Master Summoner Online

Chapter 896: Beastmaster

Immediately after receiving the news, he rushed to the place where Long Xin dared to go. After five minutes, he turned over an alley and saw a little girl in a bright red cheongsam-like costume beckoning to herself.

Quickly stepped forward and saw Long Xin and Ziyue and Nirvana behind her, but he did not expect to arrive.

"Brother!" Nirvana greeted herself first.

"Nirvana, this time has been so good." I asked.

Nier smiled: "It's okay, just not a little lonely with my brother."

I laughed: "Is it hard to be funny?"

"No ... Actually ... how to say it's safe to be with Big Brother," Nirvana said.

Long Xin laughed: "Yes, my brother has nothing. Some of them have a sense of security, right? Sister Ziyue."

"Your brother asked me what to do?" Ziyue said.

I said, "Okay, let's get back to business. What is Longxin's interesting thought?"

"That's it." After taking that, he led me out of a small alley. The alley was very deep. After walking for more than ten minutes, we came out of this alley. This place is different from what it was just before. This is a valley.

Seeing that there is a systematic name for this place, this place is called "Lianjian Valley". Here I see many players and all of them have careers as warrior. Among them, I also see fierce blood flying, rain and rain, rubber sticky people. After waiting, I later learned that this place can improve the ability to comprehend skills, and that the comprehension skills are permanently used. No wonder this group of people is going crazy.

We walked deep into the valley and found that there are also shops here. On this walk, we met several familiar people. Among them, the Greeks were singing and dancing on the stage while admiring some beautiful women. In addition, there are casinos here, many People were soaked in the casino. Among them, I saw Hua Lian here, and the crowd around her was crying with tears, and it seemed that she had lost a lot of money.

Along the way, there are many things, and the system really has. Make such a rest point to relax the player. It is true that the continuous killing should be relaxed in the past few days. After walking out one hundred meters, we come to hit a shop and walk into it. The surrounding area is empty but there is a room in the middle. The table looks a lot like a slot machine.

I asked, "That's what you said?"


"How to use it?"

"It's used like this." He walked to the slot machine, took out a gold coin, threw it in, then dropped the handle, followed by a scroll from the slot where the marbles should have been ejected, but jumped out of a 20 cm long gray scroll.

"What is this?" I asked while Long Xin handed me the scroll.

Random Scroll (Consumable) Effect: Use to get an item at random. It can only be used inside the ruins of light and darkness.

Long Xin said: "Okay, there is no upper limit. The only thing that can be used here is gold, so there is no wasteful trial point."

"It's amazing. I found such a good thing." I laughed.

Long Xin said: "It's not that I first discovered Nirvana."

"Really? Nirvana really has you."

"Big brother is over there." Nirvana said a little embarrassed.

Immediately after Long Xin opened the random scroll in my hand, I asked, "Where did it go?"

"One roll back to the city." Long Xin said with regret.

"Okay, I'll try it, too," and said as he walked forward and pulled the lower handle as Long Xin had just followed, and a click popped out.

Remove the scroll and click to use. The next moment, an original gray scroll turns yellow. Click on the properties to see-Planting Acceleration Scroll (Consumable). Effect: You can make a plant grow faster for 30 minutes.

It's useless. I can't be a gardener as a life occupation or sub-vocation, so I open the true red-eye black dragon summoning skill that I haven't managed for a while, and open the offering to speed up the scroll scroll offering.

Next, I took out ten gold coins and stuffed them inside. I pulled out the scrolls and opened them. I found that everything was a life job, what fishing, planting, training, and all were thrown away for worship.

Then I took out ten more gold coins and threw them in. Today, I caught up with it. I have to come out with a good thing.

Ten scrolls will pop up for use, seven chapters will be returned to the city, two chapters of the fishing success scroll, the remaining one is called a flying character, the effect is that you can set a coordinate anywhere, not in the wild, it is a space moving item, very good The thing, but the effect is not the same as my teleport crystal, this thing still has five seconds to cool down the consumables, my crystal is not cooled and can be used unlimited times.

Continuing, I threw a hundred gold coins in a row, and as a result, all the gains were nothing. Back to city scrolls were production acceleration scrolls, and all were thrown away for worship. My backpack did not have their place.

Immediately after trying 500 coins again, something good finally appeared.

Scroll of double experience (consumables). Use it for 1 hour to gain double experience and cool for 1 hour. It is only used in the ruins of light and darkness.

I ca n’t help laughing when I see this thing. The experience here is very high when I put it away here. It ’s so cool to double it. For leveling like me, I have to give half of the hard-earned experience value to The Summoner who summoned the beast couldn't be better.

Long Xin asked: "What did my brother draw?"

I will show you the double experience scroll. Long Xin is jealous and said, "Wow, my brother, you are very lucky. I spent a thousand gold coins to get a triple experience. My old brother spent 500 gold coins. Double. "

Three times okay? !! Alright, I served it.

The next continues, now that I have burned my gambler's heart inside, and then spend a thousand more coins that are not in stock and all useful things are enshrined, and then there are a thousand. This lucky goddess once again visited me.

Scroll of Triple Explosion Rate (Consumable), Effect: Use 1 hour to get double explosion rate and increase bonus, cool for 3 hours. For use in the Ruins of Light and Darkness only.

Another good thing, experience and burst rate are things that can make any player crazy.

Next, I spent 5,000 gold coins this time to get a pile of garbage. One of them is called a random mount reel, and a horse ride appears randomly after use. Regardless of occupation, but I ca n’t attack while riding. This thing is useless to me. There are summoning beasts, summoners can ride summons on their own so I don't need a mount.

There is more than one of these things, of course, all of them are used for worship, although it can be taken away, it is estimated that not many people will buy them.

Then I went on and spent another hundred gold coins to get garbage in one place. After the one hundred and one gold coins were put in, I got a scroll called space expansion. The effect is to add a grid to the backpack. This increases the backpack. The space is good. Now I have a pack of 10,000 grids, so I do n’t need too many spaces, but I want to give him the scroll.

Random cards (consumables), randomly get a good card, no enshrinement, then continue-random skill scroll (consumables), effect: random acquisition of a skill, this thing is good, click to use-potential burst, Consumption: 400 magic points, increase the hit rate and power of all skills greatly, the effect lasts for a certain period of time. Cool for forty seconds.

You can also get good BUFF skills. Then continue, and draw tens of thousands of random scrolls. Basically, I have been doing this thing in the morning. More than 98% of the things I get are garbage, and 2% are available, but Not very good. Among them, I got three double experience scrolls, two triple explosion rate scrolls, and other equipment design drawings. The summoning scroll can summon Warcraft with maintenance time to help fight, and there are some disposable props scrolls. .

When I opened the Nth scroll, I suddenly lighted up.

"Absolutely good thing!" I couldn't help yelling, and everyone gathered around immediately, I shared the attributes for everyone to see.

Beastmaster's transfer certificate, effect: after use, you can transfer to become a beastmaster, get extra space for summoning beasts to expand, need level 30. Dedicated to the Summoner Department.

A short sentence also illustrates the power of this scroll.

I said to Ziyue and Nirvana, "Who do you two want?"

As soon as the words came out, they were all together, and after a long time Nirvana said, "Brother, are you all right?"

"Ah? What's all right? I'm normal." I was very puzzled about his question.

Long Xin said, "Brother, you are not normal at all."

"Have it?"

Ziyue said: "Of course you are abnormal. Will anyone give away hidden occupations casually? It ’s okay for others to use it, but you can use it for yourself. I said that you are a terrible person.

"Well, I'm really a bad guy, but I don't need this hidden profession," I said.

"How to say, give a reason first." Ziyue said.

"Look at this." Share them with them and concentrate on training. After finishing watching, I said, "Know now, because all the growth of this skill has been denied, so hidden occupations and ordinary occupations are for me. It means that the skills are different from the others. "

Nirvana: "That's right. Although I need it very much, but I am a druid and fit with the summoned beast. My summoned beast and my own fighting power are not as perverted as my brother, so this profession is not suitable for me."

"Since it's not suitable for you, then take Ziyue." I handed the scroll to Ziyue.

Ziyue froze suddenly, her face flushed: "You are too kind to me."

"Why not? I don't want to sell it for money." Said to be recycled.

"Who said no." After he said it, he grabbed the scroll, followed by, "Always go and call out your family and I invite you to dinner."

"it is good."

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