Master Summoner Online

Chapter 936: chance encounter

Back on the line, what just happened has delayed a lot of time, we must hurry.

International practice first asked about the situation, and saw Ye Shuang asked him online: "Did Ye Shuang have anything to do when I was away?"

Ye Shuang said: "something happened ten minutes ago."

I asked, "What is it?"

"The first BOSS has been killed by the Americans." Ye Shuang said.

I sighed: "The Yankees are pretty good, right. What do you get now? How many sets have you hit?"

"Two groups, a set of photon chopping suits, a set of gunners and a killing suit shoes." Ye Shuang reported truthfully.

I grinned, "So little?"

"Fuck!" The guy suddenly shouted, "Brother, you really stand and talk without backache. It's hard to kill here, especially the photon killer cuts half of my blood with four strokes. have that……."

"Xing Xing Xing, you can fight slowly, as much as you can." The guy complained immediately after terminating.

Hang up the call, remove my map, and see if you are far from the huge area at the center. It's estimated that it's already midnight.

Continue to walk and kill a lot of troubled photon lizards. Finally, thirty minutes later, Tianzhao suddenly shouted, "Master, look, what's that?"

I looked towards the place where Tian Zhao made it. About 30 meters away, there were blue lustres, and runes floating on the ground. Obviously, this is a magic array, and it looks like a teleportation array.

I rely! Who wouldn't have such a teleportation team here? It's rare that I'm not afraid to jump out and meet a group of monsters or players and then be sent away for seventeen or eight.

"Is someone here?" Tian Zhao said. Seeing the rays of light coming from another space converge on the adult type the next moment-"Yeah ah ah! Hurry, dodge it-!"


The transferer usually appears on the ground inside the transfer gate, but now the figure inside the transfer gate about a meter away from the ground begins to be substantiated-and then flew directly to me from the air.

what's the situation!

I don't even have time to avoid or catch this person, and hit me right away. Both of us fell to the ground and my head hit the ground hard. Deduct four or five points of blood immediately.

I rely! This kind of thing seems to have happened before. In the final analysis, it is the dumb player who jumped into the teleportation array without leaving. Well, at this time, my head can still think about the development of things leisurely. In the middle of dizziness, in order to push away the stupid who was pressing on my body, I stretched out my right hand and grabbed it.

"...?" What is the situation?

As a result, I felt a comfortable and incredible touch on my hand. In order to find out what this soft and elastic object was, I grabbed it two or three times.

"Yeah, yeah!"

There was a loud scream in my ear, and then my back of my head was violently slammed on the ground, and the weight on my body disappeared. After receiving a new shock, I finally managed to get back to me, suddenly holding up my upper body.

There is a female player sitting on the ground in front of me. She was wearing a tight purple robe with slits on both sides of the robe, and a pair of beautiful black silk legs could be seen. For some reason, in addition to staring at me with an unexplainable murderous look in her eyes, the biggest emotional effect appeared on her face, her ears were red and her arms were tightly crossed on her chest ... chest ... ...?

Well, I remember this dark **** once again, so I instantly realized what was just grabbed by the right hand. But it didn't matter then, but at this time I was in a dangerous state. Although always thinking about ways to avoid crisis, it is totally useless at this time. I can only keep opening and closing my right hand where I don't know where to go, and then say a stiff smile and say, "Hello ... Hello, Miss Leng Yufei." The person who came was not someone else, but it was the Rose Night Party Long cold rain flying poetry.

Perceptually—the murderous spirit that appeared in the other's eyes seemed to have become stronger. That should be the look when considering whether to let the prey escape.

Just as I immediately started researching and choosing whatever was next, the teleportation array glowed blue again. Leng Yufei's poem stood up in shock.

What is the situation ...?

I didn't know what was going on. I also stood up. At this time, the transfer door was more dazzling. A new figure appeared in the center of the door. This product was also used to jump, but it was not as strong as the previous one. Two feet. Indeed stood on the ground.

The man with the two-handed sword on the back of the metal armor that jumped out this time is the No. 1 master of Qiangyan disappearing, the brushing light in the magic circle continues to flash, and after the smoke disappearing, there are a group of players who rose into the third floor. The cloud arched the archer away from congestion, and counted ten people, including the earliest Leng Yufei poems that jumped out.

I watched each one jumping out and said, "What are you doing?"

Yan Xiaoyun San smiled at me and said, "It's a beast god, what a coincidence."

"Yeah, it's a coincidence." I smiled bitterly and said, "What are you guys doing?"

Yan Xiaoyun dispersed: "We were just chased by a group of monsters, so we used a random coordinate to transfer the scroll, and the maximum number of people was 10, so we came here."

I was a little speechless to these people: "You guys really do it, can you skip it when you teleport?"

"What's the matter?" Yan Xiaoyun sank her head and looked at her beauty president. Leng Yufeishi lifted the brim and said, "What are you doing? I didn't do anything?"

The smoke disappeared and he heard a cloud of water. I said, "What monster are you chasing after?"

Yan Xiaoyun said: "We encountered a large group of photon slayers and photon smashers when we were in the photon suit. We originally had ten people in a hundred people group."

Li Sai's archer said, "If the beast **** doesn't hate, let's go together."


Next, Leng Yufei Poetry invited me to a team, join the team and enjoy her own god-like allure, the full attribute of 30% bonus is very NB.

The team formed and continued to move forward. After nearly half an hour gradually, the surrounding columns began to gradually decrease. Then we walked up an upward blue metal ladder, and there was a gray-blue door at the end of the corridor. we. The gate was engraved with monsters with the same shape as the columns. Although this is a world made entirely of digital archives, I always feel that the door has an inexplicable strange smell.

All of us stopped at the door and looked at each other.

"This ... what?" Li Sai asked first.

"Will it be the room where BOSS is?" Yan Xiaoyun speculated.

I laughed: "Maybe oh. How about ...? Do you want to see what it looks like?"

At first sight, this sentence seemed to be fearless, but there was a deep sense of uneasiness in the voice. Even the strongest fighters, in this case, will still feel fear. But that's a matter of course, because I'm just as scared. And I'm not a warrior, I'm a summoner.

"If it's BOSS, can we these people have played?" Leng Yufei poetry worried.

"Should not beat it."

"Then you are so optimistic."

"It's better to be optimistic than pessimistic," I said.

Leng Yufei said: "Then you go to the door and open it."

"This ..." started to be a bit persuasive. If it is BOSS inside, I guess I can blink for a second.

"Why not? Dignified beast gods haven't done yet?" Leng Yufei said in a somewhat teasing tone.

"Who said nothing." There is nothing to do now. You can only bite your head. In the real world, your palms should be sweaty now. Here too, but I can't feel my hands wrapped in thick gloves.

I stepped forward and opened the door slowly and forcefully. The huge lintel, which was three times my height, started to move unexpectedly and smoothly. As soon as the door started to move, we opened the left and right doors at the same time that we were too late to respond. With everyone holding their breath, the fully opened door stopped at the same time as the strong impact, and then the scene hidden in the door was fully presented.

-Although the door is open, the interior is still dark. Although the blue light illuminates the corridor where we stand, it cannot enter the room. Even if we stare with our eyes wide open, we can't see through the dense dark air-conditioned.

Why is there nothing? So a group of people walked inward and walked in a little bit, and at this moment, a bang sounded, and a blue and white flame floated in the air disk just above the room. This surprised us all at the same time, and the whole body shrank. Immediately following a huge lion-shaped statue in front of a group of us, we stopped.

"Pap ..."

On top of the head, the statue's lion head has a large mouth and a large mouth, and the position of the eyes is shining. The strangest thing is that there is a pair of arms on the back of the lion, each holding a long gun more than five meters .

Tian Zhao crooked her head and said, "Stone statue?"

I trembled and said, "Everyone return first. This stone statue is too weird. It is too abnormal for a stone statue to appear in such a place. It is better not to approach it."

Leng Yufei poem nodded gently and said, "Let's step back first and step back outside the door."

At this time, a rose mage stepped forward and said, "I used to look at the situation for everyone."

"Don't go back soon! There is danger." I shouted.

"It's okay." He stepped forward slowly, and at the same time added a layer of shield to himself. The man came to the stone statue, knocked with his staff, and saw that there was no response, and suddenly there was no sign. Actually, a ring of energy bloomed, and a crack was created in the space. The daring magician hadn't reacted to what had happened, and the whole man was broken into two pieces.

Immediately after another, the corpse was strangled by energy to the end of the blood, the blood and water dissipated in the air, and the dead was completely clean. There were countless cases of turtle cracks on the "crack" stone statue, which was originally embedded in the rock wall. The lion statue in it also began to peel off piece by piece. It was a mechanical lion covered with silver-gray armor, exactly a semi-mechanical creature like the biochemical explosive dragon, because some muscle tissue can be seen from it.

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