Master Summoner Online

Chapter 810: Harvest reward

"Ding ~! The expedition victory, all players participating in the battle are rewarded as follows: level + 2, reputation + 20000, gold coins + 200000 ~!"

"Ding ~! China won the victory of this war. Tomorrow from 6 am to 23:59 pm, the region has four times the experience, four times the explosion rate, all players in the whole China region repair, purchase and other consumption. 20% for a month ~! "

"Ding ~! 'Dragon's Tooth' and 'Lingyun Pavilion' performed extremely well in this war, and received rewards: Guild Level +2, Resident Level +1, Guild Full Member Level +2, 'Death Blade' , "Scarlet Elite", "War Soul Warriors" and other ten guilds performed outstandingly and superiorly in this war, and received rewards: guild level +1, guild full member level + 1 ~! "

Looking at a series of system prompts!

"Wow, we won!"

"Four times the experience burst rate will be crazy all day tomorrow!"

"Haha, you're rich!"

It is the players cheering and jumping over the prompt sound of the system. At the same time, everyone's body is constantly emitting a golden light of upgrade, and the level is soaring straight up.

Expedition reward level increased by 2 levels. Guild reward level increased by level 2. This is only available to Dragonfang Tooth and Lingyun Pavilion players. The resident level +1 reward is somewhat perverted, but for those who have lost Lingyun Pavilion It's really crying. We were outstanding because it was thanks to the Protoss troops, and Ling Yunge's expression was also very good. They rushed from the beginning to the end to show the Chinese soldiers' style, although in the end they basically annihilated, leaving only less than five people. The player survived, even the Blade of the King himself did not know when to fall on the charge.

The next job is to clean up the battlefield and redeem points. I can get a lot of points first, and the system doesn't say whether the points can only be exchanged for one or a bunch, so I clicked on the purchase and followed me. The control panel in front jumps out a series of selection lines.

There are three points redemption rewards on my control panel. Only one of them can be selected-item a: The level of the dragon tooth guild where the player Weiweilong is located is directly increased to ten, and the active guild skills are obtained. . Full member level +3

Item b: The player obtains the platinum summoner's exclusive set parts [Beast Emperor's Helmet], [Beast Emperor's War Armor], and [Beast Emperor's Soul Bracelet].

Item c: random item rewards, player's personal skill effects damage + 15%, death item drop probability -5%. Looking at the three options blinking in front of me, my head is a mess, and clenched my fists: "I hold one Go! And this thing, the system will really play people. "See if everyone around you is taking their own points to the system in exchange for their own rewards. Only your own reward is known, others do not know, of course you can read the reward.

The first option is to increase your guild level. The guild can reach skill level to obtain skill quests. Two fixed passive skills are the guild will and the guild warrior. The effect of the will on all members of the guild is + 5%. The effect of the warrior is that all guild members of the guild have + 5% of all attributes. You can get random guild skills through quests at level 10. This skill is active or passive. Now my guild has a level of nine because of the system's reward success. The tenth level is not far away, and it will be full after a month of toss. There is no need to exchange all my points for this.

The second option is equipment. Although the platinum equipment is very attractive and BT, the armor on my body is much easier to use than this exclusive platinum outfit, and I do n’t want to change the final bracelet. I really want it but I have to Take the two together. These two items have very strong attributes. I am a bit unwilling to sell them or give them away. So click on option C to bet on this random reward.

"Ding ~! All your points have been exchanged successfully, all skills have + 15% damage, and the death item has a drop chance of -5%. You can get random items as follows: Skill Seal x3, Celestial Chalcedony x30, Soul Orb x3 ~!"

You do n’t need to look at my Advent Skill Seal. I have used it before, and look at the so-called Abyss Chalcedony.

Abyss Chalcedony x30 (Consumable) effect: Supreme treasures produced in the abyss. Once activated, a skill of the player is used to upgrade to a new level of new skills (the ability skills and additional equipment skills are not available). Note: A player can use it up to five times.

Soul Orb x3 (Consumable) Effect: An item with powerful soul energy is activated. Players will randomly get a new skill. Mission rewards, non-tradable and not drop.

After reading the attributes, I started to use the Abyss Chalcedony. I chose to upgrade my strongest and most imba skills--burst blast.

"Ding ~! Skills [Declaration of Destruction-Burst Blast] is too powerful to be improved ~!"

Since it can't be improved, but think about who this second refers to is really terrible, then look at the black flames.

"Ding ~! Skill [Black Announcement-Black Flame Bullet] is too powerful to be improved ~!"

I rely on it! This trick doesn't work. My two imba skills are completely destroyed. It seems that I can only use them for my favorite dragon soul combo.

"Ding ~! Your skills [Dragon Soul Break] are baptized with Abyss Chalcedony, upgrade your skills to [Dragon Soul Destruction]"

"Ding ~! Your skill [Dragon Soul Cut] is baptized with Abyss Chalcedony, and your skill is upgraded to [Destroy Dragon Cut]"

I quickly opened up this new skill to check it out.

[Destruction of Dragon Soul]: Consumption: 1200 magic, pierce the weapon in the ground and use its own ability to guide the gas of the underground dragon vein to cause physical damage to all the enemies above. Throwing the weapon can be converted into a giant soldier to launch a dragon wave attack. , Cool for 30 seconds.

[Destroying Dragon Slash]: Consumption: 2000 magic, summoning the raging dragon soul possess weapon, get 50% splash effect, increase 150% attack, increase the attack distance of 20 yards, consume 100 magic points per second, maintain 30 seconds , Cool for one minute.

Dragon Soul Destruction completely combines the characteristics of Dragon Soul Break and Dragon Sword. Destroying Dragon Slash turns my base attack into a splash. The most important thing is that the attack distance is 150%. The attack bonus is too imba. It's up!

Next, I can use three more. What skills should I strengthen next? I don't think there is any skill to be strengthened. I like the trick of Death Force very much. I basically rely on it to improve the output of melee combos.

"Ding ~! Your skills [Death Force] are baptized with Abyss Chalcedony, and your skills are upgraded to [Death Summon]"

Summon Death: Consume 10% of blood and 10% magic, summon Death's Attachment, and gain defensive defense effect within 5 seconds (50% defense defense against BOSS, 70% defense defense against player), cool down for 15 minutes.

Horrible! I do n’t know how many times the horror is compared to the power of death. There are 27 remaining. I still have two skills to use first, and the remaining twenty-five are now in the warehouse. The next one is using skills. The seal roll changed the wolf emperor and the ice dragon from the equipment into their own skills, leaving the remaining one.

The last is the soul orb, which can only be used by itself and cannot be traded, so use it.

"Ding ~! You use Soul Orb x3!"

"Ding ~! Automatically comprehend skills [Dragon's Charge] [Transformation · Imitation] [Devil King] ~!"

Suddenly three skills flashed in the skill bar, of which I don't need to watch the Dragon Charge, as for the last two skills, you must look at them.

[Transformation · Imitation] No consumption, a simplified version of Druid's exclusive transformation skills. After use, players can fight with the summoned beast, but the two attributes do not stack up. The summoned beast attributes and skills cannot be used in the beast state. Your own skills and equipment additional skills, no cooling.

I bother! What is this simplified version? It ’s completely a cut-off version. The druid profession is most popular with summoner players because of the existence of transfiguration skills. In the transmutation state, player attributes and summoned beast attributes are superimposed. This is not 1 + 1 = 2. Upgrade, although it is not possible to use his own skills and summoning beasts in the state, of course, one person can use the additional skills of the player's equipment, and the original transformation skill cooling has been removed after the system revision, the transformation transformation becomes more handy.

Next look at what skills this devil is, and hope not to let me down.

[Devil King] No consumption. The Devil King is a very special skill. The more he wants to achieve the strongest wish in his heart, the stronger the Devil King is. The form of the devil is the strongest symbol in the player's heart to participate in the battle. There is no cooling. It is used six times. After use, the skills disappear.

I go! What skills! There is also a limit on the number of uses. What is the so-called strongest symbol in the heart? After calculating this skill with a maximum number of times, even if you want to try it, you dare not try it.

After the level is done, go offline, wash your face and see that the MMs should all be taking a bath at the moment, and I first look at the forum on the homepage. At this moment, I saw posts one by one. In addition, battlefield reporters are broadcasting the battle in real time. Among the various details, I saw a very interesting post-[Invincible high-tech troops, the enemy forces swept the audience! 】

Details: One hour ago, the Expeditionary Force sent a report of the battle. When the Expeditionary Force was constrained by the opposing war machine's inability to advance, after the suggestions of the people, they had endured the beast **** for a long time, and finally sacrificed their super NPC troops. This army can be called the strongest unit. A group of alien troops came from another world. During the battle, the beast **** sent a leaping prism, five reconnaissance aircraft, 250 hunters, 50 The mechanical sentry, fifteen immortals is equivalent to about 80% of the total strength of the resident. It broke through the opposing side's array and destroyed more than 500 sorties of the enemy's war machinery as quickly as possible. The killing of the enemy was countless. Become famous in World War I. Let Dragonfang, the newly emerging guild, greatly hope to replace the old guilds such as Death and Scarlet as the new leader in China!

Although I do n’t know who wrote this, how does this guy know how many troops I sent, I have never counted the troops myself, but in the future, I will let them come out less, after all, low-key is the king.

Next, it was a report on Lingyun Pavilion. It was written that the soldiers of Lingyun Pavilion showed the style of our soldiers and learned the lessons of previous defeats to reorganize the military power. On the front line, confronting the enemy who is several times more than himself and eventually killing the enemy position, but he also lost everything, and no one retreats from beginning to end ...

There are still a lot of words that I have n’t watched yet. It ’s not because the MMs have finished washing and we are ready to celebrate the party.

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