Master Summoner Online

Chapter 888: Stupid Test Summoner

Eating offline, of course not at home, my family only has instant noodles, and the four of us are not likely to cook vegetables. If the phoenix is ​​there, it is OK.

In addition, we are not in the restaurant where I often eat downstairs, because Xueyue said that it is unhygienic, and I personally think there is nothing unsanitary. I have been there for more than ten years, and I have not seen any sickness, so we came to the distance from my home. Further down the bus terminus, a newly opened Jielong Supermarket is a new shop called Xiaoyaoju. Why did you say that you want to go here is actually proposed by Yun Lan, saying that you haven't tasted anything in the past.

There is a jewellery shop next to this guy's restaurant. After eating, we walked out of Xiaoyaoju. I came to a conclusion in this place. Although the things in this place are delicious, valuable but not full, we have concluded that this place is not suitable for me. Come here.

Just as we stepped out of Xiaoyaoju for a meal— "Bang!" A gunshot sounded in our ears!

"Robbery!" I heard no one who screamed as the gunfire rang. The four of us ran out of the hotel and saw the chaos in front of the jewellery shop next door.

Followed by three masked men rushing out with a bag each, at the same time a police car appeared, four people alighted from the police car, four people pointed at the three masked men in front of them, one in the middle of thirty Young people shouted, "You can't walk without putting things down!"

Just then another masked man appeared, but the man pointed a gun at a middle-aged woman's temple with his other hand and held her neck, shouting: "Don't move or it will be dead. . "

"Just put down the hostages and money, and then surrender obediently, so you can get away with it lightly." The police car shouted loudly.

Immediately after another police car came over, there were four people on the police car. One of them was a policewoman. The policewoman said in front of five masked humanities: "Have the hostages down, I can be her."

At this time, the masked man who seized the hostages sneered: "You are stupid when I am, you police will fight back. Then you are hostages and you shall be a three-year-old!"

The police, in their thirties, ordered: "Surround them and try not to hurt the hostages!"

"Understand," he ordered. Seven policemen started to take action, but one of the masked men suddenly fired into the sky! And growled, "Whoever touches the hostage is finished." He pointed the gun at the temple on the other side of the hostage, and at that moment the woman there was already scared and fainted.

Long Xin poked at my waist with his shoulder and said, "Brother, don't you want to be a hero?"

I laughed, "If your brother has the skills in the second world, he must go."

Xueyue said: "Let's go and let the police take care of everything."

"Yeah go." Yun Lan said.

"Um." I nodded, so we bypassed the group and went home.

Five minutes after I walked out, a gunshot came from behind. I couldn't help but look back and saw a masked man running towards us. Three shadows behind him were chasing after him, and the shot just now Let the passers-by around start to flee, even when I turned around, the person was already running like a gust of wind, and this still hit the side of Long Xin, who suddenly lost his balance, and I quickly rushed to catch it, Long Xin fell on me and I quickly said, "Are you okay." Said to lift it up.

Long Xin said, "It's okay, I just got hit."

"That man is back!" Yun Lan shouted, and saw that the masked man ran towards us again. It turned out that there were also two policemen over there. It seems that he was pinched by both sides. There is a wall on our left. On the right is the road. It seems that we want to be hostages, NND. What day is it? Okay, I won't wait for you to catch me. I will kill you first.

Thinking of a lunge rushing up here, the other party was only about three or four meters away from me at this moment. He couldn't escape this distance, and some of my body bumped into this person with my shoulders. I was very confident in my strength. In terms of physical fitness, I didn't want humans. At the moment of the collision, the masked man slammed. The masked man didn't accidentally hit him and was hit by a hard groan that fell far away on the hard floor.

At this time, two policemen came over to capture him cleanly. At this time, the three policemen arrived late, and after the man was tied up, the two policemen thought that I could not find it. I was already hit by the guy. Take MMs off for a moment.

On the way back, I walked on my side with Long Xin Xueyue Yunlan on my back. Long Xin put my hands on both sides of my neck and said, "Brother, you were so handsome just now."

I laughed: "Of course, my brother has always been handsome."

Long Xin asked again, "Brother, were you afraid?"

I said, "What are you afraid of? I'm the most afraid if you get hurt."

"Hee hee, worthy of my brother." Long Xin said, burying his head deep in my neck.

After an episode, everyone returned home. Long Xin was just hit and there was nothing. After a rest, we recovered. After we recovered, we went online. I already know the coordinates of Long Xin. I will go with him tonight. Confluence. At the same time, I also learned that there are several Chinese players around Long Xin. These are free players without guilds.

Everyone was online, and at this time, others were waiting for us in the same place. We walked through the woods and appeared in front of everyone with a high yellow soil slope. After everyone passed the soil slope, they showed the landscape in front of everyone. It has become a desert-like area.

God knows what kind of monsters are hiding under this desert, it is better not to walk from the ground, so he incarnates an amber dragon, Ziyue surrenders a fighting eagle, Xueyue has ice crystal phoenix, Mo Yan has cold ice, and everyone else I came over and asked why, because the amber dragon was big.

Everyone is seated and their wings rise into the air. Although it is possible to encounter flying monsters in the air, compared with the dangerous ground, it is undoubted that the air safety is higher than the ground at night. The other one can survive during the day. Most of them are masters, and the more players and monsters become more difficult to deal with. During the flight, I checked the current top ranking. Although I can't see the entire list, I can still check my position.

Check to see that since my position is the 100,000th, I will go there, so it is just right, there are 4 to 5 billion people who participated in this event, and only 50 million people participated in the China region alone. Others countries There are millions and millions of people who come in. It is good to be able to squeeze to 100,000 myself. In addition, I am wondering what kind of perverts are ranked first.

However, I do n’t like to be left behind. I have to pick up more to say in this long night. Xu Yu, who is overhead, asks, "Brother Beast God, can I ask you a question?"


"Excuse me, why did you choose to play the summoner class, and it would be good to play a warrior with your strength." Xu Yu asked.

I said, "Try or test. I have never played this profession before, so I chose to practice this."

Yun Lan said aside, "In fact, he is very suitable for playing this profession."

"What?" Xu Yu asked.

Yun Lan said: "Because he is a fool."

"What's the connection between the stupid and the summoner?" Xu Yu Yiwei said.

"Of course it matters. Have you ever heard of it?"


"Stupid Test Summoner!" Yun Lan laughed. MM laughed at this moment.

"I'm not Yoshii." I was speechless. What is this and what?

"Don't quibble, the two of you are almost there." Ziyue groaned aside.

"Fuck!" I was completely speechless.

Just talking and laughing like this, we were surprised and safe all the way. After two hours we successfully flew over the desert area. At that moment, it came from not far away, and the sound of "Boom" and "Boom" boomed. Endlessly.

"Ah-!" Came a roar.

We saw a fierce battle ahead, in which seven or eight players hid in a huge tree hole. The two soldiers in front of the tree hole narrowed the intersection with shields, and magic arrows shot continuously in the tree hole.

"Long Xin?" I shouted in joy, and one of the seven or eight players who lost a fireball was Long Xin.

And attacking them was a group of twenty or more people each holding a rhino with a burning flame. The mounted players scanned the fire with golden eyes to see that this group of people were players in India. No need to ask and see.

"Yanlong fired!" A tiny laser fell from the sky into the crowd instantly!

"Boom boom!"

Immediately after that, a breath was raging through the crowd, followed by a dive, the most terrifying barrier was annihilated. Two flame swords swept through the crowd to continuously burst out damage figures. Two flame swords instantly killed one. Indian players.

Immediately after-"Boom!"

The ice crystal phoenix summoned the blizzard, the ice frost summoned a large icy ice splash, the battle eagle fan stormed out and brought out a wind blade to burst out in the crowd, killing the Indian players, the crowd fluttered, and the crowd was even more terrible, amber The dragon's huge body fell into the crowd, and everyone came down to fight, while the dragon claws and dragon tails danced. At the same time, this group of Indian cavalry wanted to die, and the explosive flames burst into the sky, burning the enemy players into coke one by one.

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