Master Summoner Online

Chapter 913: Crossbow

"It seems that my little leopard is faster." Sayuki took a treasure from this after I smiled.

"Okay." It seemed that the treasure was destined to miss me.

Sayuki yelled, "Treasures are in your hands, and they are evacuating!"

"I'll give you the remaining things." Said Sayuki riding a leopard to join the camp.

"Little brother, there will be a period later." Saying that Sayue had already killed the magic gun, the leopard moved continuously under the control of him, and the dark green luster appeared on the magic gun, which was obviously a skill attack!

The Tutu gun swept away three Vietnamese players at once, the leopard jumped tens of meters away and followed her with one hand. Seven light groups fell and killed the archer crowd. Others Of Singapore players immediately followed, and certainly did not forget to pick up a few pieces of ground equipment and take them away.

In my eyes, I know that this woman is amazing. So I just fought against her just now, I ’m afraid it ’s not so easy to win. Forget it, just go back and bring some people to beat her, if you can blast her slaughter gun out It's so crooked.


Players from Singapore fled and left me in this hall. At this moment, the remaining Vietnamese players can only chase far away, but chase farther and farther. There is no way out of hatred and helplessness, Singapore. Obviously, the people are fully prepared, the movement speed is too fast, and the Vietnamese players who are unprepared are absolutely smashing. The last group of people are throwing arrows and magic at me. It seems that they want me to be angry. But they chose the wrong object.

"Come out, kill me!" Shen Yin summoned the beasts to show up, the killing began, or the abuse of vegetables began. This group of masters has been almost killed, and the rest is no longer a threat, almost The wind and the clouds of the wind, the Vietnamese devil crow tribe can't compete with our strength at all, it was cleaned up in about ten minutes, and the fire mage was also dealt with a shot through the heart, although he was hurt by the fireball, but my dragon gun poked He hurts even more.

After the battle, the battlefield was cleaned up, Sayue took the BOSS treasures, but all the other things were left, so I was very polite to put these things and the Vietnamese players out of the equipment and put them in my backpack. Some of the groups that were not included were dedicated to dispose of. .

After finishing everything, I immediately went to the cave. At this time, I saw many players from other countries coming late. The next time I went to kill spider demons elsewhere. Although it is difficult to kill things, the experience and trial points are very impressive. It is worth killing. .

Toss to nine o'clock, find a hillside, search for the surrounding conditions, take out the tent and drill into the line to rest.

After coming off the line, in the living room, the three MMs gathered together to watch a soap opera. I said, "Would you like to eat some supper?"

The three men answered in unison: "Okay!"

So they took them out to eat the food stalls. A few people ate and drank hip-hop in the food stalls for a while. Then they returned to the room and took turns to go back to the room to rest. After fighting for a day, I was a bit tired, so I lay on the bed immediately I fell asleep, and in the dream, I stood on top of the ark, commanding the dragon's breath to directly direct the main city of the devils into particles, and it was a mess!

I woke up the next day, washed my face and brushed my teeth, and then we went to the morning market to buy food. Actually, why did you buy food? Xueyue suddenly wanted to make lunch for himself, and Yun Lan and Long Xin followed up to coax. I really want to know these three What will the young lady make, forget about going online first, and you will see it at noon.

Use the helmet to go around the forum and see the treasures obtained yesterday. The three treasures on the third floor yesterday. One I know fell into the hands of Singapore player Sayuki. The second treasure is called 'Parkson' Worm Flute was awarded to the American player 'Smith', and the last piece of the 'scale worm feather fan' was finally obtained by the Japanese player named Sakura Blood Sakura. Finally, after a chaotic battle, the treasures of the boss were obtained by Sakura Blood Sakura, and they carried the treasures to kill the siege. This battle let more than 100,000 players out, and it was a fierce battle into the tower!

Finally, there is an additional video. I clicked it and found that there is still a charge. Well, throw a gold coin to the guy who recorded the video, and see a relatively dim environment, a huge incomparable moth fell under a large attack. As a dark shadow flashed across the five people, five faint cold lights flashed at the same time. Behind him, there were screams and falls.

In the blink of an eye, the five people fell down, and then saw a whole body covered in black, and the curve exposed by the tightness was so hot that it spurted blood. When Heiying's figure bent, she picked up a fan, put it in her backpack, and followed her more than 20 times to besiege her, but suddenly her body turned into five remnants. Five identical figures used a dagger to weave a gleaming knife net, covering more than 20 people who came on without any suspense, more than 20 people, instant kill!

But at this time, the video man wanted to take a close-up when he leaned forward, but the next second, a huge shadow screamed in front of the person who recorded the video.

Very strong! Not only the speed is amazing, the so-called thorny rose, and the thorn is not general sharp, I frown, and see the huge figure falling in the video because of her performance. I saw the video several times slower and saw it. Since the huge figure was the black general, I remembered it though it flashed.

On the expedition battlefield, I only had a fight against him. I was not interested in this blood cherry blossom. I was very interested in the black general.

I don't know if he can see him on the fourth floor.

After watching the video online, many people who got out of the tent have already set out first, and walked into this transmission channel leading to the fourth layer of the world.

I also set out, and the black **** Tianzhao followed behind and walked in. The fourth layer of the world is a sea of ​​sea. There are islands floating one after another in the sea, summoning an amber dragon in the sky. The black **** said: "Master, the monsters in the fourth layer of the world who have checked the information are much stronger than the three guardians encountered in the previous three layers."

I said, "No problem, let's go find a place to level up first. There must be a lot of monsters in the island and the sea. Let's go to the island first."


Commanding the amber dragon to fall, the amber dragon fell on the beach. I saw it not far away. It was a crocodile covered with thick armor. It was about 5 meters high and two meters high. It was lying on the beach and basking in the sun. Open at closing time, scan with golden eyes of fire eyes-Crossbow Beast, Level 172, Enhanced Elite Beast, Introduction: Crossbow beasts were originally ordinary crocodiles. These crocodiles were eroded by the hatred of Chaos Dragon Orgas. More cruel and violent, bloodthirsty and ruthless, guarding the four layers of terrible Warcraft, becoming a nightmare for adventurers from afar.


"Come out! Come on!"

Summoning the beasts, I rushed over the first time, the dragon's charge directly locked the crossbow beast and slammed into it, followed by a black dragon stab, quickly hit the snow and ice three strokes + barrier break, and then, The summoned beasts also launched a series of blows.


The crossbow roared, raised its claws suddenly, and flew his tail very fast. I was caught off guard by these flicks. Hot pain came, and a large number of injuries flew over his head.

Followed by the big mouth cashew, but at this time, the biochemical explosive dragon rushed over and stunned by our wild charge. Our skills shook the crossbow beast's armor. After a fierce attack, the crossbow fell.

With a click, the crossbow fell to the ground and I saw the crossbow left behind a gold coin, and a dark blue helmet, reached out and took a look, and laughed: "Sure enough there is a suit!"

Howling Helm, Grade: Dark Gold, Attribute (Unidentified), One of the Howling Suits.

That ’s good. Put it away and move on. On this beach, a crossbow beast is lying about every 30 meters away. Looking at the dense crossbow beasts in front of it, the roaring sounds come and go. These crossbow beasts have obvious territory. Differentiating, the crossbow beasts are relatively scattered, but they have rich experience and equipment.

The battle of the crossbow beast is very strong. Before, I could easily solve it by sneak attack. But now these crossbow beasts are awake. It is still very hard to hit the crossbow beast. A crossbow beast can share a lot of experience and 500 points of trials. Point, clearing all the way, stepping on the crossbow corpse.

"Roar!" A crossbow beast uttered a tragic fall.

A pair of dark blue shiny boots and a gold coin returned to the main brain, picked it up, and it turned out that it was our screaming moon boots. In this way, I cleared this beach and pushed forward all the way, killing nearly two times. The experience test point skyrocketed by N, and the Xiaoyue suit also made up a set. The Xiaoyue suit is a warrior suit weapon. The giant sword of the Xiaoyue Blade belongs to the heavy weapons used by mad warriors and knights.

After getting together, I went around the island for a circle, and the monsters on the island did not explode the set, and this little one took back some experience and trial points and left the island to the next island to get more sets.


Go offline at noon, walk out of the room, see the MM door toss in the kitchen, and then wait for the next time, go back to the room to play computer, practice interstellar and ah ah ah, time passes quickly, you can Asked about the scent that came from the kitchen.

For a moment, they really do it! ?

I couldn't help being curious, and I was expecting their craft with a hint of it, and I could taste it immediately!

Five minutes later, Long Xin came to preach and saw Xueyue and Yun Lan smiled and brought the food to the table in the lobby. Looking at this table, the dishes looked pretty good. I was slightly puzzled: "Um this Did you do it? "

"Of course, let ’s taste how it is done, let me tell you honestly, this is the size of a person I grew up to cook for the first time, and it is done for you, you should cherish it and eat it all. "Xueyue laughed.

Yun Lan said: "Although it is not the first time I can complete it completely, it is the first time."

"Well then, I'll try it." He said he would pick up a piece of chicken, threw it in his mouth, and tasted everything, and the result ...

For a moment, I frowned and clenched my fists in both hands. These dishes are so bitter, sour, sweet, and salty. Yun Lan first noticed my strangeness, and frowned, wondering: "What's wrong ... Is it hard to eat? "

I was so dizzy that I should swallow it and make a smile: "It's delicious."

After hearing this, the two of them smiled suddenly: "Ah ~~~ Really! Hee hee ~~~ That's great ~~~ Then eat more, come ~!"

Speaking, the two of them sandwiched almost every dish into my bowl. All of a sudden, I could hardly see any white rice on this bowl, and they were covered by the vegetables. Looking at this bowl of things, I crossed my heart. Pour directly into your mouth and see their happy and satisfied smiles, even if you want to vomit, you will vomit in your own belly.

I filled my belly in the shortest time, then drank a liter of boiled water and rushed back to the room to go online. All three of them watched me after I finished eating and then started using chopsticks.

After I went online, the three MMs picked up a dish at the same time and put it in their mouths. The next moment, the three of them turned green at the same time, and showed a frown. They spit out the thing and stretched their tongues. It took a long time to squeeze out. One sentence: "Dragon (brother) you big fool!"

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