Master Summoner Online

Chapter 814: Football match

Go back to the dormitory and yell, "Beauties! Come out for dinner!"

"Papapa!" The fans opened, and MM swarmed to pick up the box lunch from me, and then went back to continue their struggle.

After sending the boxed lunch, I walked into my room to the bedside, Long Xin held my arm, and mysteriously said in my ear, "My brother's family is still very young! You have to lighten others."

"Shoot." I slapped my palm on her head, Long Xin murmured holding her head: "Woohoo, people are joking."

I don't know what's in her head! I ca n’t be my sister anyway ... No, I ca n’t have any strange feelings about Long Xin at all! She's my sister!

Long Xin went to the bathroom to wash first. I went to the official website to browse. After she finished washing, I went to take a bath. After I came out, Long Xin had climbed up to my bed and I blew my hair up. Long Xin obediently lay beside me. That way, it's like a well-behaved pet.

"How? Are you accustomed? Just say something if you are not comfortable!" I asked softly, worried about whether Long Xin was used to his bed.

"Yes! No problem, very comfortable. Brother, your bed is much more comfortable than mine. Brother, I will come to sleep with you every day!" Said Long Xin lying beside him.

"It's good if you like it, let's go to bed! I remember tomorrow there will be a lecture on what is called a national animal (professor)." Gently stroked Long Xin's long, supple hair and closed it. Eyes, began to slowly fall into dreamland.

On the next day, I will listen to this national class animal called a professor in a multimedia classroom. This professor is a middle-aged man. This product is called a national first-class teacher, but his Mandarin is mixed with some In local dialects, sometimes he speaks mostly incomprehensible than English. It's depressing.

After a morning depression, a student who was just out of the multimedia classroom suddenly took out a letter and said, "I am the class leader of class three, Li Tianhan, beast god, do you have the courage to accept our challenge." Pass it to me and see the words "Challenge Book" written on it.

I said, "How do you challenge the law?"

The student hugged his chest with both hands and said: "Of course, it's not the PK Second World. No one is your opponent here. Our class will challenge you to play football. I wonder if you dare to fight."

I took a look at the challenge book and turned around: "Brothers in Class 11, will play football and stand up."

"I come."

"Count me in."

Soon a group of classmates who liked or could play football stood out. Li Tianhan nodded and said, "Okay, we will see you at the mountain track and field at 3 pm."

"it is good."

After bidding farewell to the third class, everyone went to eat first and then returned to the dormitory for a while to rest. The male students in the class accepted the challenge of the third class and went to play a football game. When it comes to football, think about our national football team. Although we have played well for so long, we still can only mingle in the Asian circle. When we go out of Asia, people ca n’t find the North, but now this generation is lighter. People still have a strong desire to hope that the country's football will one day truly break out of Asia and become the world's strongest team.

It doesn't matter to me what they play. We just have to kick ourselves. I have 13 boys in this class, but there are still a lot of people who like them and they like Xueyue. , MM such as Yun Lan cheerleader team can not watch the game to see the beauty always.

Everyone came to the mountain track and field after school. At this time, the classmates who had worked hard at the level, came here to relax and relax in running, high jump, long jump and other sports. There was already a pair of men and women waiting on the football field of the track and field center.

Li Tianhan watched a group of us arrive and said, "Beast God, I would like to see if your ball is as powerful as your operation today."

Ye Shuang stood up and said, "Brothers will rely on you again."

I patted my chest and said, "Leave it to me."

Li Tianhan laughed: "Oh, Brother Beast sees you so confident, you are a forward or a defender outside the game."

I laughed: "Neither."

"That's either the center or the free man."

I shook my finger and said, "Neither."

"what is that?"

I laughed: "Goalkeeper."

"Ah!" Aside from Ye Shuang's positions, the group around them was surprised. I said, "What surprises the goalkeeper?"

Li Tianhan shook his head and smiled: "Nothing has its own strengths. I found a teacher to be a referee but he hasn't arrived yet. Let's do a variety of warm-up exercises to ease it."

"it is good."

Next we do warm-up exercises separately, but to be honest, I have n’t kept the goal for a long time. I do n’t know if I can keep it perfectly. I will ask everyone to come and practice. The direct shots can be caught very easily.

After a warm-up, a big man came over. This person was not someone else who was the substitute physical education teacher, Cheng Qijie, Cheng Cheng.

Li Tianhan said: "Teacher Cheng will take care of you."


I called my classmates together and said, "We will have a match against three classmates in a while. Do you have any confidence?"

"Yes!" Everyone is fighting with confidence.

Then a classmate came over and said, "The position of the goalkeeper of the beast **** is actually not very good."

I glanced at him and asked, "Why not?"

Ye Shuang came and hugged his shoulder and said, "Don't worry, there is nothing terrible for you, my brother, and this substitute is on the side, and you can change him when my brother is tired." It turned out to be a substitute.

After getting the members on and off the field, we came on and said that the goalkeeper position really did n’t have a lot of people to love. The goalkeeper was a very boring position in a football game. The audience or teammates on the field scolded.

Everyone takes their place on the field. The 11th and 3rd football friendly matches will begin.

The game is about to start. At this time, there are many boys and girls who have gathered around the football field. Someone probably released the news and played a confrontation match. So soon the cheering team came to help.

Although I used to play in junior high school and high school before, I still felt a little bit frustrated. I was worried that the burden on my body was a little bit worried and I was a little apprehensive. There is no need to disturb yourself for such things.

At the moment, a guard classmate was also disturbed, and another said to him: "It's okay, don't worry, it's just a small competition, it's not a big game, it's okay to lose!"

I said, "Yes, don't be afraid. I have Lao Tzu to guard this door to see who can break through Lao Tzu's five-finger level. You can charge as much as you like!"

Ye Shuang, the center, laughed, "Yeah, that's the kind of psychology, that is, to have such self-confidence and fear him a bird! Let them know that we are also very strong in addition to games and sports."

There is still one minute left at the start of the game. I looked at the cheerleaders on the sidelines, and besides our class cheerleaders, in addition to the classmates, there are also student union MMs. The cheerleaders in the third class are obviously a little higher than them. There should be nearly a hundred people after doing the calculation. In addition, the number of women is not a teenage girl. Although there are many, the quality is still better than us. After all, the student congregation MM has an overwhelming advantage in both appearance and temperament.

With the call of the referee teacher Cheng, a whistle officially started. For a while, the cheering teams on both sides also started to be more vigorous.

"11 classes come down three classes! We are the best in the game or football class."

"Brothers in the third class, cheer up! Give the 11th class a little color!"

"Rush! Come on! Let the 11th class know that the third-ball skills are invincible."

"The 11th class will win! The third class will be defeated!"

The third group of people called Tinghuan, but the strength is very strong. When they came up, they violently attacked them. Maybe they cooperated a lot. They passed the ball very fast and were very familiar with each other. They could call their teammates' names. And a few people are very good at their ball skills. From the overall strength, they are better than our team. Obviously, the long-established veterans only opened in the first six minutes. A long-pass football from the other side crossed the midfield and jumped high above the heads of the people. They fell into the frontcourt, and three teams of one team skillfully took the football that fell from high altitude forward , But at the same time Xiaoxi stepped forward and entangled, and successfully grabbed the ball, but did not take two steps forward. Suddenly, one person cut the ball again with a sliding tackle from the side.

At the same time, another classmate of our class came forward, but the opponent made a fake move to bypass the ball forward. This person rushed left and right in the crowd. This person was the Li Tianhan who issued the challenge book. This person flew all the way. The surrounding students couldn't stop it at all, and the cheering squad of class three came with a loud shout.

"Come on! Breakthrough! Breakthrough!"

"Li Tianhan, you are so handsome!"

"Hurry up! Break the door! Shoot through it!"


The sound of shouting came and went so much.

This cargo took a fake action with the ball and the right foot kicked the football across a defensive player. After a set of tricks, he took the football into the goal area and took the ball. It is less than ten meters in front of the goal.

The surrounding cheerleaders screamed loudly in anticipation of his goal, but I didn't plan to let him break the goal either. I stared at the ball under his feet, and saw the direction of the football as soon as the ball left his foot The brain responded to the body moving to the left in an instant, adjusted the position with both hands, and the eyes tracked the ball's trajectory very clearly. I was not afraid of this tricky shot.

The position of the high shot football was the upper left corner of the goal behind me. After pinpointing the position, I leaped hard and reached out with both hands to successfully receive the football. Then landed.

One second after receiving the ball, a roar like a roar and a sharp whistle erupted outside the field. This roar is exactly the cheerleaders of our class.

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