Master Summoner Online

Chapter 910: Demon Hunter Sayuki

After wiping a sweat, the spider demon was run around by Long Yan just now, the dust that swept up was wrapped, and everyone around me, including me, was covered with gray faces, looking very embarrassed, and couldn't help but cough twice. .

When he beckoned, the red-eyed dragon gun flew back to his hands, and then looked at the messy surroundings, and saw the female players from other countries rescued by the dark **** Tianzhao, saying, "You all right."

After speaking, I couldn't help but hesitate. I can speak to foreigners in Chinese.

A black-haired female player came out and said, "Thankyou, theplayers (Thank you, Chinese players)"

I smiled slightly, but I still could understand Chinese, and continued, "No thanks."

Continued: "It is dangerous here and everywhere, and it is not suitable for people like you to level up. I think you should change places." After saying this long, I do n’t know if she understands.

"Whatdidyousay? Saidsimple (please say briefly)." These foreign female players were all confused about me, and the person who spoke to me just came forward to reply.

I said, "Please leave here." Then I made a gesture to leave.

They looked at each other and the man nodded and said, "Goodbye (goodbye)"

"Bye, bye" I didn't expect to be able to understand this. I sent these foreign female players away. Then I quickly stepped forward and stood next to the spider demon's body. I saw the guy lying tightly on the wreckage and exploded. I picked up a few of the equipment and found that a total of five of them were unidentified. The spider demons should burst out. I swept away the debris and found that there could be more N and more bright and shiny equipment, one by one in front of everyone. .

"Erase, get rich ..." These equipment made everyone drool.

Below the wreckage is a full pile, most of which are dark gold equipment. In addition, there is a platinum-level scepter. In addition, I also found that the crystal-level boots are only magicians'. These looks People are delighted, and there are many sundries besides equipment, this guy is really edible.


Ten minutes later, it took real ten minutes to complete the process, and a quasi-boss exploded like a boss.


After packing the loot, I continued to move forward, and continued to move forward. There were countless insect-type monsters everywhere. I summoned the summoned beasts and started to clean up. After walking out of the division for about two hours, I found that the road conditions were destroyed by amazing forces everywhere. In the deep pits, most of the surrounding trees were not destroyed, and most of them were collapsed.

Continue to walk forward and see that there are many unrefreshed monster corpses on the ground, including several corpses of spider demons, as well as the corpses of professional players, all of which show that the terrible fierce battles that have occurred here.

Continue to move forward, the corpses traverse the next road, at least there are corpses of dozens of players of various professions, among them there are seven or eight spider demon corpses.

Suddenly there was another sound on the ear.

"Go! There is movement in front." When I heard the noise suddenly, I pointed my hand forward and ran straight up, followed by the dark **** Tian Zhao, and summoned the beasts before this end. Take them back.

After running for a few hundred meters, I saw that the head was surging, and I hid behind a big tree, and found out a small half of my head. I saw a group of people wearing imprinted armor with various incomprehensible characters in front of me. The number was about 100 players. Troops, these people are all homogeneous male soldiers. They are holding various cold weapons and are waiting.

But in this group, one of the female soldiers who looks like 25 or 6 years old is particularly prominent. She is standing in the front of the team, and a panther wearing a blue and black iron armor lies on the middle of the team behind her. Beast-like, with long brown hair, tied with a wide golden band, wearing a tight off-white cloth armour, starting from the waist, the light armour is the cloth, and is cut into two parts. The back part is larger than the front part, covering her back waist and sides, but can not completely cover her high-backed hips tightly pulled into the thighs by the tights and the pair of very attractive wearing dark blue The beautiful legs of the color stockings Siamese high-heeled shoes, her hands are long wearing white long gloves, holding a spear emitting purple gloom in her hand, and a round cutout in the middle of the top of the spear.

"Ms. Sayuki, the BOSS lair should be in this area. But there is definitely more than us here, I think other players will definitely dare to come over, should we ..." A male soldier behind the female warrior called Sayuki He said solemnly.

"Afraid of anything." The female warrior named Sayuki interrupted the man proudly, and I was surprised to hear that these people, since they spoke Chinese again, were from somewhere, and decisively fired gold eyes to scan the female warrior Past-Level 152, Demon Hunter, Singapore, Equipment: Slaughter Gun (Inheritance), Psionic Cloth (Diamond Crystal), Succubus Boots (Diamond Crystal), Warcraft Mount: Iron Panther, Other unknown No wonder Chinese is spoken. I remember that if the official language is English or Chinese, Chinese is Chinese.

"There are players from other places." A player with bruises and bruises emerged from the forest.

"What's the matter, hurry up and get ready to fight. These people are here to send us trial points." Sayuki said coldly.


With the shouting of a Singapore warrior, a black crowd of players suddenly emerged in the forest. All professions were available. At the front of the crowd were some soldiers wearing bright red armor and holding huge swords.

When Nasa Yue saw this group of people, she couldn't help sneering: "Whothoughtitwas, turnsouttobeafewofyouUnitedStatesswine !! (Who thought it was, it turned out to be your few American pigs)" Although I do n’t know what to say, I do n’t know enough. What a nice word.

"Killthem !!! (Kill them !!!)" This group of guys are not good, and they will fight without saying a word. The team of hundreds of magicians and archers behind them is shipped, with countless flames, frost, and lightning. Skills such as magical attributes and flying locust-like arrows swept towards the camp of Singapore players.

Singaporeans obviously did not expect the other party to start without saying a word. In the wailing sound, blood flowers splashed around, and in a blink of an eye dozens of Singaporean soldiers were totally out of magic, burned or collapsed to the ground with electric light, but After the beginning of a mess, the Singapore players calmed down and launched a counterattack. The soldiers rushed up in the first instant and yelled in their mouths. Each of them appeared as a magic shield with various characters engraved on it, and the shield blocked the opponent's attack. At the same time, the female warrior of Satsuki rode on the mount, and she stepped forward and split an enemy soldier in half with a spear.

Taking the team into the opponent's camp, in front of her, those soldiers and players seemed to be vulnerable, almost three tricks, can solve one person, killing these people is as easy as killing chickens and dogs.

Under her leadership, the Singaporean player who was still passive immediately grasped the initiative of the battle. At that time, a loud noise came from the portal, and a huge black shadow appeared. A huge arm shot a Singapore warrior into flesh. Sauce, this emerging monster, with a blazing flame, has a rock-hard body.

The fire eye golden eye scan showed that this was actually a Druid Summoning Beast, this guy named Lava Giant, is a summoning beast of the god-level element family, introducing this guy's huge elemental creature at the bottom of the demon world, which has extremely high magic resistance and Great power, completely immune to fire magic, very scary.

In the face of this giant lava giant, Singapore players attacked and greatly reduced their injuries, and even some of them could not be broken. The emergence of the lava giant reversed the battle situation, and the group once again occupied the initiative of the battlefield.

"You all retreat! Give it to me!" Satsuki saw that her subordinates could not compete with this terrible lava giant, and they retreated decisively, riding up the leopard, seeing the other party actively provoking themselves and manipulating the lava giant. The druid immediately drove the giant more than 10 meters high and punched him in front of the Sayue, which produced a huge impact, which shook the players who were fighting nearby by several meters away.

The leopard jumped up under Sayuki, and raised a purple spear toward the lava giant. The huge head was a heavy blow. The lava giant's head was shaken, and it seemed to lose balance. She stepped back a few steps. Sayuki Then, the speed of the leopard kept flying, and the lava giant had great power to face this agile leopard. There was nothing he could do. Sae Yue rode the leopard to the magnificent combo of the lava giant, and knocked it back and forth, finally I lost my balance and sat on the ground, crushed several trees and ran out to see the lively insect monsters,

"Stupid stone." Saeki sneered at the lava giant sitting on the ground, and the purple spear-slaying magic gun fired additional skills on it, hitting it **** its big belly, and the huge impact force approached it. The 100-ton body blasted all the way back, leaving a deep groove on the ground, followed by a bunch of skills against the lava giant, and it didn't take long for the lava giant to collapse into a fragment. stone.


There was a loud drinking from the gravel pile, followed by a horn in the head, wearing black armor, holding a burning axe in his hand, the demon appeared, this house should be the Druid The second summons the beast.

"Youdesignalot (you have so many tricks)." Sayuki raised her spear and pointed at the devil, saying coldly.

The other side completely ignored her words, wielding a huge axe towards Xiaoyao's fierce Sayazuki.

"When !!!!" Just listening to the huge metal impact and the dazzling fire light completely surrounded the two, and the ground under Sae Yue's feet was smashed into a large pit by huge forces, and she caught the big devil's The giant axe, the flame did not harm her, and then slipped along, the big devil's giant axe chopped to the ground, and Sayazuki swept away the big devil's chest with a spear.

"Slayer kills!" The Slayer Killer gun with a holy white light pierced into the chest of the transformed Devil Druid, and suddenly the huge force swept it out, and the chest armor also broke a large hole.

"? !!!" Before waiting for the other side to react, Sayuki has leaped from the leopard, and swept the large demon torch the gun several times in a row, easily smashing the black armor worn on him, full of blood. The big devil fell to the ground and returned to his original form. When the opponent released his transformation, it was not less than a minute and a second, and the leopard rushed to the opponent.

The druid's health is not much higher than that of the mage, and he is naturally finished in one hit.

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