Master Summoner Online

Chapter 831: True Red Eyed Black Dragon is Coming

"... You slowly go on like this, wouldn't it make me lose face in front of those nine assholes! ..."

While talking, he took off his cloak, and under the cloak, there was a beautiful black hair, and the golden eyes were filled with charming and **** evil spirits again. The red low-cut long skirt, with the side open to the waist, made her wear black lace stockings, and her long jade legs were completely exposed, full of strong temptation.

At this moment, in addition to that seductive feeling, there was that aggressive murderous spirit, followed by her natural volley, floating in the air and yelling, "You guys are spreading out!"

The four cadre-level abyss monsters did not have much nonsense to break away from the battle, and whether they were the Nether Dragon King or the ordinary Nether Dragon and the Death Slayer on the ground, they even withdrew to the suburbs of the Dragon Capital.

Seeing all the abyss monsters so shuddering, this guy's strength, and this woman need not ask that she is the Emperor Ziyan, the previous four are very powerful! But in the face of two dragon gods and a dragon knight, it is likely to be a draw, even if it is not impossible to defeat, but now the abyss monarch himself shot. This battle is likely to become ... a defeat!

The energy of the Emperor Ziyan skyrocketed. The next moment, a purple flame burned around. The flame wrapped her whole body. The flame formed a sphere, and the sphere continued to expand and expand again!

"What is she doing?" Dragon God in White Robe wondered.

"Just leave her alone if she can't make her succeed." The dragon **** named Xiao Feng will throw the jade seal out again, but this time the jade seal was bounced off after hitting the ball of flame. It didn't work.

The purple-skinned abyss monster laughed: "Haha stupid humans, you can't win me, accept the destruction!"

"Look at it, the great Ziyan Emperor, that real look!" The male version of the Statue of Liberty raised her arms and shouted.

When his words fell, the flames spread, and the appearance of it had to be said to be astounding. Her appearance was really impossible to get in touch with that abyss of the abyssal monarch, because one looks a thousand times since it was launched is to bring one The mirror of the handle, there is a huge mechanical arm on each side of the mirror, two torches with purple flames on the shoulders, and two pairs of huge mechanical wings behind it. There is a wonderful face in the middle mirror.

"What is that?" Xiao Feng's dragon **** would be surprised.

The huge mirror fell vertically on the ground, and the beautiful face in the mirror laughed, "Human, surprise is only now beginning."

At this moment, the Commander of the Dragon Cavalry Regiment held up his great sword and shouted, "Earth Dragon Cavalry, charge, kill the monsters with me, monsters of the abyss!"

Suddenly, the sound of the giant feet of the earth dragon stepping on the ground, the cavalry square of tens of thousands of people moved quickly, and the rushed to the Ziyan Emperor. At the moment of approach, a group of NPCs was behind the earth dragon cavalry. Riding archers, took out a heavy crossbow, and the bow strings sounded!

But these powerful arrows in front of this Ziyan Emperor did not have any effect at all, not even scratching it!

"Hahaha, ants-like people!"

With a slight smile, it was very moving, but now the smile is a death smile, and suddenly raised his arm, but when a huge black whip appeared in the huge robotic hand, it burst into the air, and the ground suddenly appeared. There is a huge crack that is one kilometer long, but everything on the edge of the crack, whether it is an NPC, a player, or a building, is broken by this whip!

With this whip, basically all the ground dragon cavalry were killed, and even the palace was destroyed by one-third. If the palace was completely destroyed, this siege would fail.


Suddenly, not only the NPCs were shocked, but even our players were terrified. How could such an enemy win? Just when I was anxious, I suddenly reminded all dragon teeth to the living players who are only limited to dragon teeth. To make matters worse!

"Ding ~! Fengyun Guild uses a quick attack order to launch an attack on the giant steel capital of Dragonfang Tooth Guild. Please prepare for defense. Within six hours, the territory administrator will be killed by the territories and the defense will succeed. , Will compensate 10 million gold coins for war losses! If not, the guild will be dissolved! "

"Ding ~! The Devil's Kiss Guild uses a quick attack order to launch an attack on the giant steel capital of Dragon Tooth Guild. Please prepare for defense. Within six hours, the territorial administrator will be killed. The Devil's Kiss Guild will compensate the war for 10 million gold coins! If not, the Guild will be dissolved! "

"Fuck! What's going on!" Lie Xuefei cried.

Yan Yuliu years said: "Abominable! These mean guys!"

Brother Superman angered: "I said that the four cities didn't see the two waves, and thought they were all killed."

Tears disappeared: "Do you want to go back to the rescue now?"

Huofeng said: "But what should I do if I go back to the main city now?"

"The situation is urgent, you don't need to say much, you use the teleport crystal to bring all the dragon tooth players back to the station, hurry up." I shouted.


I shouted, "Don't ask, go back, and give it to me here." He took the all-round stone out of the dimension bag.

"What's that?" Xiaoxi asked.

I laughed: "What's called a helper, you guys go back!"

"I see." Everyone nodded the teleport crystal, no crystal stood with the crystal, and the teleport crystal supports small-scale collective teleportation. Lonely singing asked, "Where are you going?"

I said, "The backyard is on fire."


Use the all-purpose stone.

"The taboo dragon sleeping at the bottom of Longyuan, hear me calling!" I shouted, and the sound seemed to break through the clouds!

Whether it is the Emperor Ziyan, or other players' NPCs, the abyss monsters, I was frightened by this sudden move, and I watched them all!

Suddenly I felt that all the energy in my whole body was drained by my right hand. For a moment, the pain was endless!

"Eh, ahhhhhhhhhhhh!" I was so uncomfortable that I shouted, my right hand was warming rapidly, from the heat just now to being very hot, now it almost seems to melt away!


"No! You guys killed that adventurer!" The Emperor Ziyan suddenly appeared as if he was close to the enemy. The huge robot hand pointed towards me, and the four abyss-level monsters of the cadre level immediately rushed over and killed!

"Blast Storm!"

The purple-skinned man was chanting a spell in his mouth, a huge feather fan was fierce, a dark storm and a storm that was entangled with purple thunder and lightning instantly fell and killed!

"Broken chain!"

In the male version of the Statue of Liberty, the book flashed a finger of the torch in the other hand. Five torches of the torch were shot with burning flames.

"Don't miss it!"

The white robe dragon **** pounced on the first one, throwing the silver gun in his hand, turning it into a silver light curtain to cover the sky, blocking the explosion of the storm in an instant, and calling Xiao Feng dragon **** to seal his hands.

"Nine days of explosion!"


A flame of sky swallowed from his hands, and the flames were beating fiercely in the air. The five chains under this flame did not have any ability to resist, and they were destroyed and destroyed.

Immediately following one of the four was covered with dark scales, this guy exuded black gas, and in the dark gas, one hundred soldier soldiers wearing heavy armors slid towards the three!

"King Kong, change!"

The guy with a mechanical body suddenly swelled into a five-meter-high giant white mechanical giant. The **** on his shoulders opened and numerous micro-missiles were fired immediately. The scale is much larger than the photon crush of Gatling Blast Dragon.

"Wall of storms!" Karel stood on top of the steel dragon and drank. As a huge storm barrier was unfolded, all of the robot's missile attacks were taken down by the storm.

Just when the two sides were fighting furiously, suddenly, a strong wave of energy formed a huge teleportation array in the air. This magical array released power, so that everyone who was fighting could not help but stop.


A loud tremor came, and the teleportation burst into pieces. A huge black shadow shrouded in dark mist appeared above the sky! ...

The black mist is gone, a huge black dragon appears in everyone's field of vision, and the huge dragon power spreads out, leaving the whole world stagnant!

"Oh my God ..."

At this moment, the four cadre-level abyss monsters are ashamed, and the face of Emperor Ziyan becomes countless times!

"You're so slow, kid!" The low, majestic voice of the true red-eyed black dragon slowly trembled between the heavens and the earth, agitating the energy violently. To be honest, I was also the first to see the full form of a true red-eyed black dragon, which was already large enough in Longyuan. Now it looks like a behemoth beyond imagination. The black dragon scales on the whole body are shining. The dragon's body, which is about 500 meters long, floats in the air, and the eyes, which are contrasted with blood and scarlet, look down at the bottom.

"True red-eyed black dragon! Come to you next!" I held up the weak body and said to the true red-eyed black dragon.

"I see!" True red-eyed black dragon squinted and said, "I haven't moved for thousands of years, and it will become a fossil when I get it."

I shouted, "Take them out to fight, and here the Dragon City will encounter."

"I see! What are you doing?" Followed by the dragon head and turned to the dragon **** and Karel showed his fangs: "Hey, the dragon knight chick and the two ants are generally fool dragon **** will hurry up Go home to feed and do n’t get in the way here! ”

The dragon **** named Xiao Feng will say: "What do you say, you guy, thinking that you have a certain level of strength, you are high above you, you never know it is a narcissist!"

The white robe dragon **** will dismissively say: "I thought what the adventurer had summoned, it turned out to be such a silly bī!"

Just after the white robe dragon **** had finished speaking, the huge red claw of the real red-eyed black dragon suddenly held the two in their hands.

"I say you are ants, you are!" After speaking hard, the two dragon gods will make a terrible scream, and I will see a pool of blood flowing out of the paws of the true red-eyed black dragon, and when its paws are unfolded, I see its paws Among them are two dragon gods and their mounts will be squeezed into a ball of rotten meat, followed by squeezing the flesh into a blood cell, and then bounced out like a marble in the abyss army.

The speed of the blood cells was extremely fast, and in a blink of an eye, he hit the huge robotic chest a hundred meters away, and directly passed through.

"Boom !!!!"

A fierce explosion, the huge robot exploded into countless parts and spilled from the sky.

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