Master Summoner Online

Chapter 966: Underground person

Killing countless monsters with long eyes along the way, following the memory crystal to guide the route, and walked for more than an hour, there suddenly appeared light in front.

The ray was very faint, but it was discovered at a glance. Generally, it would rush to the past with ecstasy. When such an unknown place, we must be very vigilant.

The closer you get to the destination, the more you have to be careful. It is difficult to ensure that some powerful monster is not lurking in front. The system likes fake outlets to disgusting players.

Putting the summoned beasts together, the three of us quickly flickered through the white light in front of us. After the white light disappeared, we reached a new place. The surrounding walls became smooth stone walls, and we were in a very dark corridor. The promenade is full of dangerous and terrible breath, which makes people feel very uncomfortable.

I did not expect that the cave actually reached such a place, which was a bit interesting. I took out the memory crystal, and the memory crystal will still be used here. Following the road indicated by the light of the memory crystal, walking and turning became very simple, but I just left. But one hundred meters, as soon as I turned, I encountered a monster.

This monster is two hundred meters in front of him, and is tearing a giant locust corpse that he has seen before. This guy is nearly two meters in height and is similar to humans. Two strong hind legs fully support the weight of the whole body. The flexible hands carefully tore the locust's body, so that it can tear the whole whole meat.

Looks like a person but I don't recognize this guy as a person.

The gray-black "skin" covers the whole body, and the surface of this "skin" is densely covered with thick body hair. That denseness makes it impossible to find a little shine around and around. The fingers and feet are often developed, and the sharp nails on the front end are extremely sharp, and their length is almost double that of the fingers. Although the body surface is completely covered by thick hair, it is not difficult to see the strong ** and bone structure hidden underneath. From that broad shoulder and thick face, the guy's hands were quite strong and terrible.

The head looks like a person, but if you look closely, you can see that this guy has a pair of big eyes on his face and four small eyes on his forehead. This guy is much larger than a human, his lips are thick, two Huge tooth decay protruded from the lower gum. They grow from below. Its length is close to the position of the nose, and the color is extremely pale as today.

You can even see a drop of translucent disgusting saliva dripping from the corner of this guy's mouth to the ground, this is not just this. When you look at it, you can see that you also saw the tail that almost stopped breathing.

A thick, black, bristle-like tail. Judging by the section behind it that has considerable toughness. It should be an extension of the spine.

This guy is a bit like the orcs I saw in Chenlong City, but compared with those muscled or even muscular orcs in his head, this guy is very deformed, like a stunted orc, and the orcs are in this world The definition is that there are intelligent orc-type human races, their heads are somewhat close to humans, and they are more animal heads. This guy is not the same. If you want to classify them, you can classify them into half-orcs, but half-orcs Longcheng, they look much better than the guy in front of them.

When I looked at it, the monster also found that we were screaming and rushing up, very fast. The next moment, I actually rushed to myself, and the pair of sharp claws fell fiercely on Longhui armor— 1—1—1 ...

Long Huikai's defense is not a joke, just because you still break my defense. In order to come here, but I worked hard, I sent out the dragon gun immediately, and shouted, "The barriers are broken!"

The barrier broke a shot and pierced its body! Tian Zhao came up and added a knife, and the black **** also came. This guy dragged his **** body back and forth and turned around, looking to run away. Scan and look at this guy's information-underground person, level 178, ordinary monster , Blood: 110430000, Introduction: A long time ago, the orcs' shaman did an experiment. They performed a sublimation experiment on part of the uncultivated ogre, and turned it into an orc combat weapon. But this experiment failed in the end. In the end, those ogres who were regarded as experimental animals were exiled to the ground, and a group was established underneath, so that these creatures were underground humanoids. The ratio of males to females was very imbalanced, and female humanoids were extremely precious in the community. To breed offspring, males mate with other females. Somehow this guy is so interested in human women. Every summer is a human-like estrus. Humanoids come through unknown grounds. The empire sends out crusade missions every year to hire adventurers to hunt these disgusting creatures.


"Well, there are really all kinds of monsters. It seems that the opponent is fierce." After shaking his head, he resolved the type of person in front of him and moved on. This type of person is just an ordinary monster with weak strength. It ’s fast, and the attack power is not enough for me. I do n’t care about it unless it ’s BOSS. It ’s generally impossible to break my defense. Bang rushed to the ground and immediately died.

Kill a humanoid, continue to go deeper, the corridor is getting more and more empty, and the space is getting bigger and bigger, but the humanoids encountered along the way are gradually increasing, and suddenly more than a dozen humanoids pop up in front of you, look They are already impatient with us, they sent troops to destroy us.

Suddenly: "Flash frost burst!"

The ice mist flashed on both hands, and the next moment the humanoid rushed into the numerous snow and snow, the humanoid was covered with thick frost instantly, and they were instantly frozen.

The dragon gun pierced into the ground, the dragon soul was destroyed, and the earth burst into a wave of light blue dragon-shaped air. The frozen humanoid roared and watched as his body was torn.

Then the additional attack immediately smashed it completely, the blink of an eye was destroyed, dozens of humans were killed, and the loot was only a few copper coins. This group of guys is really a group of poor eggs, but the experience is not bad than the swamp giants and giants before The locust is much stronger, but what I need more now is money, but experience has become somewhat secondary.

After a corner, a huge and wide stone corridor was killed for three hours. The surrounding humanoids have been cleaned up, and the more humanoids they have encountered, the more they come across. Some humanoids holding weapons, these humanoids holding sticks made of stones, at the moment, for me wearing a dragon armor, there is no such thing as an attack on this guy.

Can't help secretly this set of cold armed is too powerful, but it is not a good habit to rely on equipment, because it will lose vigilance.

Moving on in the memory crystal, the light of the memory crystal was getting shorter and shorter along the way, it seemed to be nearing the end, and it was walking in the light, and suddenly found that there was no way in front of me, but the light of the memory crystal was pointing at the block There are articles on the wall, rare behind the wall.

So the Ruyi stick was pulled out, and backed out a distance of more than ten meters, followed closely by throwing the Ruyi stick out, launching the change as if with 135,000 pounds, the Ruyi stick turned into a huge pillar and hit hard. On the stone wall.


There was a loud noise, and the entire wall was smashed. After sweeping the smoke and dust, I saw the gravel on the ground. In addition, there was a black bottomless passageway. The size of the passageway was much larger and could allow four people. Moving forward side by side is not bad for players, but it is too small for my summoning beast. The light points at the bottom of the channel and it seems that the team has the accident location below.

"Let's go." As he rushed down, there was not much room on this road to call out the summoned beasts. Only the three of us could cope with it. Just when we just rushed for ten meters, a group of humans rushed from below. .

"Go to death!" In the face of swarming humanoids, Longkou breathed out, and the entire channel was illuminated with red hair. Humanoids were covered with fur, which could burn them out of breath, another. Just holding up the dragon gun to launch the dragon soul destruction, but the black **** suddenly came forward to stop me and motioned me to look at the surrounding environment. Then I came back to God, although the other group of guys in the other group is best The first way to fall into these ranges is to kill it. It's just that the space here is too narrow, and the distance between the ceilings is quite limited. The Dragon Soul is destroyed, and the generated air waves cannot be released at all, and can only be squeezed from the plane to the surroundings. In this way, of course, human-like attacks will suffer from the overcast, and we who will explode will certainly suffer deeply. If it collapses here, it's really hard to please.

At this time, ordinary attacks and single skills can get the best results. With their strong attack power, there is no problem to deal with these people with little IQ. The most important thing is that they can't break my defense. If they can't break the defense, they can't hurt themselves. Of course, they can only be killed. After picking, the dragon arm sprayed explosive flames and Yan Long fired, killing every humanoid who rushed up, and the black **** Tianzhao followed behind to pick up money and beat soy sauce.

Although the humanoids are aggressive and brave, they ca n’t shake us. In the end, they learned well. If you know how to fight, then run away. In the last shot, the humanoids were pierced by the dragon gun and pierced the skull. There have been no more. The humanoid rushed down the channel and rushed up.

After killing the monster, I couldn't help asking: "How much?"

"Three hundred and seventy-six copper coins!" The black **** burst a number that made me extremely depressed.

"Master Tianzhao has more than a hundred copper coins here."

"I see, a bunch of poor eggs." Could not help but sneer, these guys living under the ground.

On the battlefield filled with smoke, although the smoke was burned by flames, there was a strong **** smell. Intertwined with each other, anyone who smells it has a feeling of frowning with suffocation. This kind of underground ventilation is not good at all. Forget it.

After a few minutes. I walked around the same corridor as above. Under the light of the magic crystal lamp fixed on the surrounding wall, you can see that human bones are piled up everywhere. The bodies of these corpses should be judged to be tragic NPC soldiers. As for the reasons, it seems that there is no need to go further.

The light of the memory crystal ends here. It seems that this is the place where the accident happened. The next thing to look at is your own person.

Continue to move forward, did not encounter human attacks on the road, but still very vigilant, and after an hour, finally followed a long narrow walk, a white arch in the corridor, beautifully carved on it I don't believe sculpture, if these are the kind of people who killed them.

The gate was closed tightly, and the three of us stood in front of the door, looking at the quiet and tranquil environment, faintly feeling a hint of tension.

"Go in and take a look." I said, improving alertness, and walked to the gate, with a little hand movement, the two giant and heavy hall doors were slowly pushed open with the sound of "squeak" Come.

Two or two huge hall doors were pushed open, and we saw a large group of humanoids. The humanoids were extremely angry at breaking into our homes.

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