Master Summoner Online

Chapter 889: Chocobo

After we arrived, the trapped people immediately launched a counterattack. The inside and outside were combined, and the firepower was continuously poured. The balance of the battle situation fell instantly. It was almost a one-sided battle. Within 5 minutes, about 20 Indian cavalry fell to the ground. No life!

After the battle began to clean the battlefield, the equipment of these Indian players was very good, and the equipment that burst out was good.

"Brother!" Long Xin pounced on me. Since I was still in the state of amber dragon, she could only hold my big foot. I immediately became a humanoid and let her pounce on herself, wearing a thin mage robe The soft body is only comfortable when you lean on yourself. After holding it for ten seconds, Long Xin whispered softly, "Brother, you come slowly."

I said, "No way is too long."

Xueyue said: "Come on, don't delay."

"Well." I nodded and smiled. "You must arrive at the most central ruins as early as possible, and it is vain to waste any more time here."

"I see. Let's go."

On the way, I contacted lonely singing, Shu Dao, Ying Ying, Leng Yu Fei, and other guild positions that have a good relationship with us. I found that the night where the war spirit and the rose are closer to us can be merged first. The sea is too far away to meet with them. It is estimated that it will be tomorrow morning. The position of Rose among the battle spirits and roses is not even 10 minutes away from us. It will take at least 20 minutes to meet the location of the battle spirits. The condition of other people, and signaled that the closest merging will advance toward the center first, and converge at a point in the center. I believe that the five guilds of dragon, war spirit, sea, rose, and **** of song can be shocked together. Everyone's strength is obvious to all.


Return to the front line and continue to kill monsters quickly to gain experience. In the night, the bright moon hangs, and the monsters at night are obviously much stronger than the morning strength. After two hours of real time, our team's level has been improved a lot. Xueyue and Yunlan also successfully entered the soul burst. realm.

By the way, I don't know what Yun Lan's magical skill is, so I asked Yun Lan to share the skills with me.

Soul Burn (Passive): Increases the duration of all sustaining skills by 30% and reduces the magic consumption of all skills by 20%. Exclusive player: Warriors Storm.

Although it is not a very good skill, it is also good, but what she realized did not know, after all, I do n’t know much more.

Long Xin said on the road, "Brother, I found on the official information that this ruin is very rich in oil and water."

I smiled: "Of course, this kind of other party has plenty of oil and water!"

"Then we don't leave yet!"

"Well! Go ahead at full speed! Get into the main heart ruin before everyone!"

I sang loudly, and everyone suddenly became very imposing, but everyone knew it was full of oil and water. Don't be rushed to where you want to go. It's not that we haven't walked a thousand meters, and our side has become one. Figures, it seems that there are still a lot of people, there should be one or two hundred people.

Ziyue said: "What to do?"

I said, "It is not necessary to bypass them and waste their time."

"That makes sense."

An ordinary player shouted, "Watch them coming towards us!"

I took a closer look, this group of people really came towards us. It seems that they want to kill us to earn a trial point. We have only a dozen people and each other has a hundred people. They have nearly ten times the number of us. .

Now that you can't escape, fight, whisper: "Everyone is ready to fight!"

"Are you crazy? Haven't you seen hundreds of people?" A swordsman player shouted.

I laughed: "What are hundreds of people, thousands of people can play with me."

Soon the other party appeared in the vision of all of us. I saw that these guys were all creatures riding colorful ostriches. One of them laughed and seemed to read English. Then Yun Lan said: "These are American players. The mounted Chocobo is very fast and very mobile, so it's not easy to deal with!"

I laughed: "No matter how good I want to send them all!" Said the dragon gun stabbed to the ground near the ground and burst a pale cyan dragon-shaped air rushing up the sky. Suddenly spread out to both sides, and the timing of spreading out was when the air wave was not emitted. I hurried out the additional attack, but at this moment the chocobos spread their wings and jumped into the air, and the dragon waves passed under their feet.

Yun Lan said: "I have said that they are not easy to deal with. Although Chocobo is just an ordinary mount, it can add skills to danger perception, and can make avoidance judgments before the skills are fully activated."

I asked, "Even if that's the case, it's too high." When I was talking, the first person killed me immediately. We quickly dispersed, and Yun Lan was facing a Lu. The rowing bird knight "cuts the fist!" A few punches continued in the void, and a harsh sound rang in the air. Suddenly a Chocobo knight became white light and was instantly killed! At the same time, he answered, "The Chocobo's second skill is called extreme jumping. It can jump into the air to avoid attacks in an instant, and it is said that it can exceed a maximum of 100 meters."

NND, this mount is amazing, but just because you want to kill me? It's still too tender, with one hand raised, the starfall skill is launched, and a large meteor is falling from the sky. This powerful AOE skill made me fall in one stroke towards the Chocobo Rider, immediately following it. The summoned beast released a large number of numbers, and immediately emptied one!

At this moment, a soldier suddenly jumped out of the smoke. His chocobo was estimated to have been killed by the star drop just now, but he put his strength on his feet and turned on the charge ability. And it looked almost like he was flying against the ground.

While running, I held the long sword in my hands and suddenly rose up less than 5 meters away from me. I uttered a deep drink and the two-handed sword was as bright as the sunset, and fell off in the air!

This pair of handheld swords jumped in the air, obviously it was his one stroke of powerful skills that was definitely uncomfortable!

Although the opponent's speed was extremely fast, I was not slow either. When the opponent jumped up, the dragon gun ushered in, and the cyan flame cone appeared on the dragon gun, gathering a powerful energy to rush out, and this soldier's Two-handed sword crossed!

This sword struck my left shoulder and cut directly into it!

—11904 The injury floated out, and at the same time, the extremely sharp dragon gun pierced the abdomen with the sharp edge punctured by the barrier, piercing his armor directly. The dragon gun penetrated him wholeheartedly, and then used him He threw it out hard, and he certainly did not expect that I would fight him in such a desperate way, but he was also very powerful at the move just now, and I guess I could cut off most of my blood to replace it with the previous one.

Just as I solved the soldier, someone suddenly shouted, "Look at someone there!"

I glanced at it and couldn't help but smile. The person who came was not the official chairman of other roses, Leng Yufei's poem. When it appeared, Leng Yufei's poem didn't retain his skills. There are many Chinese players beside Leng Yufei Poems. These Chinese soldiers walk in front, and there are about ten masters and priests including Leng Yufei Poems in the back. Leng Yufei's appearances suddenly caught the other side by surprise, and they had already lost a lot of money before they could resist!


Suddenly yelled, the crowd was soaring, and the commander summoned the beast to kill it first, and met on the narrow road, and the brave man prevailed.

Biochemical explosive dragon, first sentry missile killed a Chocobo cavalry, followed by bursting and killing, the lightning messenger launched, countless missiles fired from the launcher appearing on its shoulder, "brush brush" countless missiles Bring out orbits and fly out, the fire from the explosion dazzled the entire night sky, and the next moment, after the burst was killed, the lightning messenger let the other people's land shine with dazzling thunder.

"Boom boom!"

In the sound of the explosion, the Chocobo knight has been killed more than half of the time, and the people who have escaped are less than 20-30% of the blood!

The result was less than 2o minutes, this group of Americans was already unable to stand up, and followed them to make a very unexpected move. Since this group of chocobos like ostriches, their heads were buried softly under their feet. In the soil.

"This ... what's going on?" I saw this strange situation.

Yun Lan said: "The last skill of Chocobo, danger avoidance, burying his head in the soil. During this time we cannot harm them, nor can they attack us and move."

I laughed: "This chocobo is really interesting."

Leng Yufei said: "People surround them!"

"Oh." Immediately surrounded the remaining twenty or so people. At this moment, the American players in the middle were sweating on top of each other. They knew that when Chocobo's head was pulled out, he was dead.

Sure enough, after 30 meters, Chocobo's red-eared and red-headed heads were pulled out of the soil, followed by various magic skills to drown the crowd.

After the battle ended, we quickly cleaned the battlefield and evacuated quickly. The disturbance caused by the battle just now has definitely attracted players or hidden monsters within 100 meters around. If the other party can't avoid it, it will be a fierce battle, so it ’s better to flash first. We have been It was not until late at night that I took off the helmet and I felt a sense of tiredness. Playing games is also very sad.

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