Master Summoner Online

Chapter 817: Holy Dragon-Dragon's Robe

After the class the next day, Ye Shuang and others opened the **** resources. I took out the teleport crystal and went to the real red-eyed black dragon to ask about the Holy Dragon Yao suit!


The light flickered, and among the dragons filled with gold and silver jewels, carrying the dragon gun and Ruyi stick, followed by beautiful beautician bodyguards around, strode over meteors!

At this moment I see that the real red-eyed black dragon is not as lazy as it used to be, but it is still lying on Baoshan, and it is still digging for booger, a claw sticks into the nostril that is a section higher than me, and pounds it. Ten seconds later, the paw pulled outwards and it looked like a lot of effort to pull out a piece of booger that was bigger than the ostrich egg. After finishing it, instead of wiping it off with a tissue, it bounced vigorously towards the other side!


A sound like an explosion sounded, and a hole suddenly appeared on the wall behind the open space not far away, and there was a billowing smoke in the hole, which made people scared.

He exhaled greatly from his nostrils and said, "Oh, here you are ..."

"Yeah, I'm here!" I laughed, twitching at the corner of my mouth.

True red-eyed black dragon stared at me with his eyes redder than blood, and said, "Little devil, you have become a little bit more than I saw you on the spot, it's not bad, keep working hard."

I laughed and said, "Yeah! Hehe!"

"True red-eyed black dragon, I have something to ask you." Asked.

"Ask me?" True red-eyed black dragon said: "Okay, I have something to find you anyway."

I asked, "What is it?"

Really red-eyed black dragon said: "Your main city of **** is going to die."

"What ?!" I was shocked: "How could the dragon capital fall? How could that Ziyan Emperor come to attack so soon?"

The real red-eyed black dragon smiled and said, "Yes, your **** main city is just a matter of time, no matter how strong and strong the walls are.

I asked, "Is there any way to avoid that?"

"Yes, as long as you go and kill that Ziyan Emperor." Zhenhong said with a real eye.

I twitched at the corner of my mouth: "You are too simple."

"My words are over, what's your question, kid?"

I said, "Do you know the Dragon Lord of the Dragon Lord in the Saint Dragon Lord suit-which Dragon King got the robe?"

"Did you mean this?" After talking about the paw reaching into Baoshan below him and exploring it, he took out a blue-looking, mechanical look and took it to me: "Hold it."

I took a look at this pale blue undergarment, and the equipment attributes immediately made me startled-Holy Dragon Long Yao-Longhui Robe Grade: Cambrian.

Defense +4400, Strength Specialization +100, Dexterity Specialization +100, Blood +100, 000, Magic +100, 000, increase the attack power of the summoned beast by 70%, and increase the defense power of the user by 20%. The attack of the summon beast will ignore the target 50% defense (half player and boss).

100% of the attack of the summoned beast and the player must be hit, and will not be avoided due to any conditions.

Summoning beast death and sleeping time reduced by 75%. Summoner doubles all effects.

Special Attribute: When summoning beast attacks, there is a certain chance to trigger 20 times attack damage (invalid in PK field)

Additional Skills (Passive): Spiritual coercion. All summoned beasts gain mental coercion. The attributes of nearby opponents are lower than those of their own masters by 30% (3% in the PK field).

Additional Skills (1): Contract Summon: Silver Fire Dragon, consumes 5000 magic, summon Silver Fire Dragon to assist in battle, Silver Fire Dragon exists for 100 seconds, and cools down for 5 hours.

Additional Skills (2): Contract Summon: Golden Fire Dragon, consumes 5000 mana, summons Golden Fire Dragon to assist in battle, Golden Fire Dragon exists for 100 seconds, and cools down for 5 hours.

Additional Skills (3): Forbidden and Endless Killing, consumes 20,000 mana, summons 4 Endless Blades of War God to set off the Endless Killing, and give powerful firepower to kill the Quartet. If you release the movement, you can follow the movement. Cool for 12 hours.

Special Effects: Limit Break Triggers can ignore level restrictions.

Requires level: 200, special for the summoner class, one of the Holy Dragon Yao suits.

I looked at the silence for a long time, and after a long time, really red-eyed black dragon: "Did you watch it? Give it back to me after watching it!" He stretched out his big paw as big as the hill.

My palms trembled, I really could n’t bear it. I never expected that this thing would be so good. Although I do n’t know what the concept of high-grade cambria is, I promise that it is absolutely superb equipment even in the late game. Amazing, if you can wear such a piece of equipment, even if you don't wear the rest, it will definitely be too strong! And the 100% must be medium effect, which is very bad. With such equipment, even if the other side avoids the high will not be missed, of course, dodge with the player's pk and can not break the defense is another matter.

The real red-eyed black dragon retrieved the equipment and stuffed it into countless treasures. I said, "I didn't expect that this thing is really here for you."

True red-eyed black dragon squinted his eyes and said, "How do I listen to you? There is something in it."

"That ..." I haven't spoken. The real red-eyed black dragon interrupted my words immediately: "Needless to say, I know what you think in your heart, you want to be right. You are adventurous." nod.

"But I don't give it," said the really red-eyed black dragon, raising a finger and shaking it.

I smiled bitterly: "That's natural, if you give it, there's a ghost."

"You devil, what else do you have to ask."

I said, "You're here."

The real red-eyed black dragon laughed: "This is what I snatched from the blue-eyed white dragon's mixed ball. I fought with it for 300 days for this thing, but the situation changed, and the sky broke. Do you want to hear the process?"

I shook my head: "No need."

"I want to ask again, what grade is Cambria, which is rarely higher than platinum?" I asked.

"That's natural." True red-eyed black dragon said: "So let's say that equipment is divided into three levels."

"Which third-class?"

The true red-eyed black dragon began to explain: "The first order is pure white, light blue, red, purple gold, turquoise, silver, golden, orange, dark gold, platinum, and platinum. The first level is the most common grade, followed by the second level: vermilion, jade green, ice blue, and ink black. Of course, this is how you distinguish humans. They have their own names, ancient, inheritance, cambria, Epic, this is the second level, also known as the highest level, and it is almost a top-level equipment. The third level is called the independent level: spirit, heaven, earth, fairy, holy, and Artifacts are called independent because they are not separated from each other. Each of them is independent. It may be a weapon or armor or a prop, and they can only fall from a specific life body. Or you can get an item through countless refining, and the other is born of heaven and earth. It is more difficult to find than the first two orders. Understand? "

I said, "Probably understand. So what is the breakthrough?"

The True Red Eyed Black Dragon did not answer my question but instead asked: "Do you know what a power barrier is?"

"This ... is the one who breaks through his own limits and gains power, doesn't it?" I said.

"That's it, but not all of it?"


"So tell you, breaking through the 'barrier of strength' does not break the end of the limit, it is just halfway!"

"What!" Startled.

"The power obtained far beyond the barrier of power. The evolution of this power only occurs when it is in crisis. That is, the power to break the limit. This is the" breakthrough of the limit! "Real Red Eyed Black Dragon laughed:" By the way Good news for you, if you can break the limit, how about I borrow this equipment for a while? "

This sentence made me overjoyed: "Are you serious?"

True red-eyed black dragon said: "The gentleman said a word! Hurry up with a horse! A spittle and a nail."

"Okay, let's say so." I said, "One more thing, where is Arad?"

"It should be the largest bar in West Street. If you have any questions, go to it."

"Okay, let me say goodbye, and I will come to you after I‘ break the limit ’on that day. Do n’t be too bad about it!”

"You treat me as you human, there is a set behind your mouth." True red-eyed black dragon.

I smiled and took out the teleportation Crystal Flash.

Back to Panlong City, West Street with beautiful bodyguards, I found that there are far more than one bar in West Street, but there are four or five. However, this does not mean that the biggest red bar nearby is really hard to say. Find. As long as you see which family has the most, the noise is the loudest. The person who was thrown out was the most frequent, and that was the destination this time, but now I don't see the performance of throwing people and it's not just people.

I pushed open the door of the bar on the far right. This bar has more floor space and headcount than other bars.

After opening the door, there was a louder noise than there was outside listening, some were fighting, some were boxing, and there were wrench wrists. Basically, this is the world of men. Of course, women are not absent, just too few.

The moment I opened the door. The blockbuster eyes hit me.

"His prince! Would you like to have a drink?" A wolf orc held a glass of wine and issued my invitation.

"Hahaha, don't listen to the old wolf. Let's have a drink. In addition, I'm looking for some beautiful and charming little sisters of the fairy prince to give you cheerfulness, how about it, consider it." Kicked away is a demon with his hand raised his glass and holding a female ghost in one hand.

"Do n’t talk nonsense! What little sister do you think I do n’t know about your demon girls? Last month we were a magician in our team but they were ten pounds thin when they went to bed overnight. It became ribs! "While the wolf orc stood up, a five big and three thick humans stared fiercely at the demon who spoke, hating his teeth.

"Ha ha ha, but he volunteered, you can ask him, don't you humans need many, many other things to keep your eyes and warm the quilt?" The devil laughed, putting the human head upset Yan had almost picked up the giant sword around him to chop this demon.

"Sorry, after drinking, can you tell me where Arad is?" There was a cold sweat behind me, as if I heard a very yellow and violent inside story just now.

"There!" Said a leopard orc, pointing to the sofa in the northwest corner.

"Thank you……"

After bidding farewell to the names of these enthusiastic residents, I found Arad in the direction of the leopard orc's finger, and he was lying on the couch and snoring. Sleeping dead than a pig.

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