Master Summoner Online

Chapter 874: Good harvest

"Dragon Shadow!"

I should really feel lucky. I still have such a skill. Launching Dragon Shadow can start my strongest trick-Burst Blast!

All of a sudden my heart floated from the abyss of the abyss to the clouds of Jiuxiao. Now that I can be resurrected, I don't care so much. Immediately, a little bit of starlight appeared around me, and I felt hot as if I were an ordinary fairy. Raise your waist, you can't express your feelings at this moment!


Long Yin sounded in my ear! I feel bad, my body hurts, it's like being torn off! A huge dragon pressure, large enough to tremble all life, erupted. This momentum seems to be able to destroy everything, shatter it, and ignore all legal principles in this world.

Around the light spots began to build a shape of ears, and the sound of dragons became increasingly high. Seems to be celebrating something. It seemed to be venting something, with the sound as if the whole land was roaring with it.

The complete construction of the white dragon, blue eyes, and blue-eyed white dragon's virtual body is complete!

"Yeah" roared and continued the road of the king. After the mission of the energy tower, the sealed dragon was re-released with tremendous side effects, but its brilliance could rival or even surpass any **** level!

At this instant, several pieces of information were flashing in succession, and the first one was a cloud of confusion: "Wow, dude, I forgot you found this trick!"

I smiled and didn't reply. Longying's maintenance time is limited. I can't take any chance to reply to their words now. BOSS stares at me at this moment. It seems that it can't move with this trick. Since it can't move, it's honest. Just accept this, I don't believe you sent me this to MISS!

"Declaration of Destruction! Destructive Burst Blast!"

Almost at the same time. The huge dragon shadow behind her issued a roar of shaking the earth and earth, and spit out a white thunderbolt, which was the breath of the legendary mutant ancient dragon-the blue-eyed white dragon, the declaration of destruction! Destroyed Burst Blast!

"Boom!" For a moment, the world was shrouded in white light. Whether BOSS or the surrounding players, or even the person. All disappeared into that endless. In the paleness that devours everything ...

MISS is absolutely non-existent in front of this trick. The BOSS that was damaged by this spike is fully received, and it will be emptied of many blood bars, and a message of task completion is ushered in.


The white light dissipated. When this deadly battle that seemed completely desperate finally came to an end, the huge body of the BOSS had dissipated over the white light, and there was only a large mass of energy left in the place where it originally stood. That thing Is the favorite source of biochemical explosive dragon. As the source material was swallowed for a second-"Wow!"

I do n’t know the sound, just then, suddenly I felt something hit my helmet, reached out and grabbed it, and since it was a gold coin, I looked up and saw countless gold coin equipment gems thrown from the sky. Down, the falling equipment gold coins quickly covered the floor of the entire room.

It took a few seconds at this moment, because everyone had never seen such a magnificent explosion. No one cares even if the door reopens.

White, red, purple, green, and ground equipment can be said to have any level, a thing similar to the trident used by BOSS, but the size has been reduced a lot, this thing should be my mission props, but At this time, everyone was attracted not by the ground full of equipment but by three boxes on the equipment pile. Yes, the most important thing is these three boxes. Each box exudes a grayish light. Although the light is not good-looking, This thing is rare beyond the existence of platinum in the legend.

None of the people present were not connoisseurs of picking up equipment. A group of people rushed up and couldn't bear their patience, but they shouted in shock: "Stop all!"

The butcher also shouted: "Give me down, whoever dares to use my iron anchor will smash his head!" He said that the big iron anchor slammed heavily towards the ground, and suddenly many things had been built around him. Player immediately puts things down.

Shocked clouds came to me. Just now the huge experience of BOSS made me directly enter the 140-level realm and activate the concentration training. All of a sudden, my whole body looked full of energy and energy. Want to die after the big move?

Jing Yunran patted his hand on my shoulder and said, "You are our hero, so you should come first."

"That is, don't you dare not pick us up first!" The butcher picked up the big iron anchor.

I laughed: "It's okay, let's take it. This credit is not just for me. It's everyone's credit."

The butcher and Jingyun looked at each other, some could not understand, and then they said in unison: "Awful good!"

I laughed and said, "Oh, you see, your brother has lost so much in this battle, these equipment are also deserved, so don't hold your hands, if the things are brushed out, it will be unreasonable."

"Stop doing it, thank the beast **** yet!" The butcher shouted.

"Thank you, beast god!"

"Beast God mighty!"

The fall of BOSS is very happy. Everyone got so many loot in this BOSS campaign, which is enough to make up for the loss. As the battlefield was quickly cleared, the battle of the BOSS in the suspended city finally came to an end. Checking the casualties, the total remnants of the United Army players 812 people. On average, about 150 people remain in each guild. The power of the spirit-level BOSS is exposed.

Harvesting the trophy, I got three pieces of equipment and two boxes. In fact, they said they would give me three. But I think it ’s enough to take two. The last one is for everyone, so I ’ll roll it. Each of the boxes in this boy's hand exudes a strong momentum, and I did not take a closer look to tighten them in the backpack. I know that these two boxes are the biggest gains for me. In addition, I saw the biochemical dragon icon flashing in the summoned beast space.

After letting go of these things, let's finally settle this matter, but imagine that everyone is relieved.

"Let's go back to the city first, you should go to the task quickly, it's already late to hurry!" Shu Tao left this sentence, and brought the remnants of Mingshen to cast back to the city roll and leave.

Xueyue took the lead: "We are also returning to the city, we are offline, we will have supper together later." Afterwards, the MMs also turned into the light and went back to the city.

I took the trident with me and borrowed the night with this task to wait for someone to leave the palace and return to the domain of the armed dragon.

After taking some time to return to the territory of the armed dragon, the patriarch of the armed dragon met us, and I took out the trident and said, "Look, I did it."

The armed elder took the trident and said, "Okay, it really is that guy sent by him is really strong. Then I will go to that guy Longyuan tomorrow and see what it wants to say."

"Ding ~! Players: Weiwei Long, Dark Night, Rainy Years, Fiery Blood, Nirvana, complete the hidden mission [Recapture the Drifting City] quest, experience points +300000000 points, gold coins: 3000000, reputation: 1000, title: Warriors of Warriors "

"Ding ~! Mission Initiator Weiweilong, gain additional experience: 500,000, Equipment: [Holy Dragon Flare-Longhui First], Items: [Skills: Armed Storm], [The Will of the Dragon King Cassow]."


"Wow!" For a while, the golden light shone. Everyone around them rose one level at the same time. Nirvana was upgraded two levels in a row, and my level was not upgraded. However, the experience value also rose 78% in a flash. Just killed the spirit-level boss. The experience is fierce enough, and the experience reward for this task is not bad.

Since the items rewarded by the quest still have a title, and since my reward has the Holy Dragon Yao-Longhui, I did not expect that this thing fell into the hands of the armed dragon, but according to the description, this thing is not available now, but Once I repaired it, I would get a piece of Cambrian gear forever, a complete set of Holy Dragon Glory, I ca n’t wait a bit.

Immediately armed the dragon's territory, I put it in the Dragon City, tomorrow I can go to the real red-eyed black dragon to hand in the task, I go back to the room to take a photo of the black **** sky and then go offline, I lie among them, open the title to see-[无双Brave] (Title)

Strength Specialization +50 Magic Specialization +50 Attack Speed ​​+ 5% Movement Speed ​​+ 5% Cast Speed ​​+ 5% Avoidance Rate + 2% Critical Strike Rate + 2% Hit Rate + 2% 1% Chance When Attacking Attack power and 5% attack speed for 30 seconds.

2% chance to increase attack power and attack speed by 5% when casting skills, maintaining 30 seconds. Introduction: Warriors of Bravery. Brave and fearless.

Requires level: 100.

The property is good, the last two additional effects are too bad.

Next look at the skill-Armed Storm: Consume 1400 magic, set off a death storm with numerous blades in a designated area, causing damage to enemies in the area, maintaining a certain time, cooling for 140 seconds.

Will of the Dragon King Caso. Type: Enchanting item, Enchanting object: Weapon, Effect: Attack speed + 15%, Cast speed + 15%, Resistance to all attributes + 19%, Additional skills: Rage of the Dragon King. Requires level: 155.

It's all good stuff, put it away first. Next take a look at my biochemical explosion dragon-click on its icon to see that this guy has skills awakening, there are four skills, but the system only recognizes that I choose two of them-metabolic acceleration (passive): biochemical explosion Dragon movement speed is permanently increased by 30%.

Super Regenerative (Passive): The Biochemical Blast Dragon recovers 05% of its maximum health every second. This effect will be increased by 10 times 7 seconds after leaving the battle.

Crushing Grip: Enemies in the target area are stunned for 3 seconds and take 3000 consecutive damage (not effective for BOSS). Cooldown: 10 seconds.

Broken Blade: Passive: Biochemical Dragon attack ignores 15% of the target's defense. Active: Increases the damage by 80% for the next attack. Cooldown: 20 minutes.

All four skills are good, but unfortunately I can only choose two of them, so I choose two active skills. Passive skills are good, but I prefer active skills. After selecting the skills, call the control panel, click on log out, close your eyes to exit the game.

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