Master Summoner Online

Chapter 884: Ruins of Light and Darkness

Appeared in the Dragon City, it is 8 o'clock Beijing time, and there is still an hour before the development of the 9 o'clock ruins, but at this moment, there are a lot of people and a lot of players are already preparing to go to the ruins.

In fact, everyone knows that there is absolutely enough art and water to get any artifact-level babies, and the same crisis is also enough for players to drink a pot.

Go straight to the smithy and repair the equipment, and then replenish the potion. Of course, you must not forget the important food and fresh water. Pack it in the package. If there is no blood, you can find a place to rest. The blood is full, but you are hungry. After a long rest, my stomach will not be full.

Check the situation of the summoned beasts and take out the crystal to teleport the steel capital.


"The beast **** is here!"

Yanyu Liunian rode over the evil shadow leopard and said, "We are all prepared almost. Many people have already teleported to Thunder Dragon City. To enter the ruins, we need to go in from the trial tower. Only the main city and The three satellite cities around us have been born into four cities, and my guild participated in the battle of about 70,000 people. These are all carefully selected by Beacon. It has to be said that he is really a talent or a genius. "

Beacon Huoyuan scratched his head and looked embarrassed and said, "Don't say that. If it wasn't for the beast **** who had taken me in, we would still be homeless lonely ghosts."

I nodded: "Don't be humble with Beacon. It's your contribution to the guild's achievements today. Too many people can join Beacon."

"Report, there are 2,000 members of Beacon participating in the battle this time, the others I have let them go to level up each other." Beacon 燎原 道.

"Very good, this map is definitely quite large, otherwise the system will not give us ten days, and in addition to the Chinese forces, the game areas of other countries are headed there for the elites, the masters, There is a national war-level battle in the ruins. Although this book can't write about the real national war, everyone should be prepared to be mentally prepared. "

The fierce blood flew: "Relax, everything will be shattered in front of the dragon!"

I laughed, "Well, that's right! Our goal is to smash everything!"

Wu Canhua laughed and said, "Yes, come and stop us if you have the ability."

Night said: "I said whether I could let your blood heat cool down. After we entered the big map, I suggest that we stay together, so that we don't have to meet foreigners. It is too bad to get an order."

"Love your wife is reasonable." Lie Xuefei said, pinching her chin, and after being spoken, she was shot down on his head by a dark night.

Suddenly everyone laughed. After the laugh, everyone transmitted to Thunder Dragon City through the transmission station. After the upgrade, the transmission station can carry out simultaneous transmission by multiple people. It would be a waste of time to transmit one by one.



Teleport to Thunder Dragon City. I can say that this city is here for the first time. As a satellite city, it is inferior to the main city of Dragons-a chip, but it covers a large area and has a large population. The NPC Corps is a bunch of cities. The ability is very strong, the most important owner of this city is the Thunder Dragon Knight Reical.

"We are in Thunder Dragon City, should we gather at the trial tower and act together!" Lonely singing gave me a message.

"Of course, we are in Thunder Dragon City." I did not expect that it was a fate that War Spirit came here.

Quickly rushed past the crowd, the test tower was already crowded, and loneliness was singing not far away. Behind her, war spirit three base friends, rubber stick people, Xu Yu, early cold and other war souls. .

I took the initiative and greeted, "It's coming fast."

Lonely sang, "It's you too slow."

Chu Han shouted, "Everyone is here to watch the Chess Corps."

Turning around, about 1oo meters away from us, a group of soldiers of the Chess Corps appeared there, naturally led by thunderstorms. But seeing this guy's proud look, but the strange thing is that this guy is carrying a blue long bow behind him. This is obviously a soldier with a bow on his body. Why? It's rare that he also realized what mastery can use mastery weapon like me.


Watching this group of guys walk past us, although the pace is well-trained, and everyone has a kind of arrogance, no one will feel envious and only feel unhappy, and rubber sticky people will be unhappy first. Spit out: "What are you dragging on? It's great to have legacy equipment, so do I."

I said, "Where do I look."

The rubber stickman pulled out the double-handed epee behind his back: "It was opened from that box." After that, he showed us the property.

Conqueror's Wings

Grade: Legacy Attack +10638 Strength Specialization +390 Armor Specialization +200

When casting speed + 2% attack speed + 9% attack, there is a 5% chance of explosion.

When attacking, have a 5% chance to knock back the enemy.

Special Attributes: When attacking a building unit, the damage + 200% of blood and blood drops below 50%, increase the attack power by 5% and the critical strike rate by 5%.

Additional Skills: Conqueror, Passive: Attacks cause 1200 constant damage (BOSS is invalid, PK is 120 points.) Active: Consumes 7000 mana, and consumes double weapon durability for a certain period of time to increase all its skills by 200. % Power (20% increase in PK field)

Requires level: 175.

Mosaic: Simple Gems x3

(Note: A simple gem is reduced by 10 levels, and the maximum number of gems in each piece of equipment is five, and there is a chance of failure. After failure, the equipment will be damaged if it is damaged.


"I rely on! I remember asking the Bombard Dragon for a platinum sword. How did it become a heritage? You did n’t give the VIP one, and the other did not give the bumps, so why is it natural? Brother still uses platinum. "While we were all exclaiming for this weapon's attributes, the fierce blood flying this guy made a look of envy and jealousy.

"Haha, be envious! Be envious!" The rubber stickman laughed as he took back the wings of the conqueror with his hands behind his chest.

After chatting for a while, we saw that the time came to the crowd in nine minutes and ten minutes. I laughed and said, "Enter the trial tower and prepare to enter the ruins of light and darkness!"

Next, everyone enters the trial tower one by one. The trial tower passes through a door of the original copy to create a very, very huge space. At this moment, it is overcrowded. Of course, to enter it requires 100 gold coins and 4,000 reputation. NND, although reputation There are not many requirements, but one hundred gold coins per person does not seem to be enough to enter the ruins. There are also ten million people each with one hundred gold coins. This game company will make too much money.

Five minutes before the development time, at this time a mechanical sound without a trace of emotion sounded in this very huge space.

"The ruins of light and darkness are about to open. A total of 76.305 million players participated in this event. Requirements: Reseal the ruins within ten days. Note: You can get trial points in this battlefield and earn more. After the end of ten days of trials, according to the number of "trial points" earned, the top 50 will receive rich rewards, please work hard to win glory for your country! "

It ’s started. It ’s definitely useless to transfer scrolls in this battlefield of ruins. This also means that once you enter the battlefield, you either leave alive or die on the 10th. In addition, there is no third way to go.

Time passed little by little, boiled for a while, and finally, time arrived at nine o'clock.

"Time is up to start transmitting!" The mechanical sound of the system sounded, and a white light was emitted from the ceiling, shining everyone in it.


The white light suddenly disappeared, and immediately followed, I found out how my body became lighter, and suddenly I was falling out of midair.

I go! Whoever came up with the design, fortunately, it was only about ten meters above the ground. The flying birds and flowers behind it unfolded and landed steadily. When I saw the skylight and the black **** falling down, I quickly retracted the skylight and struck it gently at the same time. , Reached out his hand and caught the falling black god.

After falling down, the black **** realized that he hadn't fallen, watching himself being held by me, and said gently, "Thank you. Master."

"You're welcome." Put down the black god, just now I found that the black god's waist is really soft, so soft and boneless, and then called out the sky photo, followed closely, and began to observe the surrounding environment.

This is a primitive jungle scene with towering ancient trees everywhere. The surrounding trees are really large. The towering ancient trees of tens to hundreds of meters can be seen everywhere, and their trees are as thick as a house. The crowd fell here just like the feeling of a dwarf in the forest of the giant country.

The ground is thick with fallen leaves. When you step on it, you will feel a rancid smell. When you look out, you can see the distant sea water from one side. There is nothing like a relic but an island.

One problem I found, however, was that we were separated.

Quickly opened the guild channel and said, "You guys have reported the coordinates."

Then everyone exploded their current coordinates one by one. I did not expect that since the system sent a random transmission, all the previously formed teams were in vain. The system really hit all of them by surprise. Look at the big map on the interface. Here is the big map. It is shown that this is a place called "Relics of Light and Darkness-Town Soul Realm". The real ruins are located in the middle of the map, and they form five large circles. The player must be teleported to the outermost place at the beginning. The difficulty factor here is the lowest. It seems that our goal is to go to the center and enter. The real remains must first pass through the four outer rings.

I immediately said: "Everyone starts to move closer to the center master's relics. Before that, everyone tries to get together. If the coordinates are relatively close, they will come together first! If you see foreigners try to avoid and maintain strength!"


Turn off the call and lift the dragon gun to my beautiful bodyguard, saying, "Let's go."

"To understanding."

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