Master Summoner Online

Chapter 850: Blade of war

The people went through the gate of war one by one, and I walked in front of me. The two wolf empires were in front of me and kept smelling the ground. The path we walked was very strange. The ground was not stone but steel plates, and the surrounding walls were also used. Steel plates and walls each hang a magic crystal lamp with a relatively dim light every ten steps or so.

Regardless of being taken lightly along the way, thermal scans and fire eyes searched the surrounding situation constantly, while searching and connecting to a private chat: "Black God, I ask you a question."

The black **** blinked and smiled: "What is the problem with the master? I will answer you with all my strength."

"What I want to ask is, what is the last person in your series?"

"Why does the host want this?"

I said, "If you don't want to answer, even if it is, I won't force you."

"No, the owner's question is also my question, so I will definitely help you answer it. The last person in our series is called Archer, but this position is a little different from us." Black God.


"Well," the black **** continued. "Because there are two people in Archer's position."


"Well, they are two."

"How can there be two people in a position? Then, aren't the two people going to fight?" I said.

The black **** shook his head and said, "No, Archer's position is two because one of the arbiters is added, and it is a person in the company."



"Nana? That's the host on the road to the King."

"Yes, she is. She used to write data in the company of course, but now she has nothing to do with the data management. At most, it is time to improve it during maintenance. The shutdown maintenance time is from 00:00 on Sunday every week. The background maintenance at 7 am the next morning, she can basically work only once a week. In order to pass the boredom, she went to the arbiter and asked for an exclusive mercenary position. One is to pass the boredom and the other is to increase the income. . "

"The arbiter will give her one."

"That's not it. I didn't give it at first, but later I heard that Nana went to warm the arbiter's bed for a week and got it."

"Your company also has hidden rules."

"Is this just a gossip? It's not credible or credible." The black **** waved and said.

"Blessed is the player with her," I asked again. "Who is the other?"

Hei Shinto: "There were three chapters of the law before taking up the job, and the other one, like me, was recruited from society. It is said that he was a runaway brother. I don't know the specific reasons."

Just as we were chatting, a thermal scan suddenly found that a shadow appeared about 300 meters ahead and was shaking and came towards us. It seemed that the monster appeared!

"The monster is here, everyone is careful." Shen Yue said in the team channel, Xueyue said nothing with her right hand and took out the sword of choice, holding the shield with her left, and walked away, according to her attributes, as the shadows grew, The closer, I'd like to see what a monster we encountered looks like.

It didn't take long to hear a clicking sound, and then, since it appeared to be a silver-white two-meter-high robot, the appearance of this thing was similar to the Thor blade that had been seen in Thor's altar. The guy held his hands in one. The G36 rifle, which has been doubled, has a shield on its back.

The pair of green electronic eyes glanced at us and said in a very mechanical voice: "I found the invaders started to clear!"

After pulling the trigger, "Da Da Da Da Da!" The muzzle glowed orange-red, and a continuous hard sound came from the shield-"Ding Ding Ding ..."


"Dragon's Charge!"

The boots suddenly kicked towards the ground, and I turned into a blue light dragon. I hit the guy with precision, knocking it out of my hand and flying it out of the way. Immediately afterwards, the barriers were annihilated. Dragon The arm turned into a blue and broke out on the robot's forehead ... Then another barrier was broken, and the two wolf lords also rushed together. In addition to the attack of Yinyue and the guardian, the robot was beaten back and forth and pushed out for more than ten meters to stabilize Body, at this time I finally have the opportunity to look at the monster's information. Under the golden eyes, this robot's data is all-out-war blade, level 163, quasi-boss, introduction: war blade, this is the product of the super ancient Titan civilization. I do not know how long their combat effectiveness has fallen sharply. But still not to be underestimated, the blades of war faithfully guard the sacred horn in the center of the temple of war, they will not allow anyone to set foot in the temple of war ...

The war blade that we repulsed did not pick up our rifle but took the shield from the back, followed by pulling a 1.2-meter long sword from under the shield, and a mechanical voice was heard in his mouth: "The invaders cleared!"

Then the flames blasted out from behind and rushed straight up, and Ziyue's whip "slaps" and slammed a whip flower: "Hell flame up!"


Hell flame demon felt the command of the master, issued a roar and confronted the blade of the war. After a fierce battle, the blade of the war fell down. The mechanical head was unscrewed, and almost the round head rolled all the way to my feet. I heard this. The head issued: "The aggressor ... clear ... except ..." The voice became weaker and weaker, and his eyes were completely dim after the mind was read.

Looking at this head, I can't help but sigh, "It's true ..."

The first blade of the war fell. I stepped forward and looked at the explosion. I saw five pieces of equipment besides a small pile of gold coins. Four green and one silver were identified. It ’s all assassin and summoner stuff. My equipment is much better than these. It ’s useless. Everyone do n’t need it. The silver pack is lost and the green pack is used for worship. Wealth is everywhere, of course, there are risks. The attacking power of the war blade is not covered, and Xueyue's shield is destroyed by nearly 20,000 health. If you hit the body directly, you still have it.

Yun Lan said: "This S-Class copy is really not here. There is not much space here. If there are three or four such war blades in a row, then we may not be able to resist it ..."

I laughed and said, "Yeah, I think that group of people should have arrived too. I'm going to kill the past and enter the center early to destroy the holy horn!"



Keep moving forward. Monsters appear along the way. We ca n’t face each other. If we can bypass it, we can only kill it. If we ca n’t, we can only kill it. Before we go around a curve, I signaled everyone to wait and see Half a head away, I saw five metal swords equipped with real guns and ammunition standing in front of a metal gate.

Carefully the head was retracted and the situation was reported again.

"What to do, two, how to kill?" He Yi asked.

I said, "I transformed into a Gatling blaster to fight their first fire, and you took the opportunity to surround them and kill them!"


Immediately transformed into Gatling Benglong laughed: "I'm gone ..."

"Be careful not to be killed in seconds ..."

"Rest assured, Gatling Blast Dragon is my most fleshly summoned beast ..." When he kicked out, the blade of the war gave a mechanical sound: "I found the invaders and started to clear!"

"Da Da Da Da Da!"

The flames from the muzzle suddenly sparked the very dim channel, and the bullet trace was completely extended from a light net. There were also thicker and brighter bullet traces in the light net. The sound was endless, and the shield outside the body was illuminated by a bullet. After about 20 seconds, the gun body stopped to listen to the sound of a clicking sound. The other party began to change the clip. ! "

The crowd rushed out and rushed towards the five war blades. I also picked up the Gatling machine gun in the back row. The dark barrel began to rotate, and the dazzling tongue of fire was ejected. However, the response speed of this group of guys was also very fast. Immediately, three war blades rushed out the rifles and rushed up, and the other two retreated and continued to change the magazines.

"The two back ones are to me, you speed up the front!" In my team's channel, and then yelled loudly, the machine gun was aimed at the rear blade of the war, the fire was fully open, and the laser was aimed at one of the rifles in the hand " Hey! "The laser shot out and shot through the rifle in an instant.


The rifle exploded and destroyed its palm. This guy had to take the shield to be the MT. Since another rifle in the hands of the war blade opened fire on Mo Yan, it seems that it must first cut off the other party's supply ability. It is kingship.

But I even noticed that I was standing in front of Mo Yan, and raised the Gatling machine gun, click! The muzzle spouted a long tongue of fire in the sound, and it immediately suppressed its firepower. The firepower of a rifle in the joking area was comparable to that of Gatling. Jin Canchan's bullet fell to the ground, and the war blade was also sieved by me.

After solving one, open fire to support everyone.

About ten minutes later, everyone was methodical. The last four war blades fell one after another, and a bunch of gold coins burst out for everyone to distribute. Immediately follow the collection of equipment, and then appraisal, valuable collection of worthless offerings.


After allocating, open the door and see the world behind the door. The walls are bright silver, which seems to be made of some metal, and there are light-emitting devices on the walls and ceilings similar to light bulbs.

The ground is bright and smooth and very hard and thick metal floor.

This place is the corner of a huge open-air hall. From here, the sky is completely dark. The unknown planet is shining. Standing here, there is a feeling of being deep in the edge of the universe. Mysterious and desolate. Beautiful and weird.

In the center of the hall, a six diamond-shaped crystal pillar has been built, and the pillar continuously emits blue light.

There is a weird yellow pattern under the pillar, which continuously spreads out the halo. A silver-white horn-shaped horn in the middle of the crystal pillar floats inside. I don't see any war blade around this crystal pillar looks defensive. Weird.

Fengchen said: "It seems nobody?"

I scanned it with a thermal scan and didn't see any ghosts saying, "I'll line up the wolf emperor to see the situation first." After summoning the wolf emperor to direct them forward, the two wolf emperors approached the crystal column carefully, slowly Slowly, less than ten meters away from the crystal column, when I saw it close to me, suddenly the sound of "bang" guns rang like a cannon! The sparks on the top of the high wall around me kept flashing, and the two wolf empires were in countless moments. Leaping into the bullets, two bleak sounds were heard, which turned into countless pieces of multilateral pieces, scattered in the air, disappeared in the air, and the wolf emperor immediately stopped when he hung the gun body around him.


Xiaoguang took a breath and said, "Will it be so cruel ..."

NDD, since the sniper is arranged on the high wall, the guy who designed this map is really fucking! At this moment, Tian Zhao suddenly came to my ear: "Master, someone is coming from behind."

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