Master Summoner Online

Chapter 964: Investigating secrets

Among the mountains was a snow-capped forest. A man in a suit began to carry a spear. He was followed by two girls who were all over the country, and a fierce monster on the pole.

This three-meter-tall looks like a giant, but the color of the whole body is purple, wearing a pair of leather pants, and a long pointed corner above the head, eyes protruding, blood red, holding a nearly two meters A long mace with a ferocious end.

If you look closely, you can see that a copper-bell-sized eyeball of this guy has burst open, dark green body fluid mixed with blood splashing, and the pain makes his scream howl through the forest, and the mace in his hand is waving wildly, for a while The sound of gusts made it impossible to approach.

The three besieged back immediately, who knew that this monster roared. The mace in his hand waved half a circle and desperately threw it out, spinning into a black light in the air, sending out a strange howling and flying to the men among the three. The location of the attack was actually very accurate, and went straight to the opponent's head.

If this one is strong one by one, the consequences are unimaginable.

The man flickered lightly without hesitation, and the mighty mace whistled and flew across his chest, hitting a big tree behind him fiercely. Only a muffled sound was heard. A red-haired girl punched her head with two fists, hit her head with flowers, and then burst out dozens of gold coins, more than two hundred silver coins, and a silver necklace. , Make the three of them smile with joy.

I said that at the auction a week ago, I was really lost in order to equip myself, and became a debtor with a lot of debts, but I did not regret it afterwards. The Holy Dragon Yao Yao suit has always been my goal and has its world competition. It is possible to win.

During this time, I was desperately doing the task of hitting gold coins to repay the money. I still owe people more than 100 million and tens of millions of gold coins in a week, but they are all my old owners. They have a very good relationship. Pay back.

So I feel that while choosing to pay the money, I choose the suit of the remaining Holy Dragon Yao. This is not the time for me to head to the top of the Snow Dragon Mountains. Where does Dragon Peak go to find equipment clues, and also to find the lost Protoss fleet.

So far, he is a forest halfway up the mountain in the Snow Dragon Mountains. This forest covers an area of ​​millions of square kilometers and contains a lot of creatures and mutant monsters. There are also numerous prehistoric relics, which are definitely a good place for adventure and treasure.

I just met a guy named Alien, who introduced that it was the result of research by a madman alchemist. As a result, this experimental question escaped the alchemist's control and killed him, hiding in the Snow Dragon Mountains and starting to multiply and evolve.

I also checked the information. Alienators feed on hunting other animals and mutated beasts in the forest, and will hunt passersby and rob them of their money, so hunting them is one of the ways for many players to earn some leveling money. Don't expect to make a fortune here, according to the rules of the system, long-term hunting of the same type of creatures, then the probability of drop rate equipment and coins will become lower and lower, this is to avoid the existence of professional money players.

For me out of pocket, hunting these guys is perfect.

Moving forward, there is a faint mist in the forest, and one of the most dangerous maps of the Snow Dragon Mountains. Even now, I dare not take it lightly, no matter where I go, the danger is still everywhere.

I took out the energy detector that Tasada gave me before, and displayed the coordinates. I checked the map and went westward, which is deeper in the forest. For this operation, I took the initiative and spent most of the rest. Full of gold coins packed the backpack, and also put on two pieces of the Dragon Yao Yao suit that has been obtained so that even if you encounter a super boss can not escape or escape, here in addition to hoping to find the Protoss army, after that is Bring the Dragon's Glory suit that hides the Dragon Peak back.

On this way, I saw several teams killing the alienated people in the forest. Many people on the road invited us, but I declined them politely.

After more than an hour, we followed the sounder to the deep west of the forest. This place was as white as everywhere just now, but compared to the dense forest before it was covered with frozen wood. The boots stepped on the ground and made a "click, click" sound, and there were piles of frozen white bones everywhere on the roadside, some were buried in the soil, and some were sprinkled directly on the ground, which was very striking. .

"I didn't expect such a gloomy place here?" Tianzhao said looking around.

"It doesn't matter. It's nothing compared with Dead Space." Think of the white bones of Dead Space that paved the way. The broken bones here are not as good as others.

I took out the detector and looked at it. The arrow of the detector pointed to the right and I said, "Let's go!"


The three of us were heading in the direction of the detector. After walking about one or two kilometers, a broken temple appeared in front of us, and the walls and gates were damaged. Tianzhao said, "Would the master go in and see."

"Yes." I took the lead and the black **** Tianzhao followed, and the three of us slowly walked into this incomplete temple. When I stepped into the temple door, a dark shadow suddenly struck like a wind. My heart stunned, and the attack began in an instant.

There was a loud bang, and my body was repeatedly bombarded for a distance of four or five meters, and the sudden black shadow could not help but take a few steps back, the shield was broken, and the five thousand points were permanently hit by this. Now, this black shadow is absolutely terrible. He is taking a few steps back, as is the black **** Tian Zhao, and this black shadow has been reorganized and attacked again.

Only then did I see the whole picture of this guy. This guy's lean body nearly two meters tall, black in black, two slender long legs, a crab-like head and two long tentacles, constantly purring, ugly Evil.

Dark Stalker, Level 170, Strengthening Monsters, Introduction: The Dark Sprinter is a mutated quagmire that evolved from creeping forward to standing on both feet, while retaining the soft body and ability to spray chemical liquids during the quagmire , Also evolved a unique discharge energy, like hiding in dark places to attack prey in the past.

This dark stalker rushed towards us with its two long and slender legs. A pair of tentacles kept waving, and its tentacles obviously could not keep up with our speed. They emptied several times, but immediately followed , Its entire body began to flash white electric light, a strong current centered on it and shot around.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh-ih-hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh when I do n’t see it), this guy discharges very fast, but the electricity itself does n’t hurt much, but it suddenly numbs the three of us.

"Okay ... ah ..." Tian Zhao lay on the ground, with electric sparks flashing all over the body. The dark strider was addicted to electricity, and sent a more violent current.

Although the damage is very low, my chances are to deduct blood, and they are only a few dozen points. But the problem is that the paralysis effect refreshes every time you click it. Although the paralysis effect lasts for only three seconds, this guy's skills seem to be uncooled, and electricity is dying towards us, so we can't stand up like this infinitely. I don't know how long the electricity has gone.

As soon as you stopped, we counterattacked. The three rushed up and launched a siege to vent all the anger that had just afflicted. This thing is quite heavy, but there is no current attack, and the two tentacles cannot resist us. The trio's joint attack was solved after three or two hits.

This guy does n’t have much experience. After killing one head, we move forward. After the first contact, we understand that this guy will be fine as long as he is not hit by the **** current. The current flows on the ground. As long as we jump up, it will be easy. It took almost ten minutes to get away, and solved the dark striders in one place.

According to the detector, we walked for an hour near the side of a river where we came. A group of NPC soldiers who were greeted by the sight were almost in sight. These nearly a dozen soldiers were bathed in blood, their armor was broken, and their swords were broken. It looks like he just escaped in a big battle.

"Oh, there's a task!" Gently smiled and replaced the title with General Shenglong. This title was a big official.

So a group of us quickly walked over and I asked, "You are so embarrassed?"

This group of NPC soldiers screamed with exclamation when they saw me, as if they had caught the life-saving straw and crawled over.

The soldier with one arm short of you came forward and said, "General Saint Dragon is far away from driving."

"You're welcome, what happened to you?"

"Hi." A soldier with a sigh sighed, "It's hard to say. We came to investigate a month ago, a secret passage leading to the Dragon Peak."

"Confidence?" I looked around without seeing anything, so I asked, "Where is the secret?"

"The closed road is just under the water in Panya Reservoir. We spent a lot of effort to find this closed road, but we did not expect that the closed road was actually occupied by a group of terrible monsters, and our team that killed the blood flowed into the river. The individual escaped, and we became deserters. We went back to see His Majesty without a face, but thought that when he died, there was no face at all to see the brothers under Jiuquan. "The soldier said crying.

I asked, "Can I help you?"

The soldier was overjoyed and said, "It's great that General Dragon is willing to help out!"

"What should I do?"

Soldier said: "Panya Reservoir is in a valley 20 kilometers away from here, but I have a memory crystal here to guide you." Talking about removing a crystal diamond from the backpack, the diamond Floating slowly in his palm, refracting a beautiful luster.

"Thank you very much!" I ended up remembering Crystal said, "You guys will wait for the news of the dragon capital."

The soldier said: "Well, General Shenglong must be careful, the monsters there are terrible!"


"Ding ~! Whether to accept the triggering task [Investigate the secret path] Mission level: A, Mission objective: Investigate where the secret path under the Panya Reservoir leads to. The mission failed: The player was killed, the mission note: It is possible to encounter Survivors, the number of survivors saved will affect the final reward ~! "



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