Master Summoner Online

Chapter 875: Minotaur King's Summon Chip

The heat of Yangguan made my consciousness slowly wake up, but he didn't mean to open his eyes. Yesterday's fight gave me a big head.

"Longling Brother, are you awake?" Just when I was very reluctant to open my eyes, the beautiful girl's voice like singing rang into my ears. With the sound came a little hand that was gently placed on his forehead, and the silky touch made him feel extremely comfortable.

"Is it Xiaoguang! Get up so early?" Hearing Xiaoguang's voice, I subconsciously straightened up from the bed and opened my eyes. At this moment, those tiny and delicate wet sakura lips are here. A moment fell on his lips. A sweet, with a touch of cool and strange touch.

"Ah!" I hurriedly left Xiaoguang's lips, and immediately saw Xiaoguang's surprised face. The gentle kiss just now felt that the spirit seemed to be agitated and seemed to want to continue like this.

I was very ashamed, "I'm sorry."

Xiaoguang shook his head and smiled: "It doesn't matter. I want to give it to me too. I like people the most, eh, I believe in Brother Long Ling. After all, you don't seem to be a pervert who bullies little girls. "

"I'm sorry Brother Longling. Actually, it's me who apologized. I wanted to wake you up, but it turned out ..." The heat of Xiaoguang's face rose sharply. For her, what happened just now It's too exciting. This is her first kiss!

"It's okay, it's just an accident, so don't mention it again." I changed the subject, after all, always saying that the facts just now make me embarrassed. Even if it was an accident, it seems to me that I have taken advantage.

"Ah, I'm awake." Just then, the sound of fire dancing sounded. Looking around, Fire Dance, Fire Phoenix, Xueyue, Yunlan, Guardian, Yinyue, all the MMs in this dormitory seem to be here, summer is no longer.

"Where is summer? How come together, is there anything wrong?" I looked at the crowd at the door with a little doubt.

"It's time for us to buy breakfast in the summer," Fire Dance said.

Before the words fell, another rushed in and shouted, "Breakfast is here!" Xia Xing appeared happily carrying a large plastic bag, and the next step was to get out of bed to wash and distribute the lunch box.

Open one easily, with all kinds of finds in all the boxes. One is particularly conspicuous. This lunch box is larger than any of us. It is probably not much different from a laptop. It contains rice, croissants, churros and other types of breakfast. There are also some meats. This is Guardian's special lunch box, I heard she brought it from home. The reason is that the general college lunch box is unable to meet her needs.

Watching the guard sip the food inside, I sighed, not because she didn't eat fat, but whoever married her in the future, it is estimated that the cost of eating alone will be very large.

After eating, everyone returned to their room to start today's practice.

Mirror composition.

Sit up from the bed in the hotel room, of course I have to be careful this time, if it is embarrassing again in the game, it is not good.

Take a look at your mission menu. The mission is indeed completed. Has the armed dragon been chatting with the real red-eyed black dragon guy in Long Yuan? Familiar smithy, but I found that neither Dragon nor Dharma was replaced by a human beauty NPC in a white coat standing in front of the counter.

"Welcome to you, His Royal Highness Prince, wouldn't mind me calling you like this!" The beauty looks very young, and her eyes flash with wisdom. "My name is Rebecca, and I am Leo's sister. What can I do? For you? "(Leo here is the name of the dragon man, not Buo Man)

I was taken aback. Since the two animals were not here, I changed to a little girl to visit the shop.

"Master Thunder, let me identify the equipment."

Rebecca smiled slightly: "There is no Master Lei, just the name. My appraisal is only god-level, and it is far worse than my brother."

Well, I started to suspect that this guy is not an NPC but a PPC, and it is still god-level. Please, the god-level appraisal is already very high. You must know that the appraisal technique of the pit money guys in the dragon capital is also a master.

Anyway, someone will do the identification. I don't want to continue. Luo Ji immediately pulled out the two boxes and three pieces of equipment and put them on the work table. Rebecca picked up the equipment and took a look. Finally, she stayed in those two boxes. Above: "咦 This piece of equipment ..."

I hurriedly said, "Excuse me, is this an artifact?"

"Artifact?" Rebecca smiled. "Her prince, you are so humorous, how can artifacts be equipped with such things, and there are too few artifacts left in this world."

"What's that? Diamond crystal?" I asked again.

Rebecca said: "It's not diamond."

I stumbled: "What's that?"

Rebecca said: "Let me study first. There is a very ancient but mysterious power in it."

I said, "Well then. I'll see you again later."


After finishing talking out of the smithy, first go to the warehouse to organize the backpack. The dimension anchor first puts this thing up. After finishing, take out the crystal and teleport to Longyuan.

I saw the real red-eyed black dragon who came on the huge dragon mountain and the armed dragon patriarch sitting on the gold and silver jewelry on the left side of it. I do n’t know what they are talking about. "Go, go, I'm not free now."

"... You give me the reward, and I'll leave right away." I ordered a guest order as soon as I arrived, and even if that was the case, I had to get the task reward first.

"I know, I know." This article presented a very impatient look, and also jumped out with the completion of his task, but I found that there are only experience and gold rewards, no equipment rewards, which should have been used as rewards. Since Long Huilu didn't give it to me.

"Hey, give me back Long Huilu!" I shouted.

True red-eyed black dragon said: "That thing is mine, when did it become yours?"

"Well, we have something to say first, and you will give me Long Hui when I complete the task." I said with my hands on hips.

"Did I say that?" True red-eyed black dragon stretched out a paw and scratched his head to see it posing in a silly manner.

"You said it." I said seriously.

"Forget it, it didn't matter, I never planned to give it to you anyway."

"Fuck!" You can still do this, you must go back to the customer service to complain.

"Well, just kidding you, why are you so so paired, things haven't been told to you, I just said I can lend you, but not what to do now if you get lost, so wait for you to break through yourself After the limit, I lent it to you with Longhui's robe. "It turned out to be a fright, which scared me into a cold sweat. However, before breaking through the limit, you must rise to level 150, and this breakthrough is as probable as the power barrier. I am afraid that only the system knows how much.

"Well, let's go." He waved.

"Ding ~! You are forcibly teleported out of Longyuan ~ by a real red-eyed black dragon!"

The next second I played, I appeared on the streets of Panlong City. I didn't even give me too much time to talk. After complaining for a while, I went to the smithy to see how my armor was evaluated.

I walked into the smithy and said, "How is Master Rebecca?"

Rebecca said with a smile: "I have already identified His Royal Highness for the rest of the box, and I have discounted a total of 1.6 million gold coins."

"Master, you really deserve your last name!" I felt that my eardrums were struck by lightning in an instant, and all three pieces of platinum were not worth the price. In addition, was my box full of diamond agates?

Fortunately, now that my brother is rich, I really do n’t know what to do, but I am still very distressed to give a bag of gold coins to the master. The master took the gold coins and also handed over the equipment and one of the two boxes. I.

Rebecca handed things over to me and said, "The rest of this box still needs my teacher's help, so just leave it here for a while."

"Of course you can." It's safe to say that NPCs won't encroach on players.

Putting things away and taking the other side out for a closer look didn't disturb her work.

Three pieces are equipped with a helmet, a necklace, and a badge of the Flame Guardian helmet, grade: dark gold, defense +450, overall defense + 15%, vision range + 20%, blood +1500, fire resistance +25 %, Constitution Specialty +25, Special Attribute: Automatic Constant Temperature. Additional Skills: Flame Guard, consumes 1700 magic, reduces damage taken by 30% (adds + 15% fire damage) within 20 seconds, and cools down for 72 seconds. Requires level: level 132.

Berserker Elf Necklace, Grade: Platinum, Magic Defense +3480, Magic Mastery +30, All Attribute Enhancement +8, Blood +3500, Magic +3000, Absorb All Attack Damage 10%, Increase All Attack Damage 10%, Lucky +1, additional skills: spiritual fusion, consumption: 3000 magic, increase the summon's attack power, attack speed and movement speed by 50% within 40 seconds, and reduce the cooldown of summon beast skills. Cool for two hours. Requires level: 140. Summoner occupation only.

Destiny Badge, Grade: Dark Gold, Blood +800, Magic +500, Armor Specialization +20, Magic Specialization +20, Negative Effect Resistance + 30%, Defensive Skill Effect + 30%, Lucky +1. Experience gain + 2%. Requires level: 135.

Good stuff, good stuff. Take off the necklace and badge on your body and replace the two. The necklace and helmet you replaced are sold at my maple leaf stand. As for the badge, I will give it to Nirvana.

Let's see what surprises my box will bring me.

Open the box, and I took it out, it was a thing that looked like a computer motherboard, but only the size of a palm. Open the attribute-the Minotaur King's summoning chip (special item). Effect: Consume 2100 magic, summon a powerful head. King of Tautou assisted the battle. King of Tautou existed for 200 seconds and cooled for thirty minutes. No drop, no trade, put into the backpack to take effect.

Haha, I have one more summoner, and my brother's strength has improved a bit. Now I feel more and more like a qualified summoner.

The 100-foot pole is a step further. The current strength is improved, and the level cannot be dropped naturally. Hurry up to level 150 to understand the limit. Put on the Holy Dragon Yao suit to shine in the world competition!

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