Master Summoner Online

Chapter 806: Protoss troops join the battle

The battle is about to begin. Countless Chinese players blast off the first blockade of the other party. An army of 100,000 players rushes up on countless mounts. The opponent also had countless strong masters riding on the mount and greeted him.

That black general led more horses than my 100,000 troops to meet. Many of us, Ling Yunge and Death, also led about 100,000 players to attack.

The drums shook the sky, and killed one piece. This battle killed the ghosts and crying gods. Countless strong men were murderous and soared into the sky. The sky that was originally sunny turned into dark clouds and rolled. Suddenly, there was a pouring rain. This battle wailed and wept.

The two sides stepped forward to fight back for a long time. The two sides just returned to battle. The two sides were killed and wounded. At this moment, the remaining 80,000 players in our expeditionary force and the other 20,000 or 30,000 players were killed. It is now 8 o'clock in real time. There is still one hour left at 9 o'clock, which is three hours of game time, and three hours must be used to kill Zuosuke.

The army of more than 400,000 Japanese players guarding the teleportation formation, even if there are 100,000 on each side, there are still remaining, and the number of expeditionary strongmen is now only 400,000. At this moment, about 40,000 to 50,000 have been lost, of which the remaining 300,000 Then, we cannot continue to spread the attack and concentrate our forces in one place to launch a new round of attack.

"I didn't expect that we would have a day of cooperation." The Blade of the King said to me, riding on an elephant, a Warcraft mount.

But I do n’t want him to fall to the rain beside him: "Where is your boss, rain?"

"President, he doesn't catch cold like this." Yu Luo laughed.

"It's not a cold, what do you guys do about a cold?" Lonely was singing.

The rain fell: "Who knows, I have been confused for a couple of years with him."

The corner of the king's blade twitched: "Go and talk to them with strength." I rushed up with a group of red cloud iron riders, and I waved my cavalry to start the charge. The cavalry led by the death team also came forward at the same time with me, and came suddenly in the air. For a while, the birds sang, and everyone immediately looked up, and saw a large white bird flying down in the night sky with pouring rain!

"What's that?" Yinyue asked suddenly.

The yin and yang division girl said: "Shooting a white bird rides on the jade, Zuosuke is relying on these thousands of white bird cavalry to gain a place in the Yamato Ward."

"Just a bunch of flying birds"

Lonely was singing loudly and commanding: "Night and Love Dragon Knights are dispatched, give me these bird knights!"


Night and affair nodded slightly, a group of people nodded, and suddenly dozens of figures rose into the sky. The dragon knight now stood up against the sky's bird cavalry. At the same time, he had flying summons to bring players forward to assist.


"Hmm ..."

The white bird is obviously a kind of fierce raptor with sharp claws. The beak is like a dagger. The ordinary flying summons cannot be stopped at all. The knight on the back of the white bird is naturally good and the opponent has a flying summon. The beast carries other professional players to supply the bird knights in front. Since the leader of the bird knight is a female player, she didn't say a word, and suddenly rushed into the crowd of human beings, followed closely by four or five flying beckons. And the above ten names, regardless of strength, have fallen.

However, she was also attacked by three dragon cavalry, and it was difficult for her to retreat under the cover of several players around her.

In the empty space, one player after another, planted like rain.

Among the strong men who fell, there were Chinese and Japanese. Among the various horrible magic skills, the death rate was very fast.

The hot air in the sky is the same, the same on the ground, the air is full of magic whistling, the five major lines of magic are flying all over the sky, the skills trigger sounds as if the sky is turbulent, a variety of skills, even various breakthrough power barriers. Level of powerful skills, it appears crazy.

Everyone went crazy.

"Squeak squeak ..."

The rotation of the wheel shaft made a sharp sound. After the cavalry, a car about two meters high appeared. It looked similar to an ordinary crossbow car. The ammunition filled was not a bow and arrow but a black light stone that looked extraordinary. The front of the chariot also has a giant shield, which should be used for defense.

Immediately after hearing a "buzzing" sound, black hair and bright stones bounced out, falling into our team immediately set off a burst, killing and injuring hundreds of people at once, and everyone sucked backwards. Tone.

"Fuck! What is that chariot? It's amazing." Nirvana exclaimed.

The girl of the Yinyang Division said: "It is a special war machine modified by the ghost using a catapult. The chariot itself is bland and unobtrusive. The main reason is that it is a black stone that comes to Heiyun Mountain. It is a very powerful energy stone. The power of the explosion is not small. "

"That blackstone is very expensive, one blackstone is high in price, and one blackstone has to sell at least 10,000 gold coins, and after processing into a launching projectile, the cost is at least 50,000 gold coins. "

I laughed and said, "It's such a bad guy to take out such expensive things as disposable consumables!"

Nirvana looked at me: "Brother, what should we do?"


"Lonely beauty?" I asked.

"Well, what's the matter?" Lonely sang and looked at me.

"Take your destruction vehicle out of the way."

The pit father smiled: "I said that my beast brother, my destroying chariot is powerful and not far enough to attack, and you and we have not seen the power of your high-tech troops!"

"I don't want to," I said, scratching my head.

"It's just that the beast gods don't keep hiding, so why is it that a powerful team can come out and practice?" Su Ying said.

"It's the national disaster now, don't be so stingy," Yu said.

I said, "You one by one, okay." When I called out, I didn't bring any teams except a few scouts when I came, but I left a leaping prism on the sea just in case. First, although I don't plan to use it now, it seems that I can't help it now. The number of opponents is completely above us and it is really difficult to deal with chariots.

I said, "I need a little time, everyone is half busy."

"Okay! Let's rush!" The player in front of Lingyun Pavilion has already killed the opponent. The pressure on us to join Lingyun Pavilion is greatly reduced. The opponent immediately throws arrows and magic from the air. The front row knight raises his shield. Formed shields to receive shock.

The dragon gun was thrown and turned into a giant soldier bursting into a dragon soul burst + dragon soul chopping dragon soul combo attack. The "qiang bang" dragon raging raged at once, the powerful attack force destroyed the deadly spike, and one hand held one Yang, summon the outer meteor to bombard me!

The riders yelled, the two horses collided, and then the blades were sent straight. A variety of skills pierced the opponent's body, and the blood was splattered and horrible upon contact.

The summoned beasts and I kept rushing forward, the magic arrows in front of the arrows, constantly attacking on or around the body, although it could not pose a fatal threat to me, but if you accumulate less, you will be forced to retreat by force. Came down.


Suddenly throwing the dragon gun, the next moment, the dragon gun turned into a giant red dragon whistling out, directly swept up a large arc and a half, under the attack of the film kill, the red dragon turned a group of archers and mage together.

Xueyue put on her sword and shield again, and flew forward. A sword pierced a cavalry's chest, and immediately spiked and said, "Where is the high-tech team of Dragon Spirit!"

I said, "Hurry up, you'll be there in five minutes."

While talking, do n’t forget to bring the summoned beasts to the left and right, and continue to attack, and the skills are constantly raging. Flames, bullets, energy, and lasers are sweeping through the long-range legions. The beast is a group of killing gods.

His body was stained with blood by the direct killing. The Chinese turned into a **** red blood man, and the killing experience will be gained. As the killing power increases, the power is gradually increasing, and the action is more flexible.

At this moment, a huge spaceship appeared in the sky, and the cloud opened up like an umbrella. The blue energy field unfolded on the ground, and currents surged in the energy field, followed closely by figures from the phantom. Turning into an entity, the first step out was the resident management of Tasada.

As soon as Tassada came out, I said, "Strike!"

Tasada nodded and started shouting, "For honor. Our enemy must be destroyed. I declare offensive. Defend our bright land."

His voice fell. The magnetic field of energy below flashes quickly. Phantoms are produced. It's as if the jumping prism is carrying out energy transfer.

Many players stared down.

"Woo" energy transfer produces a strong weird sound, like a motor turning.

After 30 seconds, 50 hunters stepped out of the magnetic field, followed by 20 mechanical sentries, and finally five immortals. Not far away, the ghost ghost guild chariot will put a piece of black blackstone with a radius of one meter! Blasted on a hunter, but could not break the hunter's energy shield, but caused the splash to spread to the surrounding units, but said that the hunter with the shield did not hurt at all.

"The little devil who is playing together is urinating!" I shouted.

"Chong!" When the killing sound was soaring and countless skill bombs screamed away, the hunter was an energy hood, which was illuminated after being attacked. After the energy hood was hit and disappeared, each hunter had up to 150,000. The amount of blood, the alien technology is really not covered, and the hunter belongs to a long-range army, one by one laser shot.


Countless white bright lasers struck the night sky, falling into the opposing team like a rain. The sentry ’s energy stance isolates the opponent ’s cavalry, and at the same time turns on the shield to reduce the damage. The last immortal ’s hit is called a pain. Seeing a Japanese cavalry attacking an immortal with a sword and causing a little damage, Before he had shaken the immortal, he gave him a sturdy shot, bringing out a large number of damage-79873!

Spike directly.

At this time, a chariot that fired the black stone entered and fired, and immediately directed an immortal to aim at the chariot and the two-tube phase fragmentation guns.


The energy bomb hit the entire tank, and the parts of the tank exploded all over the place. The players around him were flying away all the time, and a large number of injuries floated on the body of the battle. — 203887 " Damn, it's too scary ... "Papa stunned.

The immortal ’s heavy armor bonus was very horrible, but in an instant, one shot smashed a chariot. At the same time, with the ravages of magic, three hunters who lost their shields fell down. That's my distress.

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