Master Summoner Online

Chapter 968: Blessed Spirit Rock Pants

"This guy ..." I did not expect that this steel armored monster was actually a 200-level quasi-BOSS, nearly 50 levels higher than himself, but things were already available, there is no need to waste time on this guy here.

But this guy was obviously reluctant to let me go. He lifted his forelegs and stepped on them hard, and burst out of the soil in a flash. Then he just rushed away. He just rushed away from the steel armored beast, a sickle-like arm Lightning across him, his body was suddenly thrown out by an extremely powerful force.

—1044 This steel armored monster is absolutely terrifying, and its attack power is enough to break through its own defense wearing Long Hui armor. When it fell to the ground, the huge body flew towards itself, opening a strange weird mouth. Cracks like rags, rushed at themselves.

"Flash frost!"

Countless frosts swallowed up this steel armored beast in an instant. The body that was three meters high was frozen into an ice brick. The steel armored beast was frozen, and this layer of frost could not be broken in a short time.

Standing up and preparing to leave, the thick scales of the steel armor monster turned up and crunched, and the frost that sealed it turned into a crush.


I yelled, but I didn't expect this guy to be so embarrassing. It seemed that I just wanted to kill him. Although this guy had two hundred levels, he was still confident of victory. Cyan Flame Great Sword, wielding the sword fiercely, annihilating the barriers!

— 2403270% Defying the attributes of defense is indeed fierce. The steel armored monster was chopped and slammed, waving two sickle-shaped arms and waving "slap", the number of injuries jumped out. — 1049 this guy attacked Very fast, I barely avoided one attack and the second time I could n’t escape, but Long Hui armor's defense was not a display. This kind of injury could not threaten me at all.

The monster suddenly stood up, his body like a hill suddenly flew up, and a tiger fluttered at him in an instant. The true and false actions flickered away, and the steel armor giant swallowed the substitute, if not I flashed fast, but I was swallowed.

A retreat slammed the dragon gun and threw it, screaming a red dragon, turned the dragon gun into a red dragon, and issued a howl, the tail of the dragon swept down fiercely. Although the steel armor giant was huge, it was very flexible. When the dragon's tail fell, a side move away from the attack of the dragon's tail, but the red dragon also rushed down, and the mouth of the dragon opened a fierce bite on the steel armor monster. , But was still bitten out of a few blood holes in an instant.

"嚎-" roared in pain, the steel armor beast was angry, and flung the Red Dragon towards him madly.

"Dragon's charge!" A long howl, turned into a blue light dragon, to meet this terrible monster.

He banged heavily on the steel beast, and just hit the big mouth of this guy. He smashed his big mouth directly, his whole body burst into strength, and the dragon gun pierced into this guy's mouth to launch an energy explosion, bloody, The mouth kept roaring, and the dragon gun really showed its mighty power when it was stabbed in, spraying billowing dragon flames, forming a huge fire nest, trapping the steel armored monster inside and continuously refining. .

The high temperature of thousands of degrees, even such a huge monster, was burned with despair and misery. Pieces of carapace melted and fell off, struggling dying inside. Finally burned to ashes.

After killing this steel armored beast, this guy was very wealthy and actually burst out three pieces of equipment, an armor, a tomahawk and a warhammer, and a few hundred gold coins. This guy is really good.

Just then: "Master! Come back soon, many types of people have come here to kill us."

"Damn!" I couldn't help but screamed in secret, launched the potential explosion and then turned on the electric light fire. Under the effect of the potential explosion, the speed of the electric light fire soared, and it flew out wildly. As soon as the electric light fire ended, he turned into Garulu and continued to run wildly.

Carbide fire can double the current speed, and the cooling is not long. The only regret is that in the state of carbide fire, you can only run on the ground and can not make jumping action.

In four or five minutes, I ran past the journey I just spent more than half an hour, and when I saw a lot of humanoid bodies on the ground, a large group of humanoids rushed up, facing the humanoids rushing forward, Starfall started. Immediately, there were N humanoid bodies on the ground. Immediately following the crowds that You Longbu stepped on, the destruction of the Dragon Soul immediately caused more than a hundred humans to lie down and become corpses.

"Big guys come out!"

The summoned beast appeared, and even my two new friends, the headless knight and Borodin appeared together. Everyone gathered, all kinds of skills swarmed up. This poor humanoid was completely abused, all my summoned beasts Among them, the two newcomers were the most terrible. The headless knight rode a warhorse and wielded a heavy spear. The spear made a whistle of wind, slashed it. When it came into contact with a human, the damage was about one fifth of the blood , And also shot and spin, then sprinted back and forth, causing multiple stages of damage and each time the damage was over 20,000. Borodin attacked not as fast as the headless knight, but its huge warhammer hit it all at once. 70000 points of super damage!

This wave of people was killed in a blink of an eye.

Seeing the death of the humanoid, I immediately went to Qin Ya and gave her the prayer stick and space ring: "This is for you."

"Thank you, General!" Qinya took a deep bow after receiving the item and then gently tapped the space ring with her fingers to take out a silver-white light group: "Please accept this if you are welcome."

"Thank you." Reached out to take over the light group.

"Ding ~! Quest [Retrieve Equipment] completed, gain experience 18W, get reward: Blessing Spirit Rock Pants ~!"

Oh? There are even equipment rewards?

The light group in his hand turned into a set of dark red patterned leather pants, glowing with dim light, and it was not ordinary at first glance—Blessed Spirit Rock Battle Pants Grade: Dark Gold

Defense + 335 magic defense + 320 avoidance rate + 13% vitality + 2000 magic speed + 500 cast speed + 10% additional skills: Aura of light flash, consumes 200 magic points, when the enemy is attacked or fell to the ground, you can use teleport to avoid the enemy Chase.

Requires level: 130 leather armor equipment is not suitable for me, you can take it back and sell it, but a spin-off task actually emits equipment rewards. This is really a bit different. Of course, this has nothing to do with luck. You must have a high charm value, which will also affect the reward. The rewards are fixed and will not be affected. But you should not say that the charm value and lucky value are indeed rare good things!

Qin Ya spoke again, but she had put on a white magic robe, but this magic robe was not so overall, and still revealed a lot, Qin Ya said: "General I expect that time and space will take some time."

I said, "Don't worry, I'll protect you all away."

"Then there is General Lao. When I go back, I will wait for you at the base of the Blue Dragon Army. At that time, the adult leader will definitely give the general a generous reward as a reward." Qin Ya said.

I said, "I'll be there by then."

"Master! Humanoids are here again!" The black **** cried, and I saw the dark humanoids rushing up in the corridor in front of them, their bloodthirsty eyes, and their embarrassed faces extremely angry.

"Hurry up and arrange the time and space door, and give it to me here."


Immediately came to the front of the team, the beasts gathered around him, the number of humanoids in front of them was over a thousand, although the number was huge, but I didn't feel scared at all, I stood in front of them, two MM guarded beside me, and Gallulu , Biochemical Dragon, Ice Crest, Wolf Emperor, Breath Dog, Troll, Borodin. King of the Taujin, Headless Knight, Thunder Eagle, Water Dragon. The N space positions of Lajia with a mouth, if it is not high enough here, otherwise, the amber dragon and the ark are called out, and it is very powerful to spit the dragon breath.

When they rushed into my attack range, they decisively attacked. First, they launched the Dragon Sweep's breaking army dragon chopping skills, and the dragon gun turned into a dragon like a blue dragon like a holy beast. Send it out, followed by scrolling within dozens of yards. Due to the general killing dragon whirlwind, the blockbuster has over 50,000 points of damage. Numerous humanoids have died tragically among them, probably counting at least one or two hundred.

I glanced at these thousands of monsters. This group of guys don't have many heads. They fully understand the tactics of people and seas, swarming forward as far as possible, hoping to have a strong body and quantity to successfully break through the defense net in front of them. But it was almost like dreaming.


Get off the horse, drink a blue potion magic to add to the full magic state, activate the Zhenlong Teng skills, immediately feel a surge of energy into the body, hit the ground with one hand, the next moment, a blue dragon-like air rushed to the sky Then, they fell into the monster group and hit the monster dense area accurately. In this blow, almost a thousand humanoids were swept in and suffered!

"Hmm ..."

There was a wailing sound, this group of people was in the dragon spirit, even the hard steel was under great impact, like a piece of fragile glass. What's more, these flesh-like humanoids were easily torn apart. Crimson bone marrow, bright white tendons, pink meat strips, and various internal organs that fall from humanoid bodies. Everything is in their flesh. Traces, unbeatable, countless startling injuries jumped, and the sorrow of death became one!

After Zhen Longteng killed a humanoid, he immediately took advantage of the chase and brought the beast humans into the hinterland.

"Incomparable." If they know human language, they should think about this word, and use this word to describe everything in front of them, which is quite appropriate. Because at this time, the ground was filled with human-like thick plasma and red muscles. Humanoids rushed up one after another and fell down one after another. Although they don't really explode, they can still be experienced.

Dangerous, dangerous there, retreat quickly. No matter how low the humanoid AI is, the level of fools of a novice village monster is not the kind of idiot who knows that he is dead but still rushes forward. After paying the heavy price of more than half of the companions, the attacking humanoid chose to escape, but if you want to run, ask your opponent to let you not escape.

"Headless Knight, Borodin, King of the Bull Head. Suppress attacks in three directions, left, right, and roar. Kill all these abominable guys."

Give instructions, the three summoned beasts immediately follow the instructions.

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