Master Summoner Online

Chapter 842: examination

The next day, "Oh, good morning!" Xiao Guang said in front of the door of the dormitory.

"Good morning, everyone." Yinyue sent a sweet smile to everyone.

"It's not early." Compared to other individuals, Yinyue really got up very late, but since everyone is not such a punctual student, no one blame her.

"Well, it's almost the same anyway, and you won't be late." Yinyue was originally a person who liked to sleep on the bed. She hadn't changed the slightest over the years, and there was nothing to complain at this moment. You just need to get used to it.

After all the members got together, everyone went to the cafeteria, and then found a seat to sit down. I took a plate of fragrant breakfast and put them in front of the MM one by one.

Everyone started to eat. At the same time, Xiaoguang said: "Longling, are you confident in this test?"

I laughed and said, "You guys helped me review so hard. I said that I wasn't confident that it was definitely a lie." Although I tried hard to review, I still didn't have much confidence.

"Oh, Xiaoguang, don't worry, your dragon spirit brother is not such a weak person. A little quiz will not stump my husband." Xueyue laughed.

"Hey, don't be someone else." Yun Lan reminded.

"Oh, guardian is ready to eat, we should almost go." Putting down the chopsticks, watching the guy who was still stuffing his mouth, I said helplessly. I was wondering if the guardian was born and reborn, so I can eat without fear of being choked. But the most important thing is that she doesn't eat fat no matter how she eats.

"Well ..." There were things in his mouth, guarding some inarticulate answers. But anyway, I slowly put down the chopsticks in my hand and drank the milk at hand, and finally breathed out.

"Well, you're full! You can go." Don't forget to lick the oil on your fingers after eating.

After enjoying the morning, everyone went to the examination room. The examination room was not in their own class, but in a huge multimedia classroom. It can be said that the whole hospital is here, but the seats are not made according to the class, but the upper right corner of each table is With my own name, it took me ten minutes to find my seat, to see if the people around me in the same class or the people I know have been scattered ... What should I do!

Holding my head on my back and lying on the table, I started to feel depressed. As soon as I was depressed, a sweet female voice sounded in my ear again: "Dragon Spirit."

Turn your head and see the sudden shock! Happy: "Isn't this Mo Yan? When did you sit by my side?"

"I've only just reacted." Mo Yan laughed. "Both of us, come on!"

"Well." I thought as I prepared for the work. The supervising director of the proctored exam today is a female, like the surname Ling. I wonder if this director Ling looks like a dinosaur or Obasan? Generally speaking, people in this position are not young, basically they are people with 20-30 years of work experience.

Five minutes later, a team of teachers came in. Yes, you read that correctly. Not one is a team. I counted off the tie on this team. There is a female teacher. There are 20 male and female teachers, but most of them are male. Among them, Shu Tao and the physical education teacher named Cheng Qijie are also inside. In addition, each of these people is holding a book and a pen and wondering what to do?

When I saw this female teacher, I secretly praised: "This teacher looks so beautiful!" This female teacher is a big sister with tall, beautiful long hair, and straight chest. She has a slender body and beautiful goose-shaped faces. From the outside, it seems that it is about 20 years old, not as much as any classmate who is sitting. The skin like sheep fat and white jade is a white shirt with a button on it, leaving only one unbuttoned to hang on her neck. A sparkling platinum necklace.

The beauty effect really calmed down the whole audience suddenly, and signaled everyone to sit down, while the students were seated, while the 20 teachers were separated from each side and ten people sat down, the beauty school director said, " Hello everyone, I am your examiner, Ling Xin. "

Director Ling said, "I have a few things to explain to everyone before the exam starts."

"It is stated in advance that I will not accept questions during the test." Director Ling cleared his throat and said, "The first thing, the total score of this test is 100 points plus 10 points for the test, for a total of 110. Minute."

"The second one, the results of this exam will have a great impact on your overall assessment at the end of the period. The third and most important thing is next." Director Ling said after buying a key, "If the general test If you find cheating, you will immediately be disqualified, but I am more kind. All of you are cheated by the invigilator during the exam, or suspected of cheating ... every time you find a cheat, you will deduct two points from the ten points. ... "

She really wanted to figure it out. There were other ways of deducting points in addition to the written test questions. Director Ling continued: "If you have accumulated three times, then I'm sorry. The grade of this course will be calculated as zero points and will be kicked out of the test room. If you plagiarize, both people will be treated as zero points, so anyone who cheats will be killed. "

Sitting in the fifth row on the left, Shu Tao smiled with a pen in his hand and said, ‘I ’ll watch you anytime. "

Director Ling said: "The time is coming up. Now you pass the test papers. Our first lesson is based on the virtual rule. The start time is one hour. The test papers are not allowed to be submitted in advance."

After speaking, I started to distribute the test papers, and started to pass back from the first one. After all the students got the test papers, they saw the electronic clock on the wall. It is now 8.29, and it changed at 29. Thirty minutes into the process, Director Xiu Mei shouted, "Get started!"

The tension suddenly increased. This atmosphere was like a team of players standing in front of the gate waiting for the super boss behind the gate to appear. Open the test paper and write the name. Although the surrounding atmosphere is very depressing, this kind of I can see much more about life and death.

What you need to do now is to stay calm, read all the exam questions carefully, and try your best to solve the part you can understand, so there is no problem. This textbook of the Law of Virtuality is very strange, it is all about things related to the Second World.

Look, the first blank question.

The first question, please fill out all the options in the player's control panel. I still know this. They are "whisper message", "friend chat", "conversation invitation", "transaction application", "group invitation" , "Personal attributes", "Equipment attributes", "Sign out" should be these.

Second question, please write down the common equipment level from low to high. This one is simple and simple, the first is pure white and light blue

Next, most of the questions are the most basic things. These are sub-questions. For a master player like me, it is not difficult for me. I will finish the first question and the second question. .

The second big question is yes and no. Determine the correctness and error of the following sentence.

Does the Amethyst level equipment have additional skills? Then a bracket, I immediately crossed the brackets after reading the question, because I know that only the equipment with a level above green will have additional skills.

This kind of question will not be left alone, if all the questions are chosen the same, they will all be miscalculated. All the easiest way is one wrong row right or one right row wrong, and that's it, look at the third question after tossing.

The third question is a multiple-choice question. Please insert the numbers of the following four options in parentheses.

The first question, a level 10 player makes a turn, and when the post is a warrior, the system will give out which of the next skills.

A: Powerful attack, B: Life enhancement, C: Weapon mastery, D: Charge? The first three are passive skills. Only the last charge is active. It should be the most frequently used charge in the game, so choose the D option.

The second question, when the player is renamed as the magician, the system will grant a basic skill other than the universal skill magic bullet according to the element attributes selected by the player. May I ask which of the basic skills of the ice magician is the following?

A: Frozen, B: Frozen, C: Frozen, D: Frozen. This should be B, Frozen. I remember when I walked into the dark forest and saw an ice magician launching magic. Sip the word ice ice.

The next questions are similar, but I am depressed because so many questions are attached to the summoner every day, I really don't know what the guy who asked the questions thinks.

Soon the first side of the question was done, these questions are just a total of more than ten points, the real decision is the second side, the second side of a total of ten questions are answers, A total of fifty points, one question is five points.

Answer to the first question in a dedicated language, huh? I do n’t understand. In the second question, the second question has a picture of a high wall and a small person standing on the high wall. There is also a connection line connecting the small person to the ground in front. The problem reads: The connecting line B in the middle refers to the maximum range of the arrows fired by the enemy archer A standing on the seven-meter-high wall. Please write down the characteristics of the enemy players within the range of this arrow. Maximum range at the time, and write the basis

I can't help but shed a drop of cold sweat. This topic is a comprehensive and uncertain condition assumption and data energy analysis. How could such a problem come out, the guy who gave the test paper was too foolish! There is no way to live!

Then I looked down, but the more I looked at the bottom, the more I got the bottom of my heart. After all the reading, I laughed and came to a conclusion. I couldn't do any of these questions!

It's over, it's doomed, and the questions for the final exam last year have not been so difficult! Watching the time of that electronic clock pass by every minute, awful! what should I do! what should I do! Just when I thought it was almost finished— "Dragon Spirit." A soft voice.

The voice came from Mo Yan around me, and I turned my head slightly, and saw Mo Yan's face flushed and a little shy, "My exam paper ... I'll show it to you."

Gosh! How is this going? Is it rare that God pity me? Heaven did n’t want me to hang a subject, so I arranged a good classmate to sit next to me. After thinking for a while, he said quietly, “Well, why would you show me your test paper?”

When I asked her, she suddenly became chubby: "That's because ... because, because of me ... I, I don't want to see ... Longling, you have a subject, and you have too few passing subjects."

"Uh?" I stunned for a long time and said, "So it is, haha." Cangtian! O earth! I'm so lucky, the protagonist halo can still be used this way!

"Hurry up, don't be found." Mo Yan said softly and then exposed part of her examination paper.

I immediately prepared to start, but at this moment I heard a cry in my ear: "Get up! Cheating three times and you are disqualified! Go out and prepare for the next subject!" I saw Mr. Cheng Qijie directing a relatively short student in front of me Squat up and drop out of the test room.

This move immediately made me immediately scared to stand upright behind him, and immediately hit a cold war! The eyes that had just turned out left and closed, and at the same time, Yu Guang was sitting at the far side of my row. An examiner was writing on the book with a pen in his hand. After three seconds, I did n’t know. To me or to whom, a sneer appeared, and I was trembling. Mo Yan asked: 'What's the matter? "

I do n’t know what to say at the moment. I smiled at Mo Yan and said, "Mo Yan, are you right? How can a master such as me rely on cheating, and if found, Because I am involved with you, then I will feel uncomfortable. "

Mo Yan heard a shy red on her pretty face, and said after a long time: "I'm sorry I'm too much nosy, but if you need me, I will borrow you to copy."

I laughed: "It's okay, it's nothing."

Although I said so verbally, I secretly burst into tears! What does it mean to die for face to face? This is how I do, what should I do? I am such a big idiot!

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