Master Summoner Online

Chapter 914: Mighty Hualian

Going online, every island continues to kill crossbow beasts, and they are killing. The sound coming from the rear disappears in the sky, and the voice comes to my mind: "Master, I will scout and it seems that a battle has happened!"


Tianzhao went to reconnaissance. The summoned beasts and I continued to level up. The experience and trial points of the crossbow beasts were very rich, and everyone was flushed. The feeling of eating just now has disappeared without a trace. .

Ten minutes later, Aizumi said, "Master, there is battle on the island behind us!"

"Where is the player?" I asked.

"It's not clear, but it's definitely a Chinese."

"Got it, let's go." I said, putting away the summoned beasts except the Amber Dragon and Tian Zhao, and the three of them sat on the Amber Dragon to take off and flew towards the opposite island.


In the distance, the sound is getting closer.

Fly to the beach on the opposite island and drop it back to collect the amber dragon. The three of us walked carefully towards the source of the sound. In the past, the scanning continued along the way, the sound near the ears became clearer and clearer, opening the lush high Grass, we can see almost a hundred meters of players, half of them are Chinese players and a similar number of foreign players to fight, fire eyes golden eyes scanning siege Beacon is Korean, as a Chinese, decisive to save, watching many on the ground There are player corpses and crossbow beasts as well as the bodies of some other monsters.

"Huaxia warriors! Even if you die, you need to pull these sticks for backing." A soldier shouted a sword to cut down a South Korean player. At this time, a South Korean player threw a metal ball in the air. In the middle of the explosion, a powerful energy was emitted, followed by a huge black mech falling, and the eyes of the fire were scanned with gold eyes. This thing is a machine-type summoned beast called a magic energy mech-Doomwalker, and Doomwalker appeared around Korea. The player retreated decisively.

"So huge guy."

"No, it's just bigger!"

Immediately following this Doomsday walker noticed a large number of enemies approaching and began to warn: "Target locked, the enemy is completely destroyed!"

The two huge chimneys behind Doomwalker spewed a lot of steam, and with each step, the huge weight made the earth tremble.

"Come here! Everyone be careful !!!"

Faced with such a huge enemy, these Chinese people can't help but be cautious and raise their arms slowly back.

"Everyone!" But a Berserker shouted, and at the same time shouted encouraging words to everyone, killing the Koreans, everyone was fearless!

"Boom !!" The Doomwalker waved a huge fist and smashed it down. The huge shock wave hit many people in one fell swoop. He seemed to be mowing the grass. His arms kept waving and rockets were fired. These players are even more vulnerable to ants in front of this doomsday walker.

"Mage Archers !! Long-range bombardment !!!"

Countless arrows and magic of various elements and other long-range skills are fired at the doomsday walker, but this doomsday walker has more than 6,000 defenses, as well as defense skills. The heavy armor is specially processed, and the magic resistance is extremely high. All The attacks were all received without incident, but a huge flash of lightning was released from the chest, and a row of mages and archers standing in the distance fell down.

The doomsday walker took a huge step towards the Chinese player who fell to the ground. No one can stop its footsteps. The root of this battle cup is that there is no T in the Chinese team. The soldiers are all crazy warriors and soldiers. The swordsman has no knight, and it is estimated that all are dead, without T other occupations can be killed.

The group of Koreans looked at the Chinese people who could not resist the powerful doomsday walkers, and they all laughed and laughed at them. I didn't hesitate to rush out at this moment, but suddenly a huge red figure suddenly appeared above the doomsday walkers. Seeing a heavy drop, he banged between Doomswalker and a Chinese player, saw a winged monster fish falling heavily on the ground, saw this monster fish covered with wounds and flesh, and the bones were turned from the inside. The tragic appearance came to an end, and it was apparently killed by a very terrorist force.

"What? What's going on ?!" exclaimed a Chinese.

"Where is this?" A woman's voice came from the back of the dead fish. Then, a powerful cold frost blasted from the chest of Doomwalker toward the strange fish, covering the 30-yard area around the strange fish. , Freeze up.

When the cold air flew off, I saw a woman wearing a black tight armor, with long legs and big breasts, with a bulge and a stern back. Regardless of her figure or face, she was an excellent female warrior. She had a silver-white sword with a length of two meters. , Taidao's sword body was flowing with white cold breath.

I saw that this female player was actually Hualian, why did she appear here.

"Eh! (Solve her!)" Doomwalker took a step forward, but Hualian was very fast, and the silver sword was inserted into Doomwalker's chest at once, wiping out huge electric sparks.

"The wind blows!" Hualian coldly spit out the four words, the huge frost and cold air poured out of the blade body, and it was poured into the body of the body from the damage on the chest of Doomwalker, and its power The devices were all frozen, and the doomsday walkers, like ice sculptures, were frozen in place, and their functions stopped completely.

Immediately after pulling out and waving three times, this doomsday walker was abandoned in less than twenty seconds in front of Hua Lian.

"It's boring." Hua Lian's evaluation of the doomsday walker turned slowly, and a group of Korean players and Chinese players almost fell off their chins.

At this moment, a group of Chinese players smiled joyfully, and one of them shouted in surprise: "Are you ... the dragon tooth?"

"Why, do you know me?" Hualian pointed to herself.

"여성 데려 (women leave!)" A Korean soldier stepped forward to catch Hualian, but Hualian shot faster, brushed a silvery cold flash, the hand that the player extended Was cut off directly by Hualian.

"Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah" The soldier screamed like a pig with his other hand over the arm of the beheaded man.

"I'm gone, you are so weak." Hualian turned to the words and turned towards the forest.

"Hum (stop!)" A deep, dark voice suddenly came from above.

"?" Hualian looked up. "그래서 무리한, 너무 거만 탐닉 하고 바보 같은, 당신 은 가져 가지 않았어요 우리 진지 하게? (So insolent, so arrogant and arrogant, haven't you thought of us at all?)" I saw a huge big bird in the sky. The big bird had silver-gray wings. It shone brightly in the hot sunlight, followed by the next person who jumped from the top. This person was carrying two huge green glows behind his back. Double-edged sword.

"Is it very windy to carry two big bananas on my back?" Hua Lian asked wryly in a very weird tone.

However, the Koreans didn't understand what she said, at least they knew it was not good.

"여자 인형! 내가 아픈 당신 에게 알려! (Girl doll! I let you know how great !!!)" The South Korean player went into stealth after shouting, apparently an assassin occupation, but carrying a weapon is suitable for soldiers, Can use such a weapon to see that this person is not weak, at this moment Hualian is standing still and standing still.

After calming for a second, Hua Lian suddenly turned around, and at the same time chopped it out obliquely. The next moment, a piece of blood spewed out from the air that had not existed, followed by a figure.

"Ah!" The figure screamed and his body was chopped into two ends, turning back to the city in white light.

— 22244 A late injury floated out.

"It's boring." Hua Lian turned her knife back into her scabbard and was about to leave, but she didn't know when she was in front of her.

"어린 소녀, 죽일 사람 가고 싶은 곳에 저렴한 것 있 이 있다 (little girl, there is no such cheap thing as to want to go after killing someone)" a gangster player said with a double-edged sword, in a low voice.

"그녀 의 작품! 가르쳐 주세요! (Give her a piece of corpse !!!! Give me !!!)" A group of players around the Country of the Sticks drive the mount with sharp blades.

"This group of sticks, more bully and less, brothers come forward to help!" A **** Chinese person encouraged the players around to prepare to help Hualian.

But Hualian went coldly and said, "Let's go! You're very troublesome."

"You ... what do you say, we are going to help you," said a Chinese mage.

Hua Lian still said coldly: "Back away, or even you cut it together!" As soon as the words of the Chinese people around him were stunned, Hua Lian ignored them and came forward with a knife.

"The wind of death !!!" Hualian whispered softly, and the ground under her feet immediately blew a scarlet hurricane, which devoured every intruder who stepped into it.

"에 운전 (continue to rush!)" Hualian could not kill ten stick fighters in one stroke, but this hurricane lasted for 3 seconds and ended. The rest player stepped on the companion's bone and rushed towards Hualian. .


Hua Lian easily parryed the sword of a swordsman who was cut face to face, and immediately made a fierce counterattack, braving the cold light of the sword, and directly blasting the player who had just cut with the horse and the horse into pieces. , Scattered fly everywhere.

Immediately after that, there was a layer of frost on Hualian's Taidao, and the Taidao swept across, turning 3 players into scum in an instant, but more players eventually approached Hualian's body, waving their blades and driving impulse. It was a choppy slash, and the crisp percussion sound of continuous metal slashing sounded.

Hualian waved the Taidao with one hand, facing up to the siege of the players, and dealt with it with ease. No one could break through her Taidao distance. Moreover, Hualian chose not to attack the player but to attack the mount when attacking the opponent. After one round of attack The Korean mounts were all abolished, and the cavalry changed its infantry attributes greatly. Then Hualian continued to wave his sword, and the speed was lightning fast, which cut down seven or eight players around him. Then, there was a strong ice whirlwind from Conghua. The blade of Lotus exploded, blasting dozens of players into pieces.

In ten minutes, all soldiers in the front row followed the long-range profession of the sudden back row, and the people in the back were even less hit. Hua Lian did not use half a skill and relied on walking to evade attacks. Normal attacks harvested life. Less than fifteen minutes together, the Korean team rushed to the streets!

There were only a few broken pieces of corpse, internal organs, bones, and dozens of shining equipment on the ground.

"It's over? Really fast," Hua Lian shook her head and said, at this moment her armor was covered with blood, of course, it was all other people's blood, and she was not harmed from the beginning to the end.

"It seems all right." Hua Lian swept the bar arrogantly, and the Chinese players were out of trouble. There was nothing for me here. I thought of turning around and leaving here, but I just walked out without two steps, and patted a palm on my shoulder.

"Where are you going?"


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