Master Summoner Online

Chapter 802: Confluence

Converged with the team in front, rushed out of the forest in front of me, took out the display to see that we have gathered from the jungle, we have no monsters along the way, no time to kill monsters, and it is easy to expose ourselves thing.

After a group of people rushed out of the jungle, there were a lot of Japanese players who were killing monsters not far away, the levels were not high, and the highest level was 110+, which did not pose a great threat to us.

My channel yelled, "Go forward at full speed, break through them, remember not to fight!"


I threw the dragon gun suddenly, the dragon soul broke out in the crowd, and a group of players who didn't know what happened fell to the ground. At the same time, one-handed, the magic array flashed, and the wolf emperor and water dragon quickly entered the crowd. It was raging.

Following the Chinese players who rushed around, this group of Japanese players was chopped and chopped, and a group of Japanese players shouted.



A dozen consecutive meteors blasted in the crowd. The AOE skill blasted a group of Japanese players to death. The rubber sticks around them rushed in and screamed, "Blade wall!"

"Boom boom!"

Five giant swords appeared around the rubber sticky man. The giant sword was spinning around him like a whirlwind, sweeping the crowd, and the sword blade spiraled, clearing the enemy in front.

River County, smoke spreads.

The players in the city have become a mess, but this chaos only lasted for less than ten minutes. Soon, I received a large army of players who quickly completed nearly 10,000 people around us.

"Everyone keep moving forward and don't stop there are a lot of Japanese players around us!"

A Japanese player carrying a long bow shouted loudly. The soldiers in front took the shield to block it, and the arrows and magic flew out from behind. They were constantly raging on the Chinese players. A group of horses in front of the horse appeared to be not riding. The infantry player is commanded by a 122-level Cavalier player, holding a shield in his hand, and snarling with a long-glossy green sword: "Front row に 私 と 一 に に し 戻 す し 戻 す, rear row プ レ イ ヤ ー に concentrated firepower projection さ え守 っ て い れ ば 20 分 は 私 た ち の victory (translation: the front row resisted with me, the back row players concentrated fire for me, as long as we stand for twenty minutes is our victory!) "

"Hmm ..."

The shield fell to the ground, and the soldiers in front of me had about 900 infantry players, each holding up the shield and probing out the blades of spears, lances, etc., in anticipation of being able to resist our charge.

I rushed forward and said loudly: "People with group killing skills rush forward. Together, everyone will break their shields and kill them directly. Don't be dragged by this group of people!"

"Black God, break them!"

The black **** roared: "Ghost shock!"

The Black God drove the chariot, and the ghost iron rider appeared next to him. As a pioneer, the ghost iron rider followed the two wings, pulling the two giant beasts of the chariot, roaring, and pulled the chariot into his opponent's shield while driving under his master Among them, a group of Japanese players were stunned. The charge of the Black God is unstoppable. The player in front of him is not crushed by the chariot and trampled by the ghost iron rider.

"Kill, follow them to kill them!" A Chinese player yelled.

Suddenly, a group of players raised their blades, and the crumbling shield wall hit by the black **** was attacked by various skills of other players. They suddenly smashed more than half, and a group of people were almost killed and injured in this shock.

After the ghost shock, the black **** wielded a sickle to directly kill a player. I summoned Garulu to launch absolute freezing gas, and then sent out Dragon Soul combos. These players are not high in level. All attacks are almost spike-type skills. I And the summoned beast almost rushed to the front, killing the most people, the more points they got, "See て, あ れ は う し ろ か ら, う し ろ か ら 杀 し て き た (translation: look at who it is, someone came from behind! ) "A Japanese player issued almost pointing into the distance.

"Reinforcement (translation: Is it reinforcement?)" Someone wondered.

Many Japanese players in the past have unexpectedly discovered that since a group of players are Chinese players, and these are not official, Xueyue, Yun Lan, Long Xin, student congregation MMs, Shu Tao, Leng Yu Fei Poetry, and loneliness are singing The number of people is about a thousand, and they are all players who land in our group. Although the number is small, the strength is absolutely elite.


A group of people rushed to the rear, and loneliness sang the curse first, and immediately fell into the crowd with a sea of ​​fire. Then, what was chanting again in the mouth, the next moment, a large continuous cone stabbed from the ground!

"Hmm ..."

After a series of film killing attacks, the crispy profession at the rear almost fell to the ground at the first time. Although the other side assigned a part of the soldiers to block it, they could not stop the offensive of the crowd.

Originally, even if the few soldiers left were players who couldn't stop our steps after taking a step, although one by one roaring and madly dancing with sharp blades, they constantly slashed the surrounding enemy players, but this group of people is still after all All fell to the ground under the continuous impact of our attack.


One shot took away a trace of blood from the last player in front of him, and Fire Dance came up: "Why are you so slow?"

I said, "There are a lot of things. Hurry up, this is not the place to say. There are many enemies around us moving closer to us."

"Got it."

So a group of people quickly left the place, the long-awaited Japanese player reinforcements can only see the body of the ground.

The team stopped all the way to a more secret place, and everyone began to rest in place.

Several of us also gathered to talk about what happened on the road. It turned out that everyone was transferred to each island by the synthetic Warcraft, and the island team was called to attack the fortress on this core island using the teleport array, but due to the random landing point All teams are scattered, but fortunately, everyone is sending in batches in turn so the teams are not scattered too much. When I was still in the fossil basin, everyone had convened players on the core island to the meeting point.

In addition, not only our other meeting points also have player gatherings, but at this moment there are only about four and a half million people left in the expeditionary army. In addition, when we are resting, we also contact other teams through the channel. After some discussion, all decisions are made in At seven o’clock in the evening, players at each meeting point launched a general attack against the huge teleportation array in the center of the island from different directions. It is necessary to completely drive all the little devils out of the boundary of the Chinese region today. Our rest place will also send the coordinates as new Meeting point.

Everyone was also very boring at the beginning of the break. I saw the blood flying under a tree and the very beautiful Summoner MM of Rose Night. I remember that man was evenly matched with Ziyue in the territorial battle. Although the two were talking about something, they were very speculative.

But at this time, the dark night went silently behind Lie Xuefei, and then took off his right hand's gloves, and a jade hand slammed his ears against Lie Xuefei's ears.

"It hurts!" The painful fierce blood flew up more than two feet high, rubbing his red ears and shouting, "It hurts! That bastard, twist Laozi's ears." He turned and saw the night standing with his hands on hips. In front of myself, the face that was still furious suddenly lost all anger, or even lost his temper.

Lie Xuefei looked at the night with a startled gesture, startled: "Why are you here!"

"Huh." He snarled his ears again and shouted, "Azheng! My mother didn't leave, but for a week, your boy was like apricot!"

"It hurts! It won't fall if you don't twist your ears anymore." Lie Xue said, "So many people give me something in front of me?"

"Explain it to me! Don't you want to see me at all when I'm not here !!!" His face was scared by the blood flying from his ears, and he explained incessantly: "rare my life! Everybody is thinking about it every day You return. "

"Excuse! All excuses! I'll be home tomorrow! Watch me be rectified!" The angry voice of the night, fierce blood flying like a chill, the atmosphere dare not come out.

"It seems I'm redundant here, you talk slowly." The female player of Rose Night said, ready to leave.

"Sister Qin is sorry, my wife is as fierce as a tiger, and another day ... oh, it hurts ... it hurts me ... lightly!" Before the words of Lie Xuefei were finished, she was dragged in the dark and learned again.

I smiled: "It really is an acquaintance."

"Yun Lan, let's go to that night lady, how about studying?" Xueyue said.

"Notice that if you don't, you won't be able to rectify the dragon." Yun Lan said. Having said that, the two ran and talked with each other at the same time.

Long Xin patted his shoulder and said, "Who is that dragon?"

"You come to amuse me, too." My eyes turned and said: "I hit a platinum fire mage magic robe before. It was like giving it to my favorite sister. Now I decided to share it with the guild."

My words didn't fall. Long Xin hugged my arm and started to wave: "Woohoo ~! Older people are afraid to come, my favorite old man, your grown-ups don't remember villains. Good brother!" Lang At the same time, I continue to be coquettish.

I laughed: "Okay, my dear sister, let's go." Give her something after finishing talking.

Long Xin took the flame goddess robe and said, "Awesome attributes, but it is so exposed."


On this day, more and more people are coming from all sides of players, five thousand, six thousand, seven thousand, eight thousand ... more professional players gathered here.

There are one million players participating in the expedition, and the number of people landing in each group in batches is more than 100,000. At this moment, even the core islands are gathered at 500,000 or 500,000. It can be seen that these days, the number of people killed on this island How huge, of course, it does not rule out that there are still many people struggling in other places, but in terms of less, more than half of the people who lost their lives are definitely only a few.

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