Master Summoner Online

Chapter 807: Tyrannosaurus Riding

On the expansive plains, the sound of killing was soaring. Under the participation of the Protoss troops, we did not gain an advantage in terms of quantity, but our strength was greatly improved. Under the cover of the front cavalry, the hunter was like a stinger. Uneven damage numbers were given. The hunter's attack power was not much, but the number was too dense, so that a large number of cavalry fell in a blink of an eye. The rear sentry kept releasing its position, and the sentry without energy fell to Save energy and adjust up later, but the Protoss troops cannot accept supplies, and the shield disappears easily and can be destroyed.

The closer you get to the teleportation, the more intense the opposition's resistance is. Both sides have suffered heavy casualties. There are corpses everywhere, and there are equipment left after the player's death. There are many gold, orange, or even dark gold equipment that flashes. In addition, I also saw a platinum shoe that the mage wore.

Raising the dragon gun again, a sudden blow of Dragon Spirit's combo roused the crowd, creating countless fresh corpses, while turning his head and shouting loudly, "Tassada directs the immortals to point at their war machinery and jump over the prism. Continue to pass on troops and take out the stocks at the bottom of the station! "

Tasada nodded, and the energy magnetic field under the jumping prism flashed a blue current again. A new batch of troops arrived. This jumping prism did not transmit the soldiers in the barracks like the interstellar, as long as it was the Protoss army. Send. However, I was as scared as I was when every Protoss unit was destroyed. I didn't know how much inventory was left after this battle.

On the battlefield, Yanyu Liunian finally killed the mad warrior, but Yanyu Liunian himself was also seriously injured by the sneak attack of Japanese players, but fortunately, players around him helped him to save him, otherwise he was afraid that Yanyu Liunian would also fall into the chaos. .

The rubber stickman and the warrior division are fighting each other. After a hundred strokes, the warrior division was heavily bombarded by the rubber stickman's mount. At the same time, two blood holes were punched out on the body. The sticky man flew away and blood splattered from his mouth, nose, and ears.

The former messenger who was defeated by the singer in loneliness, and appeared again and again to kill several Chinese players, was blocked by Leng Yufei Poetry and Yan Xiaoyun San.

With a group of players who summoned the beast, I kept killing Japanese players, and saw what good equipment, and he was put into the dimension pack without hesitation.


It took almost an hour to kill, although my hunters were destroyed a lot, but our results were very good. At least fifty chariots were destroyed. Under mobile battle, their chariots could not stop the immortal. , And the threat of the Protoss forces has clearly surpassed other players, so they began to destroy as many Protoss units as possible.

"Roar! Roar!"

"What a voice!" Nether Road said.

"Wow! What kind of dinosaur is that!"

"Not good! It's a tyrannosaurus ride!" The yin and yang division girl exclaimed.

I asked, "What is Tyrannosaurus Riding?"

"The main force of the Ninja Army, but the number of people is very scary, even if they are rarely seen in the domestic battlefield. The most important thing is that the strength of the combat mounts is quite scary."

This group of tyrannosaurus rides like a tyrannosaurus that is larger than my armored raptors. Although not as slow as the raptors, they are not slow. The sound of the giant claws trampling on the ground is connected, the ground is shaking, and the mouth is full of profit. The teeth are very scary. The mighty body is obviously very lethal. A tyrannosaurus rides wildly like a tank car.


A president of a guild led a group of China and shouted, "Brother Laozi no matter what **** cavalry he is, the soldier goes up, the archer arrow rain covers, the mage slows down with ice storms, Huangquan swamp, and the magician kills magically. Do n’t mess up, they ’re only three or four thousand, do n’t be afraid! ”

Rows of cavalry, raised their shields in one hand, and carried spears and swords in one hand, and greeted them. At the rear, the sound of bowstrings screaming "slamming" slammed into the sound of singing with magic spells. The next moment, densely packed The arrow ’s magic flew across the void and fell into the crowd of Tyrannosaurus Riders, but the Tyrannosaurus Riders were well prepared, and the front row knights raised their shields to block against the magic arrows The most ranked tyrannosaurus rider fell to the ground, but more tyrannosaurus riders collided with the cavalry like a wind. Suddenly the tyrannosaurus riders tore off the opponent ’s defense, and they were instantly crushed. When these cavalrymen can't stop the charge of the tyrannosaurus, the two sides are not at the same level. The difference between the two sides has been determined from the moment of contact.

During a tyrannosaurus rider, a player wearing a standard Japanese samurai armor appeared with two swords and a sword in his hands, riding a dinosaur, his face was covered under a mask, and no expression was seen. Dragon riding left and rushing right along the way brought a series of ultra-high damage figures-18099-17739-18300

The Chinese players blocking him all turned into an icy corpse. This unstoppable man was called the most reliable man in the whole Yamato Ward, calling him a black general.

The black general led a group of tyrannosaurus riders, slashing and killing Chinese players to supplement their points. The Chinese players who had originally resisted them were beaten up, but they could only be reduced to slashes. There were screams everywhere. .


Soon these tyrannosaurus riders rushed towards us like this, apparently trying to destroy my Protoss army, I shouted: "So the Dragonfang troops and my group of tyrannosaurus rides, I'll take a look To make our raptors powerful is their tyrannosaurus! In the name of the dragon! "

Everyone pulled out their swords and sang in unison: "Crush everything!"


"We can't let them succeed. The high-tech troops of the Beast God are our lifeblood, and we must keep everything we say." Nether held a spear: "Ming God's troops follow me."

Suddenly trembling the reins, the nether rushed out with a hissing of a war horse. Behind the roar of horseshoes, a group of Chinese cavalry rushed along, and the blade of the king shouted: "The Red Cloud Iron Rider continued to advance, tearing the enemy in front. Open. "The strength of Hongyun Iron Rider is very strong. Generally Japanese players can't beat it. The battle of this Iron Rider has to be said to be very powerful.


The ground trembled under the tread of the iron hoof. The black general turned his eyes and trembled suddenly, drank a few words of birds and rushed up with the tyrannosaurus ride. The previous battle tyrannosaurus lost less than ten people, or one The full formation is where we meet together.

Above the front line, I, Xueyue, Yun Lan, Ye Shuang, Feng Xiaoyue, Lao Niu, Nether, and others formed a front line of battle. Under the Nether leader, the team ran fast, and the Tyrannosaurus Rider collided with our cavalry. Together, the tonnage of the Tyrannosaurus Rider is much stronger than that of our cavalry. When it hits the warhorse, it is directly hit by flying. The Raptors are at least not hit by flying.


After the collision, everyone on the front line danced with a sword, and a large number of skills broke out in the crowd. Suddenly, both sides were damaged.

I vigorously split the combination of Dragon Soul combos, killing one piece at the same time, and summoning the meteor in the sky to fall into the crowd, killing the screams into one, but a burst of laughter came from my ear, and I saw the black general riding Killer Tyrannosaurus, just like a heavy meat grinder tumbled away, sitting down Killer Tyrannosaurus with a terrible roar, the dragon's tail stunned, and a cavalry was in the end, watching him so arrogant, immediately after the amber dragon Yanlong The blast fired like a storm, and madly slashed his head and covered his face at the black general below.

The black general rode the killer Tyrannosaurus back and forth, until the claws slammed down and smashed the ground with two footprints. Then he stabilized his body and giggled in his mouth: "へ え, へ え, ハ ッ ハ ッ, private相 の 相 手 (Translation: good guy, good guy, haha, I'm your opponent!) "

When he was screaming, I then sprayed the "Burning Breath" with Amber Dragon. At this moment, the black general, as a sudden transparent shield, sprayed on the shields other than the black general, making a "beep" sound, He didn't burn or burn him.

I was taken aback, "Use invincible as soon as I come up?"

"That is the skill that Black General breaks through the barrier of strength. It is called Fengfeng Shield. It is immune to all long-range attacks, but it is not immune to melee attacks. It can only protect himself from unprotected mounts." The Yinyang division girl explained.

I listened for a while, and clenched the dragon gun with both hands and laughed, "Shield skills, when I met Lao Tzu, this guy is destined to fall here today." Although I have the ripper specializing in shield skills, my heart feels the same. .

Wielding the dragon gun, he even stabbed at him with a stab, and General Black did not budge. The two weapons attacked left and right. The dragon gun and the sword continued to collide too much, and the sound of metal collision sounded like a bursting bean.

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