Master Summoner Online

Chapter 909: Spider Demon

After eating and taking a break for a period of time, the team has already gathered at this time. Many players with excess energy have already set out in advance, but more players choose to rest more, and some people do not go online until the next morning. Everyone soon came to the third world, before the magic circle.

One after another walked into the magic circle leading to the third layer of the world. The first layer is the world of ice and snow. The second layer is the world of fiery fire. What will the third layer of the world look like?

For a time, I felt extremely curious, and when I walked into the magic circle, I immediately saw that it became white again and again, and it was hard to open my eyes. This blankness disappeared for about five seconds, and then I found myself appearing in On a sloping hillside.

I looked up to see the floating white clouds in the sky, the green mountains and green waters in the distance, the towering green ancient trees all around, and the air was filled with unspeakable fresh breath, unknowingly, since the third world is so magnificent and A spectacular world of pristine mountain forests.

The previous two floors were simply incomparable. The mountains and rivers were green, the air was full of unspeakable fresh breath, and I took a deep breath. The third layer and the second layer were also randomly transmitted. After taking a few sober breaths, Started downhill.

"Black God, how about we compare to see who runs first?" Tianzhao said, running down the **** first.

"Tian Zhao is careful." I said.

The black **** looked angrily and said, "Master, you spoil her too much."

"Are you there?" I scratched my head, and at this moment the sky shouted for help!

"Ah ?! Master! Help!" Hearing Tianzhao calling for help and the Black God rushed down and ran down the **** to see it in ten seconds. Tianzhao hit a clunky thing and was hit Stick it. Take a closer look. This is a spider web. The sky's hair, face, hands and tall **** and legs in stockings are firmly stuck by the white spider web. I can't help moving.

"Really though you are so fierce" Black God sighed, drew out the sickle, and chopped it at the spider web, but a strange scene happened. I saw the sickle slashing on the soft spider web. But stuck together firmly, the spider web's toughness is beyond imagination.

"What ?! How is it possible ..." The black god's face did not dare to imagine "burning!" Using the low-level magic skills of the summoner, the spider web gradually melted under the flame, and gradually became thinner and disconnected. Tian Zhao also took the opportunity from the spider web

Break free.

"Strange, if it is an ordinary spider web, it will ignite as soon as it is fired, and the toughness of this web is too strong." The black **** looked at the spider web scattered on the ground and said puzzledly.

"This seemingly peaceful place is also in danger, so be careful. There is probably a big guy here." I said, Black God and Tianzhao nodded, and Tianzhao nodded while tearing the spider silk still sticking to her body.

"Garulu!" I called to Galulu and said, "Go ahead."

"Why, has the host been afraid of those bugs for us?" Tianzhao asked with a smile on her head.

"That is not the case, just in case you are caught by the spider here and lay a lot of eggs in your stomach." I said as I walked up and touched the flat belly of the sky with a smile.

"Master! This is not a bad novel. Besides, I think those guys who write programs are so boring." Hei Shinto.

"That's hard to say. Okay, you guys go in."

"Yes." The two entered the cockpit of Galuru very very commanded, and while I was sitting above Galuru's head, at the same time, called out the biochemical explosive dragon, let it open the way, just walked all the way down, no What monsters or players are encountered, but the strange spider webs on the surrounding branches seem to have life, and there are continuous fine spider silks slowly on the body, and it is constantly me and Garuru and Biochemical Dragon There are too.

"It's annoying." Pull the spider silk off your body. These spider silks are thin and hard to detect, and there is not much hindrance to movement. However, when you move the spider silks, you will feel a little bit. As I continued to advance, the spider silk continued to fall. No matter I kept pulling these things away from my body, at the moment, Garulu's body and the biochemical explosion dragon had gradually piled up in thin circles.

After walking for an hour, we came to a vacant lot and saw dozens of squirming creepers in this vacant lot covered with a huge spider web, stuck on the spider web, and hung tightly by white spider silk. Body, all of these bodies are female. Fire eyes have been scanned. Since they are female players from various countries, there are still some corpses on the ground. These corpses are not male. Let ’s look at the one that is more than 3 meters high on the left side of the big net. Humanoid, spider monster in lower body.

The next second we appeared attracted the attention of this disgusting monster, and immediately climbed to the center of the cobweb, and then the ugly face showed a creepy smile: "Oh, I have n’t eaten for thousands of years The blood of the female is bloody, and I can catch two more. I'm so happy ~! "The monster finished speaking, and flew down at me.

"Biochemical Blast Dragon! Get rid of it!" Biochemical Blast Dragon had to rush up towards this monster.

boom! !!

The two huge bodies collided, and the half-man and half-spider monster was not as powerful as the biochemical explosive dragon, and was immediately knocked down to the ground, knocking the ground out of a large pit.

"Good job. The black **** Tian Zhao lives with you two to save people." He jumped from above Galulu's head, but the spider silk entangled on his body did affect the flexibility a little, and fell on the ground and pulled his hands. Now, I have clearly felt the resistance when the spider silk tightened.

"Hey, humans are useless, they will automatically generate spider silk around me, and they will keep entangled in their prey. No matter how many times they are destroyed, they can be infinitely regenerated until they entangle you. I give up resistance and become me. Food, your female companion, I will make them the perfect production tool, every day is extremely cool! "The monster stood up and laughed.

Fuck, the guys who designed this layer are really watching too many alternative novels, and they have designed such a disgusting monster.

"Monster, you finally figure out your situation!" Said the dragon gun was thrown, and the dragon gun turned into a red dragon in the air and swept across the monster.

"Woo ?!" I saw this monster. The four hands on the upper body were raised in place to eat hard. The red dragon roared and attacked, but my red dragon did not eat vegetarian dragon claws. The monster was huge. The impact force shook several meters, and each dragon claw caused about three thousand injuries. I saw that this guy's arm was covered with a thick layer of spider web. The dragon claw attack was greatly reduced because of this layer of protection. .

"A powerful move, but it is not enough to kill me to this extent." The spider monster said with a smile.

"Less proud!" Shouted, "Biochemical explosive dragon, sentry missile! Gallulu, explosion breath!"

The biochemical explosive dragon left and right shoulders, each firing a missile with a diameter of more than one meter, drawing two bullet marks in the air and blasting at the same time, a violent air stream hit the guy's head. The monster hitting the two skills caused a huge The explosion and the shaking ground could not help shaking.

—11941—11944—12000 "Hum, how about this time, monster?" Said to the thick smoke in front of him.

"Ahhhhhhh!" A loud roar came from the thick smoke, and the monster stepped out of the thick smoke. At this moment, the skin of this guy turned into a hard shell.

"Boy, isn't it terrific? But just attacking to such an extent can't kill me." The monster wiped the blood on his lips and laughed.

"This monster." Gritted teeth fire eye golden eyes scan-Spider Demon, Level 171, Quasi-BOSS profile, Introduction: Spider Demon is a huge spider-type demon that inhabits the dark and deep of the devil world, and eats the blood and body fluids of other creatures. , It usually does not kill the prey, but wraps the prey with spider silk, stays in the nest and slowly **** its blood and adultery, so once it is captured, it will be miserably ravaged because of this creature Disgusted by all women, and the spider demon has very strong digestive organs and adaptability. It is said that it will devour most of the equipment carried by the target after killing or capturing the target, plus its own high magic resistance and and Its thick carapace has become a monster that is almost immune to both physical and magic attacks. Now this group of guys have been sealed by the dragon of order Yasha on the third floor of the Soul Tower of Light and Shadow. Fate female dominates.

The quasi-BOSS-level alien is so terrible. When I looked at the information, the spider demon suddenly sprayed a bunch of spider silk in his mouth and immediately ducked to avoid it.

"Wild Charge!" With a command, the biochemical explosive dragon rushed up immediately, but the spider demon was very agile, leaped high, and leapt to the spider web to avoid it. The charge also caused the biochemical explosive dragon to hit the spider's web directly because it overshot. .

"Dead!" The spider devil snarled and leaped towards himself from the cobweb, and immediately fell in front of him with a thick, long arm and patted me. I was about to dodge, but my feet were tight, and I couldn't move. Moving this guy's arm for a while hit him, and suddenly the whole man flew out.

Huge force trembled and fell to the ground.

"Roar!" Garulu leaped angrily, a pair of steel claws kept scratching the spider demon, the spider demon's strength was not as good as that of Garulu, and many injuries were made to him under the storm and storm of Garulu, but the wounded They are light.

Gallulu's attack can only cause a thousand or so damage. It cannot cause substantial damage to the spider demon. When Gallulu and the spider devil shuddered, I slowly stood up and saw that the spider silk entangled with myself was denser than before. After more and more fierce, the calf and thighs were tightened tightly. Although they can still stride forward, they have already been struggling.

"Roar!" Galuru snarled, and its body was also entangled in spider silk, which greatly affected its mobility.

"Galuru, the biochemical dragon is back!" The counter-summoner retracted them both. At this moment, the spider demon sprayed a large stream of spider silk towards me and quickly activated the burning skills, but found that the burning power could not burn them. .

"Useless, my spider silk is equally resistant to magic. Your little flame can't burn ..."

"That's what it looks like!" The seal of the beast **** was activated, his left hand turned into a dragon arm, and the dragon's mouth blasted out with a towering dragon flame the next moment, and the cobweb that was constantly burning just now was immediately burned, and a fire burned all around All spider silk.

"So possible my spider silk!" The spider demon didn't seem to dare to imagine his eyes.

"Dragon's charge!" The body turned into a blue light dragon and flew out, knocking its huge body down and pushing it out for several meters, but this is not over yet, the heroic charge charged the distance closer and followed the high jump, the left-handed dragon The arm turned into a ten-meter cyan flame great sword.

"Huh, weren't you just proud of it just now? I want to see how hard your head is !!" The annihilation of the barrier fell directly on this guy's head, even if his carapace is harder, it can't stop the 70% defense. s attack.

After the annihilation of the barrier, the dragon gun appeared in the right hand, heading towards the spider devil, and the dragon gun poked like a bamboo stick into it, because the spider devil was too close to respond at all.

"It's tough outside, I don't know what's inside?" Laughing and really wanting to launch an energy explosion, suddenly a flame blew from the dragon gun, and the flame poured into the spider demon's belly along the gun body, and at the same time it leapt A few meters away, half kneeled down.

"Woo? !!!!!!"

In an instant, the spider demon burned from the inside out, and several flames spewed from its mouth and ears, and the entire body became a huge fireball.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhwwwjj since I am there, the spider demon wailing in pain, screaming in despair, and screaming desperately, the huge body explodes completely, turning into a burning flame, Burned into a blackened wreckage, a dragon gun was inserted over the wreckage.

When I killed this spider demon, I received a prompt on my message. The trial points instantly increased by 50,000 points. The experience value also skyrocketed by 5%. Although it was difficult to kill the spider demon, each of the trial points and The empirical value is really extreme.

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