Master Summoner Online

Chapter 828: Stonebreaker

The battle lasted for an entire hour.

The King of Tiger Tiger is completely submerged in the ocean of elemental energy. The monsters that had been guarded by it have already fallen to thousands of players, and they will drop the equipment gold coins and return to their hometown.


The wounded, blood-soaked King of the Devils Tiger uttered a final roar, with too much grief and unwillingness in his voice.

Suddenly a golden masterpiece on its body, a golden energy ring suddenly expanded outwards around it, and all players within 50 meters in diameter were hit by the bursting energy attack on the ground!

The damage figures flew into the sea, and in addition to your **** and bloody, in addition to escaping in time and turning on invincible players, they are directly turned into white light of death.

And the boss who released this last big move has no way to show his power again.

The deathmatch finally ended, the huge body of BOSS turned into a data stream scattered around, and the fifth wave was finally blocked by everyone.

After blocking the fifth wave, the world calmed for half an hour, and the players also got a rare respite time. When the time passed 40 minutes, the blood color space was thrown out again. Meteorites, NND, and finally, the sixth wave The monster is here and I don't know what to return this time.

"The monster is here, everyone is up!" I yelled in the Guild Channel.

The words did not fall, and there were huge bodies appearing at the gate of the city. They looked like huge beasts with huge faces and looked like heroes of Beyond. However, these monsters were covered with armor, obviously The defense and blood will not be low, and the pair of stout and huge claws obviously does not have low attack power, but they walk very slowly.

This wave really is not a monster. Of course, the second kind of human is just like a human. This group of guys are wrapped in armor like a heavy knight. They are one meter tall and hold a black jet star hammer in their hands. .

I quickly locked, these two creatures-Stonebreaker, Level 154, Strengthening Monsters, Introduction: Stonebreaker is a small creature called the Stonebreaker in the abyss that has been changed by the Dark Factory. These violent and irrational giants The beasts have very powerful power, and their armors make them a mobile fortress. Their claws can easily tear the rocks, so the stone beast also plays the role of miner during non-war time.

Blaster, Level 132, Elite Beast, Introduction: Blasters are pure magical creatures. They use the magic brain in the helmet to provide action capabilities, and wield the meteor hammer in their hands. In addition, their armor also has a miniature magic source buried in the crisis. The blaster activates the source of magic and releases a large amount of magic to stimulate the magic brain to detonate it.


I drank lowly: "Organize the line of defense, don't let loose, the soldiers block the Stonebreaker, the DPS and healing drugs in the back keep up, be careful of the blasters they will explode, and kill them as much as possible!"

It is true that dense stone beasts rushed over, monsters came on, the front-line soldiers on the front line were waiting, and the long-range DPS in the back had begun to project, and the dense arrows and magic fell into the monster group without any difference!

"Boom boom!"

With the explosion of magic and arrows, this group of Stonebreakers is obviously stronger than the previous monsters. They have a fight with the previous war giants, dancing with their arms, instantly, blood splashing, flesh and bone cracking, rolling all the way, suddenly A dozen players were killed.

"You get out." I shouted at the player in front of me, throwing out the red-eyed dragon gun in my hand, launched a red dragon roar, summoned a red dragon, volleyed down, and bombarded.

The cracked stone beast was frightened by a big claw, raised it against the dragon, and then dragged it along, killing a player with blood, but at the same time, it was also hit by a player.

The dragon banged heavily on the claw of the Stonebreaker. I approached from the other side, and my arms turned into a claw of a dragon. At this moment, the other claw of the Stonebreaker returned to me.

The dragon claws collided with the beast claws and made a "crisp" crisp sound. I only felt a force attacking like a row of mountains, and I couldn't help falling back, and the claw of this stone-splitting beast also rebounded back.

Hold your body firmly, several players around you will show their strength at this time, and join hands with each other. This cracked stone beast is stronger, after all, it just strengthens the monsters and what BOSS, and it is a pride to defeat several high-level players without losing.

The dragon gun is retracted, and it rushes up like a gale!


With a low drink, the dragon gun sent an instant break through a large claw of the cracked stone beast followed by energy explosion. This large claw was immediately shattered and shattered. Suddenly, its body was attacked by two players.

"Drink!" There was a sore throat in his mouth, and he was attacked by many players. The seven holes of the cracked stone beast spurted blood, pieces of flesh were torn open, and the bones and hair of the whole body rang. , And finally fly off.

After getting this Stonebreaker, I released the Wolf Emperor to bite at the other Stonebreaker. I destroyed the dragon and turned it on. The dragon gun swept up the waves and the stonebreakers or blasters around it except this one. With a series of damage figures, and adding some skills, the dozen or so monsters in front of me were easily solved.


"Boom boom!"

A group of blasters rushed forward and hugged the players in the front row tightly, and immediately following the self-detonation, the energy of the explosion rushed into the sky. Among the energy of the explosion, only a few reluctantly resisted, and the stone monster's attack power also Very strong, it is very difficult for a single player. Most of the soldiers were directly struck by the Stonebreaker. The formation was chaotic. The blaster jumped up and hugged the player to start a self-detonation. Many players were blown up. , Terrible.

"Stabilize, all back, and rely on the inner wall to defend!"

With a heroic charge, he slammed a blaster with his shoulder, followed closely by the transformation of the Amber Dragon, and the dragon tail swept away, and a Stonebreaker could not help being shot. "The Ice Elementalist used it to blame Slow down! The cover fighters retreat. "Elika exclaimed.

Soon after, a large amount of snow and ice came. Although the deceleration effect was not obvious, it was better than nothing. At least the pressure of the soldiers in the front row weakened a lot, and they began to back into the inner city.

"Brush it ..."

The light of the first batch of soldiers fell like rain, and the blood of the front row soldiers began to slowly rise. The cured soldiers came forward to replace other soldiers. At this moment, there are dozens in the inner city. Thousands of priest professional players, these people belong to the kind of powerful existence that spreads all over the world. Among them Mo Yan and Xu Yu. Yin Yan is one of the peak powerhouses.

The battle was very stalemate. With the Stonebreaker and the Blaster falling in front of the players in batches, the fronts on our side continued to alternate. Of course, a group of soldiers had retired blood, and of course they had to retreat and they were killed. However, there are new players to make up. In addition to the three of us, there are more than a dozen guilds in the alternate players. Thanks to them, otherwise, our city gates would have been broken, of course. Remote players on the walls.

An hour and a half of hard work finally killed all the monsters in front of it. After the hard work, the four directions can basically be described as terrible. After a period of time, I received the news that a king-level BOSS appeared in the **** guard.

Scarlet blood also flew a lot of effort to kill it.

Looking around, the ground is full of corpses, there are players and monsters, the number around us is about a million, and the sum of the four sides does not exceed five million. This number simply cannot stop the next attack. of.

The guard pouted and said, "I don't know how long this can last?"

I said, "Who knows, at least until the Lord of the Abyss appears."

The fierce blood flew: "Who knows you, how many waves are there?"

Yanyu Liunian said: "I don't know, the system didn't say, it is rare to really wait for the abyss monarch to come out and finish it."

"What if you don't come?" Dark Night said.

Yinyue said: "How come, if you don't come, it's too bad."

"By the way, why hasn't NPC come out yet?" Huofeng asked.

"It's almost time to come out ..." I laughed: "The NPC Corps hasn't come to help yet, and we will be dead before the final BOSS appears."

Xueyue said, "Yes, the system is for players, and the NPC came out to wipe the buttocks of players."

"The seventh wave of monsters is coming !!" A player shouted, and in the blood-colored space, he threw back again and threw meteorites again. This time the monster appeared, this monster was wearing a red embroidered with red flowers The silk robe set off a sloppy figure, making people think that it is a rare beauty, but looking down, under the red silk robe, its legs turned out to be a pair of branches with green-green on it. The leaves, looking towards its head, turned out to be red flowers in full bloom, exactly the same as the flowers embroidered on the red silk robe on it, and there were a few huge green leaves under the flowers, but the petals were many There are only as many as ten pieces with three petals.

The seventh wave of monsters is a group of plants. Fire eye golden eye scan, this group of guys are called blood demon demon flowers, but different according to the different levels of petals, three petals of 152 levels, according to each additional petal level will also increase by one, that ten petals of blood demon demon flowers is still 160 Level of ordinary BOSS.

I shouted, "Everyone prepares, no one is allowed to let go!"


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