Master Summoner Online

Chapter 897: Monocular giant

I went offline to eat at noon at 12 noon. This meal ended after more than an hour, and it cost seven or eight hundred yuan. Although the money was a little bit, Ziyue didn't care about it. After all, she had made a huge hidden career. Back on the line, we convened everyone to set off towards the center. Our position is at the junction of the Second Ring and the First Ring. We sent you a message before the departure. Ten minutes later, the Dragon's Tooth and the War Spirit unparalleled assembled into a group of 70,000 people. The team began a mighty supply station.

I just walked out of the town, and suddenly there was a scream of exclamation from behind. I felt looking back, but I was surprised to find out where the building is from behind, and who is from there. All I saw was a deadly graveyard. See nothing.

"This-what the **** is going on here? What about the supply station just now?" I was shocked.

At this moment, the black **** introduced: "We can't enter again when we leave to supply the station."

I stunned: "You mean ..."

"The supply station will disappear from our field of vision." Black Shinto.

I gradually came to understand that the system really played people. After shaking our heads with a bitter smile, everyone continued to move forward. After passing over the hills, we entered a circle of land. Here, there is a vast expanse of barren land, dry and cracked watercourses, decaying bones like garbage, and grotesque and decaying trees. The hand of the devil, together with the only life here where the carrion vultures hovering in the sky, form a "wonderful" picture of living **** ...

At the end of the plain we can vaguely see a light emitting a tangled light of black and white.

There should be the center of all this area, the relics of the heart in the relics of light and darkness.

But we walked here without seeing a monster. After walking for an hour, we walked into a canyon. We just went in and saw a group of green skin with short pointed ears. They lost their life signs, leaving only their torso and holding a hatchet. , Pull back bar, chain and other weapons.

Blood Disaster Scavenger, Level 160, Elite Beast, Introduction: The Blood Disaster Scavenger was originally an elite goblin hunter among the goblins. These goblin hunters were killed in the Battle of Huaihai, their bodies were cursed, and their soulless bodies maintained their movements by relying on the source of variation magic in the body.

I said, "Everyone is careful. The number of guys in this group is very large. The soldiers are on top. The bear cavalry is the forward raptors. The magic arrows are output. Keep the overall pace to kill."

Everyone nodded in unison.

The bear cavalry carrying heavy weapons stepped forward, and the raptors spread to the two wings. I summoned the birth blasters and the wolf emperor, first found a blood disaster scavenger sentry missile to launch, and slammed on a blood disaster scavenger!

—11727—11793 Two injuries floated out, and suddenly a group of blood disaster scavengers became angry and rushed towards us madly, dancing with all kinds of weapons in their hands, very embarrassed, and screaming with sharp noises. .

The monsters stepped forward and the bear cavalry players successively handed out their blades. Their equipped weapons were heavy weapons such as blunt weapons and giant swords. The knight's devastating blow and the swordsman's heavy fencing opened the three auras of mad warriors. A bloodthirsty blow, 5,000 to 7000 points of damage constantly floated, followed by the Raptor Cavalry from the left and right, the Raptor's additional attack power is very high, and it can kill tens of thousands of blood. .

Immediately after the arrows in the back fell magically, the first wave of blood disaster scavengers fell down and they could follow the blood disaster scavengers behind them, using a hatchet chain to launch onslaughts towards the soldiers in front of them. The damage was not high. Followed by those blood scavengers who used the rebound markers and threw them towards the team in front of us, blood-red rays appeared on the rebound markers. These markers flew over the heads of these people and flew into our rear to bring out each one. Injury figures ———— 18737—17772—19836

Suddenly, there were more than a dozen long-range occupations, NND, which was terrible. The front attracted players with firepower to attack the rear units with long-range attacks.

The action of the monster shocked everyone, and loneliness sang, "Assassin quickly clean up those monsters marked with pull back!"

The words didn't fall, and the night with the dragon three forbearance, and other elite assassins sneaked past, the blood disaster scavengers' defense was not high, the assassin's attack was very deadly to them, and the ordinary assassin's Qiangkun ignored it. Defensive capabilities, the assassins arrogant blood disaster scavengers quickly fell down.

The assassins who deal with those scavengers have proved that forcing the scavengers is not enough for the players to abuse, and they output all their powers. The skills of the mage and archer behind them are poured into the monster group, and the light of the priest's treatment keeps the blood in front.

Thousands of **** scavengers have been slashed along the way. The experience of everyone has skyrocketed. Many of these guys are different from previous monsters. The difference is that they will explode. Although the explosions are blue sky and white clouds, broken swords, But if you kill a lot of them, you can burst out four or five pieces. No one is interested in this low-level equipment, but I will put them all away and give them to worship.

In this way, we went forward all day, everyone took a break offline at night, and continued to move forward the next day. After swallowing the source material for so long, my biochemical dragon finally awakened new skills again.

King's Blade (Passive): Increases the attack range of Biochemical Blast Dragon by 25%. The base attack will add a splash effect to nearby enemies.

Wild Charge: The Biochemical Dragon launches a fierce charge towards the front and hits an enemy. The charge will cause damage to the target and all enemies around it. The selected target will be stunned for two seconds. The surrounding units will drop by 25%. Speed, deceleration lasts 2 seconds. After hitting, he will pause for 05 seconds because of recoil. Cool for 30 seconds.

Warfury: Passive: Increases the attack power of Biochemical Dragon, Active: Biochemical Dragon is immune to control skills and cools down for 25 seconds.

Crazy Flurry: Rain-like dense claws, accompanied by thunderous roar. Biochemical dragon uses its claws and laser blade to attack the enemy in a frenzy, causing continuous damage, cooling for 100 seconds.

As before, it has four more skills, and the biochemical dragon has high attack power, so I choose to increase the attack range and the splash effect of the King Blade ability and the wild charge with a stun effect.

After the selection, there are also some changes on the biochemical explosive dragon. Something that looks like a turbine appears on the mechanical part of the thigh. A golden light appears on the claws and laser blades.

Seeing the surrounding monsters and being killed, I asked Biochemical Blast Dragon Road: "Why are you so fascinated by Yuan quality?"

"In order to survive, I have known since I abandoned the human body, how fragile humans are, human beings must go through the cycle of life, disease, and death, and I don't need me to kill the living creatures to get the source, always young and live forever." Said in a low voice.

I asked, "What do you think of us from this perspective?"

"You mean adventurers and indigenous people?"

"Of course we are adventurers." I said.

Biochemical Blast Dragon said: "Your adventurers are amazing. You have the equivalent of endless life, but your life and your power are equal, but when you lose all your power, you will lose all your life."

"So do you think there is any difference between you and us?" I asked again.

"Of course, I will collect the source material and evolve it. You do n’t. I do n’t need armor. I just evolve the armor. I do n’t need the weapon. I evolve the claws.” Biochemical Blast Dragon Road.

I said, "But we adventurers can create something stronger than your armor claws."

"How about that, you are the same, and I collect the source material and evolve it, making me more powerful." Biochemical explosion dragon said firmly, it seems that it believes that technology is not comparable to its evolution.

After chatting with this guy for a while, suddenly someone in front of me exclaimed to see another monster appear! I stepped forward to see that this was a monster with a size of nearly five meters, holding a long wooden stick in his hand and only one eye!

Cyclops, Level 165, Super Boss, Introduction: Cyclops are the "failed product" of orc experiments, and their blood comes from the great devil. In their blood, the evil part prevails, and this terrifying giant, whether physically or mentally, is distorted by the surge of chaos. The Cyclops looks unquestionably much uglier than humans. Their most prominent feature is that they have only one eye—a giant eye with no pupil and red light. No one knows the cause of this mutation. Cyclops is as simple as a child, but once it is hurt (physically or mentally), a terrifying anger will burn in their chests. They are extremely dangerous to anyone, including their kind. Many forces tried to use their divine power, but the orcs successfully "tamed" them with their strength, patience, and courage, and placed them in villages and towns as tireless laborers. On the battlefield, they played the role of heavy assault and siege weapon.

With a powerful BOSS, everyone should be careful.

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