Master Summoner Online

Chapter 818: Arctic Ice Palace


Arad yawned like a thunder, and I ran into his head with one palm: "Be careful."

Arad yawned again, "I said, Your Royal Highness, what suit and suit are you looking for and why do you have to look for the old lady in the costume?

I said, "Then I ask you you don't know."

Arad scratched his head and said, "Of course I don't know."

"That's not going to end," Arad asked again, "why then look for me instead of someone else."

I laughed: "Because I know you best, and I am the most trusted of all the residents, is your frost dragon Arad?"

Arad smiled and said, "That's true, I want to return my prince to take you to Longyuan, otherwise your prince would be the gatekeeper of the eighth wife."

"Okay, don't make a fool of it, fly!"


Arad accelerated his speed and quickly flew out of the Dragon City boundary, into a world full of ice and snow, and at the same time, there were snow falling on his head, and the endless icebergs and seas of snow could already be vaguely faint. You can see a huge ice palace-like ice sculpture city towering among the icebergs.

Arad will be in the square outside the Ice Palace. At this moment I see two more guards outside the Ice Palace, standing in front of the gate of the Ice Palace. These two are giants covered in blue.

They are holding a huge silver trident with a silver handle. Although they look quiet and quiet, their large figures light up two **** of basketball-sized blue light and stare straight ahead. But it tells people a word directly. There is no way to go in.

Fire Eye Golden Eye Scanning-Extreme Cold Guard General, Level 195, King BOSS, Introduction: Recently, the Ice Queen retreat practiced in order to be protected from outside influences and create a name called Extreme Cold Guard to guard the magic puppet and keep any bile duct close to the extreme ice Outsiders in the palace were deported.

Enough to send a 195-level king-level BOSS to guard the gate, Arad will shout, "Hey, hey! There are two idiots who are at the gate, and my prince, my prince, will come and visit and tell your master."

An extreme cold guard on the left will take a step forward: "Master Queen is practicing, and she quickly left without a sword!"

"I am! Hurry up to inform or I will kill and kill your queen first and then kill!" Arad shouted at the guard at the extreme cold.

The extreme cold guard on the right will also take a step and yelled, "Where is the bold hair thief, since he blasphemed our queen, leave it and leave."

The two extreme cold guards looked at each other, and waved the silver light trident in their hands on the spot, and savagely attacked me and Arad.

"Her prince, please let me go first, take me to death these two wastes and find the eighth wife." I nodded and took the sky **** of darkness to hide from Arad, we did not have this fight at all Opportunity to intervene.

The two extremely cold guards will rush towards Arad, and at this moment Arad will not hesitate to spit out a breath of dragons, and the wide avenue will become an ice sea at once. And the two extreme cold guards, Arad's breath that was not afraid at this moment, continued to move forward bravely.

"Huh!" Arad saw his wings fly when he saw that the dragon's breath was invalid, and he slightly snorted. The dragon's tail swept away, and a pair of ice-sculpted dragon claws grabbed it hard. The two cold guards who shot at it Grabbed it fiercely, and was about to crush it with the meat sauce.

The two guys showed no sign of weakness, and they jumped dozens of meters at the same time and rushed directly to Arad who was thrown down. The trident issued an ice-blue flame in his hand, and the two flames rushed towards Arad together.

Arad exists as a king-level boss with more than two hundred levels. The strength is conceivable. As soon as two dragon horns touch the head, they emit a beam of light and immediately burst two flames, but at the moment Guard Han has already rushed to the trident and stabbed, "Hello!" Twice, and the two tridents were blocked by Arad's claws at the same time.

After grabbing Arad, he flung hard, and the two guys fell from the air and fell heavily to the ground. Adra followed the dragon's tail, and a spike of ice sprang up from its spine.

With the dragon tail slamming, this huge ice thorn spewed out like a shower of rain.

"Hmm! Hmm!"

Suddenly, the screams roared endlessly, and the two extreme cold guards would be pierced by this ice thorn hole whose speed and strength surpassed the imagination.

Arad fluttered the dragon's claws and forced the cold guard to fall to the ground. At this time, a shimmering white light shield appeared to cover the two cold guards. The dragon's claws were bounced off, and he saw himself caught. Bounce open, Arad opened his mouth, and once again sprayed the dragon's breath, the dragon's breath rushed, but when it came into contact with the extreme cold guard, the shield outside the body was bounced off.

At the same time, a voice sounded, "Arad, you evil dragon! Come to me again to make trouble, believe it or not, I immediately plucked out your dragon scales and pulled out your dragon muscles to interrupt your keel!" The person who spoke was the ice and snow Empress.

Arad turned to see the Ice Queen standing outside the door of the Frost Ice Palace roaring: "Pretend old woman, you are capable of saying believe it or not, you will be raped and killed, then raped and killed!"

"Arad!" I came out and shouted, "You can say a few words less."

"Huh!" Arad said, "Why do you stop me, my prince? I want to scold with this guy."

The ice queen also saw me and walked over and said, "Isn't this His Royal Highness the Prince Dragon City? What wind brought you here."

I said, "I'm here to ask you something."

"Inquire about it?" Ice Queen said, "Well, come in and talk."

"Well." I said to Arad: "You are waiting outside."

"Why?" Arad crooked his head.

I said, "If you go in, you'll quarrel with others if you don't agree with each other. At that time, someone else will definitely not tell me and will give us an order.

"Okay," said after scratching his head.

Then I entered the Arctic Ice Palace with the Ice Queen, and Tianzhao and the Black God followed me to enter.

The Queen of Ice and Snow walked us through a long corridor into a huge and luxurious room carved with white jade. This room had a curtain hanging from the center of the room, which separated the room into two halves. We sat down around a round white table.

Snow Queen said: "Say it like asking?"

I said, "What I want to ask is the whereabouts of the Holy Dragon Long Yao-Long Huisuo."

The Snow Queen nodded, and I immediately exclaimed: "Can you tell me?"

The Queen of the Snow and Ice said: "The sacred dragon Yao-Long Huisuo is the treasure of our country. It is said that the founding emperor obtained it from the master. It was enshrined in the royal family for generations, until the army of the devil invaded our country. Then he gave the Holy Dragon Yaolong-Long Huisuo gave Bingqiang to lead his soldiers to kill the enemy, but Bingqiang eventually died on the battlefield, and the brave soldiers regained the body of the Bingqiong and the Holy Dragon. —Long Huisuo, buried them together in the Heroes' Mausoleum. Ask His Royal Highness why he is looking for a piece of equipment? "

I said, "Because I want to get together the Holy Dragon Yao Yao suit, this Holy Dragon Yao-Longhui Lock is one of them. So I hope the Queen will be perfect."

The Ice Queen said: "That being the case, if you can do me a favor, I will go to the Heroes' Mausoleum and take out Longhui Lock and give it to His Royal Highness."

"Oh! What is it?"

Snow Queen said: "If you want to stay, that's fine."

"This ..." I bought myself for a piece of equipment. Then I'm too lost.

"Just kidding." The Snow Queen chuckled. "If you can go to the Arctic Ice Palace deep in the ice to teach that fox spirit, I will give you Longhui Lock."

I said, "OK, I'll go now."

"Your prince, you are so impatient."

"what happened?"

The Ice Queen said: "With your current strength, you can't even fight the weakest of the fox spirit, wait for your 150th level to try again."

"Uh, okay."

"Ding ~! Whether to accept hidden quests [Arctic Ice Palace], quest level SSS, quest rewards: Holy Dragon's Dragon-Longhui Lock, quest failure: player killed, failure penalty: stay at the extreme ice palace for life. (Shareable) "

amount! If I fail, I'll watch the door to her for a lifetime, but the task can be shared. It's good to wait until the 150th level to take the companion to brush this Arctic Ice Palace.

I said, "Okay, I'll get rid of that fox for the Queen."

"Then I'll wait for your good news, His Royal Highness."

Stepping out of the Frozen Palace, Arad said, "His prince, isn't this eight wife for you?"

"Who are you afraid of the eighth wife!" The Ice Queen said angrily: "Please pay attention to your words. Otherwise I will tear your annoying mouth!"

Arad said: "Hey, the old lady who is pretending to be tender, don't think that you are dragged a few levels higher than me. If you look at the Prince's palace, I will straighten you right."

The attitude that the two of them were ready to hit each other without a word of each other really made people cry and laugh. When I couldn't help laughing and whispering, a message suddenly came out in my field of vision.

Brother, our convoy is under attack!

My heart was shaken, and the team was attacked? For a moment, I was cold all over again.

My heart was cold again, that guy dared to be so bold, and the Laozi team dared to take it. "Arad, I'll take a step first." I said, took out the teleport crystal and returned to the station, then transformed and started to fuse with the amber dragon. As soon as he got on his feet, he immediately emptied his feet, and his wings shot out in a frenzy.

Not far away, many players were shocked to see the Amber Dragon coming suddenly, but when they wanted to take a closer look, the other party had already gone far.

NND, although I don't know if that guy is so bold and robbed my team, I will definitely make that person regret it!

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