Master Summoner Online

Chapter 816: Holy Dragon Flare Set

After the banquet, each returned to the dormitory, put on a helmet and went to my station to go around, but at this time-"Ding ~! Your friend‘ Lonely singing ’, request a call ~!”

Click OK to send the call request. After a few seconds, the other party responded-"Lonely beauty is so late, what's the matter?"

"Weiweilong, there is one thing, I don't know if you are interested."

"Oh? Let's go! What?"

"Where do you live now?"

"Where are you at my station?"

"I'm also at my station. You haven't answered my question yet."

"You don't tell me anything and how do I answer?"

"You didn't know when you came to Hero City, and I promise you will definitely be interested in it."

"So mysterious?" His eyes turned, "OK, I'll come."

Tell the matter to Tasada, who will never get tired of working, and then take out the teleport crystal to the city of heroes.


I rushed to her hind foot and quickly sent a message: "Is the handsome guy in the territory?"

"Well, outside your square."

"Okay, I'll be right here!"


I went to a place not far from the square to find a place to sit down and wait. Soon after, a high-level female mage came over wearing a body that perfectly set off her figure, and it turned out that she was singing lonely, with the Guild floating on her shoulders. Lonely sat opposite me singing.

I laughed: "I don't know what the lonely beauties say I'm absolutely interested in?"

"Oh, that's it!" He said that he had taken a very expensive little box from his backpack. The small box was wrapped with nylon cloth, which is obviously a very precious value for the small box.

Lonely sings: "Look, if you don't mind, you are not a summoner."

"What a wow." With infinite reverie and curiosity, I unwrapped the cloth, opened the small box, and found that there was a golden cloth in the box, and when I opened it, I saw a scroll. The scroll, when seen at the beginning, is marked with a few dark gold characters, and the top is "Holy Dragon Yao suit"

Suit? Could it be that the design drawing of the summoner's suit was unsuccessful, so the next step is to look at the densely packed small prints, telling the introduction of the "Sacred Dragon Yao suit".

The above wrote: In an era far more distant than the current civilization, in an era called Titan civilization known as the super-ancient, humans lived a very different life now than usual. At that time, humans depended on the scientific and technological strength of the Titan civilization. Opening up the wilderness, the sea, the sky, and even the unknown outer space, the intelligent human beings rely on such technological strength to continuously create more and more powerful and increasingly scary equipment, so that human beings have the terrorist ability that can rival the gods. Humans equipped with various high-tech suits have the power to compete with the gods, which eventually leads to humans being proud and disrespectful.

Then a war that led to the demise of civilization began. This battle lasted for seven hundred years. In the end, the Titan civilization overwhelmed the gods and almost reached the brink of extinction. After this war of man and god, 100,000 humans survived. The development of the year created the current civilization. Until one day, one of the most outstanding summoners was considered a true beast **** by future generations. By chance, he obtained a high-tech suit. Do your best in your life, use the power of the five elements and the power of the four elements, and use this set as the core to create this set of Holy Dragon Yao suit. This is the last and only set of equipment that inherits the ancient civilization. A series of chaotic scenes appeared in the world, and this movement naturally attracted the attention of the gods. The gods tried to destroy this last super-ancient civilization three or five times, but of course the true beast **** could not bear the defiance of the gods. He relied on With this set of equipment and his summoned beast, he went into the world of God with a single gun, and one person overturned the Pantheon and killed seven of the strongest nine-pillar ancestors at the time. He eventually died because of exhaustion. Prior to his death will be equipped with eight members split into every corner and other parts falling on the continent.

I saw these myth-like introductions, could not help but hold back some of the strongest equipment of the summoner? How powerful is it really? The true beast **** relied on this suit to come to a "big trouble". I really do n’t know that in this era, the beast **** can not only kill God but kill the Buddha. At least he should be able to play on the player. Let's go sideways.

Continue to look down, below is the detailed information that introduces the eight-piece suit.

The first "Sacred Dragon Yao-Longhui Head" is hidden in the Ash Mountain, but the most important dragon heart stone is unknown. If you get the dragon heart stone, you can take any ten pieces of platinum equipment and the Holy Dragon Yao helmet Just rebuild it together.

The second piece, "Sacred Dragon Yao-Long Hui Jia", is said to have been sealed somewhere among the 100,000 mountains.

The third piece, "Sacred Dragon Yao-Longhui Claw", is hidden on top of the Snow Dragon.

When I saw the first three, I was shocked. The first one of these three places is the mountain peak in the hinterland of the ashes, if I guessed correctly, the second one is in the 100,000 mountain. You must know the 100,000 mountain It is a mountain range in the Russian game area. If you want to find it, you must go abroad. Moreover, it says that somewhere, the 100,000 Great Mountain is a mountain larger than the Snow Dragon Mountain. The top of the Snow Dragon said on the third glove is the highest place in the Snow Dragon Mountains, which is called the Dragon Peak. That ’s where I go to find equipment. It ’s still a problem.

The position of the first three pieces is already so fucked. I do n’t know what will happen next. Let ’s look at the fourth piece is “Sacred Dragon Yao-Long Hui armor”. Inside, I now want to find a piece of tofu and hit me, I rely! The sea of ​​taboos, the largest of the five oceans. Finding equipment in the sea is not what a haystack is, and there are a few simple red lines on it that seem to indicate the direction, but I have never seen specific terrain. .

The fifth piece, "Sacred Dragon Yao-Longhui Lock", is located in the ice area. For details, you can ask the owner of the Arctic Ice Palace. This piece of equipment is quite dramatic.

The sixth "Sacred Dragon Yao-Longhui Robe" is said to have been obtained by a certain Dragon King. Ask the real red-eyed black dragon tomorrow to see if it knows.

The seventh "Sacred Dragon Yao-Long Hui Lu" was obtained by an abyss monarch. Someone? !! Please, the Lord of the Abyss, I can't bother that.

The eighth "Sacred Dragon Yao-Longhui Bracelet" is also located in a mysterious ruin under the sea of ​​taboos.

After watching it, Lonely sang and laughed, "How do you want it?"

I laughed: "Of course, where else did you get this thing?"

"This!" Lonely was singing: "In the morning, we opened the Ice and Snow Temple. There were two boxes in the last layer of BOSS. One of them opened this, because the summoner's suit was recorded on it. So I came to find you. In addition, this set is at least platinum equipment! "

Platinum suit, I can't help but smile: "OK, I can't take the lonely beauties for nothing, the price is really hard to say if I sell it, it's better for me to change things."

"So what do you want to change?"

"Wait for me." After that, he quickly teleported back and took out five Abyss chalcedony from the warehouse and returned to the Hero City: "Let you wait a long time, where should I change this?"

Lonely was singing and picked up an abyss chalcedony and looked at it with a smile: "You are really good, but I still feel that I have suffered."

"I changed what I wanted, as long as I took it out." I said.

"That's good." Lonely sang, "How about using these five Abyss chalcedony and some resources?"

I said, "Okay, what resources do you want?"

Lonely sang, "What about ten thousand units each of wood and stone, and one thousand units each of gems, mercury, and sulfur?"

"You rob!" I yelled.

Lonely sang, "Never mind, you don't need me, but I can still hold an armed butterfly dance cloud tears."

"Don't. I didn't say I don't want to." I said, "But this thing requires too much, even if there are 10,000 units of wood and stone, it doesn't matter to you, but you have to take out a thousand units of gems and mercury at once I really take it out. "

"Then how much do you say?"

"Up to a hundred," I said.

Lonely sings and laughs: "One hundred units of your territory has only been open until now. Who can believe this resource?"

"So, how about 800?"

"No, it's still too much."

"Just for our sincere affection, 500 units of resources, one price, don't reject me anymore."

I said, "If you want to add something, I'll give it to you."

"Add what?"

I said, "One thousand units of steel and three hundred units of crystal."

Lonely twitched a few times, "You are worse than me."

I laughed: "It should."

"That's fine." Lonely sings, "You take this thing, I will take your deposit from the Celestial Chalcedony. I will take my resources tomorrow, and you will find time to bring them over. . "


After leaving the Hero City, I returned to the Iron and Steel City to explain to Tassada and went offline. I quickly dialed Ye Shuang's phone line-"What are you doing?"

"Take a plane." It was right to say.

"..." I said, "I want to tell you something now!"

"what's up?"

"You will rush back to my dormitory as soon as school ends tomorrow. I have ordered Tasada to load 10,000 units of wood and stone and 500 other various resources."

"Brother, are you moving?"

"No, these things are all sent to Hero City to get through the city of God Hidden. In addition, you are calling for 3,000 armored Raptor Cavalry and 10,000 ordinary Raptor Cavalry and Protoss troops. They have been sent to the convoy. I'll just hit you! Repeat now. "

"Yes! If you go wrong, you'll hit me."

"Okay, keep fighting!"


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