Master Summoner Online

Chapter 883: Colossus was born

"What is this?" An assassin said, scratching his head.

"I don't know I've never seen it before," said an archer with a stiff shoulder.

"It looks like someone is here." A mage didn't say a word.

Two sentinel missiles flew out towards them. The assassin reacted the fastest, and the figure flashed away, and he could not capture any traces, but the other two were not so lucky.


The two had not come to their senses yet, and they collided with the Sentinel Missile. The power of the Sentinel Missile is what these guys can do, and they killed these two goods in no time!

The assassin who had escaped a catastrophe was also found by me in time. The biochemical explosion dragon's body lengthened, and the laser blade on his left arm pierced the player's chest, and then pulled out, spike!

After getting this group of guys, I found that my name was also red. After all, it was my own first action. Killing one person would make it famous, let alone killing three people. At this moment, a fireball suddenly fell beside the biochemical explosive dragon!

"Everyone keep up!" A voice came from not far away, followed by a shield mage, two more missiles were fired at the same time, and one blow blasted off nearly half of his blood and blood. Broken the shield, followed by a second round of more than 40,000 damage figures floating out, at the same time he was torn apart, arms and legs flew out!

"What kind of situation!" At this time, there were more than twenty people. I was just surprised that I was also a mage. I looked at this group of people. There were ten soldiers in this group, eight mages, and the rest. There were also three archers and two priests, and a summoner.

So, I let the Biochemical Blast Dragon stop, and one of the other leading mage players stood up and shouted at me: "Hey, what the **** do you mean?"

Scan this product. This is a 146-level elemental division, and has a platinum staff. It seems that the strength is not weak. If it is not for the red name of the brother, he must explode the staff in his hand.

I asked, "What, what do you mean?"

The goods shouted, "Why did you kill me?"

I said, "Your people are too bad, I will teach you something, and then they ruined my probe, and I can't let them go." He pointed to the wreckage of the probe that was still in place.

The man watched for a moment, and then a soldier beside him whispered after they whispered: "Well, we were wrong. I am here in the scorching sun, but now I am not here, but you ca n’t do it either. . "

I clasped my arms and said, "What do you say before you say it?"

Followed by Comrade Liege, "Well, why don't you join our Moon Temple? How about I make you vice president?"

"Don't!" Isn't the temple of the moon just outside the forest of dragons, the unnamed guild that was sung by loneliness and could not find it? I didn't expect to meet here.

At this time, another person said, "Hey, hey, you guys are too unaware of the promotion. We will invite you kindly. Since you want to refuse, you are too ignorant to raise."


-17230-38190 Two sentry missiles, and the second one suffered huge crit damage. The passerby who had intervened in this shot was dropped for a second, and the people in the Temple of the Moon were stunned.

"Who asked you to intervene?" I scratched my head and looked at the poor passerby who had turned white.

The corner of the cargo jerked a few times and said, "This guy is too much!"

"So what?" I put my hands behind my back.

The goods were finally angry, with a single arm wielding a staff, and shouting: "Kill! Take revenge for your brother, kill him, and explode his equipment!" Suddenly, several players around him rushed away with their weapons and waving weapons! It is estimated that revenge is only incidental. When I see that I am red, my eyes are also red. I am afraid I ca n’t count the best equipment on them. If people are greedy, there is nothing to stop them. This sentence is useful everywhere.

"Biochemical explosive dragon, crushing grip!"

I commanded aloud, and before the words fell, a silver halo was already flying away!

Suddenly covered the mage named Lie Li and the two around him! Smash Grip is a small-scale control skill with stun and damage effects. It is very practical for both monster killing and PK, following the normal attack of Biochemical in a single blow.

The -14552 damage numbers flew up, and the scorching sun was directly emptied of a whole blood bar. Thanks to his good defense and health, the crushing grip did not break his shield, otherwise he would be killed in seconds!

For a moment, the scorching sun was speechless and stunned, "You ... who is your TMD?"

I smiled slightly: "The summoner who just crossed the road, there is no need to remember!"

"Boss's name."

"I **** ... I remember!" The scorching sun finally came to his senses and drank, "Damn, beast god, why the **** are we getting this **** of plague. Everyone hurry, we are not his opponent at all, why didn't I realize it. "The group turned and ran. Run faster than when you came.

I waved from their back: "Brothers! Walk slowly and don't send them!" Although I can easily kill these people, it is no good to kill the white name without disguising and increasing the evil value.

In the next five hours or so, the entire Zijin Forest was almost lit by me, the gum was already full, and all the monsters in the forest were turned over by me and killed. A 145-level Elite Boss Night Blade Leopard broke out a bunch of tattered.

After everything was collected, returned to the steel capital, handed the material to Tassada, followed by Tassada to direct the detective to send the gum to the workplace. Immediately after the start of the mechanical platform, and then hurled up the starry sky to accelerate, waited until about 10 o'clock in the evening, the first colossus came out of the mechanical platform, tall body, the surface of gold, glittering, from head to toe, exudes the breath of technology, There is also a hint of powerful magic in the technology.

Name: Colossus Race: Protoss Health: 20000 Shield: 15000 Movement Speed: Normally Occupied Cargo Space: 8 Heavy Armor-Mechanical Unit-Heavy Unit Attack: 15000 ~ 21000 Defense: 6000 Skill: Extended Heat Ray Gun ( Passive): Increases the range of the Colossus.

Thermal ray gun: Use the ray guns on both sides to strike the target twice with damage, causing 165 seconds to cool down.

Climbing: Colossus can easily cross any obstacle.

Introduction: The tall colossus is an intelligent mechanical design born during the **** arbitration of Protoss. With four long and thin mechanical legs, the colossus can cross towering cliffs and cross the battlefield like running flat. Heat ray guns are mounted on both sides of the heavy shell. The thermal rays emitted by the colossus can cross a large area of ​​the target range, which is very suitable for confronting a large number of infantry units. Unlike other Protoss intelligent machines, the colossus was born purely for killing. For centuries, making the colossus was considered an illegal act, but as the battle against the zerg continued to deteriorate, the Protoss had to use the colossus again.

Scope of application: territorial war, national war, non-war period can not leave the resident, can not be traded, can not be sold, can not be given away, will automatically disappear after being abandoned.


I have to say, this colossus is fierce! It is truly a symbol of killing. In the future, fight the territories to send a colossus to sweep and you can end the battle.

Immediately in the next two days, I started to increase the fighting power of the Biochemical Blast Dragon and fed it more raw materials, but the belly of this product is like a dimension black hole that will never be dissatisfied.

After a full day of "feeding", the goods were finally satisfied at noon the next day. After eating like a drum, I finally jumped out of the interface of long-lost skills. As before, a total of four skills were placed there to choose from. Out of two-alloy wall: Biochemical dragons strengthen their exoskeleton and mechanical skeleton, condensed into a wall with a mighty air to reduce the damage suffered, lasts 120 seconds, and cools down for 10 minutes.

Anabolic (Passive): Increases the movement speed of the Biochemical Dragon, which can quickly restore health after disengagement in battle.

Burst Kill: The biochemical blast dragon opens the arsenal of his body, a row of burning missiles attacks everyone within 50 yards, generating 8000 constant fire damage, and causing 2,000 points of damage per second for 10 seconds, and cools down. 1 hour.

Lightning Herald: Biochemical blaster opens his arsenal and launches a row of electromagnetic missiles, causing scorched soil within 80 yards. He loses 3,000 HP per second within the range of scorched soil and slows down by 25%. If he touches scorched soil for more than 3 seconds, he will enter paralysis The state is maintained for 15 seconds and cooled for fifty minutes.


The mind was blank, and the whole person seemed to be frozen. After a long while, I finally couldn't help laughing, and then I would end up with internal injuries!

This guy is too fierce, I did not expect that these two such terrifying group control skills appeared, this guy's toughness, I can slowly see it! No hesitation in clicking Burst and Lightning Messenger.

After sorting out the things on my body, I went offline and took the three beautiful women at home to have a meal and come back for a day to rest after lunch.


Wake up the next day and check the time. It ’s 7:30 in the morning, wash up, and then let everyone go out for breakfast, go online, continue working, and fight for the relics of light and darkness! I must push the limits this time!

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