Master Summoner Online

Chapter 882: Yun Lan arrives

After I hung up the phone, Long Xin glanced at me a little and smiled at me: "Brother! Isn't Eryi coming?"

"Yes ... Hey, what second son, your second son who hasn't come through the door yet," I said angrily.

"Hehe." Xueyue chuckled and stood up with her arms in her arms and said, "Yeah, I haven't been too big, it's her turn."

"Hey, you blindly coaxed her like this!" I gently stroked her delicate and silky face, and suddenly whispered, "Since you are so anxious, it is better ... at night ... to make people together, OK? ? "

"..." Xueyue shook her cheeks and rolled her eyes. "Can't you be so anxious! If you say anything, you must register first so that the person you created will not be a black household."

"Eh! Alright!" I hesitated and smiled. I never thought about making people, but I always thought of "eating" her. Of course, there is a kind of thief but no thief, but a thief. There will always be a day when Gu Dan hopes that it will not be too late.


Next, the three of us went out. The bus station closest to my house is now noon and it is estimated that the high time is not short during the rush hour. Next, the three of us landed here for about 15 minutes and watched Every car passed by, and everyone who got off the car searched for a while, but I was quite sweaty, thinking that Yun Lan was playing a magic trick with me, but I did n’t even say how to take a few cars from my house. There is a terminal station down there. There are more than 20 models of large and small vehicles parked there. God knows which car she makes.

Thinking about this in my heart, about five minutes later, a taxi drove up and stopped at the right front of the station, followed by a white sleeveless shirt coming down from the car. The color of the top is as white as snow. And the color of the skirt is indeed as dark as the night sky. Then, under the skirt, it is a beautiful girl with slender legs, wearing thin black stockings and a shawl.

This beautiful girl is no one else but my childhood friend Yunlan Lan. I saw Yunlan shouting at us: "Look, come and help me with my luggage."

"Oh." After a second of stunning, I came back and took the two women to help me. Then I opened the trunk of the taxi. Yun Lan lost a large suitcase. I almost fell when I picked it up. , So adjust yourself to put your luggage down.

At the same time, Xueyue and Long Xin also carried a large bag. Yun Lan herself was carrying a travel bag with a suitcase in her hand, and the other hand paid to send the driver away.

I saw her carrying so many things and couldn't help asking: "Are you planning to stay in my house?"

Yun Lan said: "It's almost there. They will never go until those two **** apologize to me."

I asked, "Your parents will not worry."

Yun Lan said, "They are worried about their business and stocks. How can they worry about me when they have time? Well, I'm hungry. Let's find somewhere to eat."

Xueyue said, "Yes, we haven't had lunch yet."

"Then go together." Long Xin laughed.

I said, "Where to eat?"

"Anyway, just leave that restaurant in your house." Yun Lan said.

"Well, let's go."

Next we came to the familiar restaurant. When we went in, there was no space left. After all, we had a meal. After waiting for a few minutes, a table of people finished eating and left. We quickly occupied it.

The MMs sat down next to their skirts, then looked at the menu, and sat down and looked at me, Yun Lan, and found that I was staring at her legs. She smiled sweetly: "Do you like it?"

"Of course."

"You are so straightforward." Xueyue laughed, and said that I had red ears and red ears.

Yun Lan said to Xueyue, "I said, haven't you seen the dragon through stockings, Tian Xueyue?"

Xueyue said: "I don't like stockings, of course I would do it if this dragon wanted it."

"Ahem. I said we can order now." I hurriedly shifted the subject.

"Then you order it." Xueyue said, so I quickly opened the menu. Soon after, the delicious dishes came to the table at one end. We ate and talked, and it took less than half an hour to finish the sweep.

"Deaf, pay!" I beckoned.

"Nielong, it's 250 yuan in total ..." The boss reported a very lucky number.

"I said can I get rid of the odds!"

"I have removed the gross number."


So, I took out my pocket wallet, and then I ordered ten ten pieces, and then there were five pieces, one fifty and one one, and two hundred and fifty. I put it on the table and said, "Your, I do n’t know how to bring The whole money? "

I said, "Have you ever seen me come to your place to pay for the whole meal?"

"That's right. Almost all the change I have here is yours." The boss took the stack of change loosely.

After eating and drinking, I also took things with me and went home to put things away. Then they asked for a piece to accompany me to the mall and I was pulled up again. So busy, the beautiful clothes, cosmetics and snacks I bought back this afternoon are just piles of piles.

When we returned to us, it was more than 5pm. Dinner has already been eaten out, and at dinner, we also talk about some things in the game. Especially the development of the ruins three days later, we have a battle that is either you or me. After I finished eating, I was severely slaughtered, and the crowd returned home was Yun Landao: "You have made a lot of money in the second world, why do you still live here?"

"What do you want?"

"You can buy a villa or something."

"And foster you?"

"We are very happy." The three MMs laughed.

I couldn't help but twitched my lips.


At 7 p.m., our group packed up and went back to their rooms to go online. In fact, there are only a few of these rooms. Yun Lan went online in the living room, but I had to crawl on my bed to sleep. Although three of them were crowded, I was happy to do so.

After going online, he returned to the steel capital with a crystal, and glimpsed that Tasada just came: "Commander, you are here!"

"Why, what's wrong?"

"That's it," Tassada said. "That rain made our wood wither a few hours ago."

"Withered? Can we still use wood here?"

Tasada said: "From a construction point of view, we don't need this kind of material, but when producing walking units like colossus, immortal, and hunter, in order to make its joints more flexible, we need to add wood from A kind of gum was extracted, but the rain had made our wood wither before. Is there any wood near us? Although there is a forest around our resident, the trees can't meet our needs.

I said, "Then I'll take a batch of scouts a little further to find them, but how do I find them?"

Tasada said: "The light collected by the probe can directly extract the gum from the tree and compress it into an energy block to bring it back."

"Understood, Tasada called a detective over."

"Understand the commander." After that, he called the scouts, and there were more than a hundred scouts all at once. When they got together, I also took out the dimension anchor from my backpack, and stroked gently into the void, and it appeared in the void. A crack, and then forcefully inserted into the void and was hollowed out. There was an unclean and illusive space. There was no former palace of that guy but there were countless fragments everywhere except the ground underneath. Thousands of space debris, spreading in all directions, can't see the end.

It is impossible to bring people inside without air in them for a long time, but the prospectors are okay. They are originally mechanical units, let the prospectors line up one by one into the space, and pull out the dimension anchor after all the explorers enter. , Void Fissure closed again.

Next go to the official website to check the high-grade wood there. About thirty minutes later, I found a place called Zijin Forest. I immediately returned to the line, took out the crystal and passed it to the nearest city. After about ten minutes, I came to Zijin Forest. .

Purple gold forest, purple gold trees appear on the surface of each purple gold tree, and it looks dazzling and charming.

This purple gold tree will produce purple gold wood materials. Trees that can be felled by intermediate logging skills. The materials obtained are construction and making of hard bows and other weapons. The effect is not bad, so there are not many group P incidents found in this place, but I came here at night. It shouldn't be difficult for anyone to come to me to collect.

I thought of taking out the dimension anchor to open the dimension space and release the exploration machine to start collecting. The area of ​​the dimension space is large enough to be collected and stored in the space. Although Tassada did not say how much gum, it is not a bad thing to collect more points.


There are a lot of monsters around here. One hundred and twenty monsters are not a threat to me at all, but it is possible to collect some source material for the biochemical explosive dragon, so let it out to kill the monsters. There are many I haven't released or eaten for a long time. In case it's unhappy and betrayed, I really can't help it.

"Ding ~! Your detective was attacked!"

by! what happened?


An explosion came from the west, and I suddenly became furious. I lifted the dragon gun and brought the summoned beast and rushed over. NND, who ate an ambitious leopard bastard, dared to hit my scout. One minute later I saw The wreckage of a scout on the ground was accompanied by others.

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