Master Summoner Online

Chapter 887: Soul Eruption Realm

The eyes of a French soldier were almost protruding, and my hand was holding his throat tightly, making him speechless. If he could still speak, he would exclaim loudly!

He twisted his last bit of poor blood with a strong twist. This guy spit foam, rolled any breath on his eyes, loosened his soft body and fell to the ground. I do n’t know if my RP is too high, or His RP is too low. Since the long sword in his hand exploded, he took a look and it was still a piece of dark gold inlaid with four high-end gems. Obviously, this man worked a lot before coming here again. After losing the wife and retrenching the soldiers, first put away this loot, and put it back at the Maple Leaf Station to buy a good price.

After this guy fell down, everyone around was dead and clean. Everyone who escaped may say that there was no idea of ​​escape at all, but the strength of this group of guys was a bit beyond my expectation. No wonder the two groups were inseparable.

The equipment is good or bad, sometimes it can't be compensated with technology. And if the technology is similar, the gap in equipment is enough to determine the outcome! This sentence is indeed true in the online game world.

It is another hundred points of trials. The entire ruins are like a huge colosseum. Countless players are beasts in the field. You must get honor by killing each other. There is no need to show too much compassion. Actually, I People are kind.

Packed things and moved forward, at this time I heard a bang in my ears, followed by several screams, and the direction of the scream was exactly where I was going. Rarely, what happened to Xueyue and theirs? Is it going?

Accelerating in this direction with worries and doubts, the rumbling sound has become louder and louder. Immediately after that, I can clearly see the lightning, which seems to represent that someone is performing lightning magic.

Soon I came to a vast and boundless primitive jungle, looking at a large group of creatures that looked like turtles. They had many fleshy heads and necks. The turtle shell was long and thick, and there were three raised vertical walks on the back. The ridges and shields are tan, and the shields are rolling hills, arranged in three rows. The edges of the carapace have many jagged protrusions, making them look like armored dinosaurs. Unlike turtles, they have three spines on their shell. They were solid black, with constant roars in their mouths, and towering trees were pounding with their steel whip-like tails.

Scanning the past, the information shows that this is a group of monsters that are 157, elite elite monsters, and heavy armored snapping turtles.

In the monster group, the figure stunned, followed closely by the group of snapping turtles, and a continuous booming and roaring sounded. Obviously, it is fiercely fighting. I can also see that there are sky fireballs, wind blades, ice arrows, meteorite and other skills emerging from the monster pile.

When I heard this voice, I couldn't help but overjoyed, summoned the beasts to show up, and rushed into the herd of snapping turtles. The snapping turtles were all wearing hard bone plates, but they couldn't stop us from being destroyed. One by one, the snapping turtles roared down one after another, and the gold-colored energy emerging from their bodies was swallowed up by the biochemical dragon.

Soon they rushed to the back of the hundreds of snapping turtles. Here, a big battle is going on. Since there are two waves in the snapping turtle group, on the other side, it is Xueyue Yunlan who seems to have met in advance. Now, Xueyue, Yunlan, Kuqiulin, and Saber stood in front, and Mo Yan and Xuyu shrouded in holy white light, and the purple moon that drove the roaring **** flames, and They ca n’t compete. There are also a group of players beside the snapping turtles. If this team is beautiful, then their opponents are a group of handsome guys. Do n’t look at this group of blonds, they all know that they are foreigners. These foreigners Dozens of people, including three magicians and three priests in charge of adding blood, waged a fierce battle between the three parties.

Two or thirty Snapping Turtle carcasses fell on the ground, and there were four corpses beside foreign players. There were two male player corpses on the MM side. They seemed to be playing heroes to save the beauty.

After toppling a snapping turtle in one shot, I shouted, "Everyone is fine!"

"Fortunately, it's OK!" Xueyue replied.

"Don't hold back and help us out!" Yun Lan said anxiously.

I nodded and summoned the beasts. When the two snapping turtles screamed and screamed and fell to the ground, my participation in the battle changed the situation instantly, the dragon soul was destroyed and sent out, and the biochemical explosion dragon started bursting and killing and the lightning messenger disappeared in an instant. Mostly, there is a lot of residual blood left.

"Everyone rushed!" I shouted.

"it is good!"

The crowd immediately stopped defending in situ and launched a counterattack in front of them. Xueyue far was a one-shot energy release, the dust was flying, a blood-stained snapping turtle was penetrated, and Yun Lan punched a snapping turtle. His head was smashed, Kuchulin, Saber, Hellfire, etc. came forward and almost swept across a small area. After ten minutes, the group of snapping turtles left 70 or 80 corpses, and the rest captured them. The line collapsed and fled.

The monster ran away but there were other things to do. The mind summoned the beasts and rushed towards the foreign players. The biochemical dragon first smashed the grip, followed by the sentinel missile, and a soldier suddenly whistled. On the other side, the black **** , Tianzhao, Trolls, Wolf Emperor, and Breathing Dog also rushed into the opponent's long-range camp, which is tantamount to a tiger entering the flock. White light flew up.

Most of the foreign players were killed or injured instantly, and the team suddenly collapsed. The remaining players did not want to turn their heads and ran away. Looking at the escapes of several foreign players, the black **** asked me if I wanted to chase me and shook my head to say no. The trial point is irrelevant. Besides, casual hunting in such a dangerous jungle will cause a lot of trouble. After the battle, clean up the foreigners ’explosive equipment. Everyone immediately found a place under a huge banyan tree to rest. I took out the dry food and Freshwater replenishes hunger and thirst. By the way, look at your experience slot. The experience value has risen to about 60%. Next, let ’s take a look at everyone. Everyone ’s level has been improved. The lowest Xuyu in the highest snow month 149 is already Level 146, so many experiences here in the morning, I ca n’t even think about it if I put it outside.

Although this place is dangerous, it must be said that it is also a great place to upgrade. It would be even more beautiful if something could burst out.

Xueyue sat next to me and hugged one of her arms and said, "Dragon Spirit, do you know how worried people are when you are being teleported randomly?"

I laughed: "Be worried, I'm not so easy to hang up."

Ziyue said, "Hey, hey, don't flirt, okay, we've spent a long time in this outermost area, only ten days. I think we have to speed up and go deeper."

Xueyue's whole body leaned on me and said badly, "You're jealous."

"Wh ... Wh ... Which!" Ziyue twisted her red face and said, "In short, we must speed up."

Yun Lan said, "Yes, let's go now."

After a minute, everyone continued to set off. Now that there are more people, and everyone's strength is also very strong, this outermost monster is no longer in the eyes, and everyone protects Mo Yan and Xu Yu at the center. Began to accelerate into the deeper.

With sunset dusk.

The hustle and bustle of the forest finally quieted a lot. The loser left his own experience and equipment to leave the battlefield, and the winner also needed to find a safe place to lick the wound to save energy. We killed countless monsters along the way. I let myself upgrade faster, so I would n’t team up with everyone to bring the summoned beast to the forefront when we take back the time of the biochemical explosive dragon, and all the monsters will be killed, as we continue to deepen, Various towering trees are becoming scarce, but the terrain is gradually becoming more sinister, and the landforms have become more complicated. After we turned over the top of the mountain and reached the west of a large mountain, I saw that there were many large rocks on the ground. There are some dwarf trees and dense vegetation around.

We didn't do much to stay down the mountain for a short period of time. On this day, we continued to kill, kill monsters, and chase and be chased. Among them, the most fortunate I finally rose to 150 in the evening.

At the same time, a ringtone of the system sounded in my ear, and the prompt content also appeared in my field of vision-"Ding ~! Congratulations to the player Weiweilong, successfully upgraded to level 150, met all the conditions, and stepped into the" soul burst "realm. The attribute gets a certain hidden improvement. Each time you upgrade, you have a 5% chance to break the limit, trigger the limit breakthrough, and become an invincible existence ~! "

This hints that it is nonsense, and the world is invincible? Please, this is too exaggerated.

Alright, I can just pull it as much as it likes. I can't manage such things. In addition, I think that entering the limit breakthrough state is definitely not just a 5% upgrade chance of the upgrade, there must be other hidden conditions.

Forget it first, hungry, eating offline, people are iron rice is steel, and then there is a long night waiting for us.

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