Master Summoner Online

Chapter 854: death! ?

After listening to the crickets for an hour on the playground in front of the hotel, we can finally rest.

After entering the gate, the first thing I saw was a piece of green grass. In the middle of the grass was a small and exquisite fountain. The spring water falling from the hands of the angel statue made a pleasant "ding" sound. The transparent water flow never stopped. Let the air be filled with a moist and fresh breath.

The wide yard is covered with snow-white marble, and the path leading to the rear garden is inlaid with even-sized pebbles. Stepping on it has a wonderful feeling of returning to nature.

After entering it, the first thing I saw was a large hall that was large enough to hold a banquet for a hundred people. The floors were all made of expensive red heart wood, and there was a beautiful red carpet on it. The wall is covered with a variety of landscape paintings, without exception, the scenery of the forest.

"This style is not a Chinese decoration style. Is the designer here a foreigner?" Xueyue asked the school supervisor.

"Yes, this hotel was opened here by a British owner. It is said that it took much money to specialize in the materials." Ling Xin said.

"Did the guy who burned such a luxurious hotel in this place burned his head?" I said.

"As far as I know, I invested this way because of the natural hot springs dug here. I don't know if my head is hot." Ling Xin laughed.

"Okay classmates, take your own room card back to your room, oh yes, go to the hot spring, hurry, the hot spring pool will be closed after twelve." Ling Xin smiled at us. Blinked.

"is teacher!"

After answering in unison, everyone took the room card and returned to their room.

When I came to the room, I saw that it was quite large, and it was not the same as the hotel in Xiaolong City. The only drawback was that I didn't wear a helmet. However, I could go online and do some things.

Forget to lie down for a while and go to the hot springs, thinking of falling here to bed. Xu was really too tired. When I lay down, I fell asleep within three minutes.

In a small black room while sleeping. A group of people met around a small round table.

"Hey, you say that guy is a monster, that poison is not poisoned, and I start to suspect that guy is not human." One said.

"That's just the little ghost's life, this time he has to die!" The other person said in the round table with a dagger in his hand and then severely cut a piece.

"Hey! I don't know if that person has a problem in his head. Spending millions of dollars to sell a little ghost's life is really rich and there is no place to burn." A strange person with a strange voice said, "Those who have money. Do n’t care so much, the information has been proven, and it must be successful tonight. I have a hunch that this matter is prolonged. Do n’t talk about dragging the employer into the water, I ’m afraid that we will have nowhere to die. "I stated in advance before the operation that if I didn't succeed tonight, I would just quit and just don't count myself in for this money."


No, how long did I sleep? I sat up, picked up my phone and looked at it. It was half past ten.

"I'll take it! I had only wanted to lie down for a while now it would take so long." I glanced at the time on the phone and said to myself.

Then I woke up, the hot spring pool was closed at twelve o'clock, and it was still too late, and I should have slept so late. It is the kingly way to dominate a hot spring pool alone.

Bringing a towel here, and following the arrow here, it only took me a few minutes to get there. The intersection of the hot spring pool is next to the garden where Director Ling brought us before. It is the penultimate room next to the corridor. There are several rooms nearby, but no one seems to live.

Opening the door appeared in front of me, the garden surrounded by all kinds of beautiful flowers, surrounded by the garden.

It was a large pond with a beautiful mermaid statue holding a water bottle in the middle. In the water bottle in the hand of the mermaid statue, a clear stream of water is pouring into the pool below.

"The hot spring allows me to enjoy it." He couldn't wait to jump into the pool. Generally speaking, he walked the process. First, he tried the temperature of the water by hand. As legend says, the temperature of this hot spring bath is the temperature that is most suitable for human body. The person who soaks in it can relax all over his body.

Just swoop and jump into this hot spring bath with white mist.

At the moment of entering, a whole body surrounded by an unspeakable sense of refreshment. The whole body of fatigue seemed to disappear in an instant. So cool! Ringing I also soaked in the hot spring in the game, at that time I almost knocked down the sky. Thinking of this, I couldn't help laughing, but in the end I was n’t pushed down by myself and the Black God, I do n’t know when Xueyue Yunlan was pushed down in reality. In reality, a double flight, haha, started to enter the endless YY in.

Time passed slowly, and I was relaxed and relaxed until I heard some subtle sounds in my ears. There was no way to hear exactly what the sound was, but it seemed that something was falling to the ground, followed by footsteps.

Strange, is anyone here? Who would bathe here at this time, closed my eyes and rested at the edge of the hot spring bath, and YY opened my eyes and looked at the direction of the sound with a little confusion. Under the obstruction of the water mist, there was no way to see it clearly. I only saw two fuzzy shadows, but when I concentrated and prepared to look carefully, the shadow suddenly disappeared.

Rubbing your eyes hard, nothing was rare. It was just a hallucination, but I knew that I was wrong the next second, and it was completely wrong.

"What's the situation!" I doubt if my eyes are going wrong or I'm running the wrong bathhouse, because I saw Ziyue and Hualian coming over. Of course it's not important. The two are important. All he had was a bath towel.

What should I do now? Find a reason to get out of the situation. Come on, they will believe that they have a ghost. Damn, they must have gone wrong. In case there are other girls who choose to bathe at this time, although more than 80% of the girls have been swiped before the exam, this does not mean No girls pass, what should they do if they come? How to explain this kind of thing! Do not! How to explain without saying, how to leave from here is the most important thing now. As long as you leave, you don't need to think about interpretation. By the way, hurry up!

"Well, it's very nice here. This is the legendary hot spring. It really feels comfortable." Ziyue exhaled, closed her eyes against the pool, and began to enjoy the feeling of warm water flowing. Seeing her look like she should be asleep, okay! Take advantage now!

"Where are you going?" As I was about to drive away, my red eyes stared at myself fiercely.

Time seems to freeze at this instant.

Hua Lian stood in front of herself, silent and deadly silent in the vast space where a huge hot spring bath was built, and now only the sound of the water flowing down from the mermaid statue was left.

"That ... listen to me explain, this is a misunderstanding, haha." I was in a hurry, if there is a moonlight here, I will undoubtedly be cut into pieces by her with the moonlight and then block together.

Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah! what's going on! Are the girls now so open?

It's hot, it's hot, my body is so hot, and my mind will be burned in this way. This is not a game, it is absolutely not allowed to do that kind of thing, no! It's out of control! Turning her head to see that Ziyue still had her eyes closed at this moment, and then looked at Hualian in her arms. At this moment, she also closed her beautiful red eyes tightly, and it seemed that she was also asleep.

Well, just fall asleep. If you do n’t fall asleep, I will be in trouble. Carefully set down Hualian in your arms, and then climb out of the bath with the fastest speed to rush into the locker room. Will own room.

But in the room, it ’s messy again to cover your head and sleep anyway! Hualian's original soft and charming face exudes charming charm. That delicate skin, soft and sweet lips, warm and strong twin peaks, God! I am going to collapse! No, I had to calm myself down, so the room went out to relax.

On the promenade behind the hotel where I came, at this time I saw the teacher Cheng Qijie. I saw him panting against a telephone pole and holding his left arm tightly with his right hand and a blood stream left his left arm.

"Teacher, are you okay!" I ran to Teacher Cheng in three steps and two steps.

But then the teacher shouted at me at this time: "Hurry up ... leave here."

"Huh?" I looked puzzled, and there was a rare danger that I might spread to myself. But how could I leave easily at this time in my own character, but Teacher Cheng seemed to see my thoughts and said, "Hurry up!"

"No one of you can go!" A cold, ruthless voice sounded in my ear. The sound was terrifying, the words just fell in front of us, and there was no one suddenly appeared. Four people were wearing black cloaks and masks covering half their faces. This costume was only seen in the game. get.

"Oh, it's so easy to break through the iron shoes and find nowhere. It's too easy to make money!" Of the four people, the smaller one on the left took out a pistol and aimed at us.

"Slow! I said you can't use a gun!" Said the tallest figure in the middle.

After the man cut it, the gun was retracted, and a dagger was pulled out from the waist. The glittering dagger's light shone under the light of the streetlight and was very eerie. The guy put out his tongue and added a circle on the corner of his mouth: "It will hurt a little!" He said that his foot struck, the action was lightning fast.

Teacher Cheng took a step forward to block, but the opponent was agile. He flew away from Teacher Cheng and flew towards me. I was surprised that this guy's goal was me! by! What innocent and damaging things I did, I couldn't breathe, my heart was beating madly, and I had the premonition that I was dead. I want to escape. This is not a game. This is true. I will be dead, but the other party will not give himself any chance to escape. Escape route. Without mercy or emotion, the dagger penetrated his heart through his clothes.

He was killed and couldn't even move. He could only watch the dagger pierce his heart.

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