Master Summoner Online

Chapter 813: Exercise after meals

Go offline, wore a jacket, and went out, but other MMs are still struggling to come forward. After all, such things as four times the experience burst rate are not something that happens every day.


After going around a few bends, when I arrived at the girl's dormitory, I found that Long Xin was wearing a white school uniform. Since the school ’s white school uniform was standing there, the girl ’s school uniform could be trousers instead of skirts. Long and slender beauty-legs, plus temperament and looks, Long Xin and Xiaoguang are the fairies of the country and the people, but I found that she was wearing not ordinary shoes on her feet but a pair of high-heeled shoes "Long Xin!" Long Xin shouted at the station. Long Xin immediately turned her head and waved at me: "Brother." She ran over, but she didn't seem to be used to the heels of the high heels.

I walked by and said, "Why high heels, how inconvenient is walking?"

Long Xin said, "This shoe is from Yueyue. She said it was too small for me."

Long Xin looked at me, and a pair of beautiful eyes looked and smiled: "Brother, do you think I look good in high heels?"

"It looks good, of course it looks good, my sister looks good in everything." I laughed.

"Isn't it better to wear it?" Long Xin laughed. "Well ... we! We're going to eat early and I'm hungry." She was almost led into the ditch.

Long Xin backed his hands to his head and said, "It's so easy to be separated by generations, brother, you are really a bloody, simple big stupid dragon!"

"Well, if you say anything else, I'll leave by myself." Taking a few steps forward.

"Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo out of my life, my brother is waiting for me." He said after catching up and holding my arm.


The cafeteria where the two of us came was the meal at this moment, but at this time it was not overcrowded as before, because everyone was busy leveling and brushing experience. What to eat was either takeaway or downstairs to buy instant noodles.

I said, "What are you going to eat?"

"I want to eat a casserole."

I nodded and shouted, "The boss has two bowls of casserole."

When I waited for the casserole, I started to talk. I asked, "Why are you wearing school uniforms without Long Xin today?"

Long Xin said: "The clothes were washed off. No clothes were worn."

"You remember a lot of clothes," asked.

"Please, it's rare, don't you know that every girl thinks that she has one less dress in the closet?" Long Xin held her head with her hands and said, "Brother, let's go shopping this weekend."

"Don't be troublesome." I said with a glance of my head.

Long Xin muttered, "Bad brother."

Then he pretended to be pitiful, saying, "Brother, will you go with me? Would you please let your lovely sister take me alone on the street? What if you meet a bad person?"

I said, "How many bad people."

"Woo! Woo! Woo! Brother is so cruel! Brother is a demon!" Long Xin immediately changed from Chu Chu poor to tears.

"Eh! It ’s not what you think! I can go with you, but I will ask for chapter three of the law." I was the one who couldn't stop Aya's tears offensively. I had no other way but to surrender.

"Okay, then I'll listen to you, brother."

"It's pretty much the same."

The casserole was delivered during the conversation, and the two of us started enjoying it.

Long Xin used a spoon to pick a spoonful of soup and laughed, "Brother, in fact, I found that your backpack seems to be very large. Today we hit so many things, my backpack is full, you can pack Get it. "

"That's it." I nodded and smiled. "I used the Dimension Pack. I bought it at Nine Dragons with a capacity of 10,000 spaces and ignored the weight."


Long Xin opened his mouth wide and looked at me in amazement: "No kidding? Ten thousand spaces, too exaggerated. The backpack sold in the main city of the system is only two hundred grids. You are almost 50 times it. So I want a good backpack, so do I. "

"Okay, no problem." I smiled. "Go back online and go back to the blacksmith's shop in Wulong City to buy."

"Well." Long Xin asked again, "Brother, shall I go to sleep with you at night?"

"What do you do when you go to me?"

Long Xin said, "The one on our floor is Xiao Ai. Don't be afraid."

"okay then."


After chatting and eating After eating the casserole, I sighed and stood up to pack dinner for the MMs. After packing, I said, "Let's go."


The two stood up and prepared to leave in unison. At this moment, in the hazy night, I saw a lot of turbulent figures in the shadow of the building not far away yelling, "Shit, Lao Tzu Fei You must not teach. "

I laughed: "It looks like someone is fighting, let's see how it goes?"

Long Xin said, "Brother, don't worry about your business, let the school guards deal with it, let's go now." Long Xin's voice didn't fall, and a man suddenly ran out in the shadow of the building not far away. The man stumbled and ran a few steps and fell to the ground.

"MD, where are you going!"

Soon, a group of people came to our eyes. They were all a group of young and foolish people. The first person was familiar, as if they had seen it before. This group of about seven or eight people. The leading guy suddenly looked up and stared at us fiercely, and shouted, "Fuck! Since it's you, we finally met again ..."

I couldn't help but feel shocked, MD, who is this product? But there is no doubt that we are being followed. This group of people promises that they will not let me leave easily.

The goods looked resentful and angry: "Brothers, this guy has learned enough, now we can learn another!"

Long Xin whispered, "Brother, who have you messed up with again."

"What is it?" I was extremely speechless. I have never been in trouble again since I graduated from high school. In addition, I do n’t know who this product is. It is only because they provoked me.

The group of people facing each other rubbed their hands together and glanced at Long Xin who said, "Boy, now you have two choices. The first choice is to apologize to Lao Tzu for kneeling up, and to call the beautiful woman behind you. , The second choice is the same as this guy !!! "He pointed to a classmate who had been beaten as a pig.

"When did we see it last time?" I scratched my head and said, "But if you want to fight? Come on, I haven't fight in a long time, my hands are very itchy!" He raised his **** and ticked.

Provocative by me, this group of people was full of anger, and one of them had a bad temper: "Do you believe it or not, I will make you regret it!"

"Hold it for me." Passing the box lunch to Long Xin, I laughed: "Come, who will regret it later?"

The leader sneered sneer: "Come on!"

With that said, the bad-tempered rushed over for the first time, and the right hand fisted into the air. The target reached my chest, and Long Xin immediately understood what was going to happen next and pulled back the box lunch.


The fist stayed in the air. When I grabbed his fist in one hand and the other in the other's arm, the whole man rushed forward. The person failed to react, and I was pushed hard and smashed into the back. Above the tree!

"Ah ..."

After a humming slam, he slammed the guy's abdomen with his knee, and his mouth widened and drooled out. When I let go, the man lay on the ground.

On the other side of the turn, several students stepped back two or three steps, and I whispered, "Come on, hurry up! Let me do some good exercise after cooking."

"Don't be too arrogant!"


A dark thing rushed to my face and hit me on the forehead. "Pain." Going down, I saw a large slab of brick, and at the same time, I saw red blood on it, and I touched the blood on my head. .

"You will regret this."

After rushing forward, he rushed forward, raised his arm, "snapped" and "ah" twice, ran to the man who lost the brick, grabbed his wrist with one hand, and the next moment came the bone pain, at this moment another person picked up Two stones on the ground were thrown at me. Immediately after I blocked the two stones with the maggot in my hand as a shield, I threw him to the side. The guy who came in a stride was a kick in front of me. The guy kept going backwards for several steps and knelt down on his stomach.

While kicking him, he turned around and waved a punch, and fell on the face of another classmate. He suddenly hit him with two lines of nosebleeds, then fell down, turned his head and looked at the others who were still standing, and picked it up. A piece of slab brick, pinch it firmly and then open your hand to pull the rubble loosely from the palm of your hand.

Just then five school guard classmates flew over holding plastic batons and shouting, "Some of you, don't fight, don't fight ..."

"No! School guards! Run away!" Some people responded that others saw him running and immediately followed his legs and ran, but the school guards were not vegetarian, and these students were run short by them. In addition to the second capture, take off the security section and educate.

"Hey, go with us to the security section." A school guard student yelled with a slap on my shoulder.

At this moment, I turned my head and stared at him fiercely, and saw that the man suddenly shuddered, and I trembled in front of him with my five fingers spreading out, "You're fine."

The man shook his body and said, "You ... your eyes."

I rubbed my eyes and said, "It's a little bit of sand. What's wrong?"

After looking at my face for ten seconds, "how are your eyes round?"

I was asked with a mist of water: "It's rare that your eyes are not round and square."

"Um, I'm not talking about this. I want to say ..." This guy seems to have something to say, but this time another school guard student shouted, "Hey, Chen Xing, why don't you just walk away."

"Oh, come on." The man looked at me a little bit reluctantly, then turned around and walked away as he stroked his head, "It was a rare illusion just now."

After watching these people leave, Long Xin leaned over and handed me a napkin and said, "Brother, are you okay?"

I took a napkin and wiped the blood off my head and said, "I'm fine. Does that dear look like something?"

"Then what do we do?"

I picked up the man who fell to the ground and said, "Throw to the infirmary, you can't leave him here."


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