Master Summoner Online

Chapter 809: Expedition success

Let's adjust the time and see what happened.

On the other side of the team. Ziyue shook her right arm, and a whip in her hand severely beat the head of a cavalry's mount, bursting a spark of stabbing. At the same time, a giant sword in the hand of the devil slashed at the man, and fell to the ground with a sound, bursting out a potion and a piece of equipment.

Zi Yue, who succeeded in hitting, did not waste any time. The whip in his hand turned to another person with a hula, and at this moment, with the summoned beasts, rushed into the countless Japanese players, summoned the beast to protect the left and right, and I whipped the enemy in one of them.

Just when she was harvesting her head like no one else, she suddenly felt a cold cold coming from behind her!


Almost like it or not, Ziyue and Kuqiulin beside him shot at the same time, two attacks exploded at the same time, but found nothing behind him ...

While looking at the duo's solemn look, the other summoned beasts were also nervous because of the owner's mood. At this moment, a faint ghost-like figure flashed ghostly to the side of Kuqiulin about ten meters away. Then, the figure immediately gave out an unpleasant sneer.

"へ へ へ, 1 の Summoner or more, no army will be a hindrance, は 大 変 で し た が, ま た 私 の present に 気 付 い て, 悪 く あ り ま せ ん, 褒 め ら れ ~ (Translation: Hey, a summoning beast can now be an army It ’s really amazing to be unblocked in China. In addition, I can detect my presence, which is not bad and worthy of praise ~) "


At this moment, Ziyue could clearly see that the ghostly phantom was a slightly thin man. The other person was wearing a black tights and a bone mask on his face. Judging by his voice and body type, he should have Quite thirty years old.

"Cut! Are you ninjas like this?" Said the whip in his hand and cracked at a length of more than one meter.


At the moment when Riel secretly guessed the identity of the old man, there was a laughing female voice nearby. At this time, he saw a bird-like monster on the shoulder, sitting on a man who looked absolutely fifteen years old. The girl appeared!

The girl was dressed as a standard magician. Her face was covered with a cap and her face could not be seen. When she saw the girl, Nizunosuke sneered sneer.

"ふ ん! あ な た は こ れ を 里 切 り た い 私 た ち は か (Translation: Hum! Do you want to betray us?)"

After listening to this sentence, the yin-yang teacher said. "私 は い は 达 の 仲 间 に な っ た? Zuo Zhishoujun! (Translation: When did I become your companion? Zuo Zhishoujun!)"

This product is Zuo Zosuke, the mastermind of this matter. After hearing this, he immediately responded: "じ ゃ, private Chinese food な ど こ の 美 美 あ な た も う あ な た も う 片 付 け (translation: ok, wait for me to cook this little Chinese beauty and then clean up) You!) "Licked his tongue at the corner of his mouth" ... "

The two of them talked a lot about the incomprehensible bird words. At the moment, Ziyue, on the side of her forehead, had a clear “jing” character on her forehead. The corners of her mouth twitched, and she said in a bad tone: “You Do n’t keep saying something incomprehensible! Hellfire Demon, Big Demon, Battle Eagle clears players around, Iron Dragon protects me, and Kuchurin destroys this disgusting guy. "

"Understand! Miss!" Kuqiulin held his guns tightly in his hands, and said, "Although I can't speak Japanese, but today's encounter, your end is-death!" The last dead word was very heavy.

"で は, ど う か わ い が っ て や ろ う (translation: so good, see how I can pack you ...)"

Saying this sentence, Zuo Zhishou sneered, and his body quietly merged into the shadow under his feet. Immediately, a ghostly black shadow struck the purple moon behind him!

"I won't let your young lady feel a little hair!"

In a word, Kuqiulin launched an attack. He knew that if he was brought closer, he and the other summoned beasts would be ignored, then Ziyue would be transferred to beast trainer as a summoner, although his blood volume would not increase. Yu soldiers, but not much better than an assassin in terms of blood thickness, how could it possibly prevent a killer of this level from coming close?

So Kuqiulin didn't even think about it, he just rushed up. As the summoned beast to protect his master, the master's safety is a top priority, and he must not let this guy go.

The golden short gun is stowed, although dual guns can be used, but in terms of flexibility, one gun is more flexible. The scarlet long gun in his hand flickers and strikes at the ghostly ghost. There is only one. Be sure to force the opponent out and face up to yourself. If you let this guy sneak up close, you will lose almost half of the battle. Only with a frontal charge can you win!

Zuo Zhishou is not weak as a master of strength for a while, but he can be stronger than others with a gain of BUFF. If he can confront each other and fight against it, it will cost him to clean up this little devil ninja. Some effort, but it can also be said to come, but this guy slipped like mud, with a strange set of steps under his feet that didn't know his name. He shook for a hundred and ten rounds with Kuqiulin without any damage, but he did n’t. Any chance to attack Ziyue as a summoner.

"Ding Ding Ding!"

The sound of metal kept ringing, and the two blue-sharp daggers held by Zuo Zhishou in his palm were comparable to the scarlet spears of Kuqiulin, but Ziyue's post was a little bit invisible, and **** inflammation around him The demon summoned countless fireballs, hurricanes entangled above the wings of the fighting eagle, and said nothing to catch this annoying fly!

Immediately across the sky, fireballs and numerous hurricanes siege to this guy. Facing the terrible situation, Zuo Zhishou can't resist, of course, with his hands tied in a continuous cave, avoiding all the attacks with an extremely coquettish position.

"Little beauty, 戦 い の 中 に こ と が で き な い な ら ば, い つ で も calm and leisurely attitude, pain に 目 に suffers (translation: Little beauty, if you ca n’t keep a calm and calm attitude anytime, anywhere during the battle, you will suffer.呦 ~!) "Zuo Nosuke said, avoiding the attack.

"Actually, there will be that casual chatter in the battle and I don't know what it is talking about, but you! The old lady hates others to preach in my ears!"

Although Zuo Zhishou couldn't understand her, she must have seen what she was angry at, so she must have said something. After she exited the 100 meters, her whole body showed a sharp and upright spirit. At this moment, he must show something amazing. Big move.

"Kuchurin slaughtered this little devil for his elder mother! Don't let him keep asking there."

Kuqiulin was sweating at the moment, and he couldn't understand what he said, and he was so angry, but after all this kind of thing, let it die! Now all we have to do is kill the enemy in front of us! !! !!

Thinking of this, the spear in his hand disappeared, followed by silently raising his right hand, and the next moment a red light emerged in his palm, which immediately outlined the outline of a spear.

"Miss lady is in a bad mood today, but it's also a bad luck for your boy, so please enjoy it!"

With the moment when this sentence was spoken, the light in Kuchulin's palm only saw that the tumbling red mango rose higher and higher, and immediately followed Kuchulin's running, at the same time, the color of Zuo Zhishou's body began to become dark Black, starting from the feet, was dissolved in the ground under the feet.

"Take this one, then go back to your country and pierce through the deadly gun !!!"

At the end of this sentence, all the red awns in Kuchulin's hands faded, and after running up, he rose to the sky, and threw the whole body from the ground with a full force. A full-body scarlet puppet rifle in his hand is similar to the previous one. This rifle was released and turned into a scarlet red glow. It passed at a fast speed that could not be captured by the naked eye. When plunging into the ground, the piercing his body was not counted, and a magnificent air wave left by the help of Zuosuke and the surrounding area so the unit launched, like a carpet bomber, Even if there is a strong defense wall, or a brisk flash, they all fly into the sky in this blow, then fall like a rain and there is no live at all in this blow.

This is the process.

At the same time as the reminder came out, General Black pierced the sword forward, and seemed to be ready to hit me with his body ...

The point of the sword had reached about five centimeters in front of me, and my eyes stared straight at the point of the sword without blinking, but the sword did not pierce my face.

As if time stopped suddenly, the other's movements stopped, and when the other's body turned into a million stars disappearing in front of my eyes, I threw himself and fell to the ground.

"Brother! Are you okay !?"

"Dragon Spirit!"

"Via Veyron!"

"Beast God!" The companions who were still fighting around just ran over.

"I'm fine," I answered.

"The battle is over." I stood up and said, "Ziyue she is really capable."

Immediately after reporting the loss, the loss report was sent up. There were about 50,000 left in this battle expedition. My Protoss unit lost forty hunters, twelve mechanical sentries, and three immortals. Now From the perspective of the overall scale of our premises, the losses we have seen are still acceptable. However, every loss is not something I don't want to see and it's all money! very expensive!

The summoner who likes online games, please collect: ( The summaries of online game summoners' literature are the fastest.

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