Master Summoner Online

Chapter 967: Steel Armor

The humanoid who cleaned this corridor, damaged the corridor and continued to move forward. I didn't encounter other humanoids on the road. Just when I came around a corner-"Ahh!"

There was a scream from the woman on the corner.

I was suddenly in trouble. It was a survivor I was looking for, so I looked out and saw nothing. So I went carefully, the screams became clearer and clearer, and I knew I could be when I came to a door. Make sure the screams come from behind the door.

I did n’t rush in to enter the door first. I looked at the inside through the door slit and looked carefully through the door slit to see the inside. This situation surprised me. It did n’t shock me to find a group of monsters who reopened the party, but people.


In the room behind the door. In an iron cage that can only accommodate half a person, a large number of unkempt, ragged or naked women are being held. The iron cages are arranged neatly, and the upper and lower layers are lined up in a row. It looks like a place to domesticate an animal. However, the animals in the cages have become humans.

unacceptable! This group of monsters! Stand up, push your hands together, and hit the "energy explosion" on this door!


The door was blown apart in an instant, and two humanoids reacted at the same time. The humanoid who had eaten at the other side threw away the minced meat in his hand and rushed over, and the humanoid who was doing something indecent immediately threw the woman aside Out also rushed up.

"Hundred Ghosts at Night!"

The roaring cube hit the humanoid who rushed up the first time. The humanoid who attacked this time suffered a big loss, screamed, and rolled backwards, while the other humanoid yelled and opened his teeth. Coming over, the humanoid is very fast, and it can even be said that it is not much slower than me. I don't plan to deal with such guys.

The square face bit him instantly.

"Black God, Sky Photo!"

Tianzhao Black God and I have the same heart. When I heard the call, I rushed to this immovable humanoid, and rushed to the humanoid who was blown out by myself and got up again. When the man just got up and didn't know what was going on, a dragon claw caught on its head!

"Boom!" A blood splattered from the head of this human, and the skull burst and fell down instantly.

After solving these two types of people, they hurried to the location of the female NPC and started Qi therapy to restore some vitality. After seeing himself, he just said a little thank you and passed out.

After confirming that she was okay, she removed the dragon gun and chain-cut the gate of an iron cage. The black **** Tianzhao also used weapons to break the chain and rescue the NPC women inside. I saw that these people were more or less injured, but fortunately, it was not a big injury. All female NPCs have been removed from the cage. Released inside. It was at this moment that they finally realized that the people who opened the door of the cage were not those who looked terrible and disgusting. But like myself. Humans with the same body and appearance.

This humane: "Thank you General for his life-saving grace."

I quickly said, "Don't thank me, don't call me any general. My name is Weiweilong."

"It is very disrespectful to call the general name directly," said the NPC beauty.

"Well, you can call it whatever you like." A prompt popped out as soon as the voice fell.

"Ding ~! Complete the derived mission [rescue the survivors], the number of survivors: 43."

Rescuing 43 people at once seems that the final reward will be improved a lot. I asked, "Which team are you from? Why were you locked up here. What's your name?"

"General, my name is Qin Ya. I am a priest. We are the Blue Dragon Scouts. They came to find out the secret way, but during the investigation, they were attacked by those disgusting humanoids. Most of the people in the team All of them have been killed. Only the women in our team survived. It can be said that the humanoids let us survive, and they knocked us out of the cage. If they were not generals, I'm afraid we have become a seedbed for their offspring. Said the NPC sacrifice called Qin Ya.

I asked again, "Can you tell me where this is? It looks like an underground city."

Qin Ya said: "This is an underground city but not that kind of people."

"Who's that?"

"According to our investigation, this place was previously an underground palace of cobwebs," Qin Ya explained.


"Cobweb monsters are spider-like monsters. They have a high degree of intelligence, and are very creative. They also have a strict social hierarchy. They live under the ground, dig caves, and build palaces with rocks. But now this This creature has become extinct, and it has become a human-like lair, "said Qin Ya.

"That's it."

"Well, I haven't asked yet. How did the general find this place?"

I took out the memory crystal and said, "It brought me here. I encountered some wounded soldiers on my way and got this memory crystal from them."

"That was the case, thank God." Qin Ya folded her hands in prayer.

I said, "It's not a long stay here, you have to leave here."

"Leave, but we are like this ..." Looking at the female NPCs around them, one by one with disheveled hair and messy hair, I really can't go back like this.

I said, "What should I do?"

Qin Ya said: "The humanoid took our equipment. If the general can retrieve my prayer stick and space ring, with the prayer stick I can use the space door to leave here. The clothing in the space ring can cover the body."

"Ding ~! Whether to accept derivative missions [recover equipment], quest level: B, quest objective: find a humanoid storeroom to retrieve the prayer stick and space ring ~!"


B-level tasks should be simple.

Commanded: "The black **** Tian Zhao stays here to prevent those humanoids from running back again. I'll look for something."

"Understand the master!"

I nodded and was about to leave Qin Ya and stopped myself suddenly. I turned and asked, "What's the matter?"

"There is a creature here besides humans, you must be careful."

"What is it?" I asked.

Qin Yadao said: "In fact, the humanoid area is only a part of the entire underground city. The creature here is called a steel armor monster, a giant underground insect. They are allies of the cobweb monster, but the cobweb monster is extinct. After they became the boss of the underground world, the steel armored monsters are ferocious by nature and eat almost everything, including humanoids, so the generals must be more careful. "

I said, "I see."

After speaking, I ran into the corridor again. Although I didn't know the storeroom, I only had to open all the places like the door that I saw along the way. Unfortunately, I broke through the door of the room. Still didn't find what I was looking for. In addition to the bones, there were some completely rotten bodies and feces in this group of rooms, and I even found dozens of iron boxes stacked. I opened it with curiosity, but found that there was a pile of moldy and spoiled inside, the shape was completely deformed, and I could see what it was. In addition, I also found more than ten spears and swords in various corners, but they have been too rusty and unusable for too long.

I walked out of a door where I came. The metal sign on the door read the crooked position. The energy exploded to smash the door. I saw the room behind the door and saw here. The ground was messy. Entering the room, looking around, it was a lot cleaner than others, because humanoids didn't **** and pee here.

Turn on the perspective, and turn on the perspective scan every time you go to a room to see if there are any hidden doors. Although no hidden doors were found, this time I found that I saw a room with stacked things behind the wall directly in front of me. In that case, it was the store room I was looking for, but it was too troublesome to go around the door and go directly to the wall.

But the wall thickness energy can't explode, but I have other skills.


A loud yell of cyan air flow wrapped around the lance, and a cyan dragon shadow appeared outside the lance--zhenlong strike!


The wall was flattened in a blink of an eye. The rear room that came here is really the storage room I was looking for. This place is all things here. In addition to the items, there is a lot of food, although it is some wild animal meat. I store this one. The room quickly found what I was looking for, but just when I was taking it away.


A loud noise came behind me, and I turned my head to see a huge figure behind me. This is a very large beetle, about three meters high and five meters long, covered with a shell like iron armor, and looks like the one in Warcraft. 'Crypt Lord' has a dark silver body and countless sharp spikes.

I do n’t know what this is, so I lost a fire eye and golden eyes in the past-Steel Armored Monster, Level 200, Quasi-BOSS, Introduction: Steel Armored Monsters are powerful creatures living in the underground world, but their huge physiques have not lost speed and are brave. His personality is extremely cunning. When they first appeared, everyone was shocked by their abominable appearance and cruelty. The sharp ground stab tears the opponent's body into two sections; the sturdy and barbed carapace protects the huge body; the black-lighted forelimb keeps harvesting the enemy's life and sends terrible parasitic eggs into the dead, countless A hungry, bloodthirsty carrion beetle madly attacked all the surrounding creatures after swallowing the host; the most sympathetic of their symbiotes, a group of cursed mutant locust bees, locusts swarmed out, and drained the surrounding live The blood also passed the flesh and blood of the victim to the Steel Behemoth.


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