Master Summoner Online

Chapter 825: Burst Victory

An hour later, the front team returned. All the treemen in front of us were killed under the city. Countless gold coins and equipment were piled up like hills, but we also damaged hundreds of players. The surviving players withdrew to the city for supplies. Meteorites were once again thrown out in this blood-colored space, and a large area resembling a beetle appeared on the other side of the horizon. The black-colored wings looked comparable to metal steel plates, and the eight pillar-like black legs were covered with sharp serrations. The shell is tilted from the head to the back like steel, like a shield placed obliquely, and the front section of the head is covered with a sharp and long horn to kill him.

This group of guys suddenly opened their wings, probably because they were too big and heavy, and they didn't fly very high. They only had a height of about two or three meters. The monster rushed into the 500 circle of attack. The wall was already impatiently controlled. Players and players are all out.

In the night sky there were red clouds rolling, layer upon layer overhanging the sky, and countless flames and fires poured down in an instant. The bright light illuminated the entire battlefield, and it looked as if a thousand flowers were blooming from a distance. This is indeed a deadly beauty.

Together with the meteor fire and rain, there are countless wind blades, bright ice spikes, and huge meteorites, which shoot indiscriminately at the surging monster army.

The shells of this group of beetle monsters are very thick, and the skills on it look like it does not hurt them at all. The first group fell to the ground, but this attack scared them at all, and more monsters stepped on it. The body and body of the injured fall companion are moving at full speed without stagnation!

I raised the machine gun and pulled the trigger at the closest point to me!

Click! Click! Click!

The bullet hit the body like a shield, and a series of bullets rushed out, as if the bullet hit a steel plate, a "ding ding ding" impact sound was issued on the monster's body.





I fuck! Is there anything wrong! Forced injury! Immediately following the other archers also attacked, but the damage they caused was still 1 point of damage. I couldn't help but say, "What kind of monster is this TMD?"

The Piercer, Level 141, Elite Beast, Introduction: In the area ruled by Emperor Ziyan, there is a canyon where the testing ground for biological weapons is born. The Piercers were born there. The purpose of their birth was to pierce their masters. On any wall, the pointed drill on the sharp corner of the piercer's head can easily pierce through steel. The extremely hard shell can ignore any physical attack, but because the body is too large and requires a lot of air supply, the wings behind it At the lower hepatic hilum, there are large tympanic membranes for breathing, which is their most lethal weakness.

So it was so shouting: "The cavalry outside the city all returned, the archers stopped attacking, these guys are physically immune."

"Nirvana, summon the mech dragon beast to follow me." He said that the transformation would be lifted, followed by the transformation into an amber dragon, and it rose into the air.

"Know, brother." Nirvana turned into a mech dragon beast and followed.

"Where are you going? Wait for me!" Xiao Ai turned into an angel, followed by Hao.

In the air, I saw the piercers below. Sure enough, the position of the chrysanthemum under their wings had a flesh exposed like a blind, and Nirvana asked, "Why is your brother here?"

"Yeah, is it rare for us to look at swarms of chrysanthemums?"

I said, "Of course not, it's the chrysanthemums that burst them!" The fire dragon fired, a small laser range, and a damage number exceeding 20,000 points flew up. Hitting them was a defensive attack that completely ignored the defense, and the sweep was over. After that, kill a large number of elite monsters!

A large number of piercers fell to the ground, which made everyone very excited, and everyone on the city wall was immediately encouraged and howled.

"Big brother!" Nieda cried.

Xiao Ai laughed: "It turns out that ** can also kill people."

I laughed: "They are not people or monsters."

Xiao Ai laughed: "It's the same."

"Okay, let's start."



"Yan Long fired a shot!"


"Bright Javelin!"

The pierced person below fell into pieces, and Xiao Ai couldn't help shouting: "** Victory!"

Seeing us do this, many druids with flying summons transformed into battle, and also players with flying warcraft mounts like Snow Moon and Dark Night also released their mounts to join us.

It ’s a lot faster to find the trick. After a lot of fighting in the sky, I drove boldly for low-altitude flight. The dragon gun appeared in my hand, which directly pierced the chrysanthemum of a piercer. The players in the city also started to output, and all kinds of magic skills fell together to stop the monster from advancing.

Although we can withstand it here, the other doors are not very good. This group of monsters has abnormally high attack power. Players who jump down can't carry the attack at all. The monster's attack is simply crushing. The effects of physical immunity make them a huge heavy armored vehicle.

When I strangled another piercer, Leng Yufei's poems were endless: "Hey, hey, why are you so easy to fight?"

I laughed: "Because we know the trick."

"What is it?" Leng Yufei poem asked with great interest.


"**** ??"

"Try it out!"

"Oh ..." Xinxin Feixin hung up the call. Although she didn't know if she would actually try it, she wouldn't do it herself even if she tried.

The perforators in the surroundings ignored our attacks and swarmed under the city walls, followed by using their heads. The sharp diamonds began to drill against the city walls. The heavy walls seemed unbearable in front of their high-speed rotating sharp corners. With a single blow, the long-lasting walls began to decline continuously, which was okay, and quickly rushed towards the piercers who attacked the wall.

The dragon gun stabbed to the ground, the dragon soul destroyed and launched, the sky-like dragon wave strangled the piercer, and a series of damage figures flew up—17900—17299—17288

Longwave's attack was scoped, and the subsequent additional attacks allowed me to kill at least 20+ piercers in seconds, but there are still a lot of piercers in the city walls. I started the Destruction Dragon Slash, and my attack was splashed. Shoot, after a period of fighting, the number of piercers around is getting less and less.

With a shot of piercing the chrysanthemum of the last piercer, this wave should be blocked, but look at the group of guys under the city wall that have drilled holes one after another. This wave of BOSS did not appear here.

Not long after the end of the fourth wave, the fifth wave of monsters ushered in!


"Boom boom boom ..."

In the sky, a large number of meteorites were continuously thrown out in the blood-colored space, and a large number of monsters appeared, but I found that the monsters who came this time did not want three kinds of monsters that appeared before, and the first one looked like Like a pangolin that has been enlarged several times, a thick black armor with a faint glow of blood. The second monster, ten meters tall, has a dark golden helmet wrapped around its head. There are two blood red light clusters on the eyes. The iron cables on his body were tightly tied together and tied to his body to form a set of iron chain armor to protect its body. This guy has four arms and four giant palms each holding a weapon similar to a javelin. The length of the javelin is six or seven feet long, and the sharp tip alone is about two or three feet long. Very scary but the number is at least one of the three monsters.

The third type is a group of toad-like monsters, but ordinary toads have black stripes on their purple skin. The most surprising thing is that they stand upright with two hind legs like humans, but they still jump. This group of toads has the largest number of all monsters, and they are very rhythmic. No toad jumps beyond the front pangolin.

Quickly capture their information, the data appears in front of you-Iron Armor, Level 140, Mutant Beast, Introduction: In the canyon ruled by the Emperor Ziyan, there is a testing ground for biological weapons, and Iron Armor was born there. These iron beasts have a harder shell than steel, and their sharp claws can easily tear hard diamonds. They are siege monsters.

Frogman, Level 143, Elite Beast, Introduction: In the area ruled by Emperor Ziyan, there is a gorge where there is a testing ground for biological weapons. Among the monsters born there, Frogman is one of them. The energy cone ejected from the mouth can pierce any object.

War Giant, Level 150, Quasi-Boss, Introduction: In the area ruled by Emperor Ziyan, there is a canyon, where is the proving ground for biological weapons. Among the monsters born there, the war giant is one of the best characters. The monsters infused with tyrannical potion will tear up any enemy that is in front of them, and it is a monster born for war.

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