Master Summoner Online

Chapter 826: Broken city

Watching the monster approaching step by step, Ye Shuangfa asked: "Brother, do we need to open the gate to kill?"

I said, "Without going out of the city, I guess this wave of walls can't be maintained. Try to delay the collapse of the walls as much as possible."

"Got it."

The next moment the entire sky was covered by a cloud of fire, countless fist-sized fireballs fell from the sky, and tens of thousands of light blue wind blades shot down from the city wall at the same time, followed by dark clouds and blue and white lightning. The big earthquake shook the ground thorns that were more than one meter long and burst out of the ground, and then the snow and ice stacked on the monsters into a thick layer of frost.

The value of the flying damage is literally sea and ocean. Numerous monsters have been hit by fireballs, or pierced by lightning and ground. They are frozen in the whole body, or chopped into pieces by the wind blade, and the foremost piece of iron armor beast falls.

Under such an attack, these monsters did not flinch at all, screaming one by one! Howl! Move on towards the city walls.

The players in the air immediately returned to the city walls to assist in the battle. At this time, the monster group approached a distance of dozens of meters again, and they finally launched the first round of attacks!

Covered by the huge body of the Iron Armored Beast, the first batch of frogmen leaped high, suddenly leaping high in the air and extended their heads. A large mouth issued their attack skills, a shuttle-shaped white energy cone .

The frogmen in front fell on the ground after the attack and continued to move forward, and the row of frogmen leaped up again to complete the same action, and cooperated extremely well. Just like this, the waves go backwards by waves.

Rows of energy cones line up a dense network of attack firepower in the air, covering the walls of players.

What surprised me most was that the energy cones emitted by these frogmen actually used the principle of ejection, so that the protective effect of the city walls would be greatly weakened!

"Cover, cover!"

Seeing the monster group launching an attack, he quickly issued a new command, and immediately the front-most shielded soldiers who had been facing the front gathered together next to their partners to protect them. At this time, the archers with less blood It has also been given special protection. It doesn't matter if the shield mage comes to the side.

I fired the Yan Dragon on the air, and it arrived as expected after one second. Although I intercepted a piece of energy cone in front of me, more energy cones were overwhelming to bring great trouble to the defending players. I never expected that the continuous attack tactics that this player would use were used by monsters, but also played to the fullest, completely hitting the players by surprise, and the continuous attacks of shooting gave the endless feeling of endlessness.

The long-range players who were originally in the city wall had to cover and retreat to hide from the limelight. The counterattack against the monster had to be temporarily interrupted. Some of the equipment was not very good. The weak players were injured. These players simply returned to the city to escape. , There are still players who started to fight back!

The Frogman's attack lasted for nearly a minute before it stopped, and with this powerful offensive, the forefront iron beast completely advanced below the city wall, and the most dangerous moment came!

This group of iron armored beasts stretched out a pair of claws and began to excavate a large hole towards the previously pierced person. At this moment, the war giant that approached at the moment stopped at a position of two hundred meters. Of course, if you thought they stopped, Watching the war is very wrong.

Since the war giants raised their javelins at the same time, they immediately began to spin in their palms.

I shouted, "Everyone left the city walls and returned to the city to prepare for street fighting!"

At this moment, no one hesitated at all. At the same time, the javelin turned faster and faster at the same time, and the sound of Huohuo was brought up. At almost the same time, all the war giants burst into a loud roar and raised the spinning javelin in their hands. Also almost at the same time.

It is not necessary to contact the thick wall with a javelin that rotates at a high speed for half a second. When it is piercing, it penetrates it. The penetrating power is unimaginable. The javelin penetrates the wall. Even if the wall is pulled down and pushed to the player on the stairs Still suffered a lot of attacks.


I was going down the city wall suddenly collapsed and followed the surrounding city walls one after another. The claws of these iron armored beasts were too terrible. The city wall monsters began to run out of the city. The battle instantly changed from long-range offensive and defensive battles to the most brutal melee combat. !!

I shouted, "The cavalry guards your foothold, rather than die, to protect the companions behind you, the magician archer retreats into the inner city to defend."

Lonely was singing loudly: "The legend took the archer to stun arrows, and other mages are preparing to attack with the magic group of ice with me, don't regret the potion!"

"Brush it ..."

Countless arrows flew high above the ground and crashed into the monster group. The team led by the legendary life naturally has a low attack power, but such an attack can't shake the iron armor beast at the front of the team. The ice magic slows them down. Forward speed, the Frogman behind the Iron Armor Beast is not as resistant as the Iron Armor Beast in front, and the arrow rain and magic fall down.

At the same time, a large number of all kinds of cavalry waved their blades and stabbed them in front of the monster. I fell back and turned into a human shape. The dragon gun launched the dragon soul to destroy, followed by the best blow. Raging in the monster group, instantly destroyed a piece of **** iron beast.

"Wowa ..."

The explosion rate is gratifying. A lot of equipment fell to the ground. A monster that fell in front and rushed back like a flood, collided with the player's camp. The scene of the war is very bright. Countless fireballs, wind blades, frost, etc. The air is raging, the arrows are raining, and the melee players ’group killing skills are shining brightly! The monsters are also very powerful. The armored beast not only has amazing defense power and blood volume, but also has very high attack power. I saw a cavalry player who was torn in half by the claws of an armored beast with his claws.

The old cow rode the dragon to the front, screamed angrily, and the tomahawk slashed down at an iron beast, but the axe hit dozens of points of damage since it bounced off. Waving the claws in the armor of the old cow also wiped out a row of sparks. Since the defense of the old cow was not broken, the two guys just like this, you hit me with a single axe.

On the other side, the rubber stick man also changed the weapon, holding a two-handed sword in his hand, riding a mount and wielding a sword to cut a residual blood iron beast into two halves. At the same time, three frogmen in the rear broke out. Qi Qi beheaded and killed, and his attack power became even higher after breaking through to obtain the magic skills, and the operation of this product is also a top master.

Next saw Ye Shuang, who was riding an armored raptor, wielding a spear in his hand, and Wu Canhua bypassed the iron beast and launched a very fierce offensive against the rear frogman.

"Come here! Those giant monsters!"

A player shouted, followed by a roar of roar from outside the city. What was more deadly than this roar was the harsh sound of blast, which was thrown by a javelin, falling from the sky like a meteorite and smashing. Falling in the crowd, this kind of power is not comparable to the player at all, and there is no liveliness in one hit.

One shot turned over the iron beast in front of him and shouted: "Don't fight with them. The war giant's attack power is too high. There are not many of them and they can be defeated by enemy players!"

Xueyue pulled out of the country and took pictures of her gallant: "I see!"

Without saying a word, Lan Lan rushed up to an iron beast, and Yun Lan was facing the other war giant.

With the mouth of Yanyuliuyan rising, dancing double swords to the ankle of a war giant, where it is the only part other than the wrist and the chain that is not entangled by the chain, and the fierce blood also stops it. Dark Night and the Bone Bat King can also To deal with it, naturally only the most powerful warriors can deal with such monsters.

The screams were repeated, a city wall collapsed, and more than a dozen war giants poured into the crowd. The players around them were completely unable to fight back under their terrible attack. The screams were repeated, and they were completely using flesh and blood. The body was consuming the blood of the monster, and some people felt terrible.

At this time, a war giant throws a javelin and instantly harvests the lives of hundreds of players. Holding a red-eyed dragon gun spear, he throws a red dragon roaring and launches. A huge red dragon is facing the chest of this war giant, and the claws of the dragon are under the belt. A large number of damage was issued. Before the Purple Sword flew back, I fired the electric light fire. I snapped the dragon gun on the way and launched Tengyun's assault. The tip of the gun penetrated into the ankle of the war giant. in.


The war giant roared and pulled out the dragon gun. This war giant's head looked down at me fiercely, raised his huge soles and stepped on me, his body retreated sharply, and the war giant stepped into the air.

Immediately aiming at the wound, the ice and snow were swept out, the ankle of the war giant was torn from a large mouth, black blood spewed out, and the huge body of the war giant fell out of balance, and at this moment a group of frogs appeared around me People, throwing starfall and strangling the annoying frogmen around, this attack also attracted the attention of the surrounding war giants.

"You guys leave!" Shouted at the players behind.



With the roar, seven or eight war giants came towards me and yelled, "Everyone!" All the summoned beasts, including the ark, appeared. The summoned beasts and the war giants struggled with each other, and they fought with me. And finally fell to the ground.


Finally, under the concerted efforts of everyone, the monster finally blocked this wave of monster attacks. Also successfully resolved this destructive blow, at least on the surface is ...

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