Master Summoner Online

Chapter 811: Take your sister and brother to leveling

"Finally it's time to sleep!" After more than an hour of the celebration party, everyone also dispersed and went back to sleep.

On the second day, there was a class on this day. However, in order to celebrate the victory of the expedition, Zhao Bo generously let the day go, and the whole school classmates applauded.

In the morning, I actually washed my face and brushed my teeth for breakfast. After entering the game, it showed that I ran to my maple leaf station. The ore here was sold out. I quickly threw a lot of equipment from the expedition and harvested gold coins. My pockets were full. The bowl is full.

Immediately following the recruitment of system administrators, the boy did not know whether it was twenty-four online or what was going on. Anyway, it was on call. After changing three thousand gold coins into RMB, he took out the transmission crystal and sent it to the steel capital. Liang, everything around me, my steel capital has become more solemn and majestic, now it is a 7-level resident, the tall Tongtianzhu towers towering in the core area, the huge Protoss hub, and the crystals around it are full of light. The tower and the rebuilt house make this station full of extremely strong technological atmosphere.

In addition to the buildings, the city walls have been raised and extended a lot, and the area of ​​the entire Iron and Steel Capital has also been increased. A photon turret opened its eyes and slammed outsiders who dare to approach it to the slag, and a team of hunter sentinels Formed a patrol, is patrolling the city.

Due to the upgrade of the station and the station of level 7, I can further upgrade the mechanical research institute. At the eighth level, the machine platform has allowed me to produce colossus. Now I can produce gold beetles. This guy's firepower is very fierce, but its bullets are bought for money.

Looking at the branches of the technology tree, I can't build the Star Gate and the Fleet Beacon now. In addition, although the Literature Museum and the Dark Altar can be built, I can't produce electric soldiers (high-level templars) but can't produce hidden weapons. The sword (Dark Templar) building will only waste resources. In addition, no one has come to attack my premises until now, and it is best that no one comes to attack. Of course, some people come to attack. I welcome it. As long as I win the station, my experience will skyrocket. I can fight for war and I will never fear any opponent.


I walked around the steel capital, repaired the equipment, and checked my bank bills. I couldn't help but be taken aback. There were actually 20 million in the bank card! When do I have so much money? I do n’t need to think about it. I ’ve been poor for a lifetime. I still have money for my grandmother to have children. It ’s really hard to tell you who I raise. Actually, I have both. Want.

"Ding ~! Your friend Nirvana invited to call."

I was immediately connected and asked, "Why didn't you go to class today?"

Nirvana: "I took a leave of absence at home today, and my brother has four times the experience today. Let's go brush together!"

"Okay, where are you?"

"I buy things in the grocery store in Dragon City, Xicheng."

"I'll be right there. You'll wait for me at the east gate. I'll be here in a while."


Long Xin sent a message when she took out the transmission crystal and was ready to return to the dragon capital. There were four words in the message: "Take me to level", so I also told her to wait for me in the square.


Back to the long-lost city, but a group of people surrounded me just after I landed, apparently I have been directly recognized by many people-"Wow, isn't that beast god? My idol!"

"Beast God, I want to join your guild!"

"Finally, I finally saw it today. Since a MD summoner can be a second person, he is even more terrifying than a soldier !!"

Um, I found myself more famous than the previous champion, but a hand held me to take me out of the crowd. I saw this figure in a new red cloak. The photo immediately followed, and after grabbing my arm, the man quickly walked through the crowd that was going crazy.

It seems that we should be in the outer part of the crowd, and we quickly got out of the crowd. When we walked into one of the streets that radiated from the square, we rushed into the shadow of a house parked there.

"Brother, you are becoming more and more famous." The cap of the cape is taken off, revealing a familiar MM face, all over the country, the flowing long hair moves with the wind, the snowy face is beautiful and refined, she is my lovely Sister Long Xin.

I said, "Why are you wearing such a cape?"

"It's not because of the clothes you sent me, people wouldn't dare to go out without wearing capes." Long Xin muttered.

I couldn't help but grin a few times when I remembered the exposure of the piece of equipment: "Although my sister is so cute, if you don't like it, give it back to me."

"When did people say they don't like it, and how can they return the things they sent out?" Long Xin said, "Don't you go to pick up your little brother? Let's go and don't let the family wait."


But before I left, I had to do another thing. I used the mask on my face. I used to think that this skill was useless, but now it is totally okay. I quickly opened the identity editor to start the new identity setting.

The name is reset to be 'Dudu Dragon'. It's the same as 'Weiweilong', which is as scary as cartoon. The disguised occupation is the warrior. As for the rest, just fill it in randomly. Anyway, it is flickering.

After everything is done, go to the props store to give Tian Zhao and Hei Shen a set of cloaks like Long Xin. After all, they are already called my logo, and the dragon gun can be put away with a wish stick on it. With this body After dressing up, I felt really comfortable walking on the street.

After walking all the way to the East Gate, except for them, Nirvana will be found and the camouflage will be removed. Nirvana said happily: "Brother, let's go to that leveling."

Long Xin also took off the brim and said, "Yeah, brother, let's go to the high-level map. Today we have to enjoy it!"

"That's good." I said, "Let's go to the ashes!"

"Brother, Ashland's danger is second only to the dead domain where no one dares to set foot. Where should we go to find shit! Brother, I go to Stormwind Plain, where there are elites of 120 or 30 Strengthening monsters are great for upgrading! "Niedao.

I patted my breast and said, "No, let's go to the ashes, rest assured with your elder brother."

"Even if there is a brother, what are you afraid of, even if you hang up, you will lose a level, it will not really die." Long Xin said.

"It's true, some brothers are rest assured."

"Then let's go!"


The people first teleported to the nearest city to the ashes, the border town, this place is located on the west side of the ashes, belongs to the outermost fringe, and came to see the surrounding desert. In addition, the border town itself does not have a teleportation array. If it is not for us, we have a teleportation crystal. It is estimated that it will take two or three hours to come from the nearest system city with a teleportation system.

The violent sandstorm just visited this small city located at the junction of the desert and the Gobi, and once again covered a layer of yellow sand for the buildings in the city.

The streets of Border Town are very narrow, and there are a lot of shops on both sides. It can be seen that all are opened by players. This is the System City, and there is one of the most eye-catching leveling areas in the ashes. Naturally make money, but most of the players will hire some NPC guys who are not dumb and have a smile on their faces forever.

Generally speaking, leveling players are the main force of shop consumption, and what they need to buy is nothing more than food and beverages, pharmaceuticals and other supplies. So many shops are inevitably of the same type, so competition has arisen. Here, I yelled at a certain strong restorer, buy 8 get 1 free, buy 10 get 2 free, and then hang a sign over there saying that all the medicines are 10% off, etc., this scenario of promotion means is definitely seen in the main city of the system Less than.

Without these complicated system rules, I am afraid that it is one of the reasons why players like to open stores in some remote areas and cities.

Lei Jingtian casually entered a weapon shop and took a look. The shop owner was an expert player in the ammunition department and greeted him very warmly.

After crossing the bustling street, the small square in the center of the city is in front of it. There is an open-air bazaar. Many players put their own equipment or materials on special booth carpets for selection.

The popularity of the small square is undoubtedly the most prosperous. Many players who like Taobao walk through various stalls to choose their favorite things, and bargaining voices come and go, especially some female players are extremely sharp-spoken, picking the shortcomings of items as if they were putting machine guns. Just as sharp.

After entering this lively and extremely square, we officially entered the ashes, of course, only the outer area. The outer area is a large desert. It didn't take long for Long Xin to point his finger to the front and said, "Brother, look, there is a monster there. Sun! "

I immediately looked in the direction of Long Xin, and saw a burly lizard lying on a large rock, lazily basking in the sky the next day's sunlight.

"I'll deal with it, you try to protect yourself." After that, Ruyi stick replaced the dragon gun to launch a sneak attack from the flank!

The announcement of lightning and the breaking of the barriers whistled at the same time!

The laziness of the lizard jumped out of the body without hitting the number of injuries --- 17832—17832—25283 The lightning declaration triggered the assault. The lizard was dropped by me from the rock, and it stood up again, that The brown eyes glowed fiercely, and then howled and rushed over. This giant lizard is just a level 120 ordinary monster, which belongs to the lowest level monster in the ashes. It can't stop playing in my hand, and soon gets angry. The blood was about to bottom out, and finally kicked it to death.

After walking a few meters around, you can see such a dragon lying on the rocks and basking in the sun. After we saw it, we came forward and attacked, but some of these dragons were also sensitive. When they saw us approaching, they turned their heads immediately. Of course, there are also rushed up regardless of body.


So, along the way, I picked the girders alone in front of me, Nirvana and Long Xin paddled all the way, killing dragons and other desert corpses, coins and messy garbage equipment exploded.

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