Master Summoner Online

Chapter 843: Next copy

After the last geography exam was over, the two-day Super Quiz exam was maintained and ended. This exam is the most stressful, exciting and disturbing time I have ever taken in my lifetime. I hope that this kind of thing will be done next semester, Can't stand after the heart.

The written test is over. I do n’t know what the next practice is.

The practice is three days later, which is Saturday. God knows what kind of exam questions are waiting for us. Forget it now that it is true that I do n’t want to go back to leveling.

On the way, Yinyue put her hands behind her head and said, "I said, how about going to get a copy this afternoon?"

The guard held the snack in his hand: "Okay, I haven't hit it once since the copy was opened."

Huofeng nodded: "The copy has been played, and the number of copies has now increased a lot."

I said, "Did you go to participate, how difficult is the copy, can you pass it?"

Huofeng said: "You mean a copy of that level?"

"Superlative," I said.

"No ..." Fire Mai pouted and smiled: "Each copy, the player can only open the copy once a week, and there is no official blowing so amazing in the copy. I remember the highest-level copy of S has been out, we You can try to challenge it. I remember that the S-class copy can explode the gold suit, even platinum. "

"Then let's go back and get ready and play a few sets of it." I laughed.

Fire Dance said: "Please, you are so explosive as a suit, and the S-level copy is far more difficult than we imagined. Last month, Bloody Essence took a group of elites to enter the S-level copy. In the copy of Destiny Canyon, the last BOSS failed to pass, and the extinction group was forced to withdraw. Each person lost a level. The S-level copy had only one chance to challenge. Once the group was destroyed, it would be forced to exit and cannot enter again. This destiny Canyon is still a relatively simple category among the S-class replicas. "

"What?" I was surprised: "It is indeed an S-class copy, the elite led by the Creed can't beat, I want to play more and more."

"Which copy should we choose?" Xueyue said.

"Most of the S-level copies must not be defeated. We have killed a few of the A-level before, so choose that one, it seems like a map called ancient ruins, but also the S-level copy is less difficult. Our words should be able to pass. In addition, the maximum number of S-level replicas is fifteen. If we are not enough, we must find some exceptions. "

"Well, it was so decided. Looking back, the three named Ziyue, Hualian, and Mo Yan finally called the wind mark, and they were able to resist and add blood to the grandmother. This is a team of fifteen people. Let's go together, and get through this copy today! "

"it is good!"


Back to the dormitory, go online.

Mirror Synthesis!

Appeared, open the guild channel in the dragon capital. The four people called up to join the team, and then went to the trial tower to receive the task.

The gate to the copy in the trial tower, in the middle of the entrance, is a huge screen with a list on it that lists a series of options and difficulties for the copy.

Directly adjust the copy option to S level, select a copy called ancient ruins from the inside, and then select the difficulty. The copy difficulty can be divided into five levels: normal, adventure, warrior, king, hero! The other is called the leveling mode. This mode is not interesting to say that Bai is a trial version. The attributes of monsters will be reduced and increased with different difficulty levels. The explosion rate is the same. In addition, players can pass the copy in the The missions received by NPCs are also very rich in mission experience, but not every NPC has missions. There are also S-level replicas selected above. Now the replica missions above the king level can receive additional hidden missions to get rich. reward.

The following also wrote with a note: each player in the copy has three resurrection opportunities, the S-level copy has no resurrection opportunity! In other words, death will be thrown out immediately. Next time I have to fight, I have to wait for next week.

Exit the Trial Tower after the next hero-level mission for this copy.

"Are you ready?" Fire Dance asked, and I nodded. She said to me, "So, what difficulty did you choose? Shouldn't you choose the leveling mode?"

"........." I was speechless. If I didn't know she was joking, I would really like to jump up and swear. He breathed out and said, "I choose, heroic!"

"What? Heroic ?!" Fire Dance said with a little surprise: "Either rich, seek out danger."

I said, "Let's go."

Fire Dance said: "Before I set out, I have to declare in advance that the S-Class copy can only enter one group at a time, so it is easy to fight at the intersection of the S-Class copy."

Feng Hen smiled: "I really want to fight who can beat us."

"That's it." After laughing, everyone went out of the copy of the ancient ruins at the intersection of the northeast of the dragon capital. A group of people rushed out of the east gate. After I went out, I turned into an amber dragon. Yan sits on the ice frost, Ziyue summons the battle eagle, and guards the ultimate electronic dragon. Everyone takes a part of them, and laughs in the air: "Well, you fight for immortality and get through ancient ruins!"

Huofeng laughed: "Rest assured, our team can get through the less difficult copy of the S-Class, and there should be no problem without death. If you hang it in the copy, it will drop the first level explosion equipment, like our level The price of hanging a level can be too great. "

"Yes, everyone must be careful. If you can't fight, you just quit. There is no need to lose experience and equipment for a small copy." Fire Dance said.


The group left the dragon capital and flew straight to the direction of the ancient ruins on the big map. The introduction from the replicas revealed that the S-class replicas would burst out of the suit, and the minimum was orange. The ancient ruins we chose would burst out. It is a dark gold suit, and there is also a chance to explode platinum equipment.


After flying for thirty minutes, after passing a mountain in front, you can reach the assembly stone of the replica of the ancient ruins in less than ten minutes. There is a standard copy NPC blue light spot on the large map.


"Well, what's the situation and how many people?" I wondered.

Seen from the air, the ground is a wasteland. On the wasteland, there are a large group of players blocked there. The emblem on everyone's shoulders is the same and looks like a cross. Isn't this the player who has recently stood out from the Holy Cross Association? ? Do these guys want to occupy the entire copy area? They lined up like a wall. I'm almost inseparable.

Fire dance said: "Look at it, I know it must be up."

I asked, "Why the copy can only be in one group, why are they blocked at the door?"

Fire Dance Road: "Well, I didn't make it clear. The so-called entering a group does not mean that you can only enter one group, but the S-level copy does not want to be independent of the previous copy. If an S-level copy If you enter two or more teams in the copy, the system will automatically start a scramble mode. Because there is only one final reward, in order to ensure that your team can get the final reward, the grand guild will choose to block the intersection of the copy and wait for its own team. Exit after success or failure. It is because of this that many players will fight in the copy mouth. "

I laughed: "Okay, I'll grab their last reward now!"

After finishing talking, the unmanned land far from the intersection descended, and the changing human form brought everyone forward. In front of the Holy Cross human wall, this large group of players looked at this human wall very angrily, although such things as chartering can be seen everywhere, players Most of us are also used to it, but getting used to it doesn't mean accepting this behavior. A lot of players around the place scolded and shouted, and some people brought up the blade demonstrations, and some people took the lead to rush up.


Among the crowd was a black robe mage carrying a staff, and about a thousand players blocked the copy mouth. The mage whistled and shouted, "The cavalry shocked, kill all these guys! Let them all! Know the terror of the Holy Cross Guild! "

This guy is really overbearing. As soon as they came up, they killed the player and cleared the field. Everyone and seven hundred or eight hundred cavalry players drove the steed and began to run, and the surrounding players were rushed out in a mess before they could react in the future.

These cavalry are very neat. The mounts are all cyan war horses. These horses are still whirlwinded on their legs. This horse is obviously not an ordinary commodity. The team of idle players is completely reduced to be slashed in the face of this trained team. Already.

The mage laughed wildly: "I know it's awesome! A group of miscellaneous! These people do not leave all killed, here is our Holy Cross site, no one can approach. Hahaha!"

I saw a **** archer knocked down by a war horse and fell to the ground. I saw this guy is a player of the ghost of the dusk. He fell down on the ground and groaned for a long time. The impact just now obviously caused him a lot of damage. At that moment, the magician came over. Since the staff hit the person's head with a single-digit injury, the archer was basically unable to move, only Let him beat.

I glanced at him, and hurried forward without saying a word, and reached out quickly with a hand to stop the man, and said to him, "Is it fun to bully someone who has no fighting ability?"

The mage smiled at me and said, "Boy, do you want to take the lead for him? OK, I'll let you ..."


Before I finished speaking, I turned my other hand into a dragon claw and covered it on his face. This guy is a mage who didn't look at the shield. The dragon claw spurted out the energy flow and instantly killed him. Moreover, the goods were clapping and actively attacked. It is a red name. This link exploded the staff in my hand. I picked it up and found it was a piece of dark gold. I picked up the explosive and picked it up. The sundries were enshrined and the equipment was put back to the maple leaf station. Sell, this guy suspected that a group of Holy Cross players who killed the idle players who had lost their will to fight stopped their lives. More than a dozen cavalry rushed over first. This group of cavalry rushed to where I was ten meters. Stop, look at me, and for the first humane: "Beast God?"

I smiled slightly, holding my chest with my hands and not talking.

At this time, not only the remaining players around this archer saw me appearing like seeing the savior. The archer said: "Beast god, this group of guys are too much, you have to decide for us!"

The cavalry leader's player laughed and said, "Would you like to cover this guy, beast god? I know that the relationship between Dragonfang and Dusk Ghost is not good."

I laughed and said, "What do I have to do with you? But you guys are blocking Lao Tzu's way of copying, no matter who I am, I can't kill."

"What do you say! Believe it or not, our army is under pressure, occupying your steel capital!" Said the cavalry leader arrogantly.

"Oh, don't you take a photo of yourself? Don't look at yourself too stupid!" I said with a small spread of hands, "But if you also want to be killed in the Resurrection Square like Fengyun and the Devil's Kiss, , Then just come! "

After listening to it, I made a person's face pale instantly. Before that, I killed the wave of people in the situation to delete the number! The devil's kiss forced to dissolve! This video has already been heated up on the forum. 90% of people who come to play games are to entertain and enrich their lives. And if you want to mix well in the game, in addition to your own strength, it is also very good to find a backing to plan. No one hopes for himself. After years of hard work, he hangs back to before liberation.

Seeing that they were resigned but did not act, it seemed that the actual action brought better results, so the dragon gun appeared in their hands and stabbed at the ground. Suddenly, a 20-meter-long crack appeared on the ground, and the crack was light blue. Dragon-shaped air waves rushed up into the sky. This cavalry ran into a crisscross of dragon-shaped air waves, and then an additional attack killed them completely!

"Don't get me out yet!"

With a murderous roar, I horrified a timid crowd and hurried away to both sides, revealing a way. I snorted, oops! I didn't expect to find such a powerful deterrent before. Seeing this dry man wait like a chill, he didn't even dare to move! It was me constantly, and everyone else almost laughed on the spot.

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