Master Summoner Online

Chapter 935: Debts and acquisitions

Continue to move on this cylindrical place. The photon lizards around are in a state of invisibility, the action is silent, and the most annoying thing is that these photon lizards are invisible. My anti-hiding skills cannot be scanned, except that my level is higher than their ground level. In addition, you ca n’t stop scanning and you ca n’t find it. It can be seen that this group of photon lizards is definitely not invisible. From the information, it is tricky to change the color according to the surrounding environment. Fortunately, the photon lizard's attack is not high, but The humic effect is annoying.

For nearly an hour, I killed and killed countless photon lizards with my own body. To draw out these guys, and also reduce the durability of the equipment on my body, but the guys will also be outfitted. It is very good and comforting, this guy. The set produced is called the Photon Pretender Set, which is an Assassin's Leather suit. This thing has a very high explosion rate. Of course, I also used a double explosion rate scroll. This kind of thing does n’t have to wait for now when it is in your hand. There are five sets, in addition to the three blades of the dragon that can arm us, there is another set that can be given to the dark night, and the remaining set is placed in the guild for everyone to compete with points.

In addition, I also collected some cards. In addition, the experience value of these guys is not ordinary and rich. In just one hour, I have cut off nearly 20% of this level of experience. At such a high level, such an amazing upgrade speed is in the map. It is very difficult to meet, and I still have two double experiences and three triple explosion rates. I have used some other scrolls and props to keep this layer.


At this time, Xueyue sent me a message to go offline for dinner. It's been a long time since I came here for an afternoon. I should go offline to replenish my energy. After all, I have to stay overnight at night.

Find a place to eat offline.

When I came here, I left the place where I ate recently. To order a large plate of food, I must oversaturate the energy.

But when I just walked out of the community, I heard the crane crane ape crying, and the crane crane rushed to the outside. No, it should be a burst of headaches and wailing ghosts. I rushed to the scene of the incident. I saw the place where the accident happened. The restaurant, when I saw this time, should always be a crowded meal, but today the shop is still in a mess like fighting a war. I saw the boss and the wife crying on the ground.

Immediately I realized that something must have happened. I immediately entered the store and helped up the tables and chairs around the ground. Then Long Xin arrived and I asked them to come and help.

In front of the two I came by myself, I now picked them up and found two stools for them to sit down. I asked, "What happened?"

The boss said: "It's hard to say ..." After he said it, he sighed greatly.

I said, "Have you been robbed?"

The boss said: "You haven't eaten yet. I'll make something for you first, anyway, this is the last time you have dinner with me."

"Ah? You are moving!" I was surprised to hear that this is the last time. They have been here for almost 30 years. I have eaten here for more than ten years. If I really want to leave, I can't bear it.

"It's an escape!" The boss wife cried.

"Escape?" I wondered. "You have been hunted down?"

The boss shook his head and said sadly: "Chasing after killing? It's after debt collection!"

"You took usury?" I asked.

The boss shook his head and followed the boss lady to let the boss cook for us. At the same time, Xueyue gathered together to ask the grieving boss lady a series of questions. Eventually, the boss lady learned from the boss lady's mouth that the boss's best student before A company went to borrow a usury loan because there was not enough funds, and the bank didn't loan it to him. The boss kindly acted as a guarantor for the friend who had this today. As a result, when the repayment date came, the uncle actually played. The world evaporates, because I disappeared, so I had to be repaid by the guarantor, the boss borrowed 300,000, plus interest, even if the bank interest was very heavy, let alone usury, so the animal owed directly A huge debt of nearly four million was placed.

In the character of the boss, he will never pay back this unclear amount of money. It is well known that anyone who lends usury is definitely not a good bird. He can do everything to get money.

"It's a scum!" Long Xin muttered loudly after obeying the boss's story.

Yun Lan said: "That is, even the best partner in front of money will turn against each other. Humans are really ugly."

At this moment, heavy footsteps came from the door, and the footsteps were very hard. It was apparently intended to be heard by the people inside. I hesitated, and then there were two strong men with tall waists at the door. It was not good at first sight. . Immediately following the two strong men moving one step to the left and right, they walked out and stood a one-meter-tall one with a lid on their head, chubby, and a jaw with a moustache and a wretched look.

The goods pinched his chin and his beard and smiled very indifferently: "Mr. Guo Tiezhu, shouldn't interest be paid? Hee hee hee!"

Guo Tiezhu was the boss's life. He was rushed out of the kitchen by Uncle Guo. He held a kitchen knife in his left hand and a large scoop in his right hand and yelled at this guy: "Last name, don't bully me too much! I will never return it . "

This insignificant smiled and said, "It's justified to owe debts. Although you are so kind to vouch for others." The three men walked into the store and found a place to sit down and said: "In conscience, every If you can pay 60,000 yuan a month, the annual interest rate of 15% will repay the 3.38 million owed, which is about ten years. If you work hard, you will pay it back quickly. Right. " She also jumped out of a cigarette and took a sip.

The boss yelled, "Don't be kidding! I will never pay back, and this kind of windfall is illegal."

This will shake the cigarette **** towards the ground and sneer, saying: "Mr. Guo, breaking the law is also law. Our profession is to return the money no matter what method we use. I remember Mr. Guo's daughter in the field You're a civil servant, right? "

"You guy." The boss looked very angry. And pierced the kitchen knife into the table, shaking with anger, frying spoon and shouting at the other side, holding the frying spoon ready to rush up to beat this guy, but the urge to stop him was better than the boss lady.

The insignificant man of the pot cover said, "Okay, Mr. Guo, give me the money right away or let us mortgage this shop. I have all your personal asset information here. You can take care of it yourself. I don't have that much time to spend with you here, and I will go to the next one later. "

I walked to this guy without saying a word, "You don't even want to take a penny."

"What are you talking about?" The pot head stood up: "Where did you come from, little devil? Hurry home and go here ..." Before I finished, my fists were still violent, and I banged **** him Chin, I saw a front tooth with blood splashing out. Of course, this is not even the goods and the person turned over backwards, fell to the ground, and spit on the ground.

"Ah! Dong brother!" The two people around were terrified. I never expected that I would suddenly start, and I didn't expect this guy to fight so hard. Seeing how fat he could have been in a fat body, how many more punches could he have? The guy fell down.

One of them ran over to the head of the pot, and the other rushed towards me, but the boss broke away from the persuaded boss and lifted a chair to cover the guy's head. The chairs here are all made of hard plastic. There is also steel plate reinforcement. It is not easy to hit it in one shot. I'm afraid it's not easy to stand up straight. I'm ready to go. When another one is flat, there are three more people at the door.

I was suddenly shocked. Rarely was the soldier arrived? But when the other party came closer, I found that the three guys who came out were dark-skinned and half-headed, wearing a suit and sunglasses, weren't these three 2B bodyguards I had laid out at the Xueyue House building?

Why did they appear here, Xueyue walked over and said, "I'm calling."

These three men are much more burly than the two strong men, but they have a little head.

Xueyue said, "Is there anything like this guy?"

The middle man said: "Miss has been found. They are the blue sea guild's thugs. Miss, should we beat them up and send them back in packs."

Xueyue said, "No, give me the check." He stretched out his hand.

"Here." The man on the left came over and took out a stack of checks and a pen and handed it to Xueyue.

After writing about ten seconds after Xueyue took it, he wrote a series of numbers and a written check to the wretched man who just woke up and said, "Let your boss go home with a check and take care of him."

Immediately following the bodyguard said: "Bring a message to Uncle Mo and tell him that I want to buy all the shares of Blue Ocean. Of course, do n’t forget the employees, and some people I do n’t want. Deducted from the nominal assets, bought and sold to the old man, and how much money is left to him. "

The bodyguard froze and said, "Miss, what are you doing?"

Xueyue said: "Nothing, go quickly."

"Yes!" Said that he was about to turn around but could be stopped by Xueyue, the man scratched his head without any hair and said, "Mother, is there anything else?"

"These people are too troublesome here, get rid of them quickly. Also, you can find the owed money even if you dig the ground three feet." Xueyue said.

"Yes." After the reply, the three carried one and moved them away.

But the boss and the lady at this meeting couldn't express their expressions. I said, "You redeemed their shop?"

Xueyue laughed: ‘So, I ’m not so kind as you, I just bought the store and the company. "

Yun Lan said: "You really do things like buy a company."

"What is this? The old man in my family bought the company hundreds of times ago." Xueyue smiled at the boss. It should be the original boss and the wife's wife. Want to make your boss hungry? "

The two looked at each other and shouted in unison, then rushed into the kitchen with joy.

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