Master Summoner Online

Chapter 915: Abyss Demon

"Huh?" Hua Lian came to me without a word, while holding my hand forward.

I quickly said, "I said, where are you going to pull me?"

"Go leveling." Three ultra-simple Chinese characters were spoken from her mouth, but at this moment I felt very embarrassed. At this moment, the extremely coincident Ye Shuang in the guild channel had a very proper call. "Brother Come over, we have found the BOSS. We have 5000+ people here! The original coordinates are 9222911, the speed is coming. "

The news immediately relieved me, and I said quickly: "The Hualian BOSS was found. Let's go."

"Okay," Hua Lian said lightly. At the same time, I let go of my hand, although I felt very embarrassed, but the beauties were very comfortable to touch, but now I was a bit reluctant to let go.

Forget about YY, it ’s important to be serious. I summoned everyone to step forward and fly towards the coordinates. The number of points is obviously not a very easy to find coordinate. It is estimated that the island is a mountain stream. in.

It took me forty minutes, the amber dragon fell on an island in the ocean, this island is larger than the others, and there is a long mountain on the island, look at the coordinates and Ye Shuang give coordinates It should be close to here. There is a volcano in the middle of the island. The volcano is like a volcano that does not go out all year round. It emits a blaze of flames up to hundreds of meters. The four of us advanced towards the coordinates.

Transformed into Gallulu and took three beautiful MMs towards the coordinates at full speed. Moving forward, you can see a lot of monsters and player corpses along the way. Needless to say, fierce fighting has occurred!

After passing a few corners, the skill light in front flashed. The closer we got to the skill, the more bright it was, and there was a roar.

After going around a bend, I saw a large crowd of people and a body in this huge open space. This crowd didn't want us, but in the center of the crowd, they were huge, ugly, with a pair of wings behind them, holding a handle to burn. The huge demon of the flame's double-headed gun. The double-headed gun in the devil's hands moved the sharp claws, shaking the MTs in front. One after another, many people couldn't stand the attack and the defense appeared loose. Blood, Kankala grabbed the lives of most of the players in front, and a small part was hung back to the city because it could not be added.

Fire Eye Golden Eye Scan-Demon Lord of the Abyss-Romado, a 169-level king-level boss, introduced: Romado is a very powerful one among the abyss demons. He was brainwashed by the hatred of Chaos Dragon Orgas and became one of the fourth layer of guards. The body size is very huge. The huge body gives him tremendous strength and can easily swing the huge double-headed spear. However, at the same time, the huge body also restricts their movements, especially small-scale turns, etc.-but this fact It doesn't matter much, the terrible attack range of their weapons makes up for this flaw very well. Although the abyss demons have huge wings, this pair of huge leather wings does not make them capable of flying. The abyss demons, especially the back, are covered with thick scale armor, and there is a sharp triangular bone plate in the center of their spine. Like the Dragons, the abyss's devil's tail will severely teach those who attempt to sneak behind them. The abyss demons are attacking with both arms while walking on four feet, and they have long fangs. Inside the abyss demons, they are filled with a lot of **** flames and corrosive substances. If they are injured, they contain severe corrosive Blood will be ejected to retaliate against the attackers, and once they are killed, a large amount of flames, toxic gases and corrosive substances will burst out, destroying and contaminating everything around them.

I hurried to summon the beasts, and launched an attack myself—Dragon's Charge!

Turned into a blue light dragon and hit the abyss fierce fiercely, followed by the wave thrown and bound it, as soon as the BOSS couldn't move, the players around him immediately surged in, and I also launched the next round of rounds.

"Roar roar ..."

In the roar, the abyss demon's huge double-headed gun launched a crazy attack on the surrounding players, killing many players at the same time, and their own blood was falling off very fast. At this time, a huge ice cone bombarded BOSS's health This time, I saw the people of the war spirits also. The rubber sticky men took the bear cavalry and the dragon tooth players in front, lonely singing and a lot of remote players, sending continuous skills to kill remotely, There were many people in this attack and everyone cooperated very well. BOSS fought very fast. BOSS has 13 million blood, and now there are more than 8 million. In my house, no accidents can be seen. It can be done within an hour. Solve the battle.

"Breakdown!" After Xueyue hit with a sword of choice, BOSS rushed towards her with a double-ended gun. Xueyue quickly shielded her shield, but she was still killed.

I threw the dragon gun in my hand, and started the roar of the red dragon. The dragon gun turned into a giant red dragon and pounced on the BOSS, but the guy's double-headed gun stabbed in a sudden, and the red dragon was instantly returned to its original shape.

Immediately after that, the front foot was lifted and slammed on the ground, and immediately saw the earth cracked, and suddenly a bolt of fire was thrown out like lightning, and someone was swallowed up in an instant.

"Ah-!" The first pillar of fire swallowed up a raptor, and the screaming sound came to a halt in the body, and for a moment, the white light rose.

The second victim was another bear cavalry, and since the third pillar of fire rushed out at his own feet, he swallowed himself quickly at the moment of death, the attack started, and the body rushed out with a heroic charge in one direction. Immediately after, a pillar of fire rose up among the crowd. The speed of the pillar of fire was very fast and there was no way to prevent it. The pillar of fire continued for a minute and more than a thousand people were sent back to the city by the pillar of fire.



The abyss demons suddenly became furious, opened their mouths of blood, and opened their mouths as a blast of flames spit out, and a powerful AOE skill group was killed in the crowd!


With a burning pain, a fan-shaped flame spit came, and a large group of soldiers at the same time struck. At the same time, although I opened the soul shield to resist this, basically the shield broke in less than three seconds from the fire attack and broke through the shield. The shield flame lost me and caused damage, and the blood lost the boss!

I have the best jewellery and magic defense. I haven't been killed. The players around me, except the Ye Shuang Lao Niu, are buried in flames. The continuous damage is not what they can bear. Much better, their mounts were originally added blood and defense, so the Raptor Cavalry was spiked at once, the Bear Cavalry was able to persist for a while before being spiked, and had time to receive treatment from the rear. The chance of survival was significantly better than the Raptor Cavalry.

The speed of the Raptor Cavalry is very high, but the shortcomings of other aspects are no doubt revealed.

After the large range of BOSS, we continued to wield double-headed guns to launch continuous annihilation against the players. We also launched all-out attacks. The air, fireballs, wind blades, ice blasts, and arrows were countless messy magics, arrows, energy flying, popping Hitting the BOSS, our people kept hanging, and the BOSS blood continued to drop.


"Fuck! Someone pulled it. It's the Holy Cross guy!" Shouted a dragon tooth mage behind.

I turned my head and saw that the full-attack warrior was carrying a large group of cavalry of the Holy Cross.

"Rush forward and **** the boss, and this boss will say anything if it is us!" A full-fighting warrior slashed his sword. "Brothers, kill me !!"

"Kill! Kill! Kill! Kill!"

Along with the shouting shouts, I saw the first batch of cavalry rushing around, running in front of the cavalry as cannon fodder summons, and there were a large number of magician, archer, and priest occupations behind , The formation is very neat, it looks like after a little simple training.

I shouted: "The blood flew, and the rain and the rain, we took two thousand raptors to destroy these fools."


Bring the contract summoned beast and shout: "Brothers, do you let others sleep by the side of the couch, we must not let anything to anyone, even if they are also Chinese, kill them in the name of the dragon! "

"Kill them! Kill!"

The killing sound continued, and I, the fierce blood flying, and the smoky and rainy year, the three of them rushed out with a brain of the Raptor Cavalry.

The dragon gun stabbed, the ground cracked, and the light blue dragon-shaped air burst into the sky. The first dozen people who crisscrossed the dragon air were clearly among them!

Ahhhhh ...

The sound of screams kept coming one after another, the Dragon Soul destroyed the morale of our army, and killed one by one, even though the other party had the advantage in numbers. However, our Raptor Cavalry is not a vegetarian. We have a real face-to-face fire, and the Raptor Cavalry's attack power advantage is obvious. The Holy Cross's horse cavalry is difficult to parry for a while, but there are many other people. The frontal war is fierce, and players are constantly killed. In this valley basin, the screams continue, and the corpses appear.

We face the same attrition war, we can't afford it.

But suddenly here in the back of the Holy Cross player: "Fuck, there are enemies behind!"

I had a dragon gun and the two fighters immediately turned it over and issued two screams. At the same time, I was smashed by a lot of skills. I hurried out a bloodstone to use. At this time, I saw a group riding two The cavalry of the large lizard, which is five meters high and five meters long, appeared. It was a lizard knight of the sea. I did not expect the sea to come here.

With the addition of the sea, our natural pressure was greatly reduced, and the Holy Cross star fell into a state of pinching back and forth for an instant.

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