Master Summoner Online

Chapter 853: Practical exam

This Saturday after the copy tour ends.

Early in the morning, teachers and students gathered at the gate of the school. Today we are going to an exercise field outside the city. This way goes out of the city on the highway. After getting off the highway, the team turned into a side road. The Weiping car also started to be bumpy. What we did was not an off-road vehicle, and a little like a long-distance bus.

The speed of the car was not very fast. On the rugged suburban road, it passed through two villages, and after traveling for more than ten minutes, it entered the mountain road of the exercise field. After another twenty minutes, after a total of two hours or so, the academy's team finally arrived outside the exercise field and stopped here.

This so-called exercise field is a forest, and a long iron fence is blocked outside the forest. There is a chain of N chains in front of us, and N locks the locks circle by circle.

The teachers of the first car issued and then our students also got off the bus one by one and took pictures of the class team on the open space in front of the iron gate. The instructor named Ling Xin said: "Students here is the second game. Examination venue. Wehrmacht exercise ground 44. "

Someone asked, "Teacher, where is our examination place."

"Behind this exercise field! It is the content of your practical examination." Ling Xin laughed.

"Well?" Many students questioned together.

"Don't hesitate to be here. This place is an undeveloped virgin forest, and there are many archeologically valuable things in it. In fact, those are secondary." At this time, a teacher took a suitcase out of her box A thing that looked like a pistol and a cell phone said: "This is an improved flare gun and GPS locator. It was borrowed by the college with great effort. You can't break them."

Ling Xin also said, "Mr. Cheng asked you to take down the contents of the car and distribute them to everyone."

"it is good."

The backpack of the last car was presented one by one. The number of backpacks was collected according to the students in each class, and then distributed evenly to everyone. Open the backpack and see a lot of things inside. There are rope, machete, axe, food, medicine kits and other necessary things for camping.

After everyone got the things, Ling Xin said, "Everyone has got them. There are different kinds of things that are special, such as food, medicine, medicine packs, etc .. Then take a group of five of you and arrange them in advance. I ’ll explain the rules of the exam after I arrange them in order. "

Next, everyone started to form a team. The team was divided into two classes after they had divided into a very fierce battle at the class meeting last night. My group, Xueyue, Yun Lan, Hua Lian, and Mo Yan, a group of four men and four women Super NB.

After each group has lined up, stand in accordance with each founder. After that, Ling Xin began to speak, "Okay classmates, now I want to explain the rules of this exam. Of course, let's start with this exercise field." With the two teachers behind him, a large three-meter high and one-meter large map was developed. This map, when introduced, said it was a panoramic view of the entire exercise field. The exercise field centered on a large mountain and connected to the outer net to form a huge circle.

Ling Xin introduced: "In the 44th drill field, there are 43 locked entrances outside this one behind us. A circle is formed with rivers and forests inside. All you have to do is start from here and go through about The 50-kilometer distance is directly opposite the other entrance. It is said that there are many poisonous snakes and beasts in it. Many people have gone in before, but many things have really happened. Many people have died. But the dangerous area inside must not be Enter, rest assured that these places are marked. If you have an accident, the teacher will have to bear a lot of responsibility. "The teacher pointed this route with a pointer, and it can be seen that this route is on the edge. It can be said that the distance is the shortest among all routes.

"Teacher, what's the use of those two things in your hand?" Xiaoxi asked.

Ling Xin said: "Wait for the captain of each group to pick up these two things from Mr. Cheng. Before that, let me introduce. If you encounter danger on the way, a signal gun will occur, and the rescue team on standby is based on you. The matched locator finds and implements the rescue. Here I have to say, if you use the flare gun, you will also be judged to abstain in the process. In addition, I will start the exam ten minutes later, and the exam time will be this afternoon At 17 o'clock, there is plenty of time. Those who pass the exam can spend a wonderful night in a hot spring hotel outside the exercise field. Of course, if they fail or abstain, they can only blame them for going back to the dormitory. Breathed. It's really not easy to finish speaking in one breath.

"Finally, give you a piece of advice ... Don't hesitate to pass the dangerous route or encounter any danger that cannot be solved by yourself. Don't hesitate to send a signal immediately! Safety is always the first priority!" Broken arms and legs for passing the exam is not a good thing.

I clasped my hands behind my head and laughed, "Relax, we will pass in peace."

"That's good, now everyone starts to prepare, and the test will start on time in ten minutes!" After talking about some outdoor life needs to pay attention to, the team dispersed.

Ten minutes of preparation time passed quickly, and the teacher opened the iron gate and followed the exercise field entered by the class and group.

Here is a stretch of primitive deep mountain forest that has not yet opened. Hundreds of old towering trees can be seen everywhere, covered with vines, and the deep leaves cannot be heard. The roar of birds and beasts can be heard everywhere.

As the only boy and captain of the group, I inevitably carry the weight of each of the other four women ’s backpacks to myself, but Hua Lian insists that I do not help her. It can be said that among the four women, except her It's light.

The five people walked along the path on the mountain. Each team set off with a gap. If it is not impossible to meet other teams, they will rarely go together, because everyone is a contender here and wants to get A higher score is to reach the destination faster than others. In fact, you don't have to worry so much, as long as it arrives at 60 o'clock in the afternoon, why so hurry.

After an hour of progress, Xueyue and Mo Yan were so tired that Yun Lan was still gritting her teeth and insisting, but she looked almost the same. But Hualian was like nothing, and she was very quiet along the way, but the three of them kept on the way like Huang Huang in the mountains. I am afraid that their energy is expended on speaking.

It was still out of a flat grass field where the sun was out of the way after gritting his teeth. The three women except Hualian were completely out of business. Sitting back to back on the grass and panting, Xueyue panted and said, "Let's take a rest here, I'm exhausted!" The other two were almost the same.

Look at Hualian as if he was all right, and then look at the three of them so I laughed and said, "I said, you young ladies, I've only walked less than one-fifth, and you are so tired. It will take a long time to complete the journey! "

"Husband, just let someone have a rest." Xueyue said cutely.

"Hey, don't call me that kind of intimacy, when I don't exist!" Even after being tired and walking, they don't forget to confront each other for a while.

Mo Yan asked Hualian who was still standing, "Aren't you tired of Hualian?"

"Not tired. It's okay to be a little hungry." Hua Lian said lightly.

Yun Lan said: "Speaking of hungry, I didn't eat anything this morning!"

"I'm different." Xueyue said.

"I have something here," he said, taking off the backpack and opening the milk and bread from the inside to the hands of four girls. I drank a little water to replenish my energy. After about ten minutes, everyone continued to move forward. On the way, to be honest, the scenery of this undeveloped place along the way was very good. From time to time, MM stopped and took out a digital camera to take a picture. It's also fun. But I stopped it immediately and had the opportunity to come again, so I kept thinking about it in the middle of the night.

After the stop, everyone didn't stop all the way and went straight ahead. Then everyone was quiet and talked along the way to save energy. At 1 o'clock noon, we had already walked over and mostly exposed. At this moment two forks appeared in front of us and went to the warning area.

On the road on the left, there is a square warning sign up to more than one meter high with an iron frame. The warning sign is written in large red characters: Please do not pee anywhere!

Everyone: ""

Since the warning signs can write such things. Is this a warning sign?

Xueyue asked, "Which way should we go."

"Since this warning sign is on the left, of course we will walk from the right." I said.

"makes sense."

"Let's go."

When everyone walked down this road for twenty minutes, "What do you look like there?" Mo Yan suddenly pointed her finger in the distance.

"Let's check it out!" I cried, and when everyone ran past, I saw a deep gully in front of me.

The vertical height of the gully is nearly hundreds of meters, and the bottom is a rushing river. The river with a width of more than ten meters is very turbulent. The mountain walls on both sides of the river have been hit by water all year round and become abnormally smooth!

Connecting the gully is a wooden bridge that must have a history of N years. Xueyue asked, "Are we going to go from here?" Apparently she had doubts about the quality of the bridge.

I looked around and there seemed to be no other way around and said, "Should be it."

"Let's go." Hua Lian said as soon as he walked up first, then we also started to walk on this wooden bridge that does not know how many years old.

"Well, is this bridge strong?" Mo Yan looked at the dangling bridge body at her feet, and then looked at the deep groove under her feet, her legs were soft.

"It's okay!" I stopped and said Mo Yan shook her head. "It's okay, you go first." Said it looked like the support in front of Fei stood up, but once again because of the fear of squatting down, I exhaled and passed She helped her up and said, "I'll take her there first." After helping Mo Yan, she took a quick step to the opposite bank, but when our front foot arrived first.

"Ah!" Suddenly screamed, turning around and rushing forward without thinking, with lightning speed reaching out, grabbing Hua Lian's arm.

It turned out that the bridge did not know which cable was broken. The two who walked in the last Xueyue Yunlan fell at the same time. Fortunately, Hualian walking in front of them grabbed Xueyue's arm, and Xueyue caught With Yun Lan's hand, I swooped down in the volley with the impulse of the horse, and grabbed Xueyue's arm with Hua Lian, and forced them to death, while Mo Yan ran over half of the handle.

I shouted, ‘I count one two three and we work hard together. "

"Ready, one! Two! Three! Get up!" Roared through the world! The three men worked together to pull the two girls back from the brink of death!

I was relieved to see that they were all right, holding them up and saying, "Let's go."

"Will you take a break? I was scared to death just now." Xueyue panted, and put his hand on his undulating chest and said. Yun Lan was almost the same. He was lying on the floor and couldn't stop saying a word. Obviously, the scene just scared the two of them lightly.

I laughed: "Let's take a rest before leaving."

Mo Yan said: "Why did this bridge suddenly break?"

I said, "It should be in disrepair."

"Is there something just now?" Hua Lian said to herself as she looked at the other side.

I went over and asked, "What's wrong?"

Hualian said: "When I was saving someone just now, I seemed to see something passing by."

"What is it?" I asked.

Hualian tilted her head and said, "I may be wrong."

After a twenty-minute rest, move on. The two also replied from the scene just now, and everyone went quickly on the next road. I took out the axe and machete to cut the thorns along the way. MM followed me and ran after me. Keep urging to rest.

I turned my head and said, "Princesses should work harder. It's not far from the exit. Let's take a rest before we go to the hotel. Everyone insists."

The four nodded and continued to clenched their teeth and followed my steps to speed up their pace. Finally, they were attentive to the people who were interested. At 4:30 in the afternoon, the five finally crossed the iron gate to complete the task.

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