and there were still bones and a lot of rotten meat and blood in the ground under the wooden frame, which looked shocking.

"Whoever did this is too cruel." Nirvana said, covering her mouth with her hands.

Yin Yangshi said: "It should not be done by people."

I asked, "You know so?"

"This is the only human player. The other NPC residents have been killed by the abyss monster."

Night said: "Yes, judging from the freshness of the blood on the ground, the time of the incident should have happened only a while ago."

"Who!" Tianzhao shouted suddenly, we looked at the past, and saw three megaliths on the left. Suddenly, a figure popped up. All of them followed their conditioned reflexes and took out their respective weapons. Since he was a Japanese dressed up as a samurai, at this moment the person bumped forward and walked two steps before falling to the ground. The yin yang girl immediately stepped forward to ask him the situation in Japanese, and the other person fell down after answering a few words No longer up.

I came over and asked, "What did he say?"



"This person is a member of the Samurai Soul Guild. I and he are associated with each other. Those who have been ambushed in this way should be their guild."

"Monster? Rarely means that all of their members have been killed by the monster?" Rubber stuck to humanity.

Night said: "It is possible, then it is not difficult to explain that this pair of corpses came from this."

When I talked this time, I suddenly felt cold, almost subconsciously pierced the dragon gun with a bang, the two objects intersected in the air, and the rustling of metal intersects burst. "Dragon's claw!" He drunk sharply in his mouth, drew his gun closer, and turned his left hand into a dragon claw and blasted forward.

At this moment I saw the guy who was confronting me. He was about two meters tall, wearing an armour, bowing his body, and under the helmet was a sloppy face that had turned into yellow-yellow bone. This monster's right arm The last iron gun was attached to it.

My reflex nerve was not unpleasant, the dragon's claw blasted out, but this strange monster appeared, and the reaction was not slower than me, and the same left arm was wrapped in iron armor, and then pressed hard.

A fist and a claw intersect, a loud noise. This monster wrapped the iron fist, and suddenly burst a stream of energy. The iron armor ruptured to reveal the earthy yellow bones inside, and the impact of the dragon's claw drove it out.

As soon as this monster fell to the ground, a player with the mentality of hitting the water dog immediately came forward, but when his weapon stabbed the opponent, he did not brush out the damage value as usual.


There was a scream from this person, and I saw that an iron gun pierced his entire body, and the scene was shocked. The monster stood up again, and picked up the player who pierced the body. Then the spear was held upright. Since the player slid down the gun body, followed the monster and grabbed the man's head, the man's head was completely shattered, and the headless body was lost like Rubbish was thrown underneath the rock pile. The player who was still holding down the dog mentality before he couldn't even hum, he died on the spot. A face-to-face effort just now, we didn't react until the man was killed.

The guy put the iron gun that was stained with blood to his mouth, unfolded his mouth, and stuck out a pale tongue, licking the fresh blood on the iron gun.

Seeing that the monster was so cruel, everyone naturally could not tolerate it. There were more than ten players rushing up in a hurry, and the sword in his hand greeted the guy, "There is a monster there!" A player shouted, we There are two monsters on the right side that are exactly the same as the guy on the left. I just saw it when I saw it. A monster pierced the iron gun attached to the arm into the body of an archer, and blood was sprayed out. The archer pulled out. The short knife out of the waist launched resistance. But did not want to lead the monster flying up, took off his head, pierced his body, the monster cut open his chest, dug out a **** thing inside and threw it into his mouth.

"Hey," this monster sent out, the skull's mouth slightly raised, revealing an extremely grinning smile, I think the guy smiled proudly. Compared with the wonderful taste of the thing just now, it is very intoxicating.

"What kind of monster is this time?" Nirvana could not help seeing her hairs erected.

Night said: "I finally know why there is no ambush."

"Because they were all killed by the monster, right." The rubber stuck to humanity.

I said, "Come on, we don't have time to waste time with these monsters."

Said on the channel: "Everyone keep moving forward, and strive to leave the basin sooner, we will deal with these." Said Chilong roared and threw it towards a monster, knocking it back several steps. Ke didn't get any harm. My rare attack couldn't break this guy's defense.

At the same time, the players immediately proceeded in accordance with the original plan and saw the prey running away. The other two monsters screamed and rushed up, but fortunately, they were blocked by rubber sticks and the night.

The monster that was struck by me flew up again, and I lifted the top of the dragon gun to resist the attack. The fire eye golden eye scan-fossil beast, level 172, mutant beast. Sleeping in the ground, once a living creature enters the basin, it will wake up and eat all the foreigners entering the fossil basin. The fossil basin has been an absolute exclusion zone on the archipelago from a long time ago, and the skeletons of these fossil animals have negative effects on all The characteristics of state immunity, even the abyss magicians are helpless to them, because their existence makes the fossil basin the only area in the archipelago that is not occupied by the abyss.

"Suck!" I took a sip of air-conditioning. I never expected that since there were such terrible creatures living here, its level was nearly 50 levels higher than mine. No wonder it could not cause damage. The rubber sticky man knocked the fossil beast in front of him. His condition was the same as mine, without any harm, but with a brute force to knock the opponent back one or two positions.

"NND, what a monster! Except for a name, it's a question mark." A curse was in his mouth.

I said, "This is a 172-level mutant beast. It's not what we can deal with now, as long as we restrain them and let the large forces pass by first."

"But it's a bit difficult." He said in the dark, avoiding the blow from the iron gun of the fossil beast.

A fossil beast in front of me stabbed with an iron gun as I spoke.

"Smite attack!" The shield unfolded, but the shield was immediately attacked by an iron gun, and it suddenly burst. The red-eyed dragon gun in my hand was also sent at the same time, and the gun was successfully stabbed to hit the target.

The fossil beast howled and shot back, and at the same time, the rubber-sticky double-knife slashed several swords at the fossil beast in front of it, and the fossil beast screamed and fell back, but followed me, the fossil beast. The iron gun attached to the arm turned into a skygun shadow and wrapped me in.

The situation was not good, and the real and fake actions flashed away. With the efforts of our fossils, the team had successfully ran out of the basin. Nirvana sent me a message when I avoided the attack with real and fake actions.

I said, "It's time to go."


A smoke bomb was thrown in the night to cover us and the fossil beast, because the cover blocked the vision and it was difficult for the fossil beast to find us. The three of us took this opportunity to quickly break away from the battle.

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