Master Summoner Online

Chapter 963: Recast Longhui

The next morning, head to the blacksmith's shop in Panlong City. From a distance, you can see the flaming fire from the huge chimney towering above.

I walked into the door and saw the dragon man sitting behind the counter looking at the bad secretary. I walked in and the dragon man immediately stood up and greeted, "His prince, you are here. It is to rest assured to see the equipment. Tonight, Built it. "

I said, "I'm not in a hurry to equip anything. Take your time and work slowly." You've done it. I'm not paying now. I still owe a lot of debt. The rest of the summer vacation is expected to be used to pay off debt .

"I found the book you wanted." He said, taking out the war mill and giving it to the dragon.

The dragon man took the war mill with trembling hands, looked at this book he dreamed of, his eyes filled with tears, and looked at this seemingly worn-out book with excitement.

"His prince, it's really omnipotent." The dragon man said in his arms, "One thousand years ago, I have been stuck in this super-god position for a thousand years, and finally hope to break through."

"Super God breakthrough? Is there a rare Super God level higher?" I can't help but ask, God is already the limit for players, not to mention that most NPCs don't have to play Super God. , Dragon Man actually said that there are levels above Super God level, can't it be uninteresting?

Dragon Humanity: "Yes, there is a sanctuary level above the super **** level, that is the real limit, my teacher has reached this level, and now I finally have a chance to surpass him."

I asked, "I wonder where Master is now?"

Dragon Human said: "It's gone, it's already driving Hexi in the race war." A teardrop flowed out of the corner of his eyes.

"Sorry, the matter should be raised."

"It's okay." The dragon man shook his head, and then the task prompted to complete, and that pickaxe was mys forever.

The dragon person continued: "His prince, congratulations on fulfilling your wish for me. I don't think I will charge you a penny for the equipment you build this time."

"Really!" I was overjoyed. For me now in debt, this is simply great news.

"By the way, I have another thing to ask for."

"Say, why should His Royal Highness be restrained and say something. If I can do it, I will try to complete it."

I respectfully say, "I am here today. First, I will hand over this war mill to you. Second, I also hope to use the technology and equipment here to restore a piece of equipment."

"What equipment is it?"

So bold, I didn't hesitate. I hurried the holy dragon-longhui head from my backpack, and flipped the other hand to show a group of colorful crystal dragon hearts.

Seeing these two things, the dragons were stunned immediately, and then took a sip of air-conditioning, and said, "This good guy ... good guy ... Your prince, you are incredible!"

Seeing his abnormality, he was slightly surprised: "What's wrong?"

"His prince, you can get such a treasure. Can I ... take a closer look?" The dragonman looked agitated and nervous.

"of course."

The dragon man took the head of Long Hui, and his expression was excited. It seems that there is any connection between this head of Long Hui and he thanked him. He looked at this piece of equipment seriously, looked at it, and burst into tears.

Unlike the tears of excitement just now, this is tears of sadness.

"It can't be wrong. I feel that it can't be wrong. It's Master ... The breath of Master ... Master ... Master" The dragon people burst into tears, holding Long Hui's head, tears Like rain.

Crying like a child is a little unexpected.

The three of us glanced at each other, and when I was in doubt, I asked, "What's wrong?"

Long Ren put his face against Long Hui's head, and in my voice, realized how he looked, and showed a smile, and returned Long Hui's first delivery to me. I asked, ‘What ’s the matter? "

"Sorry, His Royal Highness Prince, I lost my mind just now." Dragons said: "In the battle of races, my Master, in order to forge a peerless **** soldier, closed himself to Kirin Cliff, but on the day the **** soldiers were made, God of Calamity Coming, the entire Kirin Cliff was blown up, and His Master ... "

"When the master could not do anything wrong, it was the refining of this thing that led to the advent of heaven, and now the master's wish will be fulfilled by me." The dragon person said firmly: "His prince will let me restore it. "

"Of course, but aren't you afraid that it will also cause disaster?" I asked.

Dragon Human Road: "This is not the same as Kirin Cliff. There is a defensive enchantment under the control of Lord Dragon King himself. Even if the **** is killed, it may not shake half a minute, so I have the confidence to survive the calamity and make this thing!"

At this moment, the dragon people even became more impatient than me. They did not charge me a fee and were completely obliged to help. After chatting for a while, the black **** waited outside. I and the dragon people entered the right side door, from the side door. When I came out, I came to a very large courtyard. In the middle of the courtyard was placed a body that was about five meters high and about three meters in diameter. The whole body was red, round, and three feet and two ears. There is a huge mech. Among them, I see Rebecca sitting in it, pulling the handle to control the four strong mechanical arms.

At this moment, in this big tripod, there are blazing red flames, which are four robotic arms. In the upper left corner, a whole body of red staff is held in one hand. Between the movements, huge fireballs appear in earnest , Into the giant tripod, the endless stream of fireballs, and another mechanical arm in the upper right corner, holding a huge golden hammer, the hammer bombarded, seeing the flames, issued a circle of halo impact, at this moment huge The halo and the flame in the tripod collided with each other, making a terrible explosion sound, the sparks and light that exploded, dazzling and dazzling.

"Dharma!" Rebecca shouted.

"Come here!" Seeing Dharma running over with a big iron bucket and placing the big iron bucket in front of Dading, I saw that this big iron bucket contained a bucket of blue liquid. Rebecca stood mech, Extend the mechanical arm in the lower right corner, lift the large iron bucket and then pour it into the giant tripod.

In this huge round tripod, a blue flame with a height of dozens of meters burst out!

At this moment, the robotic arm in the lower left corner suddenly showed a weird purple light. This robotic arm reached into the round tripod emitting blue flames, screamed in its mouth, and quickly pulled out a whole body of blue. Colored great sword.

Rebecca controlled the mech and waved the giant sword twice in the void, bringing up a blue light and shadow in the air, and suddenly splitting a long and ten-meter-long one meter into the open space on the ground. The crack, obviously, this great sword is absolutely extraordinary. Dharma laughed a while: "It looks very successful, don't hesitate our efforts."

"You two idiots!" The dragons resent angrily.

The two of them suddenly froze and they couldn't help but exclaim: "Master (brother), His Royal Highness Prince!"

Dragon Humanity: "His Highness Prince wants equipment with additional basic attributes and attack power. Can you make this thing worthy of the hard-earned material of His Royal Highness?"

When the two saw the dragon being angry, they dared not speak again.

Dragon Human said: "Merge it and recast it." The two of them looked at each other without saying a word, and threw the giant sword back into the giant tripod, and began to be busy again.

"His prince, let's go." The dragon person said to me.

Then I responded, "OK."

The road asked: "Why add them to recast, that piece of equipment just looks good."

Dragon Humanity: "His prince, from your perspective is good, but don't forget that your prince is a summoner and not a warrior. This equipment is used to equip avatars instead of yourself. It's not important. The gear was more focused on skills than basic attributes, so I let it melt and recast. "

"That's it." The answer seemed to be understandable.

The two of us walked out of the compound and came to a more open place. The dragon said, "Here it is."

"Why choose here?"

Dragon man said: "Of course because of the Tianjie, although the Dragon King here is enchanted, it cannot be said that it is completely ignored, even if only a little aftermath is enough to kill you and me, choose one of them. Here is one of my early battles. The defense plus my strength should be able to block the aftermath. Second, there is enough space here. Your Royal Highness, please let it go. "

"Oh." Taking a step back, seeing the dragon person put the thumb of his left hand to his mouth, and then bite his finger with his teeth. The finger overflowed with blood. Then the dragon person smeared the blood of the bleeding finger in the center of the palm of his right hand. Finally, the very hard right palm was on the ground.

The next moment, the ground shook, and a huge magic array appeared on the empty ground. An object in the magic array was slowly rising. When the object completely rose, I saw that it was five meters high. A regular octahedron mechanical object and a hexagonal array of magic arrays each raised a ten-meter-high silver-white pillar, each of which was wrapped around a snow-white dragon. The dragon is lifelike.

I asked, "What is this?"

The Dragon said: "At this time, the" Titan Barrier "is a relic left by my teacher. The Titan Barrier has five energy fields and a digital alloy shell to make it extremely tough. These six pillars are dragon pillars. The white dragon is called the Snowy Silver Dragon. This dragon column can absorb the natural energy of the world and infiltrate the Titan barriers to increase the adhesion of the equipment and increase the success rate. I am confident to use it to complete things that Master failed to ask. "

After hearing this introduction, I could n’t help but sigh, thinking about the group of founders in the main city who were still tossing with the fire, and worried about the success rate, but we are already here with such high-tech products, those found in the main city The teacher knew that he had to be furious.

"I haven't used this thing for five hundred years, and I don't know if it's still ineffective." After a pause, he continued: "His prince, you should know how to recover. This alone has no soulless body to do it. If you arrive, you need other equipment to assist. "

"Of course, I'm ready." Taking the ten pieces from the dimension pack, I chose the best platinum equipment and the dragon heart stone and Longhui first handed them to the dragon.

The Dragon Man did not know where to pull a table, put the received equipment on it, stretched his right hand, and picked up the first weapon. It was a fiery red sword. The Dragon Man touched the sword gently: This real red sword has a natural fire spirit inside, which is a good weapon. "

Pick up a jet black pistol. The spatter of black mist surrounds the spear, like a living creature. The dragon is humane: "That's good. This gun is much better than the real red sword just now. It has an autonomous soul. This However, a living creature with a soul as the core can make up for Long Huishou's most lacking spirituality. "

The dragons have looked at each piece of equipment, showing a very satisfied look, and just picked up the last piece of equipment. This piece of equipment was also pulled out from the foreigner. This thing is a golden basketball-size ball, this thing. The name "Energy Golden Ball" is similar to the magician's wand. Although it is equipped but it does not write what kind of occupation, I tried to equip myself but I was prompted to use it. It seems that it should be some kind of exclusive equipment for hidden professions.

"This golden ball! Haha, Your Royal Highness, you have even gotten this, Your Royal Highness You are truly amazing." The Dragon Man praised.

I quickly asked, "What is this?"

Dragon Humanity: "This thing was originally called the Energy Balancer. It was an old professional watchman. It was one of the equipment used by the watchman. It is also an ideal equipment. But now the watchman has disappeared. Use it to balance the Titan barriers. Inner violent energy is ideal. "

I asked, "How long will it take."

Dragon Human said: "About 20 days, after all, we must consider the heavens, I dare not refine too fast."

I busted and said, "Thanks a lot."

"Don't thank me." Rongren rubbed his hands very excitedly. "I have been very upset that I failed to fulfill Master ’s wishes, and now I can finally complete Master ’s unfinished things. Should I thank you for that. "After saying this, the dragons hurriedly rushed into the back room on the other side to prepare all the tools. Refining and casting a superb piece of equipment, let alone such a peerless soldier , There must be no slightest mistake.

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