Master Summoner Online

Chapter 827: King Kong Tiger King

The battle has now passed. Unconsciously, four real times have passed. Hundreds of thousands of monsters have fallen. The number of equipment and coins that exploded on the ground can be imagined. After the wave of monsters, a thick layer of items has been stacked around the broken city walls, and the light emitted is almost dazzling.

If these things are not cleaned up in time, they will be wiped out. Secondly, they will seduce some unwilling players after the ownership time has passed. If they are not handled properly, they may cause confusion. All guilds were selected in advance to be responsible for cleaning the battlefield and immediately dispatched.

That countless loot is also a supplement to the player. After all, we can't let all the players go to waste their energy. Improper cleaning of the battlefield is very serious. Even a small copper coin is definitely not to be overlooked. This scene looks quite interesting.

Ye Shuang stretched his waist and said, "It's finally over."

I said, "Come on, half of the time, and half."

"Speaking of why the BOSS hasn't appeared this time?" Dark Night said.

"Yeah, it really didn't show up," followed the call to Leng Yufei poetry, "is it on your side?"

"Without our side, we have just repelled the monster's attack. The fifth wave is like this. I really don't know how to fight the next five waves?" Leng Yufei said helplessly.

I laughed: "Of course it's the fate block, in fact your 34 block is also good."

"Are you looking for death ..." The other party was clearly angry, but just then-oh!

At this time, the roar of the beast from the Scarlet Space rang again in everyone's ears. Almost all players who heard this voice felt a heavy pressure coming suddenly!

This pressure! Rarely ... King BOSS? !!

Under this almost unavoidable pressure, whoever stopped things at this moment almost at the same time, as if a disc being broadcast suddenly got stuck, and it took a long time to reply!

"That was just ..." Leng Yufei poemed.

I asked, "Did you feel it too?"

"Well, this feeling can't be wrong, Wang Boss! I didn't expect such a big man to come in the fifth wave." Leng Yufei said.

I said, "Yeah, I think this is the case for the four gates. Okay, after the siege war chat."

"Okay, talk to your class that day."

"Hmm ..." I had hung up the call without speaking.

"A monster has appeared!" At this time, someone shouted, and saw a large amount of dirt on the flat ground outside the city gate arched high, the soothing hissing of teeth and the loud noise of land cracking intertwined.

Hundreds of black monsters with huge heads rushed out of the ground. They looked like a python in black iron armor, a bucket with a thin waist, and the head was shaped like a spindle. !!

Fire Eye Golden Eye Scan——Black Armor Alienated Earth Beast, Level 149, Alien, Introduction: Not every creature in the test field is successful. The Black Armor Devil is a failed product, but the failed product also has a failed product. These failed products will be sent to the dark factory for processing. This is how the black armor alienated beast was born.

There were hundreds of strange-level monsters coming out at once. Obviously, these monsters are the younger brothers of BOSS, followed by a meteorite from the blood-colored space. The meteorite fell to the ground, emitting an explosion, and the boss was already in the thick smoke. The surrounding monsters burst out of the fog and finally revealed their true features!

I clearly saw the appearance of BOSS.

Its body is like a tiger, its height is five meters, and its whole body is covered with golden glittering scale armor. The body of golden light looks unusually magnificent.

King Kong Tiger Tiger, Level 148, King, BOSS, Introduction: King Kong Tiger is not a creature in the abyss, but the original inhabitants of the hurricane forest, but these forest kings were sent by the apostles to capture and send At the time of the abyss demons, King Kong Tiger King is the leader of all King Kong Tiger Tigers. Originally, only the King Kong King Tiger Tiger was transformed into a King, and its strength is very scary.

The super level is changed to the king level. This strength enhancement is not a star. The super level and the king level are only one level behind. The difference between their strengths is completely different. Before, it was just an improvement of attributes. The promotion of the super level to the king level is simply Great progress. On the side of BOSS, there are dozens of level 151 mutant beasts with flames on their bodies, red flame monsters and 155 strengthened monster holy flame tigers, forming the momentum of arch defense.

"Roar!" Growled the BOSS, and the beast monsters rushed towards the player army in the city.

"Everyone! Get rid of them!" One of them drank violently, followed closely, and numerous voices echoed. Suddenly tens of thousands of high-level soldiers rode on the mount to greet them, and hundreds of black armor alienated the beast in front of the monster. At the same time, his mouth was opened, and a group of mists of green mist was sprayed to devour the player army!

Countless damages in the fog and white light also appeared, but the players still rushed out bravely. Countless slashes were sent from the swords of the soldiers. They struck the bodies of these beasts and immediately broke them black. The scaled armor cut into the body, and the stench of blood flew across.

Immediately following the red flame demon in the rear, this group of red flame demon is like a human body burning with flames. This group of guys opened their mouths, and the countless small red rays in their mouths converged into a single beam of light, which burst into the crowd. Sweeping, like a meat grinder, invincible, the first row of players was flying ashes, and then a golden beam of light was sprayed out of the mouth, and in a moment, countless players were destroyed, especially the flood of players. Blocked.

"Roar roar ..."

Boss opened his mouth and roared, and the golden light on his body was more abundant. Suddenly rushing forward, with the roar, Shengyan Tiger and Black Armor alienated the land beasts, and launched a counterattack towards the player legion. Their huge bodies hit the knights 'shields, and at the same time, all the players' cavalry were impacted. The continuous back-off distance varies, almost everyone did not expect the name of the monster's power.

But the most terrible thing is not this, but the dozen or so Red Demon in the back, their attacks are just spikes, and they will be endlessly destroyed.

So the flashlight fired, the speed accelerated, and it burst into a flash, and rushed out. As soon as it was riding, it rushed to the red flame demon while turning on the dragon step, ignoring the surrounding collision, and directly passing the front of the Holy Fire Tiger and the black armor alienation. The beast flew towards the red flame demon in the rear.

At the same time, the attack trajectory of this group of red flame monsters immediately locked me and shot at the head. Immediately, more than a dozen beams of light rushed at the same time, and I would be ashes and ash as soon as I was strong, and even a little residue was impossible. under.

"Roar" At the same time, a dragon rang, the real red-eyed black dragon's phantom appeared outside the body to form a set of dark armor. The black dragon armor was activated, and the magic immune effect of the black dragon armor was just to restrain the devastating beam of light. When the armor was opened, the beam of light came into contact, and the strength of both sides shook.

The almost indestructible beam of light, in the face of the magic immune black dragon armor, seemed very capable and inadequate.

There was a terrifying howl in his mouth, and at the same time that the electric light fire contacted the dragon's charge, the body turned into a blue light dragon, as if a blue meteorite was heavily bombarded on a red flame demon , All of a sudden it hit and flew far away.

At the same time, the body returned to its original shape, and the Dragon Slash was launched in an instant, followed by the death call. These red inflammation monsters are not BOSS creatures. The attacks I have done on them are completely disregarding the defense. The ice and snow are cut for three consecutive times, the barriers are broken, and the dragon is slamming. Wait for all you can use the skills to roar out continuously, raise your hand to summon the meteor in the sky, the humming of "Boom Boom", more than a dozen red flame demon hummed, the blood flew off a lot.

As soon as the fire cover of the Chiyan magic stopped, hundreds of thousands of players, like the tidewater stocks, immediately drowned other monsters and exploded the spar of equipment. The monster legion that was still awesome a few minutes ago became the delivery of food. Object.

After completing the strangling monsters, hundreds of thousands of professional players pushed forward in an attempt to overwhelm their opponents to wipe out the boss, and saw their subordinates killed in the face to sweep their faces. This boss sent out angrily and growled, growing up. Xiao.

The next second, a huge golden tornado in the sky descended on the crowd!

A series of horrific numbers of injuries flew up—297277—290712—312921 ...

With a white light, both the Raptor Cavalry and the Flame Iron Rider were killed in this blow by even the Bear Cavalry known as the Meat Shield. Players from other guilds around were killed and wounded. The golden tornado circled around the boss for a week, then It became a perfect vacuum.

Of course, this is not over yet, I saw that the BOSS rushed forward and brought countless sharp spikes along the way, killing thousands of players at once, the first to rush to the 3,000 or 4,000 people, and the remaining three or four hundred people with seriousness. One of the injuries was withdrawn from cover by the follow-up forces. I also transformed into an amber dragon when it attacked and flew into the air before I escaped.

The attack power of the king-level BOSS is always so powerful! BOSS launched a counterattack to make the whole situation on the battlefield suddenly feel like being reversed.

Such casualties are worrying, but even this must be played. Then, the legion of players who have lost thousands of comrades-in-arms meet with subsequent players to readjust the formation.

The soldiers coupled with the summoner's summoned beast launched another charge, and a large number of backup controllers and archers came to reinforce, and the sky, fire and wind blade meteorites and arrows all poured towards the BOSS!

Meet the brave on the narrow road to win, consolidate the strength of all players to give the invaders the heaviest blow.

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