Master Summoner Online

Chapter 849: Enter the Temple of War


Without any hesitation, both of us immediately started the charge. We do n’t have long-range support, but we have a priest who adds blood. We do n’t lose them at all in combat effectiveness. The fight lasted about five minutes, and the three were repelled by us. If it was n’t the magician harassed us and did n’t have much Seriously, it's too easy to kill these three guys.

"You are very good. The dragon tooth people are really good! How about joining us! How about I pay you 200,000 salary every month?" Said the guy with the helmet.

"Forget it, I'm not that rare for your elder brother." I said, elder brother's ability and top monthly salary of one million are not excessive, of course, if someone is willing to pay.

"That being the case, I'm sorry, I'll be serious! I hope you can support me for ten minutes!" The goods said immensely.

"I'll be serious too. I promise I can kill you within the few of you!" He pointed out a finger and replied in the same words, shortening the time by 10 times, and grossly disgusting. He gave him a hand.

Xueyue laughed: "One minute and so long, I think it would be enough to deal with him for thirty seconds."

Yun Lan said: "I can send him back to the city in ten seconds. Believe it or not."

"You said it would be too arrogant to solve me in a minute. I'd like to see your eloquence is directly proportional to your strength!" Said the goods angrily.

"Then come and try, I promise you to lie flat within a minute." Then the guy heard it naturally, his heart was extremely angry, and a roar broke out. Three auras exploded on his body. His The occupation is a mad warrior. The opening of the three auras plus other BUFF skills instantly pushes his power to the highest level. Two swords will be slashed towards the ground with two swords.

"Want to solve me in a minute? Don't be kidding! You let me see him and solve him!" This guy is estimated that he has never been so despised and furious, he should be thinking about treating me in a picture. Get rid of.

I also rushed towards him, adjusted my position and stood between the two swords. The dragon gun in his hand threw the red dragon and roared to start. The huge red dragon rushed forward, and the two claws hit it, which will blow the guy seriously. Spitting blood and falling out.

—13919 The injury floated out of the opponent's horror. I fought with me before. At that time, if I was real, I wouldn't be so ugly. When I saw him at the moment, I saw the other side boasted that Haikou would solve the problem within one minute. This made me angry.

But he didn't want to be killed by tens of thousands of injuries in a single blow and was shocked to spit blood and flew out.

Frightened, this guy dared to hesitate. Obviously, he wanted to activate his strongest skills, but I didn't want him to launch at all. After hitting the goods in one shot, I stepped out in a few moments. On the way, catch the dragon gun that flew back, and then bombarded the ground. This guy just wanted to launch his skills to deal with it, but he didn't have time to respond. The light blue cyan dragon-shaped air waves suddenly burst out around him and cut back and forth, which contained the lethality and the horror.

If it hadn't been before the death summoning has been used, it is still in the cool-down stage, otherwise the death summoning is turned on to launch the "Dragon Soul Destruction", which basically ignores the defense effect. Its power is so terrible that it will kill him instantly.

Obviously, in the crisscrossing air waves, he couldn't help emitting a roar, spreading the shield outside to cut off the dragon-shaped air waves, and then turned over to avoid the next additional attack that spurred the dragon waves and became 'immunity'. In words, the shield is obviously some invincible skill. This guy relied on the invincible skill to lift the double-knife, and he wanted to cut me down.

I didn't want me to turn on the real and fake action at the first moment, and I stood up. My brother's combo could not be avoided except for the first-level metamorphosis of rain and dust.

I saw a flicker of my body, a blow from this person, and a moment above his head, the tears lined up on him. The shield broke instantly, and I found myself invincible. I was destroyed by the shock and destroyed the blow and shattered. The blow continued to hit him heavily, of course, it was not over yet, followed by a thunderstorm.

Lei Guang emerged from the ground, but a player riding a blue war horse rushed out in a flash. Since he was sent out to Lei Guang, he fell out of it and made a scream. He saw this guy suddenly rushed out but he and I were Won't let him go.

"Dragon's charge!" Growled, his body suddenly turned into a blue light dragon and flew out, hitting the horse's body all at once. Rushing out with him for a while, the dragon's arms breathed out and spit, and the flames instantly engulfed the man and the horse. The horse bridle collapsed after struggling a few times in the flames.

The owner of the mount also fell down, and at this same moment, Hundred Ghosts launched at night, and the roaring cube hit him and flew out. I turned on the electric light fire to catch up, and the whole person took the "grabbing cannon" and "energy explosion". , Has been bombarded on the waist of this goods.

The waist and abdomen were interrupted instantly, and a loud scream was heard. The two bodies flew out in a "bang", smashing the stone walls on both sides out of two large pits.

At the end of the combo, I saw one of the fire mages summoning a wall of fire, and the other cavalry ran out of the temple without saying a word.

At the same time-"Ding ~! Open the altar of war, the number of altars (13)"

If Hualian came out casually, just as she stepped out— "Ding ~! Open the altar of war, the number of altars (23)"

It seems that another group has opened the altar, and now there is one left, and at this moment Xiaoguang sends a message asking us to help.

Quickly search for the spoils on the ground and then head towards the shrine of war where Xiaoguang is located. When we came to this shrine of war, their group of fire dancing also came, and the two groups rushed into the shrine immediately.

Many corpses of monsters can be seen in the temple. These are some monsters that look like insects, but they are much bigger. The sharp minions, powerful limbs, and sloppy appearance all bring a tremendous amount of invisible pressure.

In the middle, I saw the eight-meter-high giant cyan praying mantis besieging one. Very special, this mantis also has a circle of irregular purple patterns. Two huge two-meter long swords are waving wildly. The silver armor giant was cut with scars.

This mantis monster is very powerful. Although it has been defeated by everyone, it still takes a certain amount of effort to defeat it. This small light will see us coming and shout immediately: "The dragon spirit is coming soon, we will kill this together. Big mantis. "

I listened to the head and immediately approached Ke Hualian, but reached out a hand to stop me and said, "You all back down and let me come."

After coming to the end, Ziyue said, "Please, so many of us will take you alone?"

"It's okay," Hua Lian said lightly.

Mo Yan stepped forward and said, "Do you need treatment?"

"No need, it's over soon." Hualian said blandly. Let Hou step forward and see that the other man, of course, can't bear the huge praying mantis who challenged the BOSS around him, and waved the sickle on the left.

Hua Lian picked out the light of the moon in her hand, blocked the sickle, followed by a split, and the sickle-shaped forefoot was cut and flew out directly. The other forefoot was split, and Hua Lian wielded a knife to fight with it After three or four hits, he severely chopped it off, followed by a series of slashing of several knives in the boss, and then he severely cut from the waist, and suddenly the boss was cut into two pieces and fell down.

Previously, Ziyue and others besieged this big mantis. Although it was very easy to beat, it still took a lot of effort to bring it down. Now, Hua Lian single-handedly went straight ahead. Although the other party was just a blood monster, it was flat by Hua Lian. There was no strange ordinary chopping, and the opponent was chopped to death with three strokes, five strokes and two strokes, and his blood was not lost. Everyone couldn't help but be slightly surprised.

Fengchen said in his ear: "You have attracted such a pervert from there. How strong is she?"

I laughed: "We are classmates in reality, and our strength can only be described in four words, unfathomable!"

Ziyue nodded and said slowly: "It is true that she and I often partner with each other to level up. Hualian's strength is indeed unfathomable. Even I don't know how powerful he is."

Hualian said faintly: "It's over, I said it quickly." It did add up to two or thirty seconds quickly, and it was almost half faster than I killed the guy.

The gate of the altar came out at the end of the BOSS, and then suddenly entered two people. The two looked at the strange corpses around them, and a little stunned in their hearts. They also took a few steps back and watched the fallen tree had been dismembered by Hualian. The Mantis BOSS glanced at it, and then looked at a few of us who said nothing and turned around and flew away.

Originally I thought that they would just come to explore the road and wait for the big troops to come, but it wasn't obvious that they would give up the fight to open their own altars after opening the altar, and opened the huge door where we came after opening all the altars.

"Ding ~! Duplicate mission—Ancient Ruins! Difficulty: Heroic. Mission Content (45): Mission Objective: Complete! Gain: Five Million Experience ~!"

Experience value enters everyone's experience slot, everyone coincidentally upgrades at the same time.

"Ding ~! Duplicate—Ancient Ruins! Difficulty: Heroic. Mission Content (55): Mission Objective: Use the key of time and space to open the gate of war and enter the temple of war to destroy the sacred horn!"

After receiving the reminder, I took out the “key of time and space” that resembles a ring from the dimension pack, and held it tightly in my hand. Soon, I felt a message, and I was busy releasing my hand. This "Key of Time and Space" has turned into a large ball of white light. The light ball shot a light directly into the gap between the two doors of the door of the great war. The next moment, the door with a huge boom opened. .

I said, "Let's go."

"Well." The spirit of seeing everyone was obviously ready. When I first stepped into the gate, everyone followed.

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