Master Summoner Online

Chapter 832: End

The 500-meter-long true red-eyed black dragon's eye fell on the body of Emperor Ziyan, and then suddenly roared, opened his mouth, and even sprayed a red and black breath, like Changhong Jingtian, not a second When I arrived, I fell in front of the Emperor Ziyan, and wanted to make Emperor Ziyan and all the cadre-level abyss monsters around it and even the abyss monsters outside the city. No matter the ground in the air is swept into this red and black breath.

"Boom!" The sky was loud, and the real red-eyed black dragon breathed out. The Emperor Ziyan waved his left palm, but it seemed to be very reluctant to stop it, and his body was shaken and exited.

All abyss monsters except her were wiped out in this breath.

"This is the true red-eyed black dragon? There is a legend as famous as the blue-eyed white dragon? This power trembles even the gods, hateful and miscalculated!" The Emperor Ziyan turned his mind to a flash, and turned directly toward the blood-stained The space rushed away, and the two sides pulled out about five kilometers away.

When the real red-eyed black dragon saw that the Emperor Ziyan was about to run away, he couldn't help giggling, issued a dragon chant, and once again sprayed out the red and black breath. This time, it increased its power. This breath was ten meters wide, especially cracked. Come to the void.

At this moment, the Emperor Ziyan turned suddenly, the two mechanical arms were flat, five fingers stretched, and the violent energy on his body was endless. The black hair in the middle mirror flew, and the white and black energy flows around the huge mechanical body. Suddenly, a milky white and a black black light pillar sprayed out of the palms of the hands, and the dragon's breath sprayed out by the true red-eyed black dragon.

Two beams of light slammed the red and black dragon's breath, and a loud explosion exploded in the air.

"Booming" a horrific blast exploded, and Emperor Ziyan's body rolled and flew out in the air, like a cannonball, flew away in the distance, hoping to fall into the forest outside the city and a distance of nearly 10,000 meters. The height of the splashed earth and stones can be clearly seen in the city. The real red-eyed black dragon also fell from the sky, and fell heavily in the city. The earth shook. The obvious shock wave almost destroyed the entire inner city and half of the imperial city. Is it not just the inner city, the explosion caused by the collision of skills just turned the outer city and a large area outside the city into a huge crater in the explosion just now, and the pit was still billowing with smoke.

After a second, the real red-eyed black dragon stood up, and all the players in the city were stunned.

A long time pit father first said: "Um, this, is this still a summoning beast?"

"Beast god, are you still human !?" The legend lives.

"Wipe ... I wipe ... this bastard's summoning beast is one pervert!" Nether "Oh my God, what is this, is the battle between super bosses?"

"Would you beast beast attack us? Is the dragon capital safe now?"

I smiled bitterly: "The dragon capital should be safe, but whether it will attack us is another matter."

When the Emperor Ziyan stood up again, don't even think about turning around and running away. When he stood up, the red-eyed black dragon snorted slightly. The dragon's tail swung, and he flew up to the Emperor Ziyan. Oath to destroy this Ziyan Emperor.

The flame of purple flame on the arms of this Emperor Ziyan soared, and the attacked opponents bombarded each other, and the excited energy shook the entire earth. Numerous sleeping monsters hiding under the ground were hanged into meat sauce and died tragically. The battle between these two guys has surpassed any understandable level. The entire world is groaning and trembling repeatedly, the earth is shattered by power, and the tsunami of the ocean is tumbling. The two guys are fighting to make a world change.

I said to everyone: "Who is not afraid to die together and kill the Emperor Ziyan!"

"go by yourself!"

All the people who survived shouted the same sentence to me, and we can intervene in such a horrible battle. Even if they can intervene, they are powerless. After all, the strength of the Emperor Ziyan is there and there is no certain attack. Li couldn't play the damage numbers at all, and he went to death for nothing.

"Now wait for the Lord of the Abyss to be cleaned up. You guys give me a go first, and I have to go back to the fire." Then he took out the crystal and teleported away.

The next moment appeared on the square of the steel capital. At this moment, a large group of players were not their own, so the dragon gun was launched to destroy the dragon, and the dragon gun flew to bring out a blood flower blooming from the tip of the gun. The summoned beasts all summoned and rushed into the circle of war. The demons' kisses and the surrounding players couldn't stop us at all, either they were killed on the spot or they spit blood and flew out.

As I rushed into the inner city all the way, I also saw familiar faces on the ground, saw Ye Shuang nailed to the wall in the distance, saw the dance remnants cut into four pieces, and saw only Xiaoxi, with a head in her head, saw the blood that was broken from it, and so on. These people did not fall on the battlefield to protect their homeland but died in the hands of their own. They saw that they could not help but tremble. Our side, alive There are only less than 2,000 people and hundreds of Protoss forces, including Snow Moon, Yun Lan, Wind and Moon, Smoke and Rain, Flying Blood, and Dark Night. Catch the cover of the photon turret and defend it.

There are hundreds of thousands of demon kisses and stormy coalition forces. There are four or five hundred players standing at the intersections of the resident inner cities. This point is not worth mentioning in front of me and the summoned beast. They were full of surprises, and after seeing the chaos inside, I didn't know who shouted: "The beast **** is back! We can't fight it!"

Hearing the shouting of this man, after guarding the gate of the city, after I was chopped down to seven or eighty eight, Hula went back, as if he saw something terrible!

"Stop and don't retreat" Suddenly, Fang rang and scolded one person, "Dammit, you are afraid to give me back everything. The beast **** will have a limit on how strong he can be when he beckons the beast alone, and all come back. The retreat will be expelled. Guild! "Seeing the players scattered around gathered again! The master of that voice came out, this guy is not someone else who is the same silly hat in the world, and this goods then said to me: "Beast God, long time no see, hehe, I didn't expect that we would suddenly enter your station! Thanks to this! This time the abyss siege, otherwise I have no chance, haha! "

This guy is disgusting when he looks at it. His words are even more disgusting. I don't want the dragon gun to stab on the ground and the earth suddenly bursts into light blue dragon-like air. The subsequent additional attacks make the players in the situation even more deadly!

I sneered, and said, "What nonsense, now I don't have the mood to talk to you. Lao Tzu's site can actually be your finger! Kill me!" The beasts rushed up at the same time and killed the hundred people.

The world that had suffered the destruction of the Dragon Soul before relied on a high-level equipment to barely survive, stood up and hurried back, and shouted: "Kill me, kill the beast god!"

I yelled at the dragon gun and shouted, "Just because of your garbage like killing me!"

Starfall started, a dozen extraterrestrial stars fell, Amber Dragon raged everywhere, Breath and Hell Fury set off a sea of ​​fire in the crowd, killing a group of countless players anguish, in contrast, if the nightmare below is not nightmare, it should be more terrible than nightmare, The players in this body BUFF can't break the defense at all, and can only rely on the constant damage of the skills to bleed blood, but I also think that all the priests who have survived add blood to the ark. As long as the ark is guaranteed, there is still a chance to win. Terror in the ark In the face of extreme attack power, the soldiers were vulnerable, let alone the other mages and archers.

The inner city has been stalemate for nearly two hours, no matter how strong and can not stand the opponent has an absolute advantage of human sea tactics, we were forced to abandon the inner city to retreat to the Protoss hub, the core of the aircraft carrier continued to give the Protoss hub Applying the Photon Overload skill turns the Protoss Hub into a huge turret, and previewing turns surrounding enemy assassins into furnishings.

The dragon gun stabs left and right, invincible! My attack power has surpassed most of the fighters. The players of Devil's Kiss and Fengyun are basically unable to live in my hands for ten seconds!

The summoning beasts around, especially the ark, are definitely more terrible than the **** of death from hell. Each time the tomahawk with both hands is swung, a large white light of death rises!

And a group of players behind me had long been dying, and they ignored the death but showed more powerful strength and combat power! One by one, like the tigers descending the mountain, they are unstoppable!

As a steady stream of enemies pounced on us, the pressure on us became more and more great! But our players' faces did not show even a trace of fear!

Some of their faces are just the pride of seeing death, some are just the blood of such a war! Gritting steel teeth one by one, wielding the weapon in his hand hard! Although there were multiple injuries on their bodies, they just swallowed a blood-filling medicine and chopped their weapons at the enemies around them again!

Time goes by every second, but in the face of players who are many times more than us, even if it is strong, it is difficult to withstand this tide-like attack. Gradually, the brothers and sisters around me fell down one by one!

Seeing fewer and fewer players around me, my heart twitched for a while, and looking at the densely packed players on the other side, I was helpless for a while!

Fengyun laughed wildly: "Hahaha, beast god, you don't need to keep on guard, you're finished."

It is indeed almost over. By relying on the ark and us to block the door, the immortal and some remaining magician archers output frantically at the back to barely support the Lord. Once the ark is down, we have no chance of winning. Yes, but at this time, everyone thought that the overall situation had timed out. Suddenly, a shouting shout sounded outside the city, and then a full-fledged regular army came out.

Suddenly, I waited for the remnants of less than fifty people to hold on, and the demon kiss and the situation were also on hold.

Although the number of this army was only tens of thousands, in the war drums and shouts, the momentum was like a rainbow rushing, and rushed into the city in an instant, followed by the siege of the storm and the kiss of the demon.

At this moment loneliness was singing to me and said, "Beast God, sorry to keep you waiting for so long."

Shu Road smiled: "Don't be afraid, my lovely students, the teacher is here."

"You guard the main city for us, now we come to guard the station for you." Assassin's Creed.

"Although, I have nothing to do with you, but this group of despicable guys is very unpleasant to me!" It was the rain and dust that spoke, and I did not expect death to come.

Countless players flew in, rubber sticky people, night and love, shocking clouds, dragon soul Xiaofeng, 弑 神, and other series of first-class top-line masters to open a variety of skill effects, the first step Get into the crowd!

A group of players were killed and their spirits flew away. Then, seven ghostly dragons with black hair flying across the tower, ghost dragon bone dragons do not use dragon breath, but they are still nuclear bomb monsters. The seven-headed ghost dragon rages continuously under the command of Xue Wu Feng Wu, and the killing ability is not inferior to anyone!

This group of people was almost swept over. Under the crushing of the square matrix, no one can resist the kiss of demons and the situation. It is no wonder that this group of people is the top existence in China. Can the people of Wuhe resist?

But there were too many people, but the real red-eyed black dragon sounded in my mind at this time: "Little devil, my business is done. It's so cool! Oh yes I got one thing you will definitely like, put Come to Longyuan to find me after you finish your work. "

True red-eyed black dragon's voice fell.

"Ding ~! The Emperor Ziyan-Ziyan was killed, the space bridge collapsed, the battle of the abyss was successful! The system enters the maintenance state after 30 seconds, please pay attention ~! Please pay attention ~!"

"Ding ~! The rewards for this campaign will be distributed automatically the next time the player comes online!"

Immediately follow-"Ding ~! The system is about to be maintained. This territorial battle is invalid. Please log off immediately, please log off immediately!"

"Ding ~! The system is about to be maintained. This territorial battle is invalid. Please log off immediately. Please log off immediately!"

"Ding ~! The system is about to be maintained. This territorial battle is invalid. Please log off immediately. Please log off immediately!"

"How can this happen!" Fengyun shouted, he must have never dreamed that I would get the invincible metamorphosis of the real red-eyed black dragon to deal with the abyss monarch. He originally calculated that what fast attack order to use when we were defending the city to die, and they would rather let the main city of the system also want this return station to satisfy their selfish desires. But the appearance of the real red-eyed black dragon led to the successful victory of this battle, which was definitely unexpected.

"Under the sky, your death is coming soon!" You Longbu + electric light fire bypassed all the players around him in an instant, turned his right hand into a dragon claw and evoked the call of death to clasp his head coldly: "Let's take a break off the line, and by the way tell you that I will report this revenge."

The energy exploded and the grappler fired, and the world's head instantly exploded into a mass of rotten meat.

One second after the death of Fengyun World, the system began to force the players to go offline. The next time online players are defaulted to appear in the Dragon City, and resident players like us will appear in their own resident, so Even if the next time online, the players of Devil's Kiss and Fengyun will not appear on my site.

The winter vacation is over, and classes will start tomorrow, but the update will not be broken (^ __ ^) hehe hehe ~~!

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