Master Summoner Online

Chapter 805: Final match

The master of fear fell the Japanese player army, and the black armored knight who killed the enemy general was immediately attacked by the surrounding Japanese players. However, this person was extremely brave and full of black air. Since this black air is one Zhang Zhang's grimace, weeping and wailing, this man is riding a black war horse, and players around can't stop it. Killed all the way until disappearing in the crowd.

After I destroyed the killing machine, countless arrows magically attacked. I continued to retreat, and the surrounding contract summoned the beast to cover it. Unfortunately, the opponent's fire was too dense. They were overwhelmed by thousands of skills and magic within three or two minutes.

The chaos in the local area is chaotic, and we follow up step by step. The blades are fighting hard. The players on both sides fall into pieces. Even players such as wizards, archers and other professionals follow the soldiers. The skills continue to roar, various types. The summoned beast growled, bite, and killed the world to change its color.


"Click! Click!"

The dragon gun in my hand was already dripping with blood, and my body was full of blood and injuries. I glanced at the sides, and Xueyue and Yunlan were all stained with red, but they still danced their blades and kept killing the surrounding people. Players, thanks to the cover of their war pets and Warcraft mounts, we can successfully stabilize the undead.

However, the attack from the other side also caused our players to fall down, making people distressed. The battle was so stubborn that everyone had already killed their eyes.

The battle lasted nearly 2 hours of game time. Finally, with the concerted efforts of many Chinese players, the periphery was finally broken.


Soon, the cost of the opponent's team was lost. There were not many Japanese players. We were surrounded by pieces of **** Chinese players. Everyone was killed very fiercely. They sat down to fill a potion, eat dry food, drink fresh water, and take out the mill. Bladestone restoration weapons are durable, and some rich use expensive repair potions to restore their body equipment to lasting.

Yun Lan took off the helmet and breathed softly, "It's over."

I nodded: "Well, but this is only the first time, and there are more players waiting for us."

Xueyue looked to the distance and said, "Who can tell me how the battle is going now?"

A few minutes later, Fire Dance said: "The cavalry has lost nearly 20,000, and the remaining melee occupations have suffered 30% damage. Mage, archer, summoner and other occupations have been kept relatively complete. The opponent ’s battle exceeded expectations, and we now have left. 110,000 troops. "

I pouted: "110,000, there are hundreds of thousands of troops above us. How about the other side?"

Fire Dance Road: "The damage in other areas is not small. We attack from five aspects, one is me, and the team led by Death and Lingyun Pavilion is less damaged than the other two. many."

"What about the damage in the other two directions?" I asked.

Fire Dance smiled: "There is only 5W left in a team and less than 4W in the other aspect. In short, we still have 360,000 to 70,000 troops, and at least 400,000 troops above the other side. This victory is unpredictable."

The yin-yang teacher said: "There is no need to wipe out all."

"What do you mean?"

"As long as the teleportation array is destroyed, they are automatically teleported back to their country."

"Anything to destroy that teleportation array?"

"The five energy pillars around the teleportation array are the source of energy for the teleportation array. The energy is controlled by a space crystal in the left assistant. You want him to hang. The teleportation array does not attack and break. If you can kill him, Just give me the crystal of space as a reward for you. "

"You know so much."

"I am also involved in this task."

"Okay, I promise you. It won't help us anyway." I said.

After the break, I thought about entering the center of the plain. A huge teleportation array surrounded by five giant pillars appeared in view, which is the ultimate goal of our expedition!

At this moment, the huge teleportation array is full of Japanese players, and there are various war machines. Sure enough, the other party is ready, waiting for us to attack, and then kill a lot!


The crowd advanced slowly, one kilometer away. Just as they pushed forward, a person suddenly appeared from the crowd. This person was wearing a standard Japanese samurai uniform, carrying a huge giant sword behind his back, and one With a sword and a sword, this guy is riding a mount that looks like a Tyrannosaurus Rex, and there is a Japanese beauty light envoy, a mad martial artist, and a half-dead battle that I have been around. These people such as mechanics and others are basically people who bear the emblem of the Chinese character, and there is also the ghost president. This guy and a younger brother are behind the player who rides the Tyrannosaurus mount, and even dare to breathe. This guy rode on the mount to the forefront of the team, followed by hooking his fingers and calling the ghost president to him, after a few words, he said to us: "Chinese people, private people's actions に 兴味 が な い, で も 私 は あ な た の 达 人 に 兴味 が あ っ て, Jin, Lao Tzu は あ な た, う の う, and は あ な た の は あ な た 命 に 的 に 命 Failure. "

The President Ghost translated: "Chinese, although I am not interested in this action, but I am very interested in your masters, then now, I want to say to you, as long as I am here, you are destined to return without success. ! "

I said, "Who is that guy?"

The Yinyang division girl said: "The guy who rides the dinosaur is the black general. His mount called the killer Tyrannosaurus is a superb WoW mount."

"It turned out that he was a black general. He was actually very dark," I said.

Tears disappeared: "Lao Niu is even darker than you."

"Am I dark?" The old cow looked away.

The black general pulled out a sword from his waist and swept out a sword. The ground immediately blasted away sand and stones. After the dust had dispersed, a ten-meter-long crack appeared on the ground!

Say "Chinese は, ability が あ っ て, あ な た 达 と 地 の の よ う な!"

The ghost president said, "You will be like this ground."

The black general said: "The words of the servant are completely returned! Know what? (Translation: you have to repeat my words completely! Do you know?)"

"し か し Esuke (translation: but it's very troublesome)." President Ghost said.

"あ な た は 私 と 交 渉 す る 権 利 は な い (translation: you don't have the right to bargain with me!)" Said the sword holder around his neck.

The ghost president was terrified and said in a cold sweat: "Separate and divide. (Translation: I know, I know)"

"I wipe, this is so arrogant!"

Ye Shuang was furious and said, "Brothers, it's too arrogant to kill these bastards, since we're drying us aside!"

I laughed: "Cut him off and see what he says!"

The black general's sword shouted at us, and tens of thousands of Japanese players started thinking about us.

"Everyone kill!" We echoed with a shout, but we saw the black general riding the killer Tyrannosaurus making a few laughs. The laughter was full of celebration and excitement. Feeling the excitement of the massacre.

Here we are also the SAIC scrambling. A crowd of people around, a large number of strong people swarmed up, and immediately started a fierce battle in front of them.

"Be careful, the Ninja Army has 20% of the hidden occupation holders of the Yamato Ward. The Ninja Army has the absolute ruler status in the Yamato Ward. Ten people are sent here."

I said, "Oh? Really? Look at Lao Tzu beheading these groups of reclusive holders."

After speaking, the summoning beasts came, and I charged with me, the dragon gun flipped up and down to kill a row, Amber Dragon, Gallulu, Gatling Blast Dragon, Sky Photo, Black God and so on. My best partner is to trust most. The Japanese players who killed with me are miserable.


A Li Ying appeared next to him. The next moment the thunderer unfolded the magic book in his hand. The thunder and lightning surged around him. A thunder storm broke out among the crowd. Under the thousands of thunder and lightning, the Japanese players on the wall were dying. In order to cope with the attack of the Thundercaller, I will summon the cooled contract to summon the beast. The wolf emperor sprays out the body of the ice knife player, the thunder eagle sprays out thunder and lightning, and the ice dragon's breath is extremely sharp. The water dragon roamed the crowd and harvested the lives of those players who had been disabled.

In the distance, the smoky and rainy years, and the fierce blood flying on their respective Warcraft mounts, the sword blade split left and right, as if in no one's realm, but did not rag for too long, was shot back by a round of arrow rain magic, and was buried for several The lives of hundreds of rider players were rescued by the Bone Batman in the dark. Unfortunately, their Warcraft mounts were drowned by countless magic skills. In the rear, two MM figures, Erika and Long Xin, appeared to bring a lot of magic. Teachers, the staff is raised, and skills such as ice burst, flame, lightning, and hurricane continue to rag, covering the soldiers in front.


At this time, a person stood out after the Japanese team. This was a warrior with a spear. He stood on a war horse and stood on a five-meter-high orangutan with six arms. This orangutan grabbed one side and the player pinched it. Broken, he himself is also dancing with a spear in his hand, which can not be blocked by the surrounding Chinese players.

"Little devil rests arrogantly!" I shouted, and saw the rubber sticking people riding his mount, killing them out of the crowd, the surrounding Japan could not be stopped at all, and howling escaped, even if resistance was on his mount Under the iron hoof into a flesh.

There was a loud scream in the rubber sticky population, and the two swords shook, shaking a weird weird pattern. These patterns gathered to form two fierce tiger images. This pair of tigers saved the person's orangutan pet Shredding, I bumped into the opponent and knocked his company back for several steps before stopping.

Another mad warrior, after repulsing the old cow, confronted Yanyu Liunian, but he fell completely under the wind. Under the double swords of Yanyuliu, there was only parry without backhand. Warrior, after all, will be damaged in the hands of the smoky and rainy years.

That light messenger was blocked by the loneliness of singing. She was lonely and sung by the violent magic. She could not win or escape.

The masters have found their opponents, and the battle has become heated.

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