Master Summoner Online

Chapter 830: Final battle

There is a mess in the city at this moment, and a lot of monsters are raging outside the city, and the outer wall is almost a ruin! The buildings in the city were inevitably destroyed as a result of the fighting.

Death slayers are raging in the crowd on the ground. Death slayers have very high levels and attack power. Basically, one person can cope with it. It is completely a group of people who kill each other. After the killing, the besiegers are also damaged. Seven hundred and eighty-eight, and more groups of Nether Dragons flew up, launched an attack from above, the two sides started a war, less than half an hour, although killing countless Nether Dragons, players who may be able to stop monsters in the air have been There were very few kills left, and the surviving players retreated.

Under this battle, players suffered heavy losses, and the inner city's defense line eventually collapsed. Both players and NPCs fled to the imperial city, even if the palace was within range.

The defense line shrank into the imperial city. After entering, I saw that the monsters had begun to move. Instead of attacking from all sides, they began to gather all the forces to the south. The last 300,000 NPCs under the control of the king finally dispatched, this is already the last force.

I looked at me in the air, the Nether Dragons gathered in the sky, and the Death Slayers gathered on the ground. This number is no longer under the alliance of players and NPCs. Is this the final total attack?

At this moment, the Nether Dragons in the sky immediately separated a passage automatically. Neatly like training many times.

The roaring sound of the Nether Dragon in the sky continued to oscillate, spreading in all directions, and then, several screams, more terrible than one, rang from a distance.

"Finally came" Standing on the tower, Carel couldn't help but squeeze the war halberd in his hand, the Nether Dragon roared in the air, and the death beheaders on the ground cheered. This monster's move left the players confused.

It can be followed by a huge and incomparable Nether Dragon in the air. The ordinary Nether Dragon is only five or six meters long. This Nether Dragon has a length of more than forty-five meters and has a complete dragon shape. Five men in black robes were standing above their heads. Heipao people have different heights, short and strong.

"What's that?" Ye Shuang said, pointing at the five black robe men on top of the giant void dragon.

I straightened my shoulders and said, "Who knows."

Long Xin looked up at me: "Brother, what shall we do?"

I smiled bitterly and fell back on the tower to change into a human form and said, "What else can I do? Soldiers will block the wall and cover the water. I think one of the five guys in black robes must be the Emperor Ziyan, the others should They are all intimate guards, but we do n’t know what level this Ziyan Emperor is. Can we fight it? ”

Yinyue: "Big Ben, then you can scan your skills quickly."

"The same is said." After finishing the fire eye golden eye scan, first start with that huge void dragon-the void dragon king-Kulos, level 170, spiritual BOSS, introduction: Kulos was originally a black dragon, but after its death a group of abyss apostles Bringing its bones to the Dark Factory to allow the Abyss Mages to add bonuses and become the Nether Dragon King, and unlike the ordinary Nether Dragon, it has its own brain than the ordinary Nether Dragon. It has the ability to act autonomously, and it is also purple. Emperor Yan's favorite mount.

It ’s been petrified, but it ’s not just me. When I published the information, everyone was petrified. After a long time, the **** of death ’s name called the **** of shouts shouted, “NND, even if I ’m not a king-level boss, It's the top. This mount is one level stronger than the king level. How can this be played? Do you see the beast god? "

"I also hope I read it wrong." I shook my head and said, "It seems that the next thing is to watch the NPC's performance. We are playing barely at the king level. Against this spirit-level BOSS, it is simply a dead end. , But I remember that if you knocked it out, it would explode beyond the platinum diamond level ... ”

When I heard that beyond platinum can burst out, the eyes of everyone in the petrochemical industry suddenly turned on. You must know that the main equipment of Longyan Iron Ride is mainly gold and orange. Although there is a lot of dark gold, it is not popular. There are very few people who can own platinum, because platinum equipment is scarce and the price is very expensive. One item must be at least about 100,000 RMB. If it is not a strength or luck, you ca n’t get such high-end equipment! Diamond crystals that surpass platinum are even embarrassed to think about it. Most people have never heard of such a level.

"You monsters from the abyss! No matter how many you come, today ... all will die!" Carrel snarled at the sky with a halberd in his hand, and at the same time a huge storm appeared, and a storm of violence was felt in this storm When the storm disappears, a silver-grey dragon appears. That's right, this dragon is one of the dragons of the ancient dragon species, the steel dragon—Feng Xianglong!

"Dragon Knight? Your life is very hard. At that time, we arranged a strong enough manpower since there are Dragon Knights to survive!" Of the five people, the black one on the far left looked at Karel, using a low-key The tone said: "However, your life has come to an end, and you should feel honored that you will die under the great Ziyan Emperor and sit down in the first battle with King Tianshen!"

After speaking, tore off the cloak outside, revealing a body that looks as thin as firewood and looks like a human body. Although it looks like a human, the skin is purple and painted with a strange blood color. Both hands and feet are a pair of pointed claws. The face is almost the same as a normal human. This guy only wears a pair of leather pants, and the rest is bare.

As soon as the words in this guy's mouth were finished, since the hand turned into a one-meter-long feather fan, with a wave of the fan, a black whirlwind rushed towards Carrel madly.


At this time, Feng Xianglong had a mouth, and since this whirlwind was sucked into it.

The wind was blowing, and I was standing a short distance away from Carel, cold sweat, if this storm hit me, maybe it was spiked.

"Oh, how about, Fengxiang Xianglong can be used to control the storm! You can't help this breeze." Carel said a little teasingly when the attack of the Sky King failed.

"What are you talking about?" Tian Shanwang was furious and was about to rush up but was stopped by a huge body. Tian Shanwang yelled, "Hide away, otherwise ..."

"Retreat." Before the words were spoken, the man in the middle of the five was not a very tall man in black robes, since the voice of this speech was a very clear and pleasant female voice.

That day, the King of Shuangwang had to look back, followed by the woman in the black robe, and said, "Several strong men, who will not take the shot at this moment, when?" The voice echoed all around, and a man appeared on the palace tower.

"Oh, oh, I thought I could lie a bit longer." A very leisurely voice sounded, and one person appeared, this person wearing a white shirt, wearing a silver helmet, handsome, with a silver spear in his hand, Standing at the head of a golden dragon on top of the palace.

Immediately following a building on the east side of the palace, a man in a fiery red robe came out, followed by a big man in a black robe humanely: "Are there only two of the five dragon gods?"

The man in the white robe said, "I've dealt with you, our brothers are enough."

"It's crazy." At this moment, the person on the far right of the black robe man couldn't help but took off. The black robe was taken off and he looked funny at the guy. He called a gray robe with a flameless torch in his right hand and his left hand. Holding a thick book, wearing a radiant crown, but there are seven pointed spikes on the crown. Like a male version of the Statue of Liberty. Talking about the torch burning its black flame in his hand, followed by his whole body rising into the air, the torch pointed out a black flame storm pointing at the quasi palace!

"Oh, finally can't help it? I thought you were so capable!"

The Dragon God in the red robe will be the first to come up. The fire storm on the other side is so arrogant, sneer sneer, motionless. When the black flame reaches him, a white shield appears!

The self-confident red robe dragon **** changed his face instantly, because his shield was shattered between blinks, but fortunately, he hurriedly avoided a large leaning body, and the statue of Liberty had a very mechanical face. Toothy smile: "Boy, I really don't know how you became a dragon **** general. Since you use bright magic to deal with Lao Tzu? Are you stupid or stupid. Such a garbage dare to fight with Lao Tzu! It is so ridiculous! Ha ha!……"

"My grass!" The dragon **** of the red robe will be so insulted by the other party. When the eyes are red, the dragon **** of the white robe will say: "Xiao Feng calm down, the abyss attribute is nothing, to deal with the light of demons and undead. It does n’t work. ”

"I know." The red robe dragon **** named Xiao Feng said itchingly.

At this moment, the statue of Liberty, with the book in his left hand, unfolded with his right hand torch high above his head, shaking madly, the energy around him frantically gathered, and between a few breaths, five huge flames rolled in a spiral toward Xiao Feng Dragon God will pounce.

"It's flashy and simplistic. Let me tell you what real power is!" Xiao Feng sneered, and suddenly took out an object and threw it. This thrown thing was a cube-shaped jade seal. The instant that the jade seal threw turned into a huge giant cube seal about 30 meters wide.

The giant seal and the dragon roll collided, and a loud noise was emitted. Xiao Feng's hand made a move to change the original size of the seal and returned to him, but the flame tornado dissipated in the air.

"How about the abyss rotten boy, I know my town's demon mark is terrible! Now I want to retreat, it's over," said the big bird who started to raise a burning flame and the big bird Xiao Feng turned over and rose into the air. Rushing towards the abyss legion in the sky.

The white-robed dragon **** sighed helplessly, whistled, and a war horse in blue armor appeared. This war horse was very different. The difference is that since this horse has a pair of wings, is this the case? According to legend, Tianma, the dragon **** will ride on Tianma and rushed up.

Xiao Feng turned his right hand in the air, and the Yuyin in his hand fell. The death-slayers who gathered in a dense crowd did not respond, and was instantly smashed into a ball of meat sauce by Yuyin's falling.

In an instant, at least hundreds of Death Slayers were destroyed.

On the other side, the dragon **** in white robes, scoring Tianma's wings and shooting blue arrows, the Nether Dragon in the sky could not resist the power at all, and dozens of them were killed in the blink of an eye.

The two dragon gods will appear suddenly, both sides will take a shot, all of them will be amazing, killing thousands of monsters in a blink of an eye. Players on the ground looked at these two invincible gods, all cheering and jumping, watching the two strong men begin to operate, and naturally the abyss cadre-level characters could not let them be so arrogant, the middle female black robe was a man Waving, four people surrounded by up.

In addition to the first two people, the remaining two also removed the cloak. Among them, the tall guy took off the cloak and exposed a body resembling a mechanical body. A pair of hands resembling mechanical hands extended out in the air. Instantly, the bottom of the earth, countless The flames burst out, turning half of the imperial city into a sea of ​​fire in a blink of an eye.

In the sea of ​​fire, numerous players and NPCs were immediately burned to death.

"Retreat, people retreat!" Carel's voice sounded, whoever intervened in the fighting at this moment would be equivalent to death.

The army retreated around the same time, while Carel also rode Feng Xianglong to join the battle, four to three, and the two sides got into a fight. Although the number of people has an advantage, it is also good to look around. Both sides are desperate.

Seeing that the two sides were inextricably bound, at this time, the female black robe man who had not seen any movement in the rear finally moved.

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