Master Summoner Online

Chapter 970: Saving Protoss Survivors

The second extreme breakthrough is born! Although this is a matter sooner or later, I am still shocked. I never expected that the people who set foot in the immigration industry were rain and dust. Although this assassin is an ordinary occupation, any hidden occupation of its strength must be horrible.

Stepping into this realm is by no means the result of many weird killings. Could it be that the RP is really acting like a monster? No, there is no reason to care about this.

Putting things in front of you is the most important thing.

Immediately rushed towards the two fossil guards in front of him, but just ran up a dozen steps, the summoned beast had not yet been summoned, and the fossil guard on the left suddenly threw the long knife in his hand towards himself.

There is a strange and fearful icy death breath spreading all over the knife, and it cuts through the sky and hits my chest fiercely.

True and false action.

The real body flickered away, and the substitute was also spiked at the moment when the stand-in flickered. At this moment, the black **** Tianzhao rushed to the left and right. At this moment, the two fossil guardians launched an attack on the one, followed by a sullen hum. Once again back to its hand and rushing on the bone dinosaur, the black **** stepped forward to start the destruction journey, and saw that guy waved his hand back and held a wide handle carved with a weird texture on it. Rush to the black god.

With a groaning moan, the Black God abruptly survived, but a deep-seated wound appeared on her shoulder, and a pool of blood was in the position just now.

The fossil guardian who wounded the black **** flew out with a sword, riding his mount and rushed out to meet the two people in the sky.

I've bypassed this guy on the other side, but when I saw that the gate was screaming badly, only one fossil guard was rushing out, and the other fossil guard was still guarding the gate.

Immediately threw the flash frost burst towards the fossil guard at the door, but the opponent was very clever. When the blizzard was able to form, he mounted his mount and escaped from the range. Sure enough, this kind of BOSS could not be tricked so much. Time is even better than Gallulu's absolute freezing gas, but it is not easy to hit the other side, because it takes a certain amount of time to launch the blizzard that makes the target inexhaustible.

And this is only a second or two enough for your enemy to avoid.

But it's not over yet, just drag it with the summoned beast.


Immediately my mechanical wolf rushed out of the magic, and saw Galuru rushing up, the fossil guardian rushed out with the long knife in his hand, I took this opportunity, rushed out, and the speed of the electric light fire accelerated me and The guy passed by wrongly, the moment he went wrong, but the fossil guard who had just taken a few steps seemed to find something wrong.

Immediately switch the mount, but at this time I have released the birth of the chemical dragon, the chemical dragon banged towards the fossil guardian, although the fossil guardian has a large cocoa, there is no Gallulu, the biochemical explosive dragon's head, but this time and The fossil guardian of the battle of the black **** Tian Zhao immediately broke away from the entanglement and rushed towards himself.

Turned around and turned the red-eyed dragon gun to start the red dragon roar, the huge red dragon opened his teeth and danced towards the guy, and saw that the weapon in this cargo was severely cut off at the red dragon, and a loud, deafening noise broke out. The red dragon was blown away in an instant.

At this time, I started the anti-summoning faintly, all the summoned beasts returned to the space of the summoned beasts, disappeared in the air, and entered the portal without any hassle and disappeared.

When it reappears, do n’t forget that a teleporter called the black **** beside him. A large number of people around themselves are no longer under the ground. Looking up, you can see the beautiful night sky. This should be on the ground. Look at the surroundings and see where you are. In the snow-capped valley, there are still countless native creatures wandering in the valley, but at this moment it is indescribable and lovely in my eyes.

Finally came back.

As soon as I left the underground world, I immediately received the mission completion message. It seems that this is the end point, but I don't know which location is here, and open the big map.

Seeing that I am still on the Snow Dragon Mountain, I changed my position. The place I originally entered was south, but now it is on the back. The map shows Yulong Ridge. I have never been here, but I saw it on the big map. The distance of the main peak, Dragon Peak, is not very far. It looks like it can be reached tomorrow. After taking out the detector and exploring the surrounding fluctuations, it turns out that the fluctuations are very strong, and it seems that you will soon find it.

Next we hit the valley, then found a quieter and tidy place to set up the tent and take it off the line. After dinner, we went online, followed the display of the detector, and moved forward. A large group of local creatures rushed over with a "kind" face. The damage flew up, and the monsters in the valley fell head by head. By eight o'clock in the evening, there was almost nothing left.

Even in the wave indication of the detector, the three of us stood in front of a black hole, a little hesitant.

Black Shinto: "Master, do you say what kind of Virgin ship will be in the cave here?"

Tianzhao asked: "I have seen the Madonna in the game. How can a large, small hole get in?"

I said, "Maybe it's an escape cabin, then the advanced race spacecraft will not even be able to escape. Well, go in and take a look, at least you can find the corpse of the Protoss"



The inside of the cave was dark, but fortunately, when I arrived, there was a band, a crystal hole, and a purple magic crystal that radiated the surrounding environment. There was a faint “ding ding ding” sound in the hole.

Tian Zhao was a little nervous, and whispered, "What's this voice?"

"I don't know ..." I shook my head blankly.

At this time, an old voice came: "Who are you here!" When I heard the voice, I immediately raised the dragon gun, and the black **** Tianzhao also made preparations for the battle.

The owner of the voice said again: "Don't be so nervous outsiders, I don't want to fight you, cough cough ..." He coughed violently for a while.

The next moment, a figure came out and saw that the owner of the figure was a high-ranking templar, but this high-ranking templar had a broken armor and a cloak behind him. He had no eyes and had several bodies on his body. Wounds, several of which penetrated deep into the bones, and some had become purulent due to lack of treatment.

Fire Eye Golden Eye Scan-Zekkad-High-level Templar, 155, Elite BOSS, Qi 195954000000, Introduction: High-level Templar is the most experienced warrior in the Protoss army. The practice of these elites has long been Beyond the level of zealots, through the promotion to obtain more outstanding fighting power. Although the high-level Templars have extraordinary fighting strength, they are more inclined to fight the enemy with psionic energy obtained through hard work. The psionic powers of the Protoss are extremely powerful, and their existence can even disturb other living things. After careful guidance, high-level templars can use this effect and magnify it, using primitive psionic energy to create powerful storms and rebuild the minds of lower species.

"Where did you come from, young people, and why did you come here, where did the detector in your hand come from?" Zekka had to ask.

I said, "Respect the Templar. My name is Weiweilong, and I am a commander of the Protoss City. My subordinates' Tassada investigation found that the Virgin ship called for help here. I searched for survivors and took them back to me. City. "

Zika had a happy look in her eyes: "It's Commander Master, come in now, let's sit in and talk."

So the three of us followed Zekkad into the depths of the cave. After entering, I discovered that the depth of the cave is a huge space surrounded by all metal. There are other Protoss here, about a dozen fanatics. In addition to the mechanical sentry, the immortal and the hunter add up to about a hundred racks, but neither of these stars and machinery is complete, none of them are full of blood.

Zekka had to make us come to a clearing, with a slight smile. This human said: "You all sit down, you're welcome." He followed three enthusiasts and brought three stools, then he reached out and gently swung them, motioning to them sit down.

The three of us sat down politely, and I said, "Then we will open the door to see the mountain. The purpose of my trip is to take you back. I hope you pack up your luggage and come back with us."

Zekkad said: "I also want to, but my body can't move long distances now, and most of our facilities have been destroyed and cannot be moved at all."

"That's it." I groaned. "Is there any way?"

Zekkad said, "Yes, but there is ..."

"Come on, I can help you solve any difficulties," I said.

Zekade said: "That's great. We haven't suffered much damage to the hangar in all the facilities. If we can enter the hangar, there should still be a foldable prism. Occupied by a monster, the monster is powerful, it uses the hangar as a lair, and I ca n’t win the battle with it. If you can kill that abominable monster, we can open the jumping prism to your city and our compatriots Converged. "

I said, "I must do it."

"Well, my fighters and I will support you with all our strength." Zekka had finished, and a mission prompt popped up.

"Ding ~! Whether to accept hidden missions [Save Survivor Survivor] Mission Difficulty: S, Mission Objective: Kill all monsters in the hangar, Mission Failure: Neither player nor Zekade can be killed ~!"

Accept, there is no reason not to accept, carrying the dragon gun with a group of star spirit remnants to find the BOSS, according to the location of the hangar that they led soon, at this moment, suddenly a horror came from the hangar. Voice-"Who breaks into King's territory!"

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